WILMETTE HAVE FAMILY REUNION The Percy B. Eckharts of Cumnor · road, Kenilworth are having a family reunion in the East .this month. Mrs. Donald McLaughlin (Eleanor Eckhart) of Cambridge, Mass., went up to New York to see her sisters, Elizabeth, who sailed on June 15, to spend the summer ' in Europe, and Charlotte, who is to be away for ~ year of travel and stud:y. LIFE June 21, 1929 Wanalda Woods camp in northern ART WORK PRAISED THE Wisconsin for the summer. They are Dorothy. Conklin, ·763 Michigan avethe daughters of Mr. and Mrs. John nue, Wi1mette, has been doing some Commencement Spea~er Says PreachMarshall Roberts. very interesting work thi's year in the en Are T 0o Busy and Remote -ointerior decoration department of the Mr. and Mrs. H. ]. Christofferson oi National Academy of Art, 230 East Charges that the average clergyman Pasadena 1 Cal. were the house guests ·Ohio Street, Chicago, according to a ha· no schedule of work, that he is last week of Mr. and Mrs. Xils Knud- news bulletin from the schooL Fran- satisfied with the externals of his prosen of 424 Prairie avenue. They wer~ ces Harrington, head of this depart- fession, that he is too busy and that he on thei.r wa; to Ludington, ~1ich. where ment, considers Miss Conklin one 'of is remote and detached from the interthey have taken a cottage for the sum- her' talented pupils. ests of his ,f ollowing were pre{erred -------Miss Caroline Roberts, 328 Warwick mer. ag~inst preachers by the Rev. A. E. road, Kenilworth, returned last week -oMrs. William H. Scott of 917 Green- Knickerbocker, rector of St. Paul's from Dana Hall, where she had. been in Miss Mary Elizabeth Parker of Glen- leaf avenue entertained twelve guests Episcopal church, Minneapolis, when school for the past winter. She will coe has joined her parents at Lake- on Tuesday of last week at lunch.e on he gave the add.r ess Tuesday at comleave sobn with her sister, Martha, for side, :!\1ich., for the summer months. and bridge at· the Georgian hotel. mencement services of Western Theo:: ·~~~~~~~~~~~----~--~~~~~----~--------------~------------------------------I logical seminary. . SCOLDS CLERGY ({he PITTSBU.RG DIAMOND AUTOMJ\TIC STORJ\G( WAT[R I.J(AT(R I of Onllj $fi2~ { /~sll/llt~lion Exfm } Dr. Knickerbocker satd: "There ·exists a widespread loss of faith today. · The chief . contributing factors in the situation are the theory of evolution; the breakdown between the natural and supernatural, the discovery of the relation of the nerVO\l,S system and consciousness, the loss of I heaven as a place in which anything I is to be done or accompJished and alienation of a large group of the unprivileged. "The Church today is on trial. Our religion is being challenged in many quarters. We must marshall all our resources if ' Christianity is to be saved. We must again bring the · w orld to the feet of Christ." The degree of doctor of divinity was conferred upon the Rev. Mr. Knickerbocker. Others who received degrees included: the Rev. Kenneth 0. Crosby chaplain of St. Stephens' college, Ne~ York, formerly head of Lawrence hall Chicago; the Rev. Floyd E. Bernard: rector of All Saints' church, Ravenswood; the Rev. R. E. Charles Adrian Mich.; the Rev. F. W. Haist ~f Tren~ ton, N. ]. ; the Rev. William A. Simms, rector of St. Mark's church, Chicago· the Rev. William 0 Johnson, Butler: Pa., and the Rev. \\in fred H. Ziegler, rector of the Church of the Redeemer Elgin, . Degrees were conferred by Dr: F~edenck C. Grant, dean and president of the seminary. elf NEW low price for this dependable w~U. N. S. Real Estate Board Meets in Highland Park The regular monthly meeting of the North Shore Real Estate board was held at the Green Tea Pot in Highla!ld Park. One of the features of the meeting was a series of five minut~ talks by varions members of the board elaborating upon the desirable features of their respective communities. A. T. Woodcock of the Wilmette Realty company was unanimouslv chosen as having delivered the best ~talk. Mr. Perkins, publisher of the Chicago Sky Lines delivered an interesting talk on real estate advertising. The membership committee submitted the names of Mr. Butler of the ·Glencoe Citizens State bank and Mr. Tennerman of the KapJ':hull Realty company. Deerfield. They \\·ere unanimously elected to membership. The place for the next regular meetiJ1g will be selected by the executive committee and announced _later. Mrs. and Mrs. Harrv \Veese of 141 Kenilworth avenue, Kenilworth announce the birth of a son on .T urie 4. I I I ~------------------------· I known gas water heater. Order one now and enjoy having all the hot water you want, ready whenever you want it, at the tum of the faucet. The heater is finished in green Duco, is of sturdy construction and operates econom· ically, with thermostatic controL The price is the lowest we have ever been able to quote.Installation charges are nominal. REX TANK HEATER 'I'hU copper coil saa heater mav be attached to your present hot water tank. HeatJ a generous sup. ply in a short time, at the touch of a match ··· In black 00 Japanned flnhh. (Installation extra) · $ 14 : DECORATING I : I PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHE~ ILUNOIS Central Ave., Wilmeue I : I We are prepared to render the best P'"rsonal service with your painting an· decorating problems. I : I JOSEPH W. KEHOE, District Manager 1 141 Phone Wilmette 2899 M. Portenhauser Painter and Decorator 1030 Greenleaf Phone 2764 -------------------------