Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Jun 1929, p. 6

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6 WI ·L METTE LIFE June 28, 1929 New Women's Playground Residents of Milwaukee Ball League Organized Visit Daughter Here A new women's playground ·ball league has been started at the Village Green and the first games of the schedule were played Tuesday evening. The remaining g-ames will be played in the fo il wing schedule: T. X. T . YS. ,July 2 O'Kay!', XYZ Houghneck:-; YR. ·Brownlee Aggreg-ation, feath E> rs. T. ~- vs. Horse- ,Jn)}· 9 T . YS. XYZ, Tioughnecl<s Ys. nnlWilh-e .Ag-g-r'e gntion, O'Kay:-; YS. Jlorl'i efea thers. .July 16 T . X. T. \ 'S. Houghnecks, O'Kays v~. X YZ, llor:-;t'fea th t>rs n;. Hrown let.· Aggre~~;atil·ll. The Rev. G. Fischer and Mrs. Fischer of M il waukee were the guests of their son-i n -law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mottschall of 33 Crescent place. last week. Mr. Fischer is secretary general of the Evangelical Synod .of North America. \ Vhi le here he and· Mrs. Fisc her and Mr. and Mrs. Mottscha ll attended the funeral at Be n senvi lle. of the R ev. M r. Ma ierli who died instantlv in a n automobile accident at E lm.hurst on Wednesday. From here Mr. and Mrs. Fischer left for Davenport, IO\va to visi t their son and his family, the E. 0. Kampmeiers. Nett' Trier Swim Classes Enroll More Than 200 More than .two hundred persons ha ,.e enrolled for the swimming classes now being conducted by Edgar B. ] ackson, New Trier High school swimming coach, at the New Trier natatorium. ChiJdren .from four years old and up , as .well as adults, are registered. The classes start ed last Monday and will contin ue until the close of summer s~hool at New Trier the week ending Saturday, August 10. ~fr. Jackson has announced that, although classes are already under way, persons desiring the swimming instruction may enter at any time . Private instruction a lso is avai lable. The classes are held fiye clays eac h week in th e morning, the boys' and girls' groups taking their instruction on 1f on days. Tuesdays. Thursdays. and Fridays from 9 o'clock to 11 :10, and the women's g roup meeting from 11 :15 to 11 :55 every ~f on day, \ \ ' ednesday and Friday morning. IN A HU ~RRY IN. the old days if ANYBODY missed a STAGE coach he was CONTENT to watt three OR four days for ANOTHER one. Now XYZ. ,JuiJ 2!1 T. X. '1'. \ 'S lllln.:pfea th (·rs, O'Kayf' V" Rnm·n ll:'e Aggn·g:l tion, l~oughn ~ks \'!'. . David TaY lor. son of Mrs. D. L. Tay lor. 849 .1firhigan aven ue, ha s returned f rom \ \'orcester academy at \\·orccstcr, ~f ass., where he has been in sc hool dnring the past winter. -0- TEACHES SEVCIK METHOD Milan Lusk, violinist, who is the author ized American expone nt of th e Otto Sevcik method of teaching, is giving instruct ion to a number of students at his residence studio in \Vilmettc this summer. Mr. Lusk is a pupi l· hf Mr. Sevcik. the famed Vien!1a master. HE lets out a squawk IF he mtsses one section OF a revolving door. ~·. 1310 Ash land a\'e~f r. and ~frs. George Turt~tr, .... nuc, has been ill at her home during the la st \\'t>ck, and wi ll not he full y r e- As h land avenue. ·who ha YC he (r n .~a motor trip through the l ·~as t. will r ·: con-rccl for at lea st ten day s. t ur_ n to th eir home th t .-:t· part of -0- ~ next week. ?