Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Jun 1929, p. 32

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32 WI~METTE LIFE June 21. 1929 Social Calendar Points to Brides and Brides-to-Be Evening Garden Club Holds First Spring Exhif?it The £,·ening Garden club of vVilrnctte . tart ed off its seconQ year with its first . pring flow·e r show held in the room!i of the Presbyterian ch~rch, Tuesda\', Tune 12. The affair was the first flow~r · show the club has held, and its participants effected a most ~uccessful disp!ay of flowers. Mrs. Charles D. Ewer, program chairman, secured the se rvices of Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Battey of Glencoe and Mrs. ] ames \Vhite of \Vinnetka, as judges. After the decisions were made, Mr. Battey ga\'e a short talk on some of the points on which the judgments were based. The mass of bloom was surprisingly beautiful and profuse after the disastrou rains of the afternoon. The flowers were presented t o the \V'il · mette League oi \Ynmen \ ·oters for use at its annual luncheon the fotlowing 9ay. Rihhons were awarded as follows: Douhlt> Pt>onit:'~. (a) Ont> flOWt'l'- l'l'<l-F. n . Eag-t'r, hllll· . ribbon: ~lr!'. n. F. llall , rt>d rihhon: light pink- F. H. Eng-t>r, blut· rihhon: l\lr~. ·willi:un J . Kix ~lillt>r, n·d; E. D. Lyon, yt>lln\\·: dark pink- :\Jn;. 1 r. .1. 1f rs. G. Ross Stewart of 1033 GreenDt>rnt:hl, hlut> rihhon: ~II'S. n. F. llall , red: F'. R Eag-t·r, yt>ll!JW: l\fi'K n. F. wood a\·cnue. \Vilmette is the ncw lv lJn\1, white; whitt'- E. 1>. Lyon, two hlut> elected pn.·:-;ident of the Xorth Shor~ rihhon!': l\lr~. II. F. llall, n > d. ~1 usical :.ociety, an organization about (b) Thrt·t· no\\'t·rs-light pink-E. D. The title unaniL~·on, hlut· riiJh~>n: darl.; pinl<-~1r·s . II. .1. to change its name. Dcnwhl. hhH' ; :\In;. D . F . Hall, 1'< '0; mously approved hy the members IS whitt·- I·:. I). Lyt>n, llluv rihhnn: F. I~ "The North Shore .Musicians' club." F.ag-t·r, red; :\Tn·. P . t~. Drt>bt·~. yl'llow. l I I i'i:-. (a) Orw spil-:t·, purplt>- E . n. Lyon, hlu<' rihh~>n: ~~ rs. E . I>. Scht-<idt·nlwlm. rt·d; hlut> tnnts-:\lrs. <'harles \\' . ~lofldV. blut riblH·n, Yt·llow rihhon; pink tont>!' · ~rrs. 11. F. llall. hlut> ribl)IJn; ~Irs . C . \\' . ~~is · Beatrice Older \\·ill he 111arried 1\lt~otly, retl; 11. K lkaeh, rt><l; hroHZt' Monday l' \·ening to Lion! R. :Mn·. C'. E. "'t>lls, two blut> l'ibiJons: t·n white, (>I' near whitt>- ~Tr·!'. c. n . EWl'l', Quayk. so n of ~1r. and 11rs: Fredblut· rihhon: :\lrs. P . F. Hall, rPd. erick R (.>uayle. Jg Crescent place, (b) TIHt·t· ~pik.,-s, )>UI'J)lt>- F . n. Eag-er, \\'ilmette. The \\'edding, \\·hich \Yill he hlut' rihho11: ~Irs. I). F. II all, rt>d . (<') Ht,~l t·xhihit of fht' nanwfl va- a quiet one· . " ·ill takl' place at the home rit:'tit·:-: II. l' . l'ift·r, two hluv ril1lH·ns, uf the bride's parents. ~~ r. and ~~ r:;. reel ribbon. . (d) lkanllt'ss lri:-, ht·st t·xhihit of tiY,· L'lifforcl Older, 102l, 1-:llll\\'Ood aYl'lllll'. namt:·d varivtit·s- 11. :--;, lk:wh. blut> rilJ- at ~ 0'clock. The Hn. Dr. Horace D. b(ln. ~mit:, ui the \\'ilmette ~lt.