Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Jun 1929, p. 50

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so WILMETTE LIFE June 14, 1929 · News of Interest to the Church-Goers of Our Village First Presbyterian Ninth Street at Greenleaf Avenue Rev. Clyde Randolph Wheeland, B. D. ··The Problem:;; of J<:rlucation and Religion," a disr ussion J?;roup for colle... g<> and university Rtudt·nts mt>t t:-; every Sund.ay mornin~ in the minister's study, begmning at 9 :~0 o'clock. Dr. \VIH' t' li:nd will lead th <> group. tudents invited. Sunday, June 16, mol'ning worship ~t 11 o'l'lo<>k. Dr. \\"heeland's sermon topic \\;11 b~ "God's Footnote on Environment and Heredity." A cordial inYitation to unite with this church . in Chrbtian fellowship by letter, reaffirmation of faith or on confession of faith in the Lord .Jt>sus Christ. You are alwavs \n·lcome at the Pn·shyterian church. Sundav scho,.l at !I ::10 o'do<.:k. Classe8 for all ;.1ges. Tht> \\·t-dt>sday E>n~ ning- dt'\"Otionnl hour of praise and ft>lluwship is al::;o ·the Bible teaching- hom· by the minil-'ter. Hom~ns will be studied next \\' t>dnesday en·nmgat S o'('}o(·k. ~II who have profited by this hour of study would n'nd r a. helpful serYiee in ilwiting- and bringing others. Tht: Chril-'tian Endt' a \'or will meet at 5 :30 o'clock for tt'a and 'hl'istian fellowship. The Roy ~<'out troup will m e et !\londay a:t 7:30 o'cloek. The musical program for Sundny, June 16, will be: Organ prt>ludf'. "Bt>rct>use" . . . Dickinson Anthem. "In llean·nly Lovt: Abiding" . . . . . . . . . . . ..... Parker Anthem, ".\~ Torrent s in Sumnwr" . .... . .. .. ... ... .. . ............. Elgar Off~~t.ory 8olo, "This is l\ly Commandment" . Clarkt· lin:. Gannon Organ postlude. "Toccatina" . . . HoA"er~ . Qunrtt't Catherine Buf'lwuse, soprano Rose Lutiger Uannon, contralto John B. Miller, tenor Edward Otis, bass Erma Rounds, orgaui!-:t aml <lirp<·tot· Sunday School pit-nk thi:- ~ntunla~· afternoon at 2 o\:lock in the <~len,· il'W fure8t prel"t>n·e. En:rybody of tht· {'llngrt·gation cordially invited. H. :\f. Col\·in will be at the ehurch betwl:'en :? and 3 o'clock to ntT<lllgt> for transl)ortati .. n . Bring your pknic sup)wr. < hum·s and a good tim promi~ed. for all. drea.!Jl of years is at last to become a at 11 o'clock. In invitation is extended reality. We rejoice together in the ~uc to visitors to hear this interesting ~nd cess of the seemingly impossible proJe~t. ~cholarly preacher. . The ~egular sessiOn Our· (·hurch is here to stay. We desrre of the Church school will precede at The Children's Day last Sunday carried to b of service to our community. '\Ve 9:30. out the spirit of this historic ·day in the invite you to worship with us. life of the church. The parents and chilDr and Mrs. George D. Allison, Dr. d. dren turned out in large numbers. The A. Huntley, Cl:larles Major, ~dwin Phelps K e w officers have been elected by the and Benjamin Richards wlll r~present graduation ceremonies took place at the church hour. The following cla,.ses wet·e Luther league, our young people's organ- the \\.ilmette Bautists at the Northern izatir,n. Miss Helen Mydland is t~e n~w Baptist convention. Denver, Colorado, graduated: From Beginner:-;' department to Pl'i- vr·esident, lfiss Ethel Wollard 1s v!ce June 14 to 19. . mary department- Louise Bailey, Jean