Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Jun 1929, p. 27

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lune 14, 1929 WILMETTE Adams & Wabash at 7 :30, standard time, arriving. ~t Milwaukee terminal at 9 :40 p. m. All-steel equipment is being used on the special trains. LIFE · Building Record of Chicago Suburbs on Decrease This . Y ear ·-·····-"ortb Shore'· Smarteat As the Chicago suburbs come down MOTOR THROUGH WEST the first half of the stretch "1929 Building Figures" is several lengths b. e hind J oseph ~(oody, son of the Ralph W. "1928 Building Figures." In the race ~f oodys. 1235 . Ashland avenue, who just finished M~y 1928 won with the graduated recently from \Yashington largest volume of building permits, and Jefferson college in \Ya.s hington, April 1929 came in second and : M ay Pa ., will hayc as hi s house guest this 1929 finished in third place. \reek-end, a school friend. Charles Suburban building construction sh.ows e\·idence of a slump which ca11 be 0\·er- Ro:-;s of Clarion, Pa. The tw o boys come only if the good building weather will lea Ye the first part of next week of the summer months and early fall ior a mot~r trip through the \Vest. produce increased rec ords. The situa- They will tour up the Pacific coast to tion is spotty. \' ancot.'n·er, and " ·ill be gone ahout . E\·anston last month about· ~q~aled 1 onths. 1b record of a year ago but was !J6 t lree 111 percent ah ead of April this year. Oak ! - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - Park sho\Yed consistent los s<:s · while ; Gary, the larges t sub urb in the metropolitan di strict, also indicated botl1 ~lay ~nd April losses. Significant ::\Iar gains \\'Cre e \·idenced, however, fol~ lo\\·s: Bcn,·yn 3~ percent, Des Plaines 29 percent, Dolton 550 percent, Hin..sdalc 33 percent, J o1iet 35 percent, Lo.nhard 19 percent, :\fount Pro spect 26 pcrccnt, X orth Chicagu 8 perc<.:nt, Park. Ridge 10 percent, l<iv er Forest 31 percent, \\'c:'t Chicago 996 percent and \\'hi ting 210 percent. Cicero \\·ith a t\ro percent gain and Lake Fore:-. t \\·ith a fuu r percent gain were in the runnin .~ in the ~1ay compari son. I<csttlb \\'ere on~idcrab h· bctt<:r in the cu!npari~on oi C()ll:t ructi on figures i1lr ~1a ~- \\'ith :\pril t his year. The it.'!H ERE is no summerlu\\·ing :-.uiJurb:-~ made gain:; on.: r .~\pri l: time loneliness at The lknryn l,-l pt:rcent. Chicag-o 1 £eights }.(, ptrl't'l!t .. Dcdtun 15 pcrrt:nt. Elgin (,j Georgian. You enjoy meals lJl'fccnt. <~kncoc 107 perccllt. Ilarn'y "at home." laundry and valet 1.2 JH: rc<:nt. llighland Park 3 pcrc<:nt. service ... attention to your J Iin~dak <Jr, JH.:rn:nt. Kcnih,·orth j() JH·rphsonal needs just as though rt'nt. Lake F1lrcst 33 percent. Lolnharcl ·'mother" was superintend400 perc<:nt. ~f ay,,·oc,d ~3 pcrct nt. Park· ing things. It's a great 1\idgt· 3 percent. J{in·rdalt ~7 pcrrl'nt. ~t. CharJc.., 335 pcrn·nt. \\' heatPn ~3-l .. idea! Choose your room or pnccnt. Fa--t Chicago 32 pt.Tccnt. flaln suite now before the family lll<IIHI .21 pt·r rcnt and \\' biting J(i per · leaves. Special "Bachelor" Ct.' lit. rates on single rooms. J-"c,r tht.· flr:--t fi,·c lllOntl!~ oi thi:-; n·ar th<: ~ ul,urh -- rcJHlrting had a tnta l ,·, ,Jumt· Pi -.'33.103/dO a:-; again:-;t :S51.309.3.iH il)r the f1r~t fiH nwnth:-; ()i B. E. DE MURG, Mgr. la :-;t ~Tar. DAVIS STREET AT HINMAN A Realistic Permanent Wave includin~ b~aut ifu l finger wa ,-e marcel set or as The Realistic requires absolutely no . finger waving or combs. It falls naturally in:o wonderful waves. gtves you the assurance of being perfec~ly groomed at all times- the Permanents we gtve remain smooth, natural looking and deep set. A Eugene Wave. . ...... $7.00 A Nestle Circuline Wave .. $7.00 AN APPOINTMENT IS NECESSARY Home Comfort FOR SUMMER BACHELORS 636 Church St., Evanston Suite 2 2 2-Carlson Bldg. Univ. 9700 T W~!!! interurban railroad serving· this territory which operates directly into the Chicago Loop Sunday .Excursions Start on North Shore Line R. R. Sunday cxcur:-;ions bet\\'ccn Chicago and Keno~ha. J<.acine and :\Iil\\'attkee. \\ ·r~ .. \\'ere ~tartcd again ior the :->ttlllmer munt h:\ by the Chicago ~ o rth ~llort.· and ~Jihraukee railroad (\'orth Shore lin<:) last Sunday (j unc <) ). Specia l rcd ured rates ha \'e h<:cn t.'S t ah lis h~..· d for the round trip. Excursion :->pccials kan Chica~o and ~~ ihYaukcc :--imu lt aneouslv on Sundav mornings. making the r~turn trips ii1 the cn.·nings. The ClJicago-~fi l\\' aukec special kan. ·s Huosn·clt road "L" station at 7 :2~ a. m .. standard time. Adams & \\'abash at 7 :30. Grand a\·enue at 7:35. Belmont a,·c· mte at 7 :-+5. \\'i lson a\'t·nuc at 7 :50 and Ho\\'ard street at 7 :57. npcrating O\'l'r the Skokie Valle.'· route and arriv in ~ at ~~ il\\'aukce ternll nal at <) :-W a. m. Stops arc made enroute at Kenosha and Hacine. On the return trip the sncria l leave:-; :\filwau kce at 7:1.1 p. m~. arri ,·i n~ in the ~hi caP·o loop at <) :20 p. m .. stan dard tlll~;.' . The southbound special lea,·es_ Mtl\raukce terminal at 7.30 a. m .. Ranne at R:0-+ ancl Kenosha <It R:15. arrivinfT i11 th e Chicago loop at 9 :35 a .. 111., stan<la:d tim e. On the return tnp th e tratn leaves Rnosenlt road at 7:25 p. m., and EVANSTON Telephone Greenleaf 41 oo (Answer on Page 38) You are invited to visit our "' PEONY AND IRIS FIELDS now in bloom You will see the finest planting in the state. In addition to our vast mass field display, we stage an indoor show in our exhibition hall built for the purpose. CLARENCE W. HUBBARD 1275 N. WAUKEGAN RD. LAKE FOREST, ILL.

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