·thl)cli:-.t Ill Lilliulll l"mlwllatum. church will read the 111arriage service. l . F . llall, hlut· l'ihbtoll. ~ ~I iss Older will he attended ])\· her l\' ('olumhitH', tt·n fi~>Wt·rs, s:llllt· .. ,,!or·. :\l1·s . \\'. (' . f: illt>~, hlut· l'ihhfln, n ·d r ih- ~istt-r. ~liss Fern Elizabl·th Oldl'~. and hon; th·t· or nl·lt'\' ,.,,J,,rs - :\11'!'. (' . ::\. ~~iss Eleanor ] ohnsLm oi Oakland. Jlurlhut. hlut· rihbon: ~Irs . ·\ .. 1. :-;tin~on, Xel>. The gruonislllt.'n \\·ill J,e ~lr. 1\·(1 l'ihhon. (.>uayk\ hruther. Fredl'rick (.>uayle, Y Ol'it>nt :tl Poppit·~ . <'lit· fiiiWt· r ~lr:-: . \ ·. I) _ Ewt ·r. hlut> l'ih- hl'st 111an. and the bride's brother. Clifhon; E. I). L~·nn. rdl; ht:~t tlispl:r~· -:\Ir~. F . ll :tll, hlllt ' rililHIII . 1 ~-H_e_a_d_s_hf_u_s_i_c_G_r_o_u_p~~~~------B-e_tr_o_th_e_d____~ Helen Marie Seng Becomes the Bride · of M arsball Corns A lovely wedding took place last Wednesday morning at St. Francis Xavier church when Miss Helen Marie Seng, daughter of Mr. and ·Mrs. Julius T. Seng wa·s married to Marshall Cresap Corns, son of Mr. and Mrs. Orja G. Corns at 11· o'clock. The marriage service was read by the Rev. . Bernard Bradv, and a wedding breakfast fol· lowed the ceremonv at Club Vista del Lago. The ch11rch -and the altar were massed with peonies. babies' breath, lilies, ferns, and palms. The bride wore an exquisite Vionnet gown of antique satin and lace. The bodice was tight fitting.· and contained a lace panel and lace bolero. The veil of real lace and tulle was' bound close to the head by orange hlos oms. Her flower bouquet \\·as of lilies. Miss Virginia Seng, the bride's sister. as maid of h o nor, wore a Broche pink gown with a wide lace bertha ami ~fonet hair hat of the same shade. The skirt wa cut in sc·allops and reached the floor. The bridesmaids, the .Misses \ \ 'i ni ired Seng, Anges Biehl_ . Florence B\·rnes. ~fan· Louise ~1 cCaskev, and L~Juise Brow1;, wore Broche tulle -gowns with satin bodices and ~lonet hair hats C' r the same shade. The tulle was cut in points which reached the floor. · The\· all carried bouquets of roses and de 1 phi n i u m. ] ames Corns sen·ed his brother a:' best man and the ushers were Joseph Cordell, Thomas Smyth. Oscar Hollenbach. Edwin Dempsey, and St ng Schager. · The bride's traveling dress \Yas of periwinkle broadcloth trimmed in lynx. She \vore an egg shell blouse and a straw hat of the same color. After a motor trip through Canada and the New England states ~ir. and ~~ rs. Corns \\·ill be at home after September 1. at 809 ~oyes street, Evanston. Among the out-of to\\·n gues t s wh.o came for the wedding were Mrs. ~fane R. H ickev of Pasadena, Cal., ~{r. and ~[ rs. Da1; Cresap of Bonaparte, lowa, ~[ rs. K. R. ~leek of Davenport, lo\·:a. ),1 rs. E. Rose Baker of Keokuk, lo"?