Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Jun 1929, p. 7

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June 14, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 7 PLAYGROUND SEASON TO · Green at 9 o'clock Monday morning for the opening of the fourth season of the Village playgrounds. The playgrounds will be open for nine weeks and Daniel M. Davis, di·rector of recreton, is. urging that the parents let the· children attend regularly during he nine weeks since a constructive program of activities has been outlined for each day. There is no charge for the playgrounds. and any child in the village is welcom~ to attend and bring as many guests as he wi she . Although regular attendance is refiuested, it is not compulsory anc\ a child may come to the playground, remain as long as he likes, leave as often as he likes and return as often as he likes. The smaller playgrounds at Laurel sc hool and the \Vilmette beach have been consolidated in a single playground at the Central school where th <:re ·arc more adequate facilitie to carry on the \\"Ork. The pla~·ground in~tructors '"ill l>e ~[rs. Alta B. Cald" ·ell. ).{r s. Certrucle Fanckboner, and ).I i~..; Dorothea ~[ ulholand. Children cl.e siring instruction in S\Yimming- arc requested t o r eport at the hrach at 2 o'dock ).f omla,- afternoon whl'n the schedule oi classes "·ill he announced. T\\·o instructors will be in charge of the S\rimming-. Dudley C'. ~tclllt:, and ~[i :;:; Joe Skidmore There "ill be no charge for an.\· of the clas. cs. Til·· " .' t·k tllt· pJ:r~·gTctUIHb soap carving, and crepe paper flowers will be on the program for the seventh and eighth weeks and exhibition of all the various projects includ(;ld on the pr:>gram and others intro,duced by the individual instructor will be made in a down town store during the last week. . A point system h;:!.S been devist>d More. Than 2,000 Wilmette Chil- wherein each individual on the playdren Expected to Attend ground 1'!3 eligible to enter a contest for the highest number of points in his age Opening group. There will be two age groups, Junior and Senior, and the child attaining the highest numbe1~ of points in all ~1ore than 2,000 Wilmette children the playgrounds will be given a gold are expected . t.o gather at Central medal in ea'Ch group and the second and school, Vattman park, and the Village third highest point winners will be awarded silver and bronze medals. SPORTS CALENDAR OPEN FOR FOURTH TIME June 14. 6:00 p.m.-Women's swimming class. Sovereign hotel. _ ·June 14. 7:30 p.m.-Men's P 1 a yground ball. Village Green . June 17. 9 :00 a. 'ln.-Opening. Vil1 age playgrounds. Central school, Vattman Park, Village Green. June 17. 2 :00 p. n1.-0ptanization of free swimming classes. Wilmette beach. · June 17. 7 :30 p.m.-Men's playground ball. Village Green. Mrs. Strong Opens Home June 18. 7:30 p.m.-Women's playball. Village Green. for Kappa Alpha Theta Tea Juneground 18. 7:30. p.m.-Men's horseMrs. V.,T alter Strong opened her hon1e'" . shoes. Village Green. June 19. 7 :30 p.m.-Men's p l a rat 1377·.!.fower road, Hubbard vVoods; ground ball. Village Green. Thursday for a tea given by the Kapa June 20. 7 :30 p.m.-Men's horseAlpha Theta alumnae for the Theta shoes. Village Green. seniors at ~orthwestern and for the June 21. 6:00 p.m.-Women's swimdelegates to the district convention ming class. Sovereign hotel. June 21. 7:30 p.m.