prel:iident, laude Maine. is secretary, M1ss En route to the conYentiOn ·. Rev .. and F. Burpee, Edwina Fuchs, Peggy 1\IcClure, Lucille Dahlberg is corresponding secre- 1\lrH. Francis C. Stitl~r were m Chicago Ro~emary McDaniels, Doree Hammond , tary, and Robert Klemm is treasurer. We on Wednesday mormng last and were Lawrence Boling, ·william Fanckboner, congratulate the newly elected officers greeted by a large gathering of . friends '\'t>slev Hickman, Robert Matson, \Villiam :1 nrl wil'h them God ~peed. and former parishioners at the UJJJon staKot>gei, William White, Kenneth llann tion. 1\lr. Stifter is now pastor of the The men's brotherhood has Yoted to First Baptist church, En::;t Orange, New and Floyd Chadwick. dbcontinue their meetings until the second From Primary depnrtment to Junior ::\Ionday in September. At that time they Jersey. depnrtm nt- l\fi)-:s \'arley's cla~s-Jane F. want to begin the winter's work with a The Wednesday t>Vening meeting wiiJ Penberthy, Madeline 1\l. Clark, Bert Lutton, DnYid Gt>ppert, C:1rl ~ ".idne:r. :Mar- vim . .Arthur "rernecke is the president be held as usual, the deacons assuminJZ of th e m e n's brotherhood. ·harge this week in the absence of the cin Rmith, Robert Fuessle, \Valter Lyman, Hob~rt Cochran and Gilbert Bills. The Sunday school picnic date is set minister. :\liss Boyajian'!=> class-:\Iay :\l. Fanner, for .June 27. Last year we had the largThe annual picnic of church and school Tom llacl\Iorran, Hobert Brown, Leslie t>st and bE>~t picnic in the history of th e E . :\Iatson, Hobert R. Spiegelhauer, Betty Sundav school. Becau~e of the lateness will be held Saturday afternoon, .Jmrf' 22 E. Todd, Daniel .Xauman, Alice l[ay Var- of the season, many who would have at the Lake Front park. All memlJH~ and friends of the church are inviteu to parney and Dean Lt' ete Keefer. otherwisf' attended werf· unable to do From .Junior to lntermecliate depart- so sinre the:v were n way from the city. ticipate. There will. lle games and ~port~ ...;:_ meilt - :\ri~s Kletzing'::: cla.·s-Fern Ahl- 1t i~ plannf.d this year to have it early for various grou~s. str:tnd, Anna l\[ari Booz, .Jean Brown. enouA"h to inclttde all who desire to take Eleanor Btu·pet>. :\lary Gaffney, ViYian \'aca tions later. This shollld be the best Ht·ig·sby, Ft·;wces Ha~kin, .Jane Horsting . picnic yet held. The members of thP :\fnry Jane Lewis, .Jean Ann :\lnulding. chut·ch are cordially invited to join thE' Kenilworth a\'t-nue and Warwick road A1111 Olson, \·irginia Oakley. l\Iary Ella Sunday school in this metTiment. Kenilworth ""aidtwt·, lfary C'lark \\.eher, lliriam Dr. Herbert L. '\Villett, Minister \\'est, :\lildt·ed Farmer and Ruth Hen.:chCn<"hur·clwd Lutheran.:-: are tu·ged to bt>rger. :\It·. Hammond's class-Billy worship with us .. "'e al.sn wekome those Xext Sunday the last sen·ice of the Cul\·et', George Green, Allan Henn: kson of othet· faith to join u~ in worf:hippitw sE>ason will be held, before the Hummer Frank I looper. Gordon Keith, .TimmiP Father. Son, and Holy Spirit. This church Yacation. Dr. Willett's subject will be, Koegel, Billit> :\lae:\lorran, Theron Smith is noted for its cordial fellowshit>. With "Youth'~ Adventure." anrl Ralph \'arney. :\Jiss Da ,·bon's dass ltllt' n(·w building completed, Wt' wiiJ ha\"e - Jun.,. Ahlstrand, Elaitw Angt>lbeck. lrma room fr,r all who wi:::h to unite with us. The first SE'r\'ice of the Church school Ball, P.etty Barkt.