Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Jun 1929, p. 5

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June 21, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 5 Miss Alice King, daughter of the Karl D. Kings, 914 Greenwood avenue, will sail next Friday, June 28, from Montreal on the S. S. Ansonia, for a trip to Europe. She will go with the Student Travel club and will visit England, France, ,Holland, Germany and Italy, returning late in August. Graduating Class at Joseph · Sears School -oHarry P. Harrison, 307 Abbottsford road, Kenilworth left last week with his sons, Joseph and Dart~ for their summer place in Leland, Mich. Mrs. Harrison and her daughter, Ruth, will joitll them in about ten days . ......................... llilmtttr ilustt ~4np announces an exhibition of the latest in RADIO LA SPAR TON MAJESTIC and AT\VATER KENT Screen Grid and Equa-· ·Sonne Circuit RADIOS Ordination Service at Church of Holy · Comforter June 30 Lc=-tcr ~[. ~Iorse, of Evanston, until a y1.:ar ago a resident of \Yilmette, will he ordained to the priestl10od Sunday nwrning. ] nne 30. at the Church of the Hnh· Comiortcr in Kenihvorth at 10:45 o'cl;)ck. The ordination will be in charge of the Rt. Re,·. Frank E. \\'ilSlm. i\)rmcr rector of St. Augustine's Episcopal church in \Vilmette \Yho has recently been made bishop of the new · di(1cese of Eau Claire, \\'is. ~1 r. ~forse, who took a prominent part in American Legion actiYities in \\'ilml'ttc. is \\·ell known on the north shore. He has already been ordained a=- a rlearon and · is to be advanced to the prie.;thnod. The HcL Leland H. Danforth. rector of the Church of the Holy Comforter, announces that the Rt. Rev. \Vilson " ·ill preach at that church on Sunday, J unc JO. when the ordination is tu occur. In conm'ction with the same service there will he celebration of the Hoh· Communion. :M r. Danforth will he ~~~istcd lw the Rev. Edwin G. Huntt>r oi \\'ilr;1cttc and hy Albert E. Riddle. der; social science-John Kay, \Vitliam Reiley, and Roland \Vehr; languageC. Russell Smallpage, Miss Elizabeth Breidenbach, Deforest D. Walton, and ~Iyron Duckles; science-S. S. Vernon, ) . D. Edwards, and Fred C. \Vindoes; commerce-David E. Johnson, Albert Grinnell, and Harry Herron; manual education-Harry Aram, and library~fiss Jessie Sentney. young women who are completing their work in commercial illustration, cartooning, dress designing. interior dec- · orating and other classes in a school of art 'which. has just finished its twenty-seventh successful year and which has numbered among its students some of the outstanding artists in America today. Never before have we had so n1uch to offer in tone quality, selectivity. attractive design and troublefree Radio enjoyment. You are cordially invited to come in and view this interesting display. \Vatter Merrill, son of the E. McIntosh ~ferrilts, 1106 Greenwood aveCaroline Buchholz Is · nue, leave this week for the F. H. Art Academy Graduate Cheley Camp in Estes Park, Colo., to ~Iiss Caroline Anna Buchholz, daug-h- spend the summer. He was among the ter of ~Ir. and 11rs. G. Buchholz. 225 graduates of Central school last week. -oCentral ayenue, \Vilmette, is a member ~Ir. and Mrs. John \Vendell Robertof the graduating class of the Chicago Academy of Fine Arts, 18 South Michi- son have returned to their home at 514 gan ayenue Chicago. Miss Buchholz Gregory avenue, after a three weeks' has completed her course in dress de- motor trip to the Indianapolis automosigning. She recently exhibited in the bile races, \Vashington, D. C., Atlantic flPnt~al fashion show of the academy, City, and Windsor, Canada. -owearing a number of creations she had M iss Catherine Bickham, daughter of designed and made. She won distinction during her studies at the academy the Martin H. Bickhams, 429 Ninth by her fine work. Miss Buchholz was street, has returned from Ohio \Vesone of a number of young men and leyan college for her summer vacation. llilnitttt ilustt ~qnp CARLETON KA UMEYER 1179 WILMETTE AVENUE Telephone WILMETTE 3006 PAIMTWITB New Trier Summer School 0!)ens; 600 Are Enrolled Kew Trier High school's summer ses:; ion opened ~[onday of this week with an enrollment of six hundred. A teaching staff of twenty-five has been engaged for the summer school, which is under the direction of \V. L. Brown. Classes are held in the mornings only, leaving the afterno.o ns for recreational purposes. Following is the teaching staff in the various departments: English-Chester Persing, Miss Elisabeth Stanwood Miss Helen Walkup, and Gordon VanKirk; mathematics - Kenneth Funkhouser, Clyde Grater, C. Her~J~rt Jones, Frederick A. Kahler, and W1lham Sny- 100% PURE P AINl' It Is Guaranteed MILLEN I 2 I Hardware Company 9 Wilmette Ave. Phone 3060

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