-Men's playbeing held at the Theta house th!s ground ball. Village Green. week-end. Mr~. Charles T. Knapp of \Vilmettc was in charge of the tea. Among the Mrs. E. John Hicks, 241 Melrose avenorth shore women who assisted her were :Mrs. Guy Reed, also of Wil- nue, Kenilworth is entertaining her mette, and Mrs. E. E. Stults and Mrs. luncheon club tomorrow at the Skokie Country club. Fritz \Vagner, ' both of \Vinnetka. ~- BETTY L. BROWN Wilmt.tte 2094 615 Linden Ave. I Individual Help 3 years' experience 6 week term $15.00 ?.JrlllllllruurlrrullrltruJIIrlrlllllruutlruuJrrllllllllllllllllllrlnullrnuJirnunnllrr Plants of all kinds ' 20 Varieties of Annuals 2c Each A. B. PITTS 727 OAKTON ST. Univ. 1084 Evanston The Talk of the North·Shore! ftol" o utlin<'d J)aYiS inc Judo·~ lcwal JH·t £>nch plan: rolll lll <lnring· the· St·crHHl WC' e!.; ; a ,-iii:tg, · wirk ( J'Lc ·a IT ccont t·st fm· tll" third \\"f't ·k. nnd <llsn lot ·al doll -=lH·\\"!-'. Thc· Yill:tg·,. wiclt· vo:-tt·r making ··l·lll.<f!-'l "·ill ht· ht·ld in tl1C' fourth \Y····k :1 1 'k1. lrwa I nwl'l~ t"tlr !-'VIIO[d· w~gon r:H·t·~ will l1 P lwld. Tlw nnnual play"l'"lllHl tr:1ck nwo·l conH'~ during tlH- fifth ~. , ..~;: :tiHl tilt · \ ill:!gt· widt' sand modrling 1-nnt ··st. 111W of tilt· most popular fC'atur·~s 11f tlw t·ntir .. progr~m. will bP h eld in the ~ixth \\"t ···l-:. Tht· SPH'lll h wt"i ·k f aturcs til· hr ·r~· · ~ IH· P 1f·U nw nn ·n t fnr h oys. Tlw flr:-:t \\"P t·k \\·ill l~t· dt.~ ,· ot,·d to orgnniz:ttion. ~tr11·~· tPIIing-, pr··J)rtration of grottiHl~, format ion nf a th 1 t ir t ra m ~ !OJ' b~tth h r· ~·s :tnd girls nnd tht outllmng 11f tlw h:tnclic-r:l ft pr·,gTa.m. A playgT111llld ball W>n~· uC' int'lttrlii~C.· tht three pl: 1yg-rounds will li P lwld f_ror tht~ l~nys anrl a l E?~tgtJ(' nf kit"k hall tnr tlw g1rls . ):" !-'J)ec-ial :wti\'ith-s an· nutline~l for th e ninth \n· ek ~int·t· tiH' finnl \\" .t ·t· k 1s ah,:a~·s d 1·,·otE?cl to tll·~ annual h:uHlJcraft ~xh1h1t, J)l a ~·g round pic·nics. and awardmg of priz ·~. h~· l>irt·d(tJ" ~ IHnn.: for OutliHc· Prog"l'a m It~· wt ·t·k pn1~T~m Prizt·s to Tie Gh·t'n . ;.. 1 ' Th e handi <" r:tft is nne of the most impttrtn nt f atur{'~ o.f t.hc progrnn~ and a m ·w phnsC' of 1t IS mtrodu cNl mto ~he pla~·g rounds ('n<"h w ·ek. Po~ter malnng will b e thr fir~t phase of th1s work and \\·ill he started during the se~ond wf'el.: of the rours to he foliO\~·ed 111 th~ .following wC'ck by th(' malong of o~1gmal dt1llf'. Prizes are given to. the wmners of the first, second, and third p1ncf's at Pnrh playground show. These shows are n ·rY 11 opular with the membE?rs of the pla~·ground nnd often attract a large crowd of adults. nasket wt·aYing will l ~ th(' Sf'COn~ form of handirra.ft to be m~roducC'd th1s summer m1d will start dunng the ~fth \\"N·k. In the same weE>~ . the. varwus plnygrounds will hold eltmmah«:m contests to determine the' E?ntrants mto the anoual sand modE?ling contE-sts. Sixth 'Veek Program During th e sixth wE-ek a new form of handicraft will be introduced, that ?f embroidering roin purses and bags. Th~s is a new arti\"ity introdu~ed by ·Mr. pavis as an experimE?ntal proJect. It w~ll be an important feature in . the handt<:raft worl< during the succeedmg- years If it proYes populnr this fmmmer... It COJ!lbines designing. color harmomzmg, sk1ll and concentration. At. the same time another new activity will be started. for ~olor harmonizing with only magazmes nd a bottle of paste for materials. a Concreola handicraft, wood carving, ONLY Saturday, June 15th 2 lor $15 19 S. St. Johns Ave. Highland Park, Ill. Mary Ann Frocks Exclusive But Not Expensive 1183 Wilmette Ave. Wilmette, Ill.

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