·r, Bt'lty Collinl', :\[nrtha Find a c·hurch home in '~:ilm tte. If posunder the summer plan will be held this (:ilhofer Yit·g-inia .Junt-.s, :\Jyrtle Koll, JanP sible come with u~. Sunday, June 16. at 10 o'clock. Full arOlson, Hetty Smith, Emily ~ymon!', Huth "\VORSHIP I~ WILMETTE" rangemE'nts will be made when we know \\"illiam~ . .Janet \\'right, Elizabeth Koerhow many and of what ages will be in pe r and Alice \\.t'lty. :\It·. :\Iatson·:.; class attendance. The experiment made last - A ran !1oynjian, I ff·Ward Fu ·hs. Hohert summer leads us to feel tha.'t we want Hermall)-:llll, Han,ltl Palnwr and Lo<:l\ e lto~· t'rs. '\\'ilme ttt> and Park Avenues, Wilmette to C"nntinuP a sen·ice Qf w0rship and instrudion for those who wish to come in. llt>rman "·· !\!eyer, 1\1. A. Pastor From lfi~h Seh1·ul to Young- Penplt·':ven though the attendance · may not . Telephone 1396 tlepartmt>nt-)ft·. Stafford's (')a)-:s-Spenct-r Hl6 l'rairit> .-\n·nue he I<Hg-t>. The service will include a hurch telephone 3111 B. },uoz, .lac!;; Kaufman, '\\'t'ndt'll Keith, 'wori'hip period, instruction in the \\"alter Lindblad, John ,\.nidner and John Christian way of life and the ideals of .\. Prt.·SL'I·tt. :\In;. Smith's < : las!.; - EmiiY S('nirPs the church, and if po~sible some ··gDar:-t, .Janit- ~ Fisher, Eldora H<,pkin~. Thinl ~unrlay after Trinity ean.try and drama. While primaril or Ht>lt·n llutdwn~. ~larian lh:tAauran, Sara !l :~II :1. m. - Snndny school and Bible ehildren, nny_others who care to come in I 'ag·t·, FranL·t:~ Stile!'. dn.s:-, s. should find the program helpful and in~~ :-t:-. a. nt.-First sen·ice nnd sermon. teresting. 'Ve shall also need several of A llt'\\" depal'lment i:-: being org-anizecl 11 a . Ill. - - St·(·ond serYice nnd sermon. the older DeOJJle to asl'>ist in the ".:!)t'k. ill the l'hurch :::t·honl. This is made posIt is hn])E'<l that many of them will be :;ihlt' by the arrangt·ment of rooms in )[ f·f'tiiiJrS pn·sPnl fr:)m time to time. Keep the hour the new building-. This dt>partnwnt will llotlll<t,\" :t t 7 :::lO- Choir t'ehE>a rl'al. in mind-ten o'cl..!)<:k eYery ~unday mornht' composed of the :-e,·enth, eighth, and :iatunl:ly, .June 15- Sunday l'C'hool pi ·nic. ing throug-hout the summer. Richard P. ninth gTadt-.. It will be known L'itl11 r ('artl·r is director of religious education. as the lnt\.' rnwdiate or the Junior High Th annual Rundn~· !=>Chool picnk anrl Sdwul llepartnll'nt. Thi:- atTang-enwnt i:- f'IUting of St. J11hn's will bf' ht.> ld this Pr. \Yillt.'tt will be away from Chicago in :tL·cord with tilt' best practices of the ~aturdny nftt' moon. June 15, at the Glen tw·dern l'hurch selwol. ln order tu gh·t· \'it;ow Forp:-t l'rest"n·t>, the southernmost nw:-t of thf> summer, out will be within this dt'·pa rtnwnt thl' lJest leader:;hip po:-- pienic g-rounds at whicl1 our picnics have reac·hing distnnee in ease of emergency. sihl, ·, th · pa~tor. superimemlent, and been held in years past. Games and con- He ('an alw:ws be reached through his chairman of l"eligious education ha ,.e te~ts of ::til kinrts arE> on the program home. ~elt'<.'ted on of om· own men, :\Ir. Ben fo1· the children as wt'll as for the grown Thf' n·gula r spn·ict-s of the church will Cox, as supel'intt·nflt·llt. 1 [e h:l.S been ac- folks. ('ome out and have a grand old ti\'i:) in the worl\ of teaching- in the school time. Rt:fre!'