Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Jun 1929, p. 7

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June 21, 1929 Ravinia that it must b~ rat~d among the prime favorites of the re·p ertoire. . It is an unusual opera, built on such vast proportions as to be almost overwhelming, and at Ravinia there is a quartet of principals able to measure up to every demand made by this work, thus giving it a perfection seldom realized. Mme. Lucrezia Bori will be heard as Fiora, this being a role in which thi artist has won world acclaim on many occasions. She demonstrates that declamatory singing can be made the very essence of music and she reveals herself as an actres . of great versati lit y. Edward Johnson will he heard as A vito, a role in which his work is outstanding by reason of the fact that he not only emphasizes the vocal beauties of this part, but likewise makes it a gem of histrionism Giuseppe Danise appears as ~fanfredo, the \Honged husband, prO\·ing the effectiveness of the art of bel canto when applied to ultra-modern music. As Archibalclo. the blind king, Virgilio Lazzari creates a character study which has given him \\·oriel fame. Kat only is his bas. o-profundo voice utilized with telling effect, but the characterization itself is so carefully \\·orkcd out as to he a triumph of dra-matic art. ~lr. ~fojica and ~!iss Falco will complete the cast and ~lr. Papi \\·ill conduct. WILMETTE for that dram a tic singing w hi.c h has given her world fame. Oppostte her, LIFE I.·IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!I · as Radames, willdemonstrated be Giovanni on many ' and he too. has occa~= ,ns that he can rise to every demand the composer has made upon the artist who would sing this mo t trying Vol. I qf dramatic tenor roles. Mario Uasiota· ·11 h ave t 1 Published \\'1 1e power f u 1 ro1 e 0 f A monasro, while Mme. Ina Bour,skaya will he Amneris, a part she has long made outstanding among the great characterizations of opera. Leon Rothier will be heard as th e high priest, Ramfis. an4 Louis D'Angelo wili appear as the king. Giordano Paltrinieri is cast as the mes. "11 o duct senger. G ennaro P apt wt c n . Mrs. Robert J. Bennett of Lincoln, Kcb., wilt arrive this week to make an extended visit with her parents-in-law, the Robert J. Bennetts of 1033 Ashland avenue. Mr. Bennett '~·ill come in July to make a short stay with hi s parents. ~artinelli, "CAR . ·L'S" RIDGE NEWS , ,J une 21, 1929 in rhe inrertar = 55 No. 22 = of Wilmette people and the Shop on the Rid.re a Hoffman Bros. display of lawn and garden tools certainly is complete. Everything f r 0 m ~pad e s to sprinklers. Mr~. Justwed-And h:u; this kitchen cabinet all the latest accessories in it? f?a lesmahn- It Wchertam 1Y as. y, there is even a compartment in it for indigestion tablets. Ridge Road vicinity bfJ the RIDGE AVE. PHARMACY CARL c. Editor. RENNECKAR, is noWe s u feel b s t i t thuet re e for Chapell's Ice Cream. We have it in bulk or brick and de 1 1 v e r promptly. E5 that the crop new graduates has been han·ested the sad part of the story bt.:>g-i nR. Some one will ha Ye to go to work. of X ow = Wealthy Man-1 had . == three specialists, and Shop on the Ridge Shop on the Ridge see our window display of ~ummet· \'acation needl'-it may N,ntain somE'thing Y(lll net'd. Little Emily had heen to school for the ftr~t time. .'"\\' t-11. darling-, atHl what dirl you learn'~" :1sk d her mother, on Emily·~ return. "~uffin'," Rig h e rl Em i 1 y, hnpeles~ly. 'T\·e got to go back f<J!llOJ'rOW." e v e r Yo n e of tbem 55 found something di_f- ferent wrong with me. His Partner-Didn't they agree on anything? Wealthy Man- Yes, each charged me $25. = == = == E§ Shop on the Ridge Another thing that vou should take on vour Yacation is one of our first aid kits. Any auto or camping outing will be safer if you h~ ve one along. F i rs t Partner \Vhat, ano.t her argunwnt with your wife? What's the trouble this time? Second partnerTh e same old thing; she's right and I don't agree with her. Shop on the Ridge Fire~ causing a total loss of $478,000,000 occurred in the Uniterl States last year. Although these figures are appalling. the loss was $82,000,000 1 e s s than in 1926. -oMr. and 1[rs. Walter Mead of \Vi sconsin Rapids, have rented th e A. J. Gram home at 519 Elder lane, \Vinnetka for th e summ er. Mrs. Mead is the daughter of Mr. and :\hs. Howard Durham of Kenilworth. -0- ~[r. and ~fr s. Chester H. Lawrence -.':\ida" will bring Ravinia's first week and their three children, 726 Greenleaf aYenue. left hY mot or on Thursday 0f to a climatic close on Saturday night, last week for Colorado, wher\~ they will June 29. This beloved Verdi \York is so ~pen d four weeks in touring and ca'H£_unin·r. al in its appeal that it always mg. arouse s the enthusia"m of all who hear it. Its stirring arias, its crashing ensembles. the heart interest of its storyVacation Is corning all scn·e to make this tale of ancient DO YOU NEED MONEY? F .~~· pt a ,.i\·id and lidng reality. ~fme. flO to f300-Legal Rates Fli:-.aht:th Hethhcrg ""ill make her first FRA:XJ{ FINANCE CORPORATION appearance of the new season in the Suite 1901, 33 N; LaSalle St., Chicago State 9335·36·37 name part of thi opera, a role \\'hich proride . her \rith eYery opportunity ,.Aida" to Close Week RIDGE A VENUE PHARMACY 7 --·LOANs--· '------------------------------------------~--- FUR STORAGE When You Place Your Trust m a Furrier and Storage concern which has been doing business in Evanston since 1908 you can completely wipe out all risk! HAVE YOUR FURS Cleaned,· Repaired or Remodeled Get Our Estimates Only a Furrier can clean, store .,an d repait Furs safely, satisf~ctorily and scientifically. · IMPORTANT ADVANTAGES About Our Vault Our Vault storage system is acknowledged by known authorities as the most scientific, highly perfected and reliabl~ on the North Shore. We insure your furs aga1nst all losses. We have been established in business in Evans ton since r 9 o 8 NOW/ OUR own experience tells you that coal · prices invariably rise in the winter-so follow your judgment and order coal now. That's the way to make your bins bring in revenue! Prompt action will pay! . Y H. A. Ropinski, FURRIER Manufacturer ~ · Retailer HOFFMANN BROTHERS 1208 Central Ave. Phones: Wilmette 131 and 190 9Hi CHICAGO AVENUE UNIVERSITY 3722

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