Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Jun 1929, p. 37

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June .21, J929 WILMETTE LIFE 37 { · NORTH SHORE .. AUTOISTS PAY AVERAGE OF $673 FOR CAR IN '28 A. A. A. Figures Show Reduction of Sixty ·Dollars Over Cost of Automobiles in 1927 The average factory price which each autoist 111 the United State~ paid for his automobile last year was $673.10, according to figures of the American Motorists Association .. in co operation with The Automohi le Cluh oi Illinoi s. The 1928 average price was $60.40 cheaper than the ' a\'crage price for 1927 which \\'aS $733.50. the :\sso ·· riation's figures show. There were sold to purchasers in this country l;~_ o;;t year a total of 3,593,-t30 passenge~ car~. Comparing the a\·erage cost.s oi passenger automobiles since 1900. :he figures show that as production increases the American purchaser oi an automobile profits. thereby to the c·xtent that he can make his indi' idual purchas · at a corresponding Jo,rer figure. The a\'erage factorY pri<e in 1900 '"'as $1,168. increasing slight h tP $1,189 in 1910 and droppl'd tn $9-lfJ in 1920, compared with $673 last vcar. "\\ ith yearly increased pr-nducti l'll I here is no reason win· Amcric;t :~ our cha sers of au t omohiles. cannot btl' ' ·b et ter cars at a lower cn~t l';]l'h ·\·ear." declares Si. ~1aycr. presidl'nt nl The Automobile Club nf II!Tnni~ and ,.ICl' prcsident of the A. ~1 . .- \. "The present low ro~t ni a gt ., HI automobi le is a t rih111 e tn the hig-h efficiency nf the atlttlmnhik Jnanufac turing- industry. coupled with thl' far! that in rccl'nt ~· cars t herl' han· hteil numerous consnlidat inns hY manufacturers. the net result being a better product at a lower price." The Associaticlll's surn·,· shn,\·s that automobile purchaser~ ar~ rapidh· he coming- "solei" on thl' closed tyJ-)t' ni car. Of all the passenger cars pm chased in the l'nited States last vcar. 88.5 perce nt were closed models . · The rapid chang-e from npen to closed models is shn,,·n by cnmparati\·e figures of 192 1, which shows that 2..?.1 percent of the total production wrrc closed cars, compared with 35 percent in 1923: ~6.5 percent in 1925: 82.8 percent in 1927, and 88.5 percent last year. ~""' ,,,//&. trations. and that is the reason Why motor ,club officials and automol i \ e :Padcrs are unanimous in asking Con~ress to increase the present annual iederal aid highways appropriation of ~75,000,000, to - $125,000,000," the hut·etin stated. "The regular session of 1 L he 71st Congress will soon turn it s ;tttention to the appropriation for 1932 and 1933. It ts imperative that the prc-;ent federal road program be enpercent of the nation's road-building hill, although improved highways, it held, have contributed possibly more than any other factor to national prosperity. The total certified mileage of high\\'ays in the United States is 3,013,584, of which approximately 625,000 miles has been surfaced. The ratio of automobiles to persons .in the country is I t o 5.6. One of th e leaders in the l ;·~"c · l." movement to mcrease the federal aid The motor club called attention to appropriation is the American Auto:ht fact that the federal government mohilr Associ-ation and 1,075 affiliated . ·" Pow con tributing approximately 5 ·otor clubs. ~ ~~....-~ Road Building Not Keeping Pace With Increase of Autos Although ~.here are enough automobiles in the Cnited ~~tates to permit c\·ery person in the countn to ride in them at the same time, ·only about 20 percent of the.· nation's highway :nik~ge has been surfaced. according to a bulletin issued hy the touring l~t~reau of the . Chicago ~d otor Cluh. "It is oh\'ious that road-building is nnt ket:ping pace \\'ith new car regis- " ......... .................... ......................... "Hom tlitl m~ ~ ............... ever get along without Silent Shift Transmissiott?" say the owners of the new CADILLACS LA SALLES FLEETWOODS Cadillac Silent Shift Transmission is one of the most important mechanical developments in nearly 30 years of motoring. You operate the Silent Shift as you do the standard transmission. But you have no fear of stripping gears or even of noisy, disagreeable clashing. And t.his valued advantage is yours whether you change gears at slow speed or high, up or down, on hill or level. The Silent Shift permits women to handle a big car easily. It eliminates finally a troublesome difficulty of long standing. I 2 2 to 9 Mechanical Superiorities 10-Nation-wide Chicago Making a Record in Campaign for Safety The first four months of this vear show Chicago to han· made a much -better safetv record for itself than all\' oth.:r city of -more than 100,000 pop{datio,l, according to statistics compiled hv the National AutonHJhile Cha111hcr of Collimcree as announcNI last week. say . a bulletin issu.ed l)y the Safey Burc~lll of The Automobile C lub of Jlli1wis. Auto fatalities \\·ere reduced from 210 for this period a year ago to 1(>1 in 1929. Detroit and Nc\\' \' ork deaths showed an increase of the same period. "The report of the nation's fatalities shows Chicago is making its utmost effort to reduce automobile injuries and death s to a minimum and thi s ray of hope should come as welcome. re,~ lief to both autoist and pedestnan. declared Si: Mayer, President of th e automobile club. 3 4 5 6 ._. SERVICE On the foundation stone of Cadillac Nation-wide Senice are placed the fundamental and exclusive mechanical advantages of 1929 Cadillacs and La Sallee. And these are surmounted by a distinct beauty of linfl and color that completes the Cadillac pro~ram for the permanent satisfaction of Cadillac and La Salle owners. · 7 8 I 9 10 Smartness and style, inside and out. Silent Shift Transmission permits gear changes at any speed without clashing. Security-Plate Glass in all windows means safety. Duplex Four-Wheel Brakes-a touch of the pedal stops your car. An even more powerful and smoother running Cadillac - built, ·90 - degree, V-type 8. Wonderfully easy steering. Adjus table front seat places brake and clutch pella Is within easy reach of any driver. Pneumatic control principle applied to Fisher bodies assures quietness. Chromium plated exterior nickel parts provide pcrrnancnt sheen. ·.· Nation-wide service-Cadillac Service. CADILLAC MOTOR CAR COMPANY Evanston Branch 1810 Ridge Ave. Highland Park Branch 108 No. First St. MANY BUS LINES IN VIRGINIA Bus lines have become very gene ral all over Virginia, according to r~co.rds of the state corporation commtsswn. listing- 151 passenger and seventy-three freight lines operat!ng in the state. Why CADILLAC can,.and Does Render a better Service -because of Cadillac-trained craftsmen-guaranteed work-prompt delivery-standardized prices. And every CadiHac representative delivers this uniform service aladly-in every part of the country. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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