Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Jun 1929, p. 12

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12 WILMETTE LIFE June 21, 1929 · Legion Auxiliary (Contributed) In the absence of Mrs. E. W. Richmond, Mrs. D. C. Leach represents the Auxiliary in arranging for the bimonthly party which the Legi?n Post ~o. 46 and the Auxiliary will gtve next ~1onday night, June 24, at Gre~t Lakes. Her committee consists of Mrs. Arthur Johnson, .Mrs. J. C. Anderson, Mrs. 0. G. Dailv, Mrs. Russel Johnson, and ~~ rs. S. v·an Inwagen. Members and friends are asked to cooperate in providing transpor.tation as they have done in the past. The rehabilitation committee of the Legion Auxiliary is asking for men's clothing, checker boards, playing cards, and late magazines to place on the service shelf. Popular Mechanics and Scienti fie American, are very desirable. Anyone wishing to make donations may ha,·e the articles called for by notifying Mrs. Randolph McCandlish (\\"il. 4320). The next visit to the ward will be made Tuesday afternoon, ) une Mrs. Leslie Gates Retires as Head of Arden Board The Wilmette board of the Arden Shore association concluded its working year Thursday of last week with a meeting at the home of Mrs. D. L. Taylor, 849 Michigan avenue. Mrs. Leslie F. Gates, who has been chairman of the board for six years, has retired, with Mrs. Leslie E. Miller succeeding her as head of the group. For many years Mrs. Gates has been one of the most interested workers Ard.en Shore has had, and has been one of the association's most active memhers from the early da.ys of Arden Shore. It was at Mrs. Gates' instigation that the sewing was organized. She has made a most able chairman and her committee has been grateful for her leadership. During the meeting Thursday a resume of the sewing accomplished by the board was given. It was reported that 342 garments had been made. these including baby wrappers, nightgowns, bloomers, . dresses, aprc)lns and baby squares. Serving with Mrs. ~{iller as officers of the Wilmette Arden Shore board are: Mrs. D. L. Taxlor, secretary_: Mrs. Frank L. Tolman, treasurer: Mrs. Lea J. Orr, Economy Shop chairman: Mrs. Edward R. Heinsimer. industrial chairman: Mrs. Rohert Stod.dard. puhlicitv chairmen: "Mrs. S. D. ~f cPherron. work chairman. ROMAN STRIPES I OMAN STRIPES are just one of the almost countless patterns and combinations of color in which you may select Half Sox and Socklin~s. ocklings, you know, are the new thing in children's hosiery. They come just above the top of the oxford-to be worn alone, or as oversox. lm-: ported and domestic. Sizes 50 to 10, per pair: R 25. Store houn ~ 8 to 6 Gamma Phi Beta Sororitv Has Annual June Banquet The annual banquet of Gamma Phi neta sorori tv ·w as held ·Friday evening, June 14, at -the Chapter house in Evanston. One hundred tvm members answered to ro 11 call. Miss Li11ian \Vood\\·orth, president of the. Chicago alumnae, introduced Miss Jessie Vawter, toastmistress. The guests of honor included Mrs. Elisabeth Davidson Barber, g rand president; Miss Lillian Thompson, national pan-hellenic delegate; Miss L. ~lice Kamerer, national treasurer; Miss Alice Dibble, executive secretary; and Miss Gladvs Borland, Miss Minnie Patterson, and ~1 rs. Caroline Clifford Burhank. ~f rs. Eli:;abcth \Vell s Hardy was the very able chairman of the committee which was responsible for the success of the banquet. P<DL & PIPER . ·INC· CHILDREN'S SHOE SPECIALISTS Mrs. Frederick Crossley . Entertains House Guests Mrs. Frederick B. Crossley, 600 \Vashington avenue, has been entertainingseveral house guests during last week. Miss Elsa Blair of Kalamazoo, ~fich., anl Mrs. Crossley's t\\'O sisters, Mrs. Charles Comstock of Elgin, Ill., and Miss Ruth Jenkins :arne to attend the graduation of Miss ~fartha Crossley from Northwestern university. Mrs. Crosslev is eti'tertaining at a luncheon and sh-ower this afternoon for 11iss Ethel Lois \Vray of Glencoe. who is. to he married on June 29, to tan ley D. Grace. 16o8 CHICAGO AVENUE + EVANSTON Vanilla Fruit Orders taken for fancy Ice Cream Moulds Lemon Cuatard Snider.Cazel Drug Co. Wilmette SUMMERING IN EAST ).f r. and Mrs'. H. K. Snider have departed from their home in Deerfield for a summer in the East. After a visit in Rye, N. Y. they have established tl1emselves. in East Dennis, Cape Cod, ~f ass. for the remainder of the sea on. Open Service Station on Central Street, Evanston Frank Johnson and hi~ son, Clink, of \Vilmette, have opened a new superservice stat ion at 3105 Central street, Evanston. The station is located at the corner of Central and Lawndale. Gasoline. oils, tires, batteries, and various other accessories are being handled at the station. The ] ohnson firm is aL o specializin g in auto '"ashing ·and repairing and motor cleaning. MID·SUMMEB DISCOUNT SALE! 1 o to SO% Discount on All Floor Cove·ings WINS HONORS AT N. U. Elizabeth Charlotte Buethc, - daughter of Mr. and Urs. \V. C. Buethe. 1351 Greenwood a ,·enue, graduated this week from the Korthwestern uniYersitv law school. Elected to the Order o.f the Coif. she is the on1.v woman among six of her class chosen this Year, and the third "·oman, elected to this ancient honor socie tv of the legal pre fession si nc e the organization of it s chapter .at Xorthwestern uniyersity. ~fis _, ~ This includes all O~iental and Domestic Rugs. Carpets. Linoleu~s. Rubber Tile, Summer Rugs. e~c. The Best Buying Opportunity of the Season! Miss Eleanor Campbell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Campbe11, 631 Central avenue returned home this week from ·M exico CitY, ,,·he re she has been studying Spanish at the University of Mexico all winter. On her way home she stopped to yisit friends in Texas and Oklahoma. _:_0- Et!tlmatlng, Layln~, l"uttlu~t. DAVID G.· BARBY r,stabliSIIefl in 1!120 Cl<'aning and l'ltwlng Stnlr Pad11 nnd Linings 806-810 GROVE ST., Evanston, Private Parking Space Pbonea: Univeraity 5712 and Greenleaf 2300 Largest Exclusive Carpet, Rug and Linoleum Store North of the Loop Repairing R. ug~ and Carpl'ts Mrs. Walter \V. Baldwin, 1015 Wilmette avenue. entertained her aunt, Mrs. James Hume of Champaign, Ill., as her house guest for several days last week.

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