· ~Irs. George Miller of Philadclphn, ~~ r:-;. Otto Schaeier of R3.1timore, ~nd the HeYerend Father Kelley of ~lohnc, I ) · Photo by ~[r. ~latzt>llt-' Miss Beatrice Older Will Wed Lloyd Quayle June 2 4 and .Mrs. Frank C. Halt ni EYanston. announce the engagement nf their daughll'r. Kathryn. to Thomas R. Singleton. son oi Dr. and ~[rs. D. E. Singleton oi Logansport. fr1d. Xo date has been s~t for tht wedding. Miss Hall is a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority, and was graduated from 1'\orthwestern univer::.itv June 17. .!\[r. Singleton is a member ·,)i Sigma .r\u fraternity, and a graduate of ~ ort h western. Monday Evening Concludes Entertaining for Bride This week and ~f nnday e,·cning oi the \\·eek to come bring tt) an end the entatainment tl.at precedes the wedding of ~1 iss ~lary Lt1uise Sehtidt·nhclm and \\'illiam Edmund Schweitzer on Junt' ~5. :\f on <lay e\·ening, ),I r. and ),f rs. Richard .1. Sclnn·itzn. part.·nts oi tht hridegn)om. entertained thl' members oi the bridal partY at a dinner and a :heater party. taking their guests tn a pcriormance of Oti:-; Skinner in ".-\ If undred Y e3.rs Old.·· Last crening ~1 r. and ~f r:-; ..-\lbcrt K. Scheidcnhelm 1!a\·c a bridge suppn at their 1Jl)l1le in Jo:,·an!>ton and this aftcrtwon ~fiss Isahelk Pope wilt he hostcs:-; at a bridge tea at her ho-mt'. ~10 Lak · ayenue. ~aturday. ]utH. · 22. i:-; the ()Ccasinn oi the dinner dance \1 r. and ~f rs. Ed\Yarcl L. Scheiclenhelm ,lllcl ~lr. and ~frs. :\tired H. Taylor arc giYing at Sko~(ic C(;un~ry cluh. and ~I onclay even ing the l~nde. s parents. ~f r. 1nd ~f rs. Frank ]. ~cheHlrnhelm 0f 80-l Forest a,·enuc, \\·ill he h,0st and hostess at the bridal dinner at .t lle Eclgewatt.;r Beach hotel. Prior to thi s \\'Cek other affairs giYcn in :Miss Schcidcnhclm's honor haYe inclucled a hri'dgc tea at the Georgian hotel at which ~frs. Earl Rusnak \\'as hostess. a bridge luncheon ~!in·n hy ~[ rs. Louis Bruch and ),f rs . Robert F. Lewis at the Bruch home in E,·anston~ the bridge luncheo n with ~f rs . H. C. Arms and ~f rs. !\annan S. Clark the hoste sses at Skokie Countrv club, and the tea given by Mrs. C. S. \f cCov at her home in \Vilmette The wedding ceremonv will · take nlace in .the CongregatiOI;al church at 8 :30 o'cl~ck Tuesday evening, and the rl'ceptwn following will be held at Shawnee Country club. Ill. n. \1 j·~·:·t·lllJ\111 !. Ht·st displa~·. f11tll' Ill' The . lll'Xt Lli the garden tours sponll\· tht.· I.a ke }<\)rc~t Cardl'n club and op~·ned tu thl' public take!> place Satnrcla\·, 1une 22. Tlw:-;e intere;o;tecl in \'it.·wi.ng .heat!!iiul garden plob m;n·, on Saturcl~l\· , wend their \\·a,· throu1.!'11 Entertain Artists thl' ganll'Ib. of ~lrs. \\'illiatn ·P. ~{art.in. ?\1 ~· and ~~ r~. :\' unzio H. us so, 725 ~Irs. Ali red H. Granger. ~~ rs. Dt~ s.hendan road, tntntainl'd at a small Fnn.·st Hulburd, and .!