Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Jun 1929, p. 5

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June 14, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE s· 328 NAMES ON UST (Continued from page 3) OF NEW TRIER .GRADS Annual Lf!,ncheon of · Musical Society at Shawnee Club Mon. The annual luncheon and business meeting of the North Shore Musical society took place at 'the Shawnee Countrv club last Monday. Erna~t Akely, retiring president, presided at the business meeting when the officer·s for the coming year were elected. They were: presi dent, Helen Ste·wart ; vice president, Marjorie Sherman; program chairman, Elizabeth English: secretary, Elizabeth Weixel; treasurer. Margaret Geppert; social and publicity chairman, Bertha Dubbs; membership chairman, Alvene Resseguie ; · directors. Dorothy Cordts, Frances Copthorne. Mary ~1oll Pettibone, · and Ern au Akely. Several important changes carefully worked out by Gevitla Neukranz and her committee were made in the b\·laws, the outstanding change bei;1g the name of the club. About ten years ago the club was organized. by the permanent honorary president, Dorothy \Ving Macauley. herself a violinist of note, and she named it the North Shore Musical society. Since it was unanimously voted to incorporate the club into a state organization. a change of name was necessc. ~y. The name "North Shore Musicians' Club," unanimously approved by the club members, was suggested by Dorothy Cordts, daughter oi Mrs. ~facaule\· . The cluh votel to hold its programs in the new \Voman's club building in \\'ilmette this coming year. Last year meetings of the organization were held in the £yanston Woman's club with the exception twp occasions, when the members were entertained in the homes of ~frs. Hayes 11cKinney and ~r rs. Raymond \\.heelock. ~{r. and Mrs. R. Te~cher and Martha are driving to Exeter. New Hampshire. to be \dth James Tencher for the graduating exercises of Phillips Exeter academv. Thev will visit Vassar. Smith, ar{d Wetiesley, .. and after touring New Hampshire and ~1aine will return Yia New York. · En·lyn Anne Kruse, James Kucera, Liselotte Hildegart Kuenkele, Ethel Caroline Kufeldt, William Overton Kurtz, Jr., Elizabeth Lamar Lawrance, Walter Edward I ,indblad, Jr., Katherine Betty Lindskog, Yivian ~Jay Lorenzini, Lenore Lorimer, Arthur Prescott Lothrop, II, Al\·an \Ve~ley· Lott, Beulah. Elizabeth · Lonll. James I. ,Lyon8, Jr., Elmer J. Lundin, .Jr., Robert Rae :!\lacLean, Edith Keeling ~Iaggart, Wilbur Clark l\Iagill, Mary Jane ~\lalon(:'y, Robert Henry Marcus, Janet Atlantis :\larshall, :\lildred Evelyn Martin, Francis A. :\latRon, Charles Lewt· .\){'Arthur, Elizabeth Ann McCann Bentley G. McCloud, Jr., Annie Ellen McDonald, Marion Jane McDonald, Marion Ethel ~kGauran, Virginia 1.\lc~amee, Alan ~TcXaughton, Barbara June ~'learn~, John William :\Iehren, Roger ~athan ~lf'lzer, :\lorton A. l\Iergentheim, Jr., .Joanna Harriet :\lerrifield, Leonard Edward :\leye r, Reba :\Iarguerite Michener, I ~ahel Forbes :\lilton, John Taliaferro .\l ilton, Rarah Lydia Minor, Florenc~ Anita .\lit<'hell, Kenneth \Valter ~roeller, E~ther Spencer .\losley, Edward Evans .\lunn, H~o~~"l Olive .\turphy_ Argela Olga :\I utehler, :\Iorri!-' Edward Nelson, Lois E\ t:lyn ::-.\ordhurg, John Farnl'>worth Norman, Hden f'aml Xygaard, Ruth Lillian Olstn, A!"nold Ott, Jo~ephine Catherine <)ttt->1', John L. OuHe, Inger :\larie Paasche, Sar:t.h Elizabeth Page Florence Phylil"H Pancoe, KatherinP Louise Panu~hka, .\fary Elizabeth Parker, c 'harle!-' Franci~ Patterl-'on, Charles R. Pfing~ten, F.linor Popper, :\Iary Ann Port ~: t' .\Tary Pouha, Eugene ':l\. Powers, John .-\ rthur Pre!-'eott, Jr., Jeslyn Raventos, Paul Edgar Rt-dhead, \Villiam Thomas f!t- t-d, John .-\dam~ Reynolds, Albert Tu<"kwood Ric·hard!-', Benjamin James l~i« · hard!-', \Yinthrop RichardB, William l!aymond Ring~on, .Jane Robinson, Elt-anor Lillian Rockafellow, ~lary Gardn ~: t· Ro.·l", Shirley l~o~!-', K. Berni e Rosslo t- rg-er, Ru~~t· ll Edward Ro.