Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Jun 1929, p. 55

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June 14, 1929 WILMETTE . STUDY ABOUT BRITAIN To study and learn about Great Britain is a lot of fun and work, as well as to know that it owns one-fourth of the world and that it is the United States' mother country. If you want to know a lot about it go to Mrs. Groves, the I foward school g-eography t eache r. -Kenneth Rah1i, 6B Howard: LIFE DANDELIONS Dandelions, dandelions, In near and far places, Wherever I look I _ see their round faces. Their bright cups of· yellow,, Their short . coats of green, The colnr;;; are really Fit for . a queen. But when one must dig th,e m They become a pest, · And you who ar·e wise Will guess the rest. Eleanor Williams, 6A Ce ntral. 55 SAVE WILD FLOWEBFI In Wilmette we are to save wild flowers, the lady slipper, bloody butcher, and lots of other flowers. So will you please help us?-Dorothy Anne Henderson, Grade 2, Laur'el. ROOM GETS PICTURE Mrs. Lechler and Mrs. Nauman .bought and Mr. Lechler painted a picture for our room. ' -Yvonne Woerner, Grade 2, Laurel. I JUNIOR LIFE (Continued from page 53) 1929 CLASS HISTORY Stolp Graduatea 'Write of Interesting )lOllE TESTS GIVEN On Friday, June 7, t\\·o tel't::; were Eventa Throughout Their Career in g-iYen to the eighth grad es of Stolp. Mr.. Wilmette Public Schools Harper ga,·e a ~econd arithmetic r eason- ing te~t. The final social ~dence t st on 'Twas a ::;unny morn early in SeJ)tt'm - the fourth and last pamphlet was given GOING TO HONOLULU b.er wht>n _we entered schocJl fo1· the fir st a lso. This summer WP are going away to tim ~. Bemg n ew pupils, we " ·e1·e just Beth 1\Ic-Ilrnith, A Stolp. Honolulu. Mother had a lot of dresses regist."'red and the n . t>XC U!'I d. :\ty. what made for us just the same. a thn~l that was, g~mg to l-'Chool for th e SCHOOL IS OUT! FOR'~I GlUM" CLUB · -Barbara Ripley, Grade 2, Laurel. first tm_1e. The pati e nt, helpful te:t('hPrs· School is out and everybody is happy . .-\ t the Laurd ~f· h ool the second and were :\I! ss G:-t thercoal and l\Ii ss Flenyte. \Ve hope we will all have a pl easa nt In first gntde we ~tarted on our thrt>e third grades are h a Ying a gil'ls' club. We ntcation. R's, Heading, 'Hiting and 'Rithmetic. sew at gil'ls' club. '\Ye are planning to Teddy Haskfng, 7A Howard. PAINT WITH Th e O~r t~>achers Wt>t·~ ::\tr~. "\Valla ce and )Irs. have a picnic sonwtime in Jun e. I Gilbert. l\Irs. \V1lli:un s taught the fir st hOYl". h:we a boys' c lub too. - Dorothy Ann. ql ·;ule 2, La~trel. PLENTY OF WOilK ~emest r . and the n Miss. HuPbn t>r, who '\Ve haYe been having a lot of te~ts I S now l\It·s. Schurr, finished the t e rm. latt·ly and also a lot of home work . We PltOlTD ()}' S(' II 001~ In second grade w e continued our all hope w e will ge t good grades. w o rk in . th (:' thret H.'s anrl aflcl ed Rpelling I guess tht> Tl owanl sc· honl has it o\·er Teddy Haskings, 7A Howard. to the l1st. Our t . a<.:hf>rs that ye:~r w en:- the Stolp n JW that the n ew addition ha1' l\Iiss ::\loo ney, l\Ji ss ( ~annody and ::\Irs. been nearly fini~l11~ d. Xow we hase n PLAYS WITH SOLDIERS . Herro n. real auditorium whic..: h beats th e Stolp. I have been playing with my soldiers. In thircl gr:1.de we commenced .our 'Ve took th em down a peg or two. multiplication tabl es and also m ade our Bru<.:e Mt'aker, SB Howa1·d. I had lots of fun with my soldiers. My soldiers are wood. start on mu s ic appn.. ciation. 1-l e re we · -Buddy Davi!', Grade 2~ Laurel. r ecf' i\'(~ d o u1· fi1·s t repo rt cards. Our LIKE TO H ET CUF.CKS · It Is Guaranteed t eac h t> r~ we 1·e l\Ji ss Smith, Mrs. Burtner, T0day w e art-> writing. I got a checl' SEES SNOW·WHITE and the late l\ln;. Butts. in writing. T ho1w that I will get a check I went to see Snow-White. She wore MILLEN HARDWARE CO. Fourth ~rade brought seYe ral new next time too. I hope I will get a check a white dress and when the curtains l>Upil::; to Central from Laurel and thev ~::w· ry tim e. Miss Geiman is here. opened we saw her sleeping on the stairs. 1219 Wilmette Ave. Phone 3060 had th e prh·iJege of being in the Stf·lil -ltolwrta l\Iizener, Grade 2, Laurel. -Frances Walli::;er, Grade 2, Laurel. building. 