Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Jun 1929, p. 68

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68 WILMETTE LIFE ANTIQUES 103 June 7, 1929 WANTED TO BUY-MISC. Classified Advertisements (Continued from page 67) 78 SlTMMER RESORTS FOR RENT-FURNISHED FOUR ROOM SUMMER COTTAGE WITH GARAGE, FISHING, BATHING AND BOATING, GRASS LAKE, NEAR BELLAIRE, MICH. A D D R E S S GEORGE N. TATE, BELLAIRE, MICH. 82LTN35-4tc CO TTAGES FOR RENT C~OOKED Lak e near Mountain Wi s. Good fishing. ooatlng, good bathing. For re~er Ya tions Phone Winnetka 2871. > '2LTX3i-ltp 99 FOR ~AI,F.-VACANT 80 acres of park for your FRONT YARD. ' ' acant-Winnetka 100 f'OU S .U.F.-HS.:HI.D. HOODS f to:; )IJSf' ELL .\~ EOl'S . The great .open space forever proOX£ HOOVER YACUt;l\I l'LEAXER, H.-\ VE YOCR OLD PIECES HEXEWED l::\ t e model, one Ainyay \·acuum c ll:'aner at n J't'aRonable prkt>. Sil\'e l' retected at the end of a private drive. 8 · RlL \ L 1 ST\ All the advantages of a country estate _.. _ _ _ _ _ _~~:_~_ ' __ ~.__ "_ 'J_ 'E _ _ _ _ ___. slightly u:-;ed. Phone \nnn . 1s:12. finish ed and mad e absolutely tamish lOOLT:\37-lte proof. Paul Da,·ey, .Jeweler, 1165 Wilwith all the conveniences of the .Village. The premier location in Win-----------------· mette An., Ph . \Vilm~tte 6. 105L35-tfc netka for the ftner home. 358x165 or FOJ! SALE- BEAUTIFt;L .T~ PARLOR will dl\·lde, at a reasonable price, to EI\(;LJ~H s uite m,;ed only a few month!' . )lust BRI('K RESIDEXCE IX :acceptable purchaser only. Write Wil!'ell at -sacrific:e befo-re l\I1111day . Ph. Winnetka's most excl u si\·e Indian Hill mette Life B-32. 78LTN26-tfc ·winnetka 1491. 100LT:17-ltc section. a b erlroomF;, 3 baths, s.un room . attache-d garage , o il bumer, refrige nlC'UAL A:\D (;A S · til)n . Large, deep· lot. Cmn-enient to CO~IBJXAT10 X Rented lor all 'occa1ion1 nwge. Yery reas. Ph . K t> nilwol'th :?Oiil. schoo ls, transportation. A real home . 100LT~:1i-1 tc L t> t U!' show you this value foi· $42,000. HERE IS ONE OFTifii(MOST BEAUUAS ~TOYE T~ flOOD ('()~DlTfOX. tiful lots left of the few remaining In \'et·~· ren!'. Ph. KPnilworth :!ll:il. Univ. 7317 Wil. 32 Phones: Winnetka. Building restriction. On a IOOI .T ~ :: 7 -1 t<' WOODED C'ORXER qulet drive-no trees but a beautiful BEAl.TIFTJLLY lot !l4x140. Ideal homesite. Xo as~es~ outlook at a price- at least $30 a foot m Pnt!'. Priced below th e marke t at $90 ('O~IPLETE WAL:\l'T BEDIU>O~I ~ET . under anything comparable. Addre~s l't"aSCII1 . Good eond. T e l. \\'innt>tka :!71)1\. pe r foot. Talk A-221. 78LTN13-tfc IOOLT:\:~7-lt ,. [ CHAIRS l\ TABLES RENSCH VACANT-12Sx160 WINNETKA CGll®Im~©® · lUI WTU. TO ilrY-H~f:J.D. (~()()US rHERE AR~ STILL _ AVAILABLE TWO 1nc. beautifully wooded half acre plots for \\"AXTED TO BG\' - SECOXD-H~XD REALTORS those who prefer trees, In Westmoor furniture and other househ.o ld )lnO·ls. 746 Elm ~t.. \\'inn t:> tka Winnetka 1617 Trail. Permanently protected. unusual HighE:'s t ))!'ic e~ for same-. ('ro:-;t FurniS-tLT ~:3 7-1tc . 'f)tivacy. highly restricted, the right turt> store . 