June 21, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 43. In Recital ] The Cuckoo's Call ...... .. ...... Bragdnm The Giant .................. . C umbe rland A piano class recital was presented by pupils of Sue R. I ,ake Sunday ( vening, June 16, at Lyon. and Healy's in Evanston. The program· given follows: Sing-Lee, Jack Wray the committee, as Alice Home hospital is a community institution and. proceeds of the horse show are turned over annually to the hospital. W. :McCormick Blair \vho has just changed his signature from William McCormick Blair, the better to differentiate between himself and \Villiam ~1111111111111111111111111111111111111)11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111:111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111~ ~ ; ~ ... ............................................... Blair, is president of the horse Chinrt-Boy . .. . ...... ....'Li\'e lY, ? ho~v assoc iati on. Joseph Tilton Bowen JS ~{itchell I -~= =~.... MISS HA~:~::~~~:~=~PENING of the i Fairyland Mul'ic · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A Little Waltz . . . . . . Mary Berteling The Bass Singe r . ......... . . . .... Rolfe l'bg r·t . . Wright Chester Ronan Cradle Song . . ... .... .. Gaynor Jack Berteling Down in th e Dungeon .... ... .. . . .. . R olfe · William :l\loody · Fa.i ry Bark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aaron Climbing . . . . . ............. :\lac Lac hlan Betty F u e rmann H e r e 'omes the Band . . .. Daines Howard CulYer ·.rhe Elf and the Fairy . . . ... . . .. B ·ntl ey Eleanor Hardy Hallad e . .. .............. . .. .. Burgmullu· The W e ndy House (l'eter Pan) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Loui se l :(IIJyn B e tty Ellis 1'laying Pranks .. l..(·uH, nt 0\'L'l' the Snt1\\' ... L~·n\:'~ .\farjori e Bl·l'tl· ling· Primrr, ·e \\'ing~ . . . . . . . . . . . < :1·1·d ri('h 0\'~r the "'an' s . r:rant-Sl:hadt·r ~ors e land Franc!:'~ Ebt·I ·lt· in SuMMER TuTORING St:HOOL v1ce-president, Earle H. Revnolds is treasurer, and Laurance He~rne Ar· at !Tiour. is secn:tary. Vaughan Spalding 1s cha1rman at the box committee· AusGLENCOE UNION CHURCH tin H. ~ibla c k, hea d the ring cdmmittec \\'ith }.Irs. :r\ihlack chairman of WEDNESDAY, JULY SEVENTEENTH the prize s. ' ~1r s: John Andrews King heads the recept10n committ ee; 1Irs. Samuel }. _ Registration should be made in advance through the School office, \Valkcr is looking aft r the decora2150 Lincoln Park West, Telephone Diversey 1530. tion s; Charles F. Glore is chairman of the stabling committl:c, and Donald B. Dougla s is in charge of the ad~e_ rt_ i _si_ n..::: g_._ ~_ ,u_ lu_ u,_ ul_ lll_ lul_ u l_ lll_ lll_ lll_ lll_ llll_ lll_ ul_l _ u_ lll_ lul_l·l_lu_ul_ll_l_ lll_ lll_ lul_lll_ln_u,_ lu_ lu_ ul_ lul_ lu_ lll_ lll_ lll_ lll_ llll_ lll_ lll_ lll_ lll_ lll_l u_ nl_ llll_ lll_ lll_ lll_lu_ ul_ lll_ llll_lll_lll_lll_lu_lu_llll_lu_ul_ lll_lu_ul_llll_lll_u~ " IS · Elfentanz-Opus. 1 ~ . C rit:"g Syl\·e:-;ter B cP l'.' Th e Skylark T:-: cha ikt·\\· :-:1\~· .Joy D:tnce . . . . . . . . . . . . . < 'ra \\·fr.rd Daruara ;\ ewtun Turki s h Hondo in A min,,r Krt · ntzl ill Bdt v I litdH·ck ::'\i~ht ~chnt·l ).[aJ'(' h Uo-njalllill J lt·lt· n ('ro::;:-:1··\' \\' lwrt· tht · <'o()l ).[1,:-:l-' <: 1'1.,\\':-: I kin I .Alice Gr11·e !-'ailing- Al11n~ Tw1, J'opula r Piect:s to drink.more milk" It CCORDING to the highest authorities milk is the only food for which there is no effective substitute. And from the standpoint of health it is the most economical and beneficial food you can buy. Dunc:a!l :\I illl\'1' .lune ... lt r·gt-r Quiltt-r . ·an <lm:tn ]:-; C;tlling l!·U . l:!d wr t :Tlw Star . l!· )gt·r:-: Franc·t·s L:1 k e Th e N't· Yl' l' .;\ e \'er L:11HI. . . l.l·lli :-<t· Holt\' ll \\·intry \\'ind Lt·m t;n, Butt rflies Th t.' ArriY~tl ........ (If ~uzannl· ~pinnt · ~· (;rant-:-:d1ade r Ekan(}r Cul\'t·r A Spanish 1 an<.·e \V l· l~l_y Thomp :-:1·11 Loui:-:(· 1 tolt,·n llut·rtt·r Coasting- . . llal.mn ra (f"t e r Pan) . . Ag-nt:-; Frank 'Cnder the Len.Y e~ l\fnry .A ly~ f' a ttill n \Yn.rri or . ong .T ~·~ ;1 K i rl\la r1'i-J ... . Xf'apolitan Bt·at ~ol1g· Elizaudh Hanl~· ~ha<low Da n ee . J:-:n ud \Yray In a Boat . .... Dr·n)thy ;\ewtnn ~ en. l\fnrjori e ~ t- uhr·lll GardenR ... A quart of milk a day gives you energy and strength to resist disease. Its proteins build firm muscles and tissue. Its calcium content gives strength to bones and hardness to teeth. Ht·o· r· llt·l' Zt ·(']i:\\' 1'1' ERtht·r Stoddard To Spring--Opus j(i El(·i!" t· Kn·nH· r Sdwrznn<lo . Jm<tg·tt :-: in tht· \Vatt ·r Jarwt \\'ray l\Ian.:h \Yint1 Dorothy (;p:-;it-r Several New Horses to Make Appearance at Lake For est Show New horses m·aking their appcaranl'e at the Lake Forest horse sho,,· thi:< Friday and Saturday, June 21 and 22 ior the first time at Onwcntsia, will be those of Laurance Hearne Armour, Donald Douglas, 'vV. ~fcCormick Blair, and Mrs. Howard Linn. Among the new horses will be Flying Fox. Golden Arrow, Leap Frog. Golden Da\',:n, Bank Raider, and Cjolclcn Eagle i rom the Armour stables; The Ace, Enthusia;-;t and White Fox from the Douglas stables; Pipennis from the Blairs' and Debutante from Mrs. Linn's stabl es. For the first time in th.e history of the Lake Forest horse shows, the open- · ing will be held in the morning at 10:30 o'clock. There will, of course, 'be an afternoon performance at 2 o'clock. Every effort is being made to make the horse show a community affair and cooperation is being sought among the residents of the neighboring villages by Bowman's Milk combines all these health-building qualities with a most delicious taste. Due . to the extra care' we take in bringing it from farm to your table you will find it is extra good-a milk full-rich in cream, fresh, sweet and unmistakably superior in flavor. Order a quart today. It is an investment in health. Phone our nearest distributing station or order from the courteous Bowman milkman who passes your door. - DAIRY COMPANY MILK THE MILK OF SUPERIOR FLAVOR