\Irs. \\'illiam lfcdmner party on \\'l'dne:.day of last Ct)flnick Rlair, all of Lake Forest. week. Their gucsts \n·rt ~~ r~ and Mrs. ),fr. and ~Irs. Charles \\'. Moody enVirgilia Lazzari and ~! r. and ~irs. Albert Salvi of \Vilmette. ~1 r. Lazzari tertained at a dinner party on Friday is the leading bass singer at Ra\'inia o( last week and one on the preceding Park this summer; Mr . Sah·ia 1s ct \\'cdnesday at their home, 700 Forest avenue. noted harpist and composer. ~ored \\'illiam l'ix :\lilkr. \'II l':tll!'il'!-. ~~~·~t di~pLtY :\I··s . I'. ~~ - K ilnt·r. blue: :\Irs. E . I'· I .~···n. rt ·tl. \'111 ~\\'t·t·t \\'il li:tlll. ~>llt..' !'talJ.>-F. t ·. \\'hilt·, bl tll' rihhon. IX I:W't' . . Ont· tlu\\' t·r-n·<l-.1 . E . \\'o1·tht'11, hlut· nhlJon; II. ( ·. Pit't·r. rt·d; pin!\ - ~Irs. t ' . E. \\'t:lls . . tmo ldut· l'ihbotiS: .:\ll·s. \\'. (~ . l~ayli..;s, rt ·d, ~·,·lit'"·· \\'hilt· rillht>ns. X :\l""'l ;trti~tit-ally arrang·t·d ,.;tst· or l11 ·WI uf tlow .. r:-: . :\Irs. ( '. E . \\'db hi uP rihhun; :\lr~. ]). F. llall, I'Pd; ~lr< )). F. !Ltll. ydlu\\': '!\trs. \' . :-\ . llullhut. \\'hilt· : .:\Irs, 11. .T . :":tJh·l', whitt ·. XI \' ·uit ·ti··s n"t .. 1:1~:-itil·d alii·\·, .. J:lu·· tilllll·ns ~li!-s Annt· ~ - Bt·a<.:h, !ll:s. II. ~ - l:, .a l' h (:!) · .\Irs. (' . :\. llurll~tlt ~:: .). ~lr:- . \' . .\1. I:ul'ling-:~nl · , Frank (; \\ I· lit·: 11 · S. Ht ·:tl'h, white rihlHlll XII .\J,,:-t artistk;tlly anangt·d hasl-:t..·t of flowt·rs . :\11'~ . l'. H. Ew· ·r. t.lut· rihlHll1; ~lr:-: . G . H. \\' illiam~. rdl. mon· l'11lors hllll' ribh11n. - :\lr~. ionl D. Older. The hricle and gruun1 \rill ' their huil1t.' in Plynwut h. Incl. makl' Betrothal Announced .!\Irs. 1fav Rice of Dunedin, Fla. announces th~, engagement of her daughter, Lora Hartwell. to E. Todd \\'heeler: son of ~1 r. and ~t rs. C. A. \\heeler ·Jt \\'ilmette. ),{iss Rice graduated fro111 the L'niversity of Tllin~is in 1927 and is a member of Phi Beta Kappa. ),.{~·· \\'heeler is a graduate of the same ~tnl yersitv of the class of 1929 an~ IS~ a Pi, Pht l~ta 111 eml;er of Tau Beta Sigma, Sigi:JP Tau. Kera1.no s. and the Scabbard ancl Blade: :Ko date has been set for the wecldmg. Dinner Dance for Seniors Thirty-tin· girb and ho,·s oi tltt: graduating cia:-.:-; oi the St. Francis school \n·re t·ntntained at a dinner danct.· at tht ~ha\\'llt.'e Countn· club la:-.t Friday l'\'ening. ~Irs . jost·ph 0':\eill. " ·hl) ~tctl'd a:-. hoste:-.s, \\·as as:-;isted hy :\lis:-; Betty Spillanl'. ~Irs. Harn· Da,·it·s. ~I r..-. F. C. Dre:-;scl. .!\f r~. Paul b~iehcrg. ~I r:-;. \ \ 'i lliam Hanlt.'\'. and :\l rs. F. C. Thai<.· rhapcrnned tl~c young peopk . G d Q J 22 ar enS pen Une ~1 iss ~ atalie Red field of 1131 Forest a\·enue \\·a. hostes s at a luncheo!l at the Lake Shore Athletic club Fnday, Jmre 14. in honor of Miss Helen Seng, a bride of June 19, and two members of her wedding party, Miss Louise McCaskev and Miss Louise Brown, of Pittsb~rgh. 11 iss Redfield and her guests of hon.or were schoolmates at National seminary. Is Luncheon Hostess Hostess at Luncheon Mrs. Jacques Willis, 1606 Forest avenue, was hostess at luncheon and bridge on FridaY o1 last week in honor of Mrs. Charles Pahnos of Riversi<.L, Ill.

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