Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Jun 1929, p. 44

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WILMETTE LIFE June 21. 1929 News of Interest to the Church-Goers of Our Village First Presbyterian Ninth street at Greenleaf avenue Rev. Clyde Randolph Wheeland, B. D. "The Problems of Education and Religion," a discussion group for college and university students meets every Sunday morning in the minister's study, beginning at 9 :30 o'clock. Dr. Wheeland will lead the group. Students invited. Sunday, June 23, morning worship will be at 11 o'clock. Dr. Wheeland's sermon topic will be "The Secret of a Successful Life." A cordial invitation is extended to unite with this church in Christian fellowship by letter, reaffirmation of faith or on confession of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. You .are always welcome at the Presbyterian church. Sunday school at D:30 o'clock. for all ages. Classes , The Wednesday evening devotional hour of praise and fellowship is also the Bible teaching hour by the minil'lter. Romans will b e studied next Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. All who have profited by The Fourth Sunclay ;\ ftu Trinity this hour of study would render a helpful 9 :45 a. m. Sunday school service in inviting and bringing others. Joseph Johnson, superintendent 11 a. m. Morning wor!';hip Christian Endeavor at 5 :30 o'clock in Sermon: "Fi sherman's Faith" the afternoon. "Worship in Wilmette" · class wish to invite all the men who are members and friends of the church and also the members of the women's classes and other women to attend the~e class sessions. These adult classes wtll meet together on Sunday mornings at 9 :45. The course of study is "Intra-Testamental Literat,pre." L. P . Denoyer will be ~he teacher. This &)lould be an interestmg clal"s and it is hoped that a large numThe triennial convention of the ' Luth- ber ~f inen and women will take advaneran synod of Missouri, Ohio, and other, tage of it. states will be in session from Wednesday, June 19, to Friday, .June 29, , at the gymThe choir closed on last S~nd:;t.Y a longnasium of Concordia Teachers' college, Riv>r Forest, Ill. Sessions will . be held season of faithful service. Dunng- every daily from 9 to 12 and 1 :30 to 4. Dele- Sunday ~ince ll!S~ Octoper they ~av e gates from all over the world will be brought to the congregation the mim stry present and · it is estilnated that one of music in ways that have stren~the!led thousa~d official dele.gates will consti- nnd u.r>.lifted the soul. Few reahze J';JSt tute the deliberative body~ Visitors are how much is involved in the way of mamcordially invited to these sessions, and taining the esprit de corps and. th~ regusince the hall can conveniently accommo- lar service of such an orgamzatwn as date about 1,500 to 2,000 people a large the ch oir. Our heartfelt thanks go out gathering of guests is expected to attend t o the director the music committee, and the meetings. A daily convention record all members ~f the choir. From now is being printed and sent out to those until the middle of next September, the quartet will provide music other than \VhO subscribed for it. congregat ional singing. and Sund:ur schools of these churches, and the music of a cnoir of 2,500 voices gathered from the choirs of the same churches. The Rev. Walter Meyer, Ph. D., of Concordia seminary, St. Louis, editor in chief of the Walther League Messenger will deliver th.e addws of the da~ · St. Augustine's This Sunday, .June 23, will be tt:te fourth Sunday after Trinity. There Wlll be holy communion. at 8 o'clock in · the morning and mormng prayer with address at 11 o'clock. ' Next Monday, .June 24: will be St. John Baptist day. , There. wtll be h~ly communion at 8 o clock m the mormng. The morning S'll'Vices at 11 o'c!ock on sunday have been shortened durmg the summer, lasting about one hour. GOING TO COLLEGE Two-thirds of Members of 1929 Gradu-ating Clan at New Trier High School to Continue Their Education Two hundred and eighteen of the 328 graduates at New Trier Hig? ~chool this year have announced the1r mtet~ tion of going to college next fall. T~t s represents two-thirds of the enttre graduating class .who .expect. to continue their educatiOn wtthout mterruption . The figures, which are only ap~roximate, are bas~d 01~ lis~s ~f cr~dits mailed to the vanous mstttut10ns and on yerbal expressions by the students of their intention to go to college. English Lutheran A report of the treasurer of the Ladies' Aid society appeared in th e bulletin last wee k and showed that these women are closing a very successful yea~ . . Next Sunday a report of the tht·ee mtsstonary societies will prove that they, too, have been hard at wo rk. Boys Scouts, o'clock. Monday night at 7 :30 Spoke 7 will meet Tuesday, .June 25, with Mrs . .John Kieft, 1221 Forest avenue. A golf tournament for all the men of the church will be held June 27, at Countryside Golf club. The committee is composed of C. A. Keller, W. H. J.