Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Jun 1929, p. 8

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8 WILMETTE LIFE ] une 28, 1929 Mrs. Nels Jacobsen, with her small Will son, Joseph, has gone to Long Beach, ' July 4-No Deliveries Cal. to spend the .summer with her Postoffices in Wilmette and Kenilmother. The Jacobsens moved re- worth will be closed all day next cently from 1326 Wilmette avenue, Thursday, July 4. In Wilmette one collection of mail ' will be made in the \Vilmette, to Evanston. afternoon, but there will be no deliveries. In Kenilworth there will be no collections or deliveries. Special delivery letters will be delivered as usual in both villages . . Gerard Taylor, son of Mrs. D. I.. Taylor, 849 Michigan avenue, left last Sunday for the Skyline Ranch for Boys in Wyoming, where he will pass his summer vacation. · Poatoflicea Close Form Riding Club Blame Golf Caddies for Blaze in Realty Office for ·Women, Girls; The Wilmette Fire department made its first run in three weeks Wednesday morning about 11 o'clock when it was called to a vacant building on west Lake avenue, formerly occupied by AI 'Lee's real estate office. No insurance was carried on the place, which was totally destroyed. The damage is estim.ated at five hundred dollars. The cause of the fire is unknown but Mr. Lee attributes it to the golf caddies from the Wilmette Golf course who, he said, used it . as a lounging room. to Meet Next Week A riding club is being formed by the Wilmette Playground and Recreation board for girls and women who are interested in horseback riding, and the first meeting of the gr0up will be held early next week. ·Definite arrangements will . be announced by the recreation staff as soon as a date for the club meetings can be arranged with the stable owners where the horses are being procured. Free instruction will be given to the club members, but no girl or .woman will be allowed in the class unless she can pass a riding test and has proved her ability to handle a horse without a groomsman in attendance. A nominal fee will he charged for the club membership to cover the expense of renting the horses. All residents of Wilmette are eligible to join the cluh and further details may be obtained. from Miss Joe Skidmore, assistant in charge of women's activities, who is making the arrangements for the riding class which will be held in the forest preserve near Glenview. Regi stration should be made at once. ).!iss Frances Oleson, 240 \Voodstock avenue, Kenilworth cntertainerl twelve guests for tea on Sunday ev2ning, June 16. in honor of !\I iss Helen Southward. who is to spend the summer in Yellowstone Park. -0- l. JEWELRY of -oMiss Annette Kelley of 913 Central Mrs. John Stevens, formerly of Wil- avenue will be the maid of honor at mette, who has been visiting Mrs. the wedding of Miss Barbara Mill\!::Kerry C. Meagher, 716 Central avenue, of Glencoe and Abel M. Winburn of left last Saturday with her sister for a Chicago \Vednesday, July 3, at Skokie Country club. · motor trip through the East. CHARACTER We specialize in designing and tht making of platinum a n d g o I d jewelry. We are diamond setters, watch, clock and jewelry repairers, and dealers in pearls, diamonds and other precious stones. We also feature stationery engraving for our fashionable pltron$. MR. 12 PAGLIARULO'S experience in the shops of Spaulding ~ Co. is your guarantee. 17 Years in the Same Location years ·cLOTHES ARE MUCH CLEANER. When Washed or . Dry Cleaned by l\fr. and ~Ir s . Thomas \\' bite, 310 Richmond road. K enilworth enter: tained the Ross and the Ketcham families, also of Kenilworth , for tea la st Sunday e\·ening. - oJohn V. Rathbone and his son. Joh;1 Jr., 523 Abbott sford road. Kenilworth leave today with two friends for a week's fishing trip at the Lake of the \\' oods. Canada. .' -0- Jeweler and Optician 1166 Wilmette Ave. Phone Wilmette I .NELSON· LAUNDRY and Dry Cleaning System CENTRAL AT MAIN ST., WILMETTE Phone 1800 Liberal Discount for · Bring and Call SPRINKLERS o61 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burns of 614 Essex road. Kenilworth drove to Port Huron, Mich.. last week-end, to accompany Mr. Burns' mother home. MAIL BOXES Health:.9.:Meter 11Wt01111tlc &lthroom Selle MAJESTIC H.ve the finest lawn you ever had with a BalD lUIIe. Set it for circles, anctes or 1tripe. Solid jetJ or coane 1pray for treH and MMibe, drench inc downpour for lawna,centle aho-rormiat for 1\pwenand~eed beds. The wondenprinkler. RAIN KING Sprinkles 50% Quicker THE S'f,\:YDARD-$3.50 St·rlnklus as low us 3:Jc Unl~h: l,rlt't'Cl at .. .. ... i10.9:i . I (; rc·c·n lllut>, hory or White Green or Red Frames Cannas wH h futurh;tlc or Jllgh High $4.95 $5.95 UNDERGROUND GARBAGE RECEIVER Out or ~lght, O!lorless, Uy ))roof, dog ])roof. Easily Installed. · motU design. 12 gal. capacity . ... ... .'.. ... .$10.50 $5.50 TJliS uttrurtln· ~lull nox h omon~ tht' IH'\HSt )llt'C'f-'S forged by the 1\lcKlnney crufts· m.-n. It Is forged of A rmeo Iron - thoroughly rust·J)ruoft-d and finally tlnl!Oht'd In Duro · . Plain , ·arnll'ht>tl frame. Heavy uliH drab <'OH'rs. Com· furta bh· anti l't urd y . . . · $4 25 JHRD BATH BASE 1·olae tor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to .. .. ....... . ....... . You wlll appreciate the Otbera priced $5 i)O · $18.50 gSc an·l MILLEN BARDWARB CO. 1219 Wilmette Avenue Phone SUNSHINE DRYER RHolns In the breeze-folds Uke an umbrt>llu. No Jugging of heavy bask· ets. Requires only lo feet of space . . . . . . . . . . · A partlrularly prMtlral ornamental box speelally prlttd at ... Wilmette 3060 $13 50 Steel Clotbea Poata ... . ..... . . $2.50

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