100-t-6 Emt"r:,;on St.. Evan~ \dnd of Winnetka neighbors. Priced ton. 111. Ph . PniY. 189. lOILTX-l'Hf·· much less than anything of comparA~'J' able desirability. Phone W1nnetka 1016. 102 Jo'OU S~\LE-JJIS(' Jo;I.L .\ X t.:nr~ Glen C. Bull. 78LTN26-tfc EXTEPTIOXAL GOOD VALL"E WLLL be found in new 6 rm. brick , garage, \YHITE FLAN~EL THOCSER~ ~IZE por<"h, 55 foot lot. Only 3 blo ' k~ to Iii, blue flannel cont siz e 14 in t>X<.'t"ll t-nt 1-' 0R SAL F.-.H ' R F. A OF. i9 station . $!\,150. Te1·ms to !'Uit. conditi()n. B1·nnd JJt>W snake~ kin :-;hue :-; 6 rm. Colonial, attached garage , large lot. 4%.\. ~il\·p r slippers 5A. Call u·ilm ette $!1 ,:WO. Only $750 t"ash down . 35R8. 10~LT:1i -ltL· 5 I'll\. stueco uungalow, 60 f~et, 2-C':ll' garag-e, $8,000. FOI~ SALE \\' ELL-Bl'ILT DOCiilO ft. lot, all improVe- m ents in. $1,750. h ouse, good conrlition. Flnnred and W e will build and finan ce a house fo1· !'hingled. C"n ll \nnnetka 764 . 5 AC'HE~ \\'<)OOEn .. \T ~OHTHP.I'!OOK. you on a !'m a ll down payment. C'o me 10:?LT 37-lt c Wt'~t of (11en<'ne. W;' ll Joeatt>d for in\'e~ tout an<l st>e plan!:; at our office. 111t'Jlt or co untry honw. f'l'i<' $3,5011 FOR SALE-46 IK GAS AXD ELECTRIC per a<'re . oFthbrook Co. Simplex mangle in g·ood c·ondition . Ca ll IO:?LT:\36-lte Ulen<·oe 215. She rmer A_l·e. at \Vaukega B£1, Korthbl'Ook 181-156 sRAXD PIANO, APT. SIZE, MODERS-lLTN37-lt·· in tht· Lak~· Zurich rt>gion . Beautiful ately t>ri ced for quick disposal. Ph. rolling- laJHl with O\'t> l' 100 acres of timGJ't-etlleaf 70-17. 102LTX:H-ltc h t> t' and a f'})ri n~ fed lakt> of 25 to ~;C)R ADJOIXIXG GOLF COT..:'RSE :w Hl'l'(·!'. lrll:'al fnl' <·otllltry 1·stalt>, g·otf .JO:l W .\ 'STED TO DrY -JliSf. (·Juh or <len.. Jopnw nt. .-\ ~'~-' "' huy at Lot 90x370 including 2 car ~arage, suitable fo1· St~mm e r hom e. Price $3,000.00. \\'AXTED $300.00 J)f' l' :l('l't'. CLEAX. \\.HITE RAe~. 10c i:>e1· lb. 1232 C'~ntml A\·e. . \\.ilmette. 103LT~-l ~ -tfp \racant-\-Vinnetka ·IHI©Ik <ID.ITil~(Q)ITil & JJ ®ITillk~ XORTHBROOK ~----------------------------~~~ \\T·y·:\T'f & COOXS Offer i Realty 260 .\CRES S.A.L£-f)££RFIELD 520 .\CRES §mm&fflt & CG©ll®®S) lliiD~o 1~6-t Shennan Ave., E\'anston G<'nti1 ·11H n'!' f'ountry E!'Ultt· in :\f<'Ht>m·y university 2 '5 C"ounty. Fully t·quippefl f11t · dairy and ~tnck farming . La rgt' huil<ling-:-: in first dns~ condit ioJl. 3Gfl a<'n' s til e-tl, 16n W .\.\TEO TO UEXT-ROOJfS a('re:-: pasture-. 1 1,.:.! milt"!' from vo ll( ' J'd·' t'o:Hl on g-oo<l ~ra \'el road. ['ri(' · \"OUXG ('OLOHED MAN \\'JSHFJS t:l\"s1;>:,, 00 l1t'l' [l('rt· . .in~ room O\'eJ· ~rage o_!.:.-l.!J dry bnse~A~l <'A:\1 PRF.LL T.F.~ C'OO~S nw nt. \\' ill giYe s pare time for r ent. ~orthhn111k 1:.;, or 1!\:~t C:lt·n\'it·\Y \Vo rking on n ort h shot't' at prese- n t. TIOB \Y\'ATT "an give- ~ood rt>f. \\' rite ..-\ . L . 1\lurphy. (;h·n,·ie w :-.1 or li~ t·al't> of M . ,E. 1\lin er, 22ti )fnrtim er Rd .. (;lt>IWOe. ~5LTN37-lte Plants of all kinds We have helped thousands finance their property, and would like the opportunity of proving to you our efficiency and promptness in negotiating First Mortgage Loans on completed buildings or for construction .purposes. 