June . 21, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 3 ANNOUNCE FACULTY FOR . RAVINIA OPERA SEASON L_ay_C_or_n_er_S_t_o_ne_f_o_r_N_e_w_w_o_m_an_'_s_c.:.._lu_b_JI OPENS TWS SATURDAY 1929-30 SCHOOL TERM ,__ Few Changes in Wilmette Teaching Staff for Coming Year The numb er of new teachers on the \Yilmette Public schools facultv next year will be unusually small. -it was made known this week when the new in:,tructors for the 1929-1930 term '"ere announced. 1fiss Elsie Lindenmeyer, of Lake F~rest. who has taught at Kalamazoo, M tch .. will join the \Vilmette teaching . taff next fall. She v.-ill have a first grade at Howard. ).fiss Pearle Olthoff, another new teacher. comes to \Vilmette from Pearl City. Ill., \rhere she has lived and taught school. She wi11 have a third gTadc at Logan. Francis Ryan. Northwestern university student who has been assisting in the manual training department. wilt not return next year. His p~ace will he t-illed by a part time worker. who probably will he a student of the unin·rsity also. Joins Regular Staff ).1 j..;..; Yiola Theman. ,,·ho ha-. been d \)ing substitute work in the \Vilm ette schools this year. will become a regltlar member of the teaching staff next year. She will have a fifth grade at Howard. ).[iss Dorothy ~ash who has been on lea ,.e of absence during the la st vear "·ill retum to take a . econd grad~ at Hm,·a nl: . ~~is~ X ash has been studying~ at the l m\·crslty of Illinois thi s year. Or~e third grade Yacancv rem~ins to he filled. owing to the death of ).Jrs. Lena :\. Butts. \\·ho had taught at the Laurel building. Mrs. Butts' place pr0hahly will he taken hy !\fiss Marjorie \TanHorne Howard third grade teacher. It was stated at the school office this \\·eck that in a few instances teachers may he remo,·ecl from one school building to another before school opens in September. hut the teaching lin eup for next year will be essentially as follows: HOWIH4l Ruildlnfir Kindo'rg-:ntt·n. ::\frs. Elizabeth B. Hesse; fir:-;t g-r:ul"'s, Ruth Slown anrl Elsie Linrlt-n.n l·· YL 'I'; s econrl grade, Dorothy Nash ; tlw·cl grndt>, nH'ant; fourth gradt>, Marg·:l rt·l Lf·.ftu:-;: fifth gnules, Yiola Tht>man nrHl Loi!-; TII:'ITY : sixth grades, Bettv Sd11-idlt>r ancl ..\!t-ela Larson; s e Yenth grades. ::\frs. C'lam ..\. Gro\·es and Yiolt>t l\Tnrls· n: Pighth gTades. l\Ir~. Pt·arl P. J··nt>s and :\Trs. Lucy Stallin:.;-. Stolp Rnl1411ng ~P\'t;>llth grnd.:·s, Canie Chase, OnPl Da \·is. Fa~·e Pening, nnrl Mrs. Kn then·n Yt' rnnn: ··ighth gradeR, ;\(rs. Agnes C lai·k Henna \Yyman nnd M1·s. Agnes .Iones. ' Cf'ntral :\ n·nue Building f't:eond grades, \~emnica Ca nn ofly and Dnnl'e Turrwr: third grades, 1\Jrs ~Iar ga rt."t Burtnpr and Hel ·m Smith: fourth gratles. ~Irs. L:t.Vt-rne Glf·nnon nnd Hei(:'n Hardkk: fifth grades, :'.fn rgaret 1\JC'Partlin and ::\Iarie Fox. Tt'nfh Strrf't Dulhlin!l . Kinctergarten, Laurie Flentye; fir!;t g: arle!'. Roena Mulford and Mr~. Hollns R. C:ilhert; fourth grade, .Marion A. Long; fifth gmde, Matalea Br· ) w:l : s ixth grndes. Trenna Seott, Lulu JohannsPn, and Mrs. Katherine Julinn. J,o~a n n ulld lnR" . Kindergart n. AnnPtte Kelley and .1\Jrs. Julia DaYenport: first gr:td~s. Mrs. Blla Clegg and Fannie Ferris; :--ec·oml g-rades , . E\·a Jrmes and Appolonia Petrie: third grades, PenPle Olthoff and May Witcher; fourth grnoe: Cula Sric·l·:o·: fifth grade, 1\lildred VanHorne. Laurtl Dulllllng Kindergarten. Mrs. Virginia Delana; first