.:hmt:nts may be had on the be n·sunwd on Hunday, September 16. for many years and h:t!.; taken a very ground~ All who ha \'e no way of g-etting J)l'lll!lin 'llt part in the worl{ of Hoy St· oltt~. to the grounds will nwet at the church His intt>l'est in you11g- pt-ople is l;;nown to between otw and one-thirty, whert> nuto!'.: all. The~e anrl other qualifi ·ation::; make will be w~iting. Pack up a basket lun<"h The Church of the Holy Comforter <.:ure that h will pro\·ide adequate lt' adt'r- and plan to stay for the early e\'ening-. The Rt·Y. Leland Hobart D~mforth, rector ship f(ll' this splendid gnntp. On Sundar aL ·rnoon, .Tmw 16, the at'· There wiU be a celebration of the Holy Oifts from friend:-; of tlw Girl Scouts nun! f'sti\·aJ is heing held at tht· so-('alled Communion this Sunday, .June 16, at 8 are :-:till coming in to pay for thl'ir new Kindt' rh'im 1.t .-\ddison whkh eompri)-:es o'(')r,<·k nnd morning prayer 'and SC'rmon tlng·:-:. Thi~ Wet:k they ret·t'h·ed a Yery the :\f;1nual training sehool for hoys and at 11 o'c·lock. The sermon will be preached nil' cht>cl..: from the \\'ilnwtt~· l!otary <:lub. tlw Industria! Home for girls. All friends by the rector. ~re v~ry co!'dially im·ited to pnrti<'ipatc tn t_ht~ fest1val. There will be !'.:pecial The fulJ<,wing strildng itt·m :tl>])t'al't'tl on sernces A~ f'hurch school closed fot· the sumon the occasion. the bulletin last Sunday: mer, on .Tune 9, there will b no children·~ In compiling figures the other day the Th.e G'nt>I'nl nt>leA"at(' s:mod of the :\1ix- service until September. The awards were pastor made the disco\·ery that dul"ingthc twelYe-month period ending :\lay first s0111'1 synod of the Lutheran C'hur<·h will given out last Sunday, for perfect attendance for the year. Thirty-seven chilsomething- more than $!'10,000 had passed bt»gin on "·eclnesday, June 19. Sessions dren t·ecei\'ed pins for such a record. through the Ynt·iou!'; tl'en~urit>s of thiR will l<lst until Junt> 29. All sessions will chun:h. Thi:o; seemed nn impossihlt· sum. ht> lwlfl at the lnrgE> gymnasium of the The Rt. Rev. Frank E. WilSOf\.. D. D .. and yet the figures ,·erified the faet. It Hivf'r Forest Teal'hers college, River i · a wholesome und promisin,:~; indkation Fort>st, Ill. OYer on~ thon~and df'leg-ate::; Bishop of Eau Claire, Wisconsin, will be at the Church of the Holy Comforter of ~he potential strE'ngth of this ehureh. will attend from all over the world. on .Tune 30. for thE> purpose of ordaininc: The spirit of stewardship is pre,·ailinc: more and more. .-\ fr·iend of tht> d1ut·ch On Sunda~·. June 23, a sp cial mission Lestet· 1\1. Morse into the ministry of the The sen·ices on that occasion rec·eiYed a legacy the oth r day anrl s nt SE'I'\'ice will be held at St. John's at which church. in one-t nth of it as a spedal gift to the Pastor .John Reuter of Birminghnm, Ala .. will he at 10 :45 o'clock, instead of at new building. Such spirit will make pos- will deliver the service. In the aftern~><lll 11 o'clock. sible the completion of the great enter- a great celebration will be held at Soldiers' prise to which we hnYe committed our- Field, Chicago, in c>ommemoration of the sel\'es. four hundreth annivt-rsary of the Lutheran Catechism. The children of the Next Suncl::ty, .June 16. will be the third Christian Day schools of Chicago as well Sunday after Trinity. Tl'l·re will be Holy as the choirs of many Lutheran churches Co:nmunion at 8 o'clock in the morning. will contribute music:1.lly to the services. and morning prayer with address at 11 The Third Suntlay Aftu 1'rlnlty o'clock. 