Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Jun 1929, p. 8

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8 WILMETTE LIFE June 14, 1929 Measles Still Active; 17 New Cases Reported Following is the report of the Wit' mette health department for the week ending Monday,, June 10 · New cases---: measles, 17, chicken-pox, 2; · s~arlet feYcr. 1, mumps. 1, and whooping cough. , 2: quarantines released-measles, 22. chicken-pox, 3. and \vhooping cough, 1 : active cases-measles, 34, chicken-pox, 5, scarlet · fever, 5, mumps, 1. and whooping ~ough, 3. News of the Legion Contributed On Tuesday, June 11, \Vilmette Post was the host of the Seventh disfrict at their monthly meeting. The meeting \\·as held a_ t the Masonic temple and, in spite .of the heavy rainstorm, one hundred members and guests were present. After the district meeting entertainment and food was enjoyed. Walter H. Williams Dies at Nashville on June 9 Walter H. Williams, one of the ex .. ecutiyes of ·Squir_ e, Dingee, and Company of Chicago, who made his home at 1306 Gregory avenue, Wilmette, died Sunday in Nashville, Tenn., at the home of his sister. Mrs. William H. l\Iorgan. Mr. Williams had been. in ill health since last September. Born in Detroit fifty-thr~ years ago, Mr. vVilliams went into his father's business and succeeded him as head of the Williams Brothers Pickle company of Detroit, Mich. He continued the business until five years ago ·w hen he moved to Wilmette. Mr. Williams leaves his wife, 1\1 rs . Frances Churchill Williams, two sons. Churchill and Charles, his sister. Mrs. Mor~an, and an aunt. :\f rs. Frederick H. Holt, of Birmingham. Funeral sen·ices )\·ere held at 1 :30 o'clock Tuesdav afternoon at the \Viltiam Hamilto;, funeral parlors in Detroit. VANITY, 61[, VANITY THIS morning our attention WAS drawn to a young WOMAN who was standing OVER in front of our DISPLAY window and she WAS gazing earnestly at SOMETHING and we FIGURED that Mister RENNECKAR had put tn ANOTHER one of his SPLENDID displays and THAT she was being held · THERE spellbound by the BEAUTIFUL things inside, AND so. we walked up a LITTLE ·closer to see what THE show was, and just THEN we noticed her pull HER h~t a little farther over TO one side and fix a small CURL that hung over her FOREHEAD- and we TUMBLED then that she WASN'T looking at the MERCHANDISE at alL BUT at her own prettily SUN-tanned complexion, AND we didn't really BLAME her, because our NEW "Sun-Tan" creams GIVE. perfectly. that HEAL THY, sea-shore APPEARANCE to the skin WHICH fashion decrees THA ~ every woman have THIS summer. MORAL: Come to the drug store first~ven tor SUNTAN. L. P. Denoyer returned to KenilThe committees for the annual worth vVednesday noon from a six Fourth of July children's party are ,,·eeks' business trip to the capitals of formed. The program will be arranged se,·eral middle western states. under the direction of our playgroun4 .-odirectors and Comrade Leach. It is Mr. and Mrs. Robert Flint and son, hoped that prizes may be given to all Robert Jr .· _of Moneta, Iowa, spent wl1o attend. This party has for its a recent week-end with Mr. Flint's object keeping all children off the parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Flint of streets . . If the\· are on a recreation field. no automobile will cause the par 1708 \Vilmette a'v enue. ents to worrv over their safetv. Come and see theri1 enjoy themselves. Once more \\'ilmette Post is fortunate -in being able to offer tickets for the annual fireworks display to be held in Dvche stadium. This fire\\·orks display -is one of th<.> greatest in the countrv and is alwa \ ' S well attended. Tickets w~ll he on saie at variou stores of the Village where a material reduction from the gate price will he in effect. All Legionnaires can give the exact location of ticket sale store s. New Course of Study for · Methodist Men's Class The men's class of the \Vilmettc church will begin a new course of study this Sunda). June lfi. on the period between the Testament5. The class will studv the literature oi that period. L. P. - Denoyer. teacher of the cla ss. announces that all men ar c invited to_ attend. 'Meetings an: held ea~h Sunday morning at 9 :-l3 o'clock. .: ~Iethodist "Makeup" is out of style! · ~ ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT Mr. and ·Mrs. Edgar Ovet Blake, 2518 Central Park avenue, announce the engagement of their daughter, Eleanor Elizabeth, to Harry Oliver Berg, formerly of St. James. Minn., . but for a number of years a resident of Evanston during his attendance at School of Engineering at Northwestern university. Both the young· people were graduated from Northwestern, and Mr. Berg is member of Sigma N u. The wedding will be some time in the fall. Miss Blake lived in \\'ilmette until a few years ago. "Make up" is the cxcessiq~ application of face powder . and rouge. T·his just isn't being done today. \Ynm en know better. ~fary ] a net Lersch, eight year old piano pupil of Miss Katherine H _ea~ e lin, played "Tarantelle" a~ the honor PLAYS IN RECITAL recital held by the Columbia School of ~~ usic at Curtiss hall in the Fine Art;; building, Chicago, Ia. t Saturday aftc"r noon. I ~fr. and Mrs. Hugh Foresman. 51.:; Essex road, Kenilworth, and their daughter, Pattv, returned Sundav from abroad. ~f r. ~nd Mrs. Foresma;1 went abroad a month ago to meet their daughter. Besides spending a week The Royal ~eighhors will give a or more in Paris. they motored through card and bunco party toi1ight at England and Switzerland, visiting the I. 0. 0. F. hall. · gardens. Cara Nome Face Powder $2.00 The woman of taste gently rubs Cara 1\omc Face Pmn.ler into th~.: skin after applying· Cara Xome \'ani~hing- Crea111 . X o sign~ of cith r arc notictabk. . . A Drliciou~· HL)t \\'eat her Candy, never sticky. Su~ar Coated Allepo Almonds pound .. . .. ..... 49c For dessert or any old time try our icc cream. Either in bricks or hulk. Y L)tt will cnjL)Y a treat. TIES for . The ReXa/1 Store FATHERS' DAY SUNDAY, JUNE 16th CeDtral aDd Wilmette Avenues Phon.. Wilmette Z1 and 29 Central and Wilmette Avenues Phones Wilmette 28 and zg .McNamee's ·Men's Store First National Bank Building

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