6 WILMETTE o~oc:====~o~oc:====~o~o~ LIFE ] une 21 , 1929 ~o~o a D MITcHELL's HAT SHoP . ! Importer _. Designer Burglars Bore Way Into Blann's Drug Store, [(enilworth Burglars again visited the Ralph Blann Pharmacy, 52~ Kenilworth avenue, Kenilworth, early Tuesday mortltng, carrying away merchandise e timated in value at $400 or over. Mr. Blann's stock of cigars and cigarets was completely cleaned out, he reports, and quantities of fountain pens, kodaks, high grade perfumes and morphine tab lets were among otber articles which attracted the intruders. It "·as only nine weeks ago that ~d r. Blann lost between $500 and $600 worth of merchandise in a similar manner. The burglars on the first visit gained an entrance by forcing a window, and on their departure went out the re:.tr door, which they locked, taking the key with them. Early Tuesday morning, presumably during the storm, they returned, but found the windows barred and the door securelv fastened on the inside h\' both a metai 'bolt and a two bv four timber across it and secured at either side. That the "job" Tuesday morning was executed hy those who had knowledge of the manner in which the door was locked, is evidenced by the fact that the burglars came armed with a brace and a one-inch bit, with which thev drilled twenty-eight holes in the doo~, enoug-h at either side to permit an opening through which they were able to remoye the timber and bolt. This i. the third seriou~ los \Yhich ).fr: Diann has sustained since opening his . torr on December 23 last Year. In addition to the t\YO burglarie. he lost con . iderable stock stored in the ha:-;ement during .floods ahout Easter time. RAVINIA OPERA SEASON OPENS THIS SATURDAY (Continued from page 3) Vito, harpist. Mr. Gordon is to plav Mendelssohn's concerto for violin while Mr. Vito will be heard in Dubois' "Fantasie" for harp and orchestra. There is no charge for reserved seats at either the Sunday afternoon or the Monday night concerts, the general admission the gate covering e~erything. · o at Anniversary Performance D o Quick Clearance· SUMMER HATS Felts 0~ $5.00 Notably Low in Price $7·50 $1 Q· 00 Straws 0 A n import ant dose-out of su.mmer hats of every kind ! Newest sh apes. m ate ri als and colors. All the season ·s f avorite modes. The reasonabl e p rices mea n qu ick clea rance- come ea rl y! ).J r:'. Frank C. \"in cent with her daug~te-r. Betty. arriYed this week from · Sacramentll. Cal.. to ~pend the :-.ummcr OD \\·ith ht·r parent~. Dr. and ).J rs. ).{ ilbn 1~. narkcr. 730 Central an.'nue. -o).f r. and .\f r .~. \,.alter \ Y. Baldwin of 101:) \\"ilmtttc an.·nue will motnr on Tuc:-.da~· to Hockiord, Ill.. to attend the Statt Pharmaceutical cOIJn·ntinn. Tht\· will rt·turn the latter part oi the \\·eek. HAT SHOP 0 Davis Street 01:10 . University 60~7 0 · road, Kenil\\·orth, returned the latter part of la~t (li D tlw..\li:-s Emelie Dt~rkun. daughter c.i Howard Durham='. 431 Ahbottsford \\ · i~con~in. OJ:IOc:===::zo~o week from the Vnirersity 01:10 ·BLANKETS and COMJi'ORTERS MEN'S 3-Piece .25 Our safe method of cleaning keeps the color. avoids shrinkage and enli vens the hungry fibre . SUITS C!eaned & Pressed SEND YOUR BLANKETS AND COMFORTERS TO US After cleaning we will store and return to you sweet. ~resh , bright a nd clean . W e Will Call For and D eliver Free Storage Service to All Our Regular Custom ers GREENLEAF 405 WOMEN'S COATS SUITS or DRESSES C!eaned & Pressed .75 Wilmette Phone Wilmette 352 Of/ice: 1738 Sherman Avenue Plant: 821-823 Emerson Street Chicago Phone Briargate 8402 This year the performance of Tuesday night, June 25, takes on special importance for this event will mark Ravinia's anniversary and in celebration of it Charpentier's "Louise" has been scheduled. Mme. Gall will have the name part and Edward Johnson will make his debut of the current season as Julien. It \\'as in this famous Frcnc h \YOrk that Mme. Gall was fir. t heflrd at Ravinia two seasons ago. and at that time ~f r. Johnson scored a tremendous success ·as the young artist. Julia Clamsen wi ll be heard as the mother and Leon Rothier will have the importa11t part of the father. Others in the cast arc Jose ~{ojica. Gladys Swarthout. ~1 argery Maxwell. Philine Falco. and LC~ui"' D'Angelo. Ruth Page anrl ballet \Yill add to the color of the performance . Louis Hasselmans v;ill conduct. "Fra Diavolo" is to he given on \\. eclnesday night. June 26. This will hv good news for everybody regardless c,i his particular operatic taste, for rhi:' highly amusing opera comiaue is a nni \'Crsal favorite. Ko musical comcch· c,f recent years is half as tuneful a..; thi~. it is said, and nnne · is more amusinc· in its situations. It is hascd on a dclig-h tfullo\·e story and it ends happily. ~ri~:-; Florence ~f acheth, soprano. i to hl' heard as Zerlina, the heroine nf th i . merrv tale while ~fario Chamlee will ha,·e ·the title role as the clashin!:! rc ·h ber chieftain. Jose ~r ojica " ·ill h e tht· 10\·er and\ irgilio Lazzari ancl Ci11rda n" Paltrinieri ""ill appear as th · cc,mic l·Cindits. ).f mc. Bourskava and \.ittnrio Tn·,·isan haYe hilario~s roles ancl Lc,ui" D'Angelo will he the stern frttlwr . Gennaro Papi " ·ill conduct. Children's Concert Thursday Thur . clay afternoon, June 27. the fir~ t nf the cl1ilclrcn's concerts will he gi\·t n b~· the hicago Symphotw orchc:-tra under the direction of ~f r. De Lamartcr. \Yho. as tL ual. \Yill giye the children an explanatorv lecture on the numbers pl;t .\ ..:d. The concert will be foliO\\Tcl by a cliYerting entertainment. Children tweh·e years of age and under are admitted free to these concert:'. Eesern·d scats arc f rcc for cn·n·onc. "Samson and Delilah" hy Sai;lt.Satth will he pre:'ented on Thursday night. June 2,7. \Yith Mme. Ju lia Claus. en a. Delilah and Giovanni ~fartine l li as Sam~on. ).f r. Danise will he importantly cast in this \\·ork as will Leon Rothicr, Louis D'Angelo and Gorclano Paltrinieri. There is channing ballet headed hy Ruth Page. Louis Hasselman. will conduct. This is one of the most inspiring of a ll French operas, it is said. containing a \\·ealth of heautfu l music which includes se\'eral ari as that are. wide ly known eycn among those whc) are not patrons of opera. It ha . ht· ld finn po..;ition in the Ravinia repertoire ever !-Iince Giovanna ).fartinclli \Yas fir. t !ward there as Samson. for thi'> role gives Mr. Martinelli manifold opportunit ies to disp la v h is rich dr amatic \·oice to f ull ach·an t a.ge. Tile hea utv of Mme. Clausse n 's voice is aclmirah lv adapted to the role of the t cmptre;s De lilah, and both :Mr. Da nise and ~ [ r. Rothicr have outstanding par ts. "L' Amore dei Tre Re" Friday Friday nigh t , J une 28, wi ll bring "L' Amore dei T r e RP' to performance. T his sublime lyric tragedy by Montem ezzi has lo ng enjoyed such vog ue a t