\f rs. Ant lwny Pecci de Xictolis, 1107 -0Elmwood a \·emte. entertained twent \' D r. and ~frs . George H. \Vebster, g uests at lunch eo n and hridge on ~[on· ()15 Linden avenue, left hv motor on day at her hom e. Tuesday fo r Forest. Onta~io. Canada. -0~f'iss Louise Lon·clak of .f1 Kcnil - to be gone until the ear ly part of ,;_,orth an~ nttr, Kenilworth is con- JH.: xt week. -0\'alesc in g after a s.<.· ,·crc illness . ::\liss Lilly Schonlau of Los Angeles and ~fanhattan 11each. Cal. was th e recent guest of :\I r:-'. Dora von Glahn SA.VE WITH SAFETY and her family, of lll.f Lake avenue. AT -0- ~fr s. J. H. D~·o n, ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT ~ and Mrs. Herman Katz of \\.il mettc announce th e engagement nf their daughter, ~f artha, t o Burton L. \ \' olff, son of ~f rs. Regina \V olff of Chicago. They will be at home to their friends Sunday, July 14. ~Ir. ~f r s. Sam Comly, former ly Helen Cresap nf Kenilworth, returned la:; t \\'L' l'k-etid from t h e ) ohns Hopkin5 hospital where she und erwent an opcr:ltio n. :\fr. and ~[rs. Com ly arc m o\'ing tn Pittsburgh in about ten day -s \\'here they are to make th e ir home. -0- It USED to take nearly a DAY to go from here to WAUKEGAN, including STOPS to feed and water THE horses, while now we MAKE it in an hour, AND some in a good deal LESS. We all seem to be and ~fr ~. \Villiam Arndt, 214 ::\[r. and ::\frs. David De Camp and Dupee place, announce the birth oi their son. of 615 Ahbottsford ro:td, a so 1 _1. \\ 'ill is Petrie, June 20, at Grant Kenilworth arc sailing on Tue sday, . hosp1tal, Chicago. July 2, to spend the summer in Europe. ~fr. A Household N,e cessity MAPLE GROCERY & MARKET .Prompt Delivery 1936 Maple Avenue, Evanston Live Broilers Dressed While You Wait, lb . .. University 12-13 Fresh Eggs, 3 doz . ...... . PHONE WILMETTE 634 SOc I $1.05 IN a hurry, but what MAKES us sore is for some BIRD to drive into a FILLING station ahead of US , honk loudly for the ATTENDANT and then, AFTER his car is filled, SIT there and talk while HE keeps us waiting. Moral : Quick service during business hours; talk , if you want to, other times. Hospital Absorbent Cotton Many's th e time yo u \Yi shed you had some absorb ent cotton handy. Stock up now with Hospital Absorbent Cotton. Its long fibres make it highly absorbent. T hi s high grade cotton is sold at only 69c a pound · The Rexall Store Beat Native Rib Roast, lb. .... ' ............. . Rib Rolled Roast Beef, lb. . ... ' .. ' . .. ... .... . Boneless Native Rump Roast, lb. ........... . Short Beef Ribs, lb. . ' ' ..... . ......... . Genuine Spring Legs of Lamb, lb. .. . ...... . . . Loin Lamb Chops, lb. ' ' ' ' ' ... . .. ...... . . Rib Lamb Chops, lb. . .......... . ·.. . ' .. . Whole Leg of Veal, lb. ' . ........ . ....... . Rib & Loin Veal Chops, b. .. " .... . ' . .. ' ..... 3Sc 38c 34c 19c 32c SOc 45c 29c JSc 29c Breast of Veal, lb. . ....... . .. ....... . Pork Shoulder Roast, lb. . .. ' . ... . ' . ..... .. . Spare Ribs, lb· ..... . .. .. . .. .... .. Rib Pork Roast, lb· ................... Pork Loin Roast, lb· .... . ....... .. ... .. ' Wisconsin Yellow Cheese, ...... . .... .. . . Fresh Ground Beef, lb. . ...... . ....... . Rolled Roast Spring Lamb, lb . .. ~· CeDtral and Wilmette Avenues Phones Wilmette 28 and 29 Central and Wilmette Avenues Phones Wilmette 28 and 29 B~c~~~- ~~~.~~~~~. ~.t.~~..~~ .~~i.ft~s. - ~~~~i.~~.' ... .. . ..... . .. K~ber H~~ . . .. I L';!e d~;.mons, . 18c 19c lSc 27c 29c 32c 25c 28c $1.10 45c a: Fresh Blackberries - Strawberries - Pineapples Peaches - Cantaloupes :I

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