20 Varieties of Annuals 2c Each A. B. PITTS 7 2 7 OAKTON ST. TRUST CO. lneorporated In ltll HEITMAN Third Floor, Otia Baildina Phone Franklin 2400 REALTOHS NOHTllnllOOK G LE~YI EW ('II H'A( ;o 7!1 r.,Tx:~7 - I tv BEAPTIFl'L 'XOJ:Tl!Elt~ \YI~ . L .-\KE JlEFIXED YOlr Xl; COl'PLE \YOL.LD like flat in ex('hange for !'l' I'Yices. \\' rit t.> T a ll' B-111. · S7LTI\ 3i- 1tl· Univ . I o84 10 S. La Salle St., Chicago -.,.. _H())(}~ S pro)Jt:rty, ~~t~ a('rts. 1600 ft . lakt\ 96 ,,.. .\~'r·:n -;1"()- -1, 1 fruntagt" , san·lr heat'h. $2,300. :\l. Puffy, · - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - :~!la -- 20th l';t., ~lilwaukl'l', \\'b. . \L\~TED-6 R 0~1 )l ODER :\ ll on.;E, 7 1 ,..---------------~~-li-.T~x_ :~_ _ - ~tp t"XL·ellt·nt t'ondi tion, in l't:ntra l ea!'t or Jlorthea:-;t \\'ilm ette . l\lust Ut' harg·ain ~1':\DIEH HE~OHTS for eal:ih, preft-r dt>aling- with owne r din ·l'l. \\'ri t l' \\' ilmette Life fl-11 0. .Sl . M:\IE!l l~l:tn.l Evanston §11111111 111 11 1 111 1 1111111 1 11 1 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1'11 11 1 1 11111 11 11111 11 11 111111111 1 111111111 11 1 111 1111 1 1 1 1 111111 11111 11 11 11111 111111 1111111111111111 1 111111111111111 1~ - COTTA<:J·: C\'E\\'), <'EDAH l'i :-:ta k et· Lak l:'. Ill. i> rm~. furnish e d <.·rmJpl t:' te. ~t·n·e JH' tl J>OI'('h v:-:, :add' I hl < lg- . lllx 16 fur t·Xtl·a sle1·}ling· t)Ua J'lt'l'H , al~o ful·ni!'ht.'d :? g-ood hoa t!'Eilll Outhoa r<l :\l otm·-F in~ lH:'a(' h-~11 hou !'t.'S on i!'laml whil'h i:-: do!'P to mainland-Auto ancl boat stora~t' HIT<lllg't>m<>nt.." 1111 ma inlantl - Owt\Pr will sa<'rifk· \\'rit~" E. F . \\'a llhaum, Glenvit>w, Ill. . or l)h. \\·a ha :-;h 1100 or (;Jem·il' \\' 263. S:! LTX37-ltp TREE OWNERS desiring the most rtliablc tree surguy service and counsel to be had, call us . First Church of Christ, Scientist Tenth Street and Central .Avenue SUNDAY SERVICES 11 Wilmette, Ill. A. M. THORNHILL BROS. MASTtR . TRtt (Nor jaclu of all rradta) sURGt()NS Phonfl Wll. !!95 !O!i Schiller An. WEDNESDAY-TESTIMONIAL MEETING-S P. M. SUNDAY SCHOOL EXERCISES-9:45 A. M. JuN~ 9, 1929 KELSON LAUNDRY and Dr~ Subject: GOD THE ONLY CAUSE AND CREATOR READING ROOM-1 163 WILMETTE AVENUE Open Daily (except, Wednesday arid Saturday) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Wednesday 9 A.M. to 7:45P.M.; Sottu,day 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. The 6ible and Works of Mary Baker Eddy and all othtr authorized Christian Science Literature may be rud. borrowed or purchased at the Reading Room. THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND THE CHURCH SERVICES AND VISIT THE READING ROOM Cleaain1 · s~stem It's so gentle to clothes Phone 1800 We use soft water and Ivory soap. Llbe·al Dlaeoaat oa B....l aad CaD CENTRAL AT MAIN ST .· WILMETTE ~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII, JIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllll11111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~ I

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