8 WILMETTE LIFE June 21. 1929 Graduating Class at Mallinckrodt High School Mrs. Ida 11. Gillson Dies; Resident of Wilmette 26 Years Mrs. Ida B. Gillson, 75, of 706 Forest avenue, Wilmette, a resident of Chicago and the north shore subu rb s since 1879, died Saturday at her home. During her residence in W .ilmette, beginning in 1903, Mrs. Gillson had been connected with the Wilmette Woman's club, and prior to that time was a member of the Evanston Woman's club. She had been an active member of the First Baptist church, Evanston, since 1881. For many years Mrs. Gillson was identified with the Mothers Congre ss movement, serving in official capacities in both the national and state chapters. She was a member of the Fort Dearborn chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution. Surviving her are: her husband. Louis K. Gillson; a son, Joseph L. Gillson,,a ssocate professor of geology at'thl ~[a s sachusetts Institute of Technology; a . daughter, Mrs. Frank I. Cor do. of Deerfield; a daughter-in-law, Mrs. Charles B. Gillson, of Evanston; seven grandchildren, thre e brothers and one sister. Funeral services were held from the Gillson home, 706 Forest avenue, \Yil mette, Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. with the Rev. ] ames M. Stifler, pa stor· of the First Baptist church, Evanston, officiating. Dr. Stifler al o will con duct the memorial service to be held in Mrs. Gillson's honor at the church this Sunday afternoon, June 23, at 3 o'clock. ~urial took place at Ros,.ehitl. 4. FALLS FROM FIRE ESCAPE In p laying on the fire escape of the HONOR GRADS AT PRINCETON Among the honor graduates in the class of 1929 at Princeton univer si ty Logan school. early Tuesday evcni11~~· Robert M.· cMorran, son of Joe Mac Morran. of the Indian Hill club, icll. are John Fraser Roos of \Vinnctka and and suffered internal injuries and a David Burnham of Kenih\·orth. broken ann . He was taken to th e Evan to n lh)spital. C. Osgood, so n of the Roy C. Osg-oods of Kenilworth, graduates tomorJame s Alder, son of Mr. and Mrs. row from Exeter. ~Lr. and :M rs. OsJames \V. Alder. 931 Greenwood avesood have gone east to attend the gradnue, will return on Sunday from the uation of their other son, Gilbert, from Choate sc hool, \ Va llingford, Conn., for Princet on. th e summer vacation. ---------------- Edith Ray Young Will Give Class Recital ~fi ss Edith Ray Young is presenting the following pupils in a class piano recital next Monda,· afternoon at the home of Mrs ~{. H.- Friend. 806 Linden avenue: David Allison, Kancv Claar, E\·eln1 Jacohsen. ~litton Frie;1d, Paton Ha!-11mcrs, Sarah Curl~y. Mary L ou Geissc. Jane Babcock! Genevieve Birlauf, Rose Tosca ni, ~1argaret ::\lary Kreusch, ' Bessie Bouchikas. Thelma \Yeek s, Yiola \\'eek s, Alfn·cla \\'ee.k s. Caroline Throop, Barbara Hun stman. Josephine ~1 Gll. James Stangohr. Junior Stangohr. Loui se ~f en:r. Vio la Esch, Doris ~d1t1ahcl, at~d Iri s Pcet. Tn addition to the members of the class. the following private pupils will appear on the program: Betty Ruth Friend, Allan Stahl, Patricia Fisher, and Ruth \ \" ebster. .. Mrs. Eleanor Egleston Dies in Eightieth Year Funeral services were held at Aurora on \Vednesday for :M rs. Eleanor Egle:-. ton, who for the last thirty ,-ears had lived with her sister, ~Irs-. i~d\\· in l!. Colegrove at 1227 Ashland avenue. \Yil mette. Mrs. Egleston, \d10 \ras in her eightieth year, recently went to ~lichi gan to visit relatives and wa s taken iH there three '"·eeks ago. She died Tue sday of this week. ~Irs. Colegrove accompanied th e ITmains to Aurora, :\frs. Engleston' ::. fo rmer home, \\'here burial took pla ce. Besides her sister, Mrs. Engleston i:-; surv ived by a nephew, Curtis Cole grove, a nd a niece, Mrs. R. K . .!\eukranz. hath of \Nilmette, and scyeral nieces a nd nephews in oth er cities. JEWELRY of .CHARACTER We specialize in design ing and the making of platinum a n d. go 1 d jewelry. We art diamond setters, watch, clock and jewelry rtpairtrs, and dealers in purls, dia monds and other precious stones. We also future stationery engraving for our fashionable p1trons. I $10 ~Ii ss ~Iarinn Trieber , of Ba ll antine, ::\f o nt. wa s a week-end guest of Miss Anne L. \\"h it mack. ~1 is s Tricber is spending this summer in Chicago studying art. PERMANENT WAVE Your hair is · protected and reconditioned by the Gabrieleen Process. Our FACIALS- MANICURES are sure t.o please you. Complete clearance of spring and summer wearing apparel- colorful ensembles, smart sport outfits, attractive afternoon frocks and ~ ev~ning gowns are offered at surprisingly low pnces. MR. 11 PAGLIARULO'S yurs experience in the shops of Spaulding ~ Co. is your guarantee. 17 Yean in the Same Location Jeweler and Optician 1166 Wilmette Ave. Phone Wilmtttt 1 o61 f · ·. · '· t Jeanette K. Marks 332 Washington A venue 1167 Wilmette Ave. ·.t,". ·.~·. Wilmette 1984 f f ·; ,· · r :, :~· ·:~· Phone Wilmette 4598