·siter, Richanl T!o:-::-:man, Franl'i~ Dallier Roth :\Iarina I !us:-:f·, Yirg-ini:1 Florence Sandberg, c :t·<~rge S:1X1(Jn, Farrington Treat Schaefr~r. Warren C~. S<:hmid, Dorothy :\lan·elin ... Schn·i, Jf1hn Edwin Seyfried, Ruth Fi:-:her Shepntd. Ht>len Jean Shepherd, .Joan Shortridgt-, Robert Haw Simmons, c ':t t lwrine .-\nne Smith, Gene\"ieYe Joan ~mitlwr~. Erne!'t .\Iyer Solomon, CharleH \\"illett ~pooner. Jr., Ca~imer Stachel ci t':tl"+-' Stanh·y, Rob rt Sears Stephens. France:-: Yan Luden Stiles, D. \Vinifred ~t·,erk, <'harlel" Theodore Stordeur, Jr., ~Iarg·aret .-\nne Stowt>ll, Carl Arthur Swa n!"on, Catherine Laura Taft, Edith \·irginia Taylor, :\fartha Adelaide Tench... r . \\.illiam Inglis Terhune, Helen .\lari<tnnP Thiel, _-\.nnette Elizabeth Thompson, Harold R. Thompson, Way T!Hnnp~on. :\f:1bel Elizabeth Throckmorton .\fary Elizabeth Townsend, Joseph .\. \";dentint> Turck, Jr., Arthur John l"lw. ElizabHh Yan Steenberg, Gertrude \·ink, Yt·rrwn f'arl Yoltz, Ruth :\1. Wachs, .John Thomp~ou \Yaidner, Jeanette ~larie Wald, (;lady!" Le\n~ lla \\-allhaum, Ralph \·. \\'arhle . Edward (~ordon \Vatson, CnH·e Elizabeth \YeiJI,er, Louis J. Wt-ber, -_;, .orgiana Elizabeth \Yeedon, George ]11,ulton \\·eiding- ·r .rack Ed\\·ard Weilh·r. Kathryn H(:'lt>n \Yeiss, Ruth Cath erine \\·t"nter, J)orutl1t·a \\-est, .\Tyron Howard \\"p:-:t, .Jr., Arthur f:f'orgt· \Vienecke, En:·l,\·n .\f;ly \\"ieneck··. Lee Roy Wileox, P.ichard Carlto n \\.ilco:x, Julia Augusta \Yild, .J anf> Blanche \\-illard, Joseph Sanguirwt William~. Helen Elizabeth Wilson, .\1 u1·it·l ~!;try \\.il~on, Stepl)en Lo ·khart \\"indt'l-', .John Reid 'Yorthman, Vernon ('harlt-s \Yyh· and Paul F'. Youngberg. · · .\tU!IJ)it (;nuluatl'S J9:!R f!ol,ert · B~:rnd!'ton, T:-:abei Julin Bezzio, Ralt>ig-h l'ai,·in Blakt>, Edith nrace Clerk, .Janw~ ~It-nil! ('ram. Jr., Janice Elaine Fi~ht'l', I .,\·man Ehn(:'r I :oss, ITT, Gretel r~abt·llt> Hanna. EYa H~tlm-Hansen, Ira I>a\"icl f\·e r~on . .Jr .. Han·ld Edgar Jensen, \.i\"ian Kt>tT. Ht-lt-ne Franees .\lahan, Paul S<t tHlt·rs ~Teng-(· 1. Am,\· Louist· ~liddendor( Loi:-: .\lutt:-:t>llt> Plwlp~ . .\Iarian .J. Rockafellow, Ha l'(li~ .Julius Runnfeldt,T Frtd \\~arren 1~u:-::-:c·ll , .Jack Schuman, ~orman Somnwr, 1 :lady:-: Jr,nn .~u!Jiett, Dorothy Ta,\·lor. The NORMAN·DY TEA ROOM announces . The opening of an unusual tea room- located directly across from the parking space of the Teatro del Lago. Step into the delightful atmosphere of French Normandy for LUNCHEON - DINNER LIGHT SUPPER - AFTERNOON :rEA ++++++++++++++++++ ~ Typical $1.00 Dinner Sherried Fresh Fruit Cup or Jellied Tomato Soup LEAVE FOR EAST Roast Spring Lamb with Currant Jelly Half Broiled Squab Chicken with Old Fashioned Stuffing Roast Loin of Pork with Applesauce Prime Ribs of Beef with pan gravy fresh Vegetable Plate Pineapple Sherbet Fresh Peas Fresh Beans Baked Idaho Potatoes New Corn on the Cob Jellied Pear Salad Deep Dish Apple Pie Peppermint Ice Cream Sliced Fresh Pineapple Chocolate Sundae Roquefort Cheese with Toasted Crackers Coffe~ Tea Milk Buttermilk A Typical 75c Luncheon Cream of Tomato Soup Chicken Pot Pie Chop Suey with Rice Individual Baked Macaroni au Gratin and Rasher Bacon Roast Beef Hash-Benedictine Fresh Vegetable Plate Cucumber Salad a Ia Normandy Rhubard Meringue Van ilia Layer Cake Raspberry Pie Tapioca Pudding Vanilla, Peppermint, Chocolate Ice Cream Coffee Tea Milk Buttermilk Harriet Mason Will Play With Chicago Symphony Harriet ~Iason of Glencoe. who is steadih- coming to th e front as a brilliant J)ianist. ""ill play the Concerto in in A minor ll\· Crieg \vith the Chicago Symphony orche~tra \Yecln~sda~- ev~-. ning, ] une 19. fhe occas10n ts the annual commencement concert of the Chicago College oi )\! usic: Harri.et is a pupil of Karl Reckzch. vtce.-prest~~~t of the college. Her outstandmg ahth~y and . talent has won h~r a .place of h~nor 011 the program. Thts wtlt be her t:·tlth appearance with orchestra. IT IS A SPECIAL POINT WITH US NOT TO USE ANY CANNED SOUPS, VEGETABLES, ETC. MILLEN HARDWARE CO. 1219 Wilmette Ave. Phone 3060

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