Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Jun 1929, p. 21

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1929 WILMETTE ris, Highland Park, Ill., Einar Hermansen, Chicago and Sam Bloomberg, Chicago, track; \Vally Colbath, Chicago, Paul Collopy, Milwaukee, Omar Miller, London Mills, Ill., and Bob Waite, Austin, Texas, swimming; Ralph Lupton, Toledo, Iowa; Bruce Adams, Chicago: La\Hence Crump, Oxford, Ind., Bill Putnam, Evanston and Ted Hadley, Chicago, wre s tlin~. Hal Glei chmann. Rockford, Ill., and Harold ' Schu ltz, Chicago, basketball; AI Izard, Chicago. Le s Hiedcman, Kewanee. Ill.. Al \Veil, Chicago, John Rornhocft Chicago, Bill Carey, Winnetka, and Rus el Smith, \\'innctka, ha sc ball. Doug ).fcKay, Chicago. John \ Vhitak er, Glencoe. and Conm· Savikus. Chi cago, golf; Ed\\'in 1vfarti.n. Piqua. Ohio. AI Perrin. Saginaw, Mich .. and Art Roon ey E,·anston, tennis; H enrY Zettleman· and Irving Rubin. Chicago, fencing. LIFE 5~'% 21 36 Letter Men at N Qrthwestern Are Lost by Graduation Thirty-six '-athletes v;ho \\'011 letters in one or more varsity sports wind up their collegiate careers a· t Northwestern this spring. _ Eight of the seniors were members of the football squad while track, baseball, and wrestling had six · each. Five members of the graduating cla ss won letters in two spo rt . They were: Bert Fox. football and track ; Harrv Kent, football and wrestling; Arnot(! Kar ste n. football and track; J mtin Dart, football and track; John Hazen, football (\nd wrestling. Out of the thirt\'-six lettermen five won conference championships in their particular . port. \Valh· Colbath. nati onal intercollegiate drving champion. \\·as a member of the Olympic team. Other Big Ten champions were Ralph Lupton. wre ~ tling: Henrv Zettleman. fencing: Justin Dart. hainmer throw. \Y alt Holmer. captain of the football team was unanimous choice for all -conference fullback last fall. The list of seniors follo\\'s : \Yalt H o1mcr. ).f oline, Ill.. ionthall: Rert Fnx. E\·an ston, Til.. fnothall and track; Harn· Kent. Prrrv Okla .. foot hall and \\T~stling: Ju sti;1 Dart. Bin sdale. Tll., fo otball and track: Tom Yerdc·ll. Chicago, f ootha ll: Joe Spadea. Brockton. -:\f as s. , football: Arnold Karstens. ~t. Joe. ).1ich .. football and !rack: J nhn H azcn, football and \\Testllllg. lohn Cor!}\·, E\'an~ton. G e ~for MILAN LUSK Tel. Wilmette 2087 VIOLIN INSTRUCTION MONEY Have funds to loan on choice lm· proved North Shore Suburban residence property at' 51h% Interest. See us on renewals. E. G. Pauling & Co. 10 S. LaSaJle St. Suite 718 Telephone Franklin 774t 1 , Rock Gardens Now is the best season of the year for constructing and developing your Rock Garden. W ·e furnish the rock, build pools where desired, plant your job complete for two hundred dollars and up. Let us furnish you estimates at once. Glenwood School for Boys Will Hold Flag Exercises 1· ricnds and supporters of Gknv.-ood \f anua l Trallling school for underpri,·ilegrr\ hny . at Clcn\\'ond ha\·c been rordialh· il1\·itcd to attend the annual Fla~ D~y c:-:ercises tn he held Saturday. June .n at 2:30 o'c lock daylight s;win .£r time on the school campu s. A ieaturc oi the da\· '"ill be the dedication of ~palding I~ al l. a ne\\' d0rmitorv and communi!\· house, recentlv pnito the · school hy ).frs . · Eliza. sentecl beth :\f c J·Jwcc of Lake F~)rest. Oepcnboys irom cities throughout the 1 dent ,tate arc cared for at Glcm,·ood. Franken Bros. Phone Deerfield 241 PLAN A DAY AT FRANKEN'S and see our Peonies noW in bloom .. Bring this list of plants with you and check varieties you wish for Fall planting You will find Franken quality and price worth your while wher-e the finest types of Peonies at reasonable prices are desired~ The following prices are for strong, three year field ~rown clumps, blooming size, from ten to twelve eyes. Where standard size plants, three to five eye divisions are desired, take one-third of these prices . Pink Varieties