9 :45 a. m. Sunday School Jo!O;eph Johnson, Superintendent 11 a. m. Morning Worship NE>xt Sunday bPing the third Sunday S<'rmon: "Spiritual Contrnctors" 'Vilmette and Forest avenues in the month will be Corporate ComRev. George D. Allison, Pastor munion Sunday for tne Daughters of the King at 8 o'clock in the morning. The new building will be completed November 1, barring unfores en delays. Rev. Morton S. Enslin, professor of Already the excavation is completed and New Testament at the Crozer Theological Thert will be no session of the Church the concrete will be poured soon. It is seminary, Chester, Pa., will be the school on next Sunday nor succeeding indeed interesting to know that the preacher in the morning service Sunday Sundays owing, to the school vacation. buildin~ so that the construction of the church itself can begin. . __ _____ Kenilworth Union St. John,s Lutheran Methodist (/burch The prPacht·d next ~unday morningwill b '-' Dr. J . Haslie Odgers, supt-l'intt-nd nt of th~> Chicago Xorthern District. This i~ hi~ first appt.'arance at the church during- this confen·nce yt>ar, and lw ~hould be greeted with a large congregation. Tht- annual meeting- and elE>ction of officers of tht> "'oman's Hom(' :\Jissionary S{l<.'ietv will bE' held at the homl' of :\Irs. A. J: Xystrom, iJ.l Central aYenue, Thurl'day, June 20, at two o'dock . Come and henr the spletHlid n·pmts that the olti<.·t·t·s will ha\'t> to g-i\'e thi:-: Yt'ar. The Youn~ \\·omnn's l\Jisl'ionary sorit>ty will ha \'{' its final nwt·tin~ of this season Thursday, June t\n·ntieth, at , o'clock, at th hom(:> of l\liss l\larinn Thayer, 121 Hobl-'<ll'l road. Kt>nilworth. The t>lection and cons{·(·t·ation of oltieers will take plat'{\ Please not.: tht: change of meeting day. The bulll'tin f11r llt>xt a rf'p()J·t of tht.· four of the church. Thest:> cate that in E'adl (':tl:it' ont> of mark{·d g-rowth Sunday will carry wtmwn's soddies n ' ports will inditlw Yt·ar hal-' bE'en and dt·\'l'lopnwnt. Kenilworth Episcopal Tht' n wh· <>lf'dE'd ollkt>r:- of tlw Ladit's' Aid Sodetv' for twxt n·ar at·e as ft·llnws: PrE'sidt'nt .. l\fr:-:. J. n.' llat'IWr; fit·::;t \'iceurt-sident. :!\Irs. F. "·· Hul'(kt>: second \·ice-pr('shlent. .:\trs. H. :!\1. Campbt'll; ~ cretary, Mr:-;. A. J. ~ystrom; treasurer, Mrs. G. M . Culn: r; division ('hairmt-n: firf,;t, Mrs. C'arl Nylund; sPcond, Mrs. B. ·w. Hess; third. Mrs. A. n. A<'kPrmann; fourth, Mrs. \V. H. Thayt>r, and fifth, Mrs. W. \V. Baldwin. The date F:et for tht> formal opening of the new building is St-plember 29 to Octobe!' 6. A program is bt>ing dHeloperl In keeping with the significance of this epoch in lin: lite nf the growing c·hurch. Sometim d 1 trin~ the month of July the congregatinn will move informally and without tipeclal ceremony into the auditorium ot the new structure. This will make possible the wre<~klng of the old St. Augustine,s English Lutheran Wilmette Baptist

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