grade, May Whitmack; second ::rnule, 1\lrs. Glndys B. Herron; third grade, Marjorie Van Horne. Spe('lnl Tt>Reht>rS ~upt-rintendent, .J. R. Harper; Stoln . prin ·ipal, Margaret C. Hayes; Howard principal. Lowell F. Todd; elementary superYiRor, Nelle E. Moore; music supervisor, :\Irs. Stella Maher: orchestr:1, Catherine Grandquist; Melody Way classes, Edith M. Vivian; art supervisor. Frances Donnelly: librarian, Grace Gayt on ; .health teachers. ~ary Green and Mme. Lucrezia Bori in ·ntle Role of First Presentation, "Manon Lescaut" With a gala performance of Puccini's colorful opera, "Manon Lescaut" the eighteenth season of Ravi·nia opera will open this Saturday night, June 22. Mme. Lucrezia Bori will be cast in the title role with Giovanni Martinelli opposite her as the Chevalier Des r.rieux. Others importantlv cast ~r": Mme. Ina Bourskaya, Jose Mojica, De~: ire Defrere, Louis ·D'Angelo. Giorda.w Paltrinieri and Paolo Ananian. Gennaro Papi will conduct. "Manon Lescant" iS' the Italian version of one of the most cclehrated romances which has ever heen !!iven operatic setting, and from the time it became a part of the Ravinia repertoire. it has heen a 'prime favorite with Ravinia audiences. In it Mme. Bori displays that subtle artistry which has made her one of the world's ~reatest opera singers, and both vocally and hi strionicallY she sounds the character of Manon · to the depths. Mr. Martinelli is completely at home as the hero. and in this part he demonstrates the fact that although he is a d.r amatic tenor of the first rank he can, when occasion demands, employ a dulcet lvric method. Present "Marouf" Sunday Sundav night. June 23, another festive performance will he given, as the second night at Ravinia is always of equal rank with the first. For this oc..: M RS. HARVEY A. BUSH, president of vVilmette organization, is shown wielding trowel during impressive ceremony which marked new forward step i!l club's progress. In the copper box was placed a photograph of the orgamzer of the club together with ·Otht>r data, ·including a copv of \VIUIETTE LIFE containing a story and pirture of the ground brea 1<ing c-eremony. The new clubhouse is now being built at Tenth and Greenleaf. · , l John D. Allen Elected District 40 School Church Club President Graduates Class of John D. Allen, 78 Rob sart road, KenFiv~ Tuesday Night ilworth, a vestryman of the Church of Five eight grade pupils-:).1argaret. Baker, Helen Bondy, Alice Bernardy, Richard Graham, and Enoch Hoglund-were graduated from the Di ·trict 40 school Tuesday night at 8 o'clock when the annual commencement exercises were held in the school building on \Vilmette avenue just \\'eSt of Ridge. The school ,,·as packed to capacity for the exercises. 11 is:; Bertha Engels. principal. WJ.S in charge of arrangements for the prog-ram . . which follows: \ Busy Day-TieC'itation . . Phylli~ Sc-herer Farnwr in the Dell ..... Primary gmdl'S f Helen Bondy < ome Away- Song . . ~ ~Jargar t Baker I Alice Bernardy :\[J':'. \\"iggins' tea party-Betty Ang-ell and Primary children Orehestra - Selt-ction - Rhoenia Wirt. .lm;Pph \\.irt, Lillian Wirt and Richard Wirt ~orth American Indians-Virginia Anflerson, Township declamatory chnm11ion. 0 loomy gloops ... ... .. Upper grade boys ~vanish dance .... . . . Intermediate git·l~ Pantomime ... . Intermediate girls Address to graduates .. . . J. R. Harper Superintt-ndent Wilmette schools. 