Eac h Per 5 Red Varieties Each Per 5 Albert Crouue. \ -cry large, Aat. compact homb. Tall \1$1.75 August Villumne. Rose type; dark Yiokt rose: globular L 2.00 Chas. Leveque. Full compact, hall-shaped. salmon-rose L 1.25 Dr. Brettoneau. Pale lilac occasiona lly flecked crimson ... M 1.00 Delicatiuima. Pale lilac-rose; fragrant, strong grower . . ~{ 1.00 Eugenie Verdier. Tall free-blooming; satiny sheen: delicate "\1 1.75 Humei. Compact cherry· pink with silver tips. Fragrant L 1.00 La Tulipe. Semi-rose type; strong grower; free-bloomer .. yf 1.75 L'lndispensible. Very large globe flower: light rose: lat e .. L 1.75 Livingsf:on. Compact rose type, tilac-rose with silver tips . L 2.25 La Rosiere. Semi-rose; several rows of white petals .. . ... M 1.75 Marie Crousse. Globular; uniform pale lilac-rose; strong . M 2.00 Mme. Calot. Very large ros e type: Hydrangea pink .. E 1.00 Mme. Ducel. Light mauve-rose with silverv reflex . . . . . M 1.75 Mme. Boulanger. Rose, bordered silvery, free bloomer L 1.75 Mme. Forel. Very large violet-rose, silver tipped center L 1.50 M~e. Geissler. Globular imbricated rose type, silver tipped M 2.00 ~ons. Jules Elie. Very larg-e high crown: p:jle lilac - ro~· e E 2.25 Rheine Hortense. Flat. compact roc;e type; Hvdrangea pink M 2.00 Triomphe de Lille. Pale H ydra ngea pink: violet shaped M 1.75 Souvenir de Universelle. Violet-rose; silvery reflexed M 1.75 Apolebloscom. Blush vellnw i11 centr;~l fi lamental petals . . 4.50 20.00 Daintv. Singlt> row of pale pink petals ·with vellow stamens 6.00 25.00 Delight. ~ingle row of American Beauty re<! petals, rente; cr~'amy 5.00 21.25 Flashlight. Light rose, center petals amber yetlow: shaded pink 6.00 25.00 M'" id..n's Blu 8 h. Rose-oink petal s wit!1 golde·1 ce,ter . . . .. 6.00 25.00 Mikado. Dark crimso 11 with filamental octals. crimson edged .f.OO 1750 Niah.iki ~oshotone. . Blush pink, semi-double striped darker nink .. ...... 5 00 21.00 Y eliot£) Varieties Some Ganoke. Rosy -crimson petals, center golden lined. .... 6.00 25.00 Solfatare. Large, milk-white: guards sulphur M 1.25 5.00 Tatsu Gashiro. Single row of rosy petals, center rose, tipped gold ........ 6.00 25.00 Takaradama. Single row of pure white petals, center golden 10.00 45.00 White Varieties Each Per .S Canari. \Vhite tinted pale pink: fra{Yrant. center; amber M 1.00 ' 400 Couronne D'Or. Semi-rose; white ring of yellow stamens L 1.75 7.5fl Duke of Wellington. \Vhite guards, sulphur center, fragrant M 1.00 4.00 Plan a day at Franken's Ducheas de Nemours. Pure white crown. white cottar ... . E 1.00 4.00 Feativa Maxima. Globular rose type; very tall grower .... E 1.25 5.00 Phone First Street West of Track s Marie Lemoine. Pure white; the best late white known . ' .. L 2.25 10.00 Mme. de Verneville. Pure white, center blush to white .. E 1.50 6.25 South to En d 0 f Street Monsieur Dupont. Large rose type, milk-white center ... M 1.00 .f.O'l Queen Victoria. Milk-white guard, tinted flesh ...... .... M 1.00 4.00 $7.50 8.75 5.00 4.00 4.01 7.51 4.00 7.50 7.51 10.00 7.51 8.75 4.00 7.50 '7.59 7.06 8.75 10.00 8.75 7.51) 7.50 Agida. Good hri~ht-red Peonv for ~arden effect ... L$1.25 Augusto De·sert. Cup-shaped flo\\'er: crimson-carmine 25.00 Au<rulllin rJ'Hour. Large mf'dium. comnart: .;ih·erv reflex E 1.75 Berloiz. Poppy-red; erect: e:xcellent for landscape. purposes M 1.'75 Felix Crouue. Globular: hrill't red: fragrant: free bloomer M 2.25 Mme. D'AremherP'. Brilliant rr=mson: one of the finest M 1.25 Mris·onier. Medium sized: J,rilliant nnrole-red ~1 1.25 Offic::inalis Ruhr;o~. Large vlohular: brilliant crimc;;on E 2.50 PrP.~!dent GarfiP.ld. V~'rv attractive d::Jrk rN1; good bloomer M 1.75 PubrA Triumnhans. L{lrfYe. loo<::e, r!lohular. semi-donhle M 1.25 Tenuifolia. Brilliant crimson; single flowers: large as rose E 5.00 $5.00 7.50 7.50 10.00 5.00 5.00 11.25 7.50 5.00 22.50 Japanese Varieties · DEERFIELD, .ILLINOIS DEERFIELD 241

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