WILMETTE LIFE June 21, 1929 Tac·Sful Service It is not enough for a funeral director to be a master of the business and technical aspects of his calling. He is responsible for the feelings of his clients, and tnust he able to deal with them in a tactful and coosidcratc manner. 'fhoughtlessnes is unpardonable in this work, and in our establishment we are careful to avoid it. Superior Ambulance $ervice "tfhe }{ouse of lflersona l Setl>ice" 11 09 C J "'lTRAL AV E. WILMETTE WINNETKA f.UN RAL HOME ·:· · The Oldest Established Undertakers on the Immediate North Shore 654 404 . Licensed Lady Assistant 554 CENTER ST. u A Correct Grade for Each Burner" FUEL OIL Two Bulk Plants-Eleven Trucks operated on the north shore to assure PROMPT, EFFICIENT SERVICE Ttltphontl : Winntth JOlO - l i - l l ; Higbbnd Puk 3190 - 91 W holeJale Distributon SUPERIOR NAVY 8 HI- TEST GASOLIN ES - - QUAKER STATE 8 MOBILOIL MOTOR OILS -· KEROSENE ALCOHOL - GREASES BRAUN BROS. OIL CO. uFor Fuel-Use Oil" .... ~~~------------~~rr~~-:-~----------~~-~~ E4vtltd~io L trz sF' ET us demonstrate the biggest thing in radio for 1929--"Hair Line" Super-Selectivityan exclusive C . .t\. Earl feature. ... MODEL 22 # Every station in A.merica n1ay be cotnpcting for the air. The station you want n1ay be a weak or distant one. No n1~tter. Your C. A. ~arl Radio will bring that station in as though 1t were the only one broadcasting. We have your choice of C. A. Earl Radios fron1 $75.00 up- and on convenient terms. A.ll Electric 8-Tube Set. Neu~yoe. Fourtuned elreulta. Pu.b-PuU amplification. Inductor DyuamieSpeaker. Walaat 6niab eablnet. (leu tube·) ,....._, _...._.,.::us--- Complete U!itla tubN 11· DANNEMARK ELECTRIC CO. 11.51 Wilmette Ave. Phone Wilmette 214