10 WILMETTE LIFE Jun e 21, 1929 ·, press of Scotland for a summe r's trip abroad. She will be accompa n ied by M iss Emi ly Holt, forme r ly of \ Vilmette ~{iss Ruth W en d ell, w ho has b ee n in W h en s he comes back fr om Europe P hoenix, Ariz., since February, re- Miss Wen dell wi ll visit in Wi lmette t u rned to \~1 ilmette recently, and is fo r ten days an d r eturn by motor t o staying at the home of her sister, :Mrs. Phoenix, where her family have a ci t Evald 0 . Ander on, 1729 Forest a\·e -{ rus ranch. nue, who 1s at present at the Bi llings hospital undergoing treatment for ul~1rs. Sarah Rathbone, 533 Abbottscers. :Miss Wend.e ll wi ll leave ahout. ford rpad, Keni lworth will .entertain at first of July for Q uebec, where a luncheon and bridge party next Mon" ·ill . ail July 9, on the S. S. Em- day. Ruth Wendell, Formerly WIN MANY RIBBONS of Wilmette, Guest Here Young Pianist Members of North Shore Garden Clubs Take Pllizes in Lake Forest Flower Show By P. H. The Lake For est Flovv·er show is an anually looked for e ent and each year the various exhibits ~re most unique and different. This year was no exception and the classes for exhibitor were unusually interesting. The first class was for the arrangement by children and was in t\\'O sections. Section one included arrange ments of flowers bv children 10 Year. of age or under and there were a hrge number of entries . 'I'he first placl' (blue r ibbon) was won by Lydia and Marv Lew Pope; second. (red ribbon ) by , He len Dick, and third (yellow rib bon) by Sally Robbins. In section tw o the contestant presented a child's supper table providing the table and settings by children 11 to 15 inclusin:. This '"as won by :Marie Louise Hut ~ burd. The second class in the Flower sho,,· was for flower arrang-ement. con . is tim~ of four sections. The first section " ·a..; for a modernistic arrangement and brought forth most unusual flower com binations. For many, these moderni stic arrangements seem rather harsh and unpleasant li ke some of the modrr n harmonics in music. and to others tl1r,· are pleasing a nd interesting. Thl· comments made by onlookers were quite varied. The first place wn s won hv ).fiss Virginia Miller, with an odd b"tack Yase consisting of a series oF small black vases each o ne hol(ling a single gardenia. The second. \ras w on bv ~[rs. \Vatter Bre\\'S ter, with a low b~\\·l efft>ct. bronze-like lilies prccl omi!iating. ~'frs. Phi lip Armour took third place. The second section presented Yi ctorian arrangement. ).f rs. Lauren ce Scudder took the coveted first honor ;:; \Yith a lovely arrangement of "old iashioned" flo~,·ers to ~\'hich little deep purple violas gave· the accent. ~1r :-;. \\'alter Launder, of Keni lworth took the second ribbon with a · formal ar rangement of quaint garden flow er..; and this, too, was yery beautiful. Tl11· third place \\·as won hy ).1rs. J ohn The Von c//mmon Shop Interior Furnishings Decorative Accessories .r.r.r.r.r t P ~··· 944 -948 Spanish Court Telephone Wilmette 4114 lb P \\, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'ld) ~ rlJ ')' ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ l>ui~i~~~.~llicago., ~he played I arantelk.' '. piano pupil of ~f iss Katherine Heagetin, appeared recently in an honor recital held by the Columbia School of ! ~f~ at Curtiss hall in the fine Arts young pianist 1!ary Janet Lersch eight year old ...,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~ . 1 2 2 ~ ~ DOes Your Property Meed Any ·Repairs! Fireplaces a Specialty Porches and Walks, Plaster Repairs Stone and Bd-:k Chimneys All grades of Stone, Brick and Cement Work ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ SCHREIBER'S SHOE SHQP Quality Footwear and High-Grade Shoe Rebuilding Shop on "The Ridge" and Save the Difference. ~ ~ 80 I RIDGE ROAD Wilmette, Ill. Phone Wilme rre 3 1 78 Open every evening ~ llllll llllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllll l'llil l lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~ I ~ I. SHORTRIDGE 419 Richmond Road, Kenilworth Ph. Kenil. 2735 i ~ : Summer Tutoring fo r grade school children - T.ee. - i..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,J Js THERE AN OCTOPUS? IN YOUR CELLAR. Why clutter your basement with great, sprawling pipes? American Radiator Heating Equipment is trim, colorful, The third section brought forth ·a _ ,·ery large group of competitor:=>. T.hi s section was for flO \\·ers in contra stlll g arrangement and \\·as divided into two 6 1 5 Li nden Ave. W ilmette 2094 = parts: tl1c fir t sho,,·it1g flo\\~e rs arranged to give the be t possib le effect, _ and. econd arra n ged as unsuitably as Individual Help possible. The Ravinia Garden club 3 years' experience _ took the blue ribbon in this ection. Mrs. Harry Clow, the red ribbon, and 6 week term $15.00 ~fr .. Philip Armour, .the yellow. In ::inn"""'""""'""'"""""'u'u""'u""'u"""'"""""""""""u"'u""" rr this group eac h contestant had two BETTY L. BROWN :==== a Mower This Summer :'.1 11 PPing· ynur. hrll\\' nftN strt'ntiou~iy pushing n. lawn mower a r ound on a h'·t (Ia~· 1:-; Ill! way to sp1·ncl your Jv,urs at home. Save yourself h:HRh " ·,,rds ancl energy, with mot·t· time to spend on the links or on t h e ht·~H·Il hy allowing ou 1 pr(lfes~iona l lawn cutter s to c ut y our lawn reg ularly <luring thtc enlire season. clean and takes little space ··· We'd like to tell you how cheaply it can be in- -=--- stalled and how conveniently you can pay for it. We'll make a good allowance on the old furnace. We guarantee all work. - WILLIAM l). LUCKE 514 Railroad i\venue, Wilmette Tel. Wilmette 2020-2021 2 L. I. THALMANN ARCHITECTURAL LANDSCAPING Lawn Rejuvenating- Tree Surgery-Maintenance-Gardening 3 I I LAKE AVE. WILMETTE PHONE WILMETTE 56 1