~llis and W. G. Colvin. , Golfers and aspirants to that title are invited to join In this dax_ of fellowship, Register with th e committee. The musical program for Sunday, June 23, will be: Organ prelude, "Nocturne in E Flat" . . . . . . .. .. Chopin Anthem, "The God of Abraham Praise" .. .... . . . . . ... .. ...... .. . . . Buck Anthem, "Beneath the Shadow of the Great Protection" . .. ... . .. .. Dickinson Solo, ·· orne Ye Ble.ssed" ..... .. . . ... Scott Mr. Miller Organ postlude, "March in B Flat" ..... ... .......... ... ... . . Fa ulke~ Quartet Catherine Bushouse, soprano Hose Lutiger Gannon, contralto John B. Miller, tenor Edwttrd Otis, bass Erma Rounds, organist and director We extend to you a general invitation to worship with us. This church is here to !'ierve this community. Does your community spirit include community wor!"hip? Would you live in Wilmette if there were no Christian churches here? We are Interested in proclaiming the grace of God as expressed in Christ .Jesus. That grace extends to you. You are God's child whether you acknowledge the relation~hip or not. D ath outside of Christ is the only thing which can sever you from nis fatherly love. It is too late then. Worship God next Sunday in Wilmette. First Cong'l Church Vere Y. Loper, minister William E. McCormack, associate Next Sunday Dr. Loper will preach on "The Gt·eat God-Science" at th e morning worship service held at 11 o'clock. L ester L. Smith, basso, will b e the f'Oloist at this senice, and Miss Emily Roberts, organist, will play the following numbers: Prelude in A Major .. ... . . .... . ..... Alkan-Franck Offertory: La Brum (The Mist) .. . . Gaul Postlude : Fugue in G Minor ...... Bach We are saddened by th e pass ing of one of our Sunday school scholars. Wayne Feltman passed to hi s eternal reward Monday afternoon about three o'clock. He was ::t faithful and interesteti atRe\·. McCormack and Miss Bertha C. tendent at our Sunday morning Bible school. We shall miss his unassuming \\.heelock left on Wednesday for Tower faithfulness and cheery disposition. '\V~ Hill ca mp, where they will r emain through two conferences of young peopl ~, are better for having known him. from Illinois. Th<' Luther league will hold its biN P.xt Friday, June 28, the Young Married weekly devotional and t ea Sunday evening at 6:30. ThLc:; will be the first meet- People's club \till meet at 8 o'clock at ing under the newly elt>cted officers. Miss th e home of Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Kilner, Helen Mydland Is the pres ident of our 523 Washington a venue. Young People's organization. Of the 218 who ,vill continue their schooling next fall, Northwestern will draw the largest number-fifty-one, almost a fourth of the total. Illinois is second with twenty-four, and Wisconsin third with twenty-three. According to present plans New Trier graduates will be registered at other colleges next fall as follows: The departments of the qwrch school Carleton, 7; Dartmouth, 6; Princeton. are meeting regularly for one hour dur- 5: Briarcliff, 4; Cornell, 4; National ing the s ummer, beginning at 10 o'clock. Kindergarten, 4; Purdue, 4; Wellesley. Our new church is progressing nicely. Our missionary is Miss Rachel Mitch.ell, The concrete mixer is on the job and will Mainpuri, U. P. India. be humrnlng merrily before the week is over. The entire community is watrhine: with interesting the erection oC 'Vilmette's newest church edifice. The laying of the Wilmette and Park avenues, Wilmette co rner stone will be an event of the near future. Out· fril'nds in this eomm unit:v Herman ,V, Meyer, pnstor 406 Prairie a venu e Telephone 1396 nre invited· .to h elp us make thb ri. g·nla day in Qur church's history. Churl'h telephone 3111 Wilmette Baptist \Yilmette and Forest aYenues He,·. George D. AlliHon, pastor cdl Masons are especially inYited to attend the morning service Sunday, June 23, at 11 o'clock in honor of "St. .John's Day." It has always been a l\lasonit · cu!';_ t gm for the ord er to att nd some ehurch in n body t o do. honor to the Patron. Saint of Freemasonry.' Dr. Alii~-;on '""111 -lH't>ach . on "The Character of John th e R:q)Ust," and there will be appropriate musi c by the choru. choir under the direction of Madam e Gil<.leroy Scott. A meeting of the board of trustet·s \·;ill be held Tuesday evening, 'June 25, at th e On 'Vednesday th e mid-wet'},, church. sen·ice will be conducted by the pastnr. The. Sunday school will hold regulnr s~sstons June 23 and June 30 n.t D:30 f) c lock in the morning. 4; Arizona, 3; business college, 3; Chicag-o, 3; Georgetown, Ky., 3; Harvard. 3; Knox School for G.irl s, Michigan. 3; Rockford, 3; Virginia, 3; Beloit. 2: Bradle'y Polytechnic, 2; Connecticut, 2: Franklin, 2; Lake Forest college, 2: Lasell seminary, 2; Lawrence, 2; Notre Dame, 2; Ogontz, 2; Sherwood Musi c school. 2; \Villiams. 2; Albion, 1 : American university, 1; Antioch, 1: Armour, 1; Ashland Art school. 