1\Iis~ Loag was th e ir t ~ac h e r . Th other t\\'0 fourth grade teache rs were Miss Ca rson and ::\Jiss Loftus. H e t·e wtbegan nt-w work in arithmetic. · That was long diYision We also studied the Histon· of Chicago pre viom; to the fire. In at:t we mad e Chicago books, that corresponded with the work w e had preYiously studied. ~Ji~ H Donnelly, the art supen·isor, said our artistic ability was :-;o good that she would give us a trea t. The treat was a tt·ip to the Art Institute. That was our trip we made as a class. In fifth grade we added geography and . . . Ame rican history to our· studies, and in arithmetic took up fra ctions. Here the girls began to show their ability as se:unstressl·s and the boys took up manual tr:1.ining. The pupils of Mis ~ i\LcPanlin's room had their fir~t ci\·ics club. Th e o ther teachers beside the form e r ones were ::\Iiss Brown and l\liss Ciscler. In sixth grade we had the priYilege of being the on ly pupils of ::\liss Phillips, who taught h ere only one year. 'While With the inauguration of the new schedule, residents she was h e r e she taught us geographv and histfJl'Y. Our other teacher~ w e r.e \ of Indian_!-!ill Estates now enjoy finer, faster, more :Mio:;s Stott, who taught us arithmetic and art; ::\Irs. Julian, who taught us reading frequent motor-coach service to the station of their · and English, and Miss Brown, who taught us nalural science and music. Here we passed from room to room for our studies. choice- Kenilworth, Winnetka, or Wilmette. Here we also began our regular trips to the Art Institute, which w e continued in Two luxurious new private coaches whisk them the next two years. Anothe r great eYeut that year was a class picnic held in the to the train in five minutes. Th~n twenty-two GlenYiew forest preser\'e. In this year the girls went into Cooking under the diminutes by fast steam service to the Loop. rection of Mi ss Gieman. The boys continu ed manual training under Mr. Ball. In 8eventh grade we b eg:~n the study Indian Estates is the closest in-lying of social science under the direction of ::\Irs. Yernon. \Ve also changed the sohigh-grade community development on called Englbh to grammar, r eading to litf'rature and arithmetic to mathematics. the North Shore. Many leaders of indus1\Iiss Grosse nbaeker left in the midle of the year and :\liss Davi.s took her pl~ce as literature teacher. Ou1· other teachers try and their junior ex-ecutives were '::\liss Perring, Miss "\Vyman, ::\1rs. .Jones. Mrs. Clark and l\li~s Stevens. The occupy homes of distinctive charm, ~t s ubjects they taught were grammar and compo:>ition, mathematics, art, music and in wide, landscaped lawns, ranging gene ral science. During the year l\Iiss Hayes took all honor roll students to the in cost from $17,500 to $78,000muse um of natural history in Lincoln park. And in studying social science we each of home appropriate made trips to the wate r works, post office and public library. its own setting._ In eighth grad e we had the same teachers, with the exception of Miss Ch::tse, who became a teacher in om· Prices much lower than for comparable building and taught us social science and fine property-living-costs 20% less. Fol· p e nmanship. We al!'o mad e a elass trill New i~IHJMI· pro11itl1s 21 ttNid low this direction map aad the Indian to see Shakespeare's play, "Macbeth." trips daily lo statio·s. AlH fonEvery year the eighth graders who work guides under Chief White Eagle of the ·oo·, ·oo·, a11J afUrrloo· sdJool well and· who do not have too deep voices Wionebagoes. are chosen to sing in the North Shore a·J shoppi·g 1rips11·d·r fiWJ Music festival, which is held in the Pat~a1'1{11l Jrit~en. Ample S11.U, ten gymnasium in Evanston. ~Da&h service, loo. The annual ew:nts of the school curriculum r.re the art exhibits in which is shown the work of the year. Field day is another important eYent each year. In INDIAN HILL ESTATES the morning each grade giV\· S a certain Ma11ageJ by stunt or dance they have learne.d during the year. The afternoon program consists of races, running broad jump, running high jump, etc. Medals are awarded to the winners. This brings to a close the history of Loop Offices, 208 South LaSalle Street- S~a~e 02Al4S this famous class and for more you will have to reefer to the sage prophet who Indian Hill Estates Oftices.I.ocuatand Ashlaad-'Wi12$2·2792 will carry on the history in the future. · Sheridao Road Ofticea. Del Laao Diatrict-Wil '7-40 June Kehl, SA Stolp. 100% Two Luxurious New Coaches Give Finer, Faster; Private Service at / INDIAN HILL ESTATES 1'\ Now Only 22-27·Minutes from the Loop ~ Hill already type in BILLS REALTY, INC. We are making a circus parade on the blackboard.-Ralph, Grade 2,' Laurel.

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