1 it·ector of education .. . . . . Otto A ken ' .. · '11 casion Henri Rahaud's fantastic ultramodern opera "Marouf" wilt be the offering-, a fact that will be particularly g-ratifying to Ravinia patrons in view of the immense success achieved by this the Holy Coniforter in that vilhge, has opera ,,.,·hen it w=is g6ven last season as a noveltv. Mme. Yvonne Gall and Mario been elected president of the Church Chamiee will a.crain have the principal Club of Chicago, Episcopal laymen's or~ ganization. Mr. Allen is vice president roles, the former appearing as the Princess while the latter will be heard o f B rin k 's Express; and during the, last year has served as vice president in the name part. Before coming to of the Church club, vrhich is composed Ravinia Mme. Gall had sung the prima largely of prominent business men of donna role of this opera in Paris under Chicago and suburbs. Activities of this the direction of the composer. J.a,t club include : the promotion .of social season the . title role was new to Mr . activitic.s among Episcopal laymen of Chamlee, hut in it he achie,·ed. s1~c.h the Ch 1cago area, the publication of . suc~ess that he was catted. to Pans t.11" "The Dioce se," official magazine of the sprmg. where ~~ Marouf. h~ won the Episcopal church in Chicago. and the laudat1?n of cnttcs and pl~hltc .. Others sponsoring of noon da ,. services each who w1ll hav~ fine parts tn thts Ol~.era year during Lent at the Garrick the- are ~fme. J~ha Claussen, Jose 1\'lojtca, ater Leon Rothter. George Cehanovskv. · Vittorio Trevisan. Louis D'Ang-elo, Giordano Paltrinieri, Palo Ananian, Ruth Page, Edwin Strawbricl!!e and ballet. Louis Hasselmans will conduct . Sunday Afternoon Concerts The Slll1~lay afternoon c'oncerts which have always been a special feature of every Ravinia season wilt he given again this year and Louis Eckstein announces that for the most part they will consist of programs of national music, thus serving to present the most representative music of the world. The concert arranged for Sunday afternoon, June 23, will be American in tone, the program to be presented by the Chicag-o Symphony orchestra consisting 0f works by such American composers as Hadley, Chadwick. Borowski, Deems Taylor and Frederic Stock. Alfred \Vatlenstein, cellist, will he the soloist. his group being of European origin and including numbers by Bach, Haydn and Boccherini. Eric DeLamarter will conduct. On Monday night, June 24, the Chicago Symphony Orchestra will again be heard, this time in a concert of symphonic proportions as Mr. DeLamarter has selected as his principal offering on this occasion Tschaikowsky's Symphony No. 5 -in E minor. The soloists will be Jacques Gordon, violinist, and Joseph (Continued on page 6) Hearing Next Tuesday on Pine Crest Pavin~ Plan The proposed. installation of concretr paving in the Pine Crest subdivision of \Vilmette 'vill come up for consideration at a public hearing to he held in the council room of the Village.., hall next Tuesday evening, June 25, at 7 :30 o'clock. The cost of the improvement is estimated at $96,800. The date of the hearing was set at a meeting of the Board of Local Improvements last week. Emma Stopka; domt-stic science, Kernie l\1. Woodley; penmnn:-;hip and domestic scienC'e. Flort>nce G!'im:lrt; manual training, Lester F. Ball; physical educ~ltion Dudley r.. Stone, :Mrs. Olga S. Ball, Miss .Joe Skidmore and Mrs. Gertrude Fand:boner; director of recreation, Daniel M. Davis.