1 : Adolph Bohn (ballet school), 1; Bracl- 3; St. John's Lutheran ford, 1; Bryn Mawr, 1; Bucknell. 1: Carnegie, 1 ; Colorado. 1; Crane, 1 : Dana Hall, 1; De Kalb Nor.mal, 1; Denison, 1 ; De Pauw, ; vans_ton hospital. 1 : Exeter, 1 ; Gulf Park.:. 1 : Hamilton 1; Illinois Training School for . NT '1 . I · D · t urscs, · ntenor ecoratmg a Fie-ld's, 1 ;· Kentucky, 1; Kenyon , 1: Lehigh, 1; Lewis institute, 1; Man1 'It 1 M' . 1 M'll'k' 1attanvt e, ; tam1, ; 1 1 tn, 1 : 1 E Sl'nltf's Fourth Sunday after Trinity 9:30 a . m.-Sunday ~o;chool and Bible ClaSSf>S. 9 :45 a. m.- Firl'lt sen·ice and sermon. 11 a. m ...:_St·cnnd St>rdce and sermon. S rmons by the Rev. 1\Jr. H. Reuter of Bit·mingham, Ala. The Sunday school pi cni c will he held in the ·Glenview fnre~t pt·esen ·e Jun~ 27. C'ars will lea ve th e church at 1 o'clock in the afternoon. Luncheon will be :--erved as soon as the "dads" can get out to tlw park. Then:- will be events for people of all ages with suitable prizes to the winners. Complimentary tickets to be ust>d at the refreshment stand will b e distributed as was done last year. Let Sunday Aftc>rnoon ut 2:30 O'dork Catechism celebration at Soldiers Field, us make this th e biggest and best picnic we have ever had. Bring your fri ends. Chicago, · Speaker: Prof. Walter Maier Hy SPN.'ial request of the Board of Missions of Synctd as well a:,.; by decision of the congr('gation next Sunday, June 23. is to be a Mission Sunday at SC John's. The Rev. Mr. H. Reuter, pas'tor of Redeemer Lutheran church of Birmingham, Ala., will deliYer the sermons. Pastor Reuter was a classmate as well as rQ.Qmmate of the Rev. Herman W. Meyer at the preparatory school as well as at Concordia seminary. An ot'fe.-ing for missions will be taken at these servIces, and all · members n.re requested to Ul'ie their miHsion enYelop s tor July. We hope that all members will make it a point to h ea r Pastor Reuter·~ message. Friends and visitors are cordially' invited to all of our sen·lces. On next Sunday afternoon at 2-:30 o'clock a gn·at celebration commemora'tJng the 400th anniversary of the Lutheran catechism wm be held at Soldiers field, Chicago, also known as the stadium. All of t~ Lutheran churches of the Missouri synod of Chicago and vicinity will participate In these festivities, a feature of which will be the singing by eevc::ral thousand children of the parish Methodist Church The pastor is spending this week in Carthage, Mo., where he is giving a series of lectures at the Ozark vVesleyan eollege. The course he is gidng is one in homeletics. He will, however, b~ hack in Wilmette before Sunday rooming. The preacher last Sunday morning waR Dr. .T. Hastie Odgers, superintendent of the Chicago Northern district. Next Sullday morning the communion set">ice will be held. The Quartet will sing "Fierce 'Vas the Wild Billow" by Koble ~nd "Protect Us Through the Coming Day" by Churchsman. The farewell sen-ice ·of the Church school will be held next Sunday, at thl' regular hour. This will be the last session in the old building and the last ~es sion of the Church school until the secf)nd Sunday in September. Duri.n g the summer months members of the Sunday school are asked to attend the regular morning worship service. Milwaukee Dov.mer, 1 ; Missouri, 1 ; Mount Holyoke, 1; Mount Ven]on seminary, 1; National Park seminary. 1; normal school, 1: Penn State. 1 : Principia, 1; Randolph Macon, 1 ; Fran- · ces Shimer, 1: Smith, 1 ;. Southern Cali fornia, 1; Swarthmore, 1; Sweet Briar, Mrs. Frederick Bowes has just re- 1; Vassar, 1, and Washington (St. turned from Simsbury, Conn. " ·here Louis), 1. she went to attend the commencement exercises of the senior class of Jack Nason, sou of the Frank C. Westminster school. ot which her son Nasons, 733 Cummings avenue, Kenil Franklin, was a ~nember. Mr. and worth, graduated last week from the Mrs. Bowes and Franklin Bowes now University of Wisconsin, and his parare living in their new home at 1426 ents motored to Madison to attend th e Chicago . avenue, Evan!ton. exercises. He will leave with several -oof his school friends on June 29, on ' Robert Frost, son of Mr. and Mrs. the S. S. Baltic, for a summer abroad. Albert G. Frost, 509 Central avenue, The boys will bicycle through England \\'ho has been in business in Denver and the continent. since last fall, returned this week to -omake a short visit with his parents. Miss Mary Wishard of lola, Kas .· is He ,dll return to Denver next Thurs- the guest of Miss Elizabeth Boltday by motor. wood. 723 Park avenue, while attend- ing the summer session of the NaMrs. William]. John ., ·"~n of Evanston tional Kindergarten college. Miss entertained twenty-four guests at Wishard is the kindergarten teacher · The men's class will continue through- luncheon and bridge at Shawnee club of the public schools of Indep~ndence, out the summer. The members of this on Tuesday of last week. · Kas. -o-

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