2 · WILMETTE LIFE Jun~ 21, 1929 Grad~ating Class at Arthur Howard· School UVNTAIN 5QVAR[, · LVANSTON Greenleaf 7000 Another Test ·Proves the Value of Conover! The Conover Electric Dishwasher test conducted by one hundred Consultant Housekeepers of the Delineator Home Institute. proves again that Conover saves time. energy--and even money! · The woman U.)ho nun1bers the Conover arnonq her electric labor--savers can often dispen se with the services of a maid! Graduating Class at Byron Stolp School · ~ " .. Dishes washed once a dayhygienically scalded - immaculately clean and hot and dry in a few minutes: that's how the efficient Conover works! Let us show .rou- in your own home. Just telephone. Lord'a-Firat Floor John Dusham Dies at Age ' of 82; Funeral Tuesday and three daughters, Mrs. Williams, of. Change Taken From Ledge . Highwood, ~Irs. Stella Stein buck, of at Post Office Returned E\'anston, and Mrs. Clara Haymon, of Funeral st·n·ices for John Dusham. Chicago. Burial took place at St. A woman whose name has not been 82, formerlv of \Vilmette, were held at Joseph's cemetery. learned called about ,two weeks ago at 9:30 o'clock Tuesday morning from the I the \Vilmette post office for change re idence of his daughter, Mrs. N. \Yil~liss Dorothy May, formerly of which she said. she had not received liams, 148 Pleasant road, Highwood, to Leicester road, Kenilworth, and now after a purchas~ of stamps, Postmaster St. James church in Highwood. ~~ r. of Glencoe, has returned home fro!ll Shantz stated this week. Upon inquiry, Dusham died Saturday at the \\. auke- Sterling, Ill. Mis~ May has been teach- Mr. Shantz found that none of his gan hospital after an illness of four ing mathematics and commerci:ll sub- clerks had failed to make the proper years. For the pa -t two years. he had jects in the Sterling High school. change, and later a man presented at resided with his daughter, Mrs. \Vil-(}the post office window the woman's liams, and until that time had. li\'cd in Mrs. Ira \Vilson, 325 Ridge road, missing money which he had taken ~r ilmettc. Suniving him are his \Vinnetka and her daughter, ] ane, left from the ledge. The person who failed widow. ~~ rs. ~fary Dusham, three sons, yesterday for a three weeks' tour of to receive her change has been asked John, Louis, and Max, all of \Vilmette, the East. to call at the post office for it.