Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Jun 1929, p. 22

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22 WILMETTE LIFE June 28, 1929 Immediate Delivery on AU Models ESTHER GOULD"S JOHNSON· "SEA HORSE" I OUTBOARD MOTORS Place Orders Through TRAVEL CORNER LAST DAYS London is certainly not a vitup.er ative disposition. After ~tl the. unkmd things that are always bemg satd ab~ut her weather hv visitors from our std e of the \Yater. she has given u Hean~n ly day after Heavenly day. Th.e umh'rclla, oven,·nrkecl, alas, 111 Pans. ha s been taking- a well earned rest. . Quite apart from her weather ~0!1ditions London has been fun. \ 1 tting Rebecca \Vest is more fun than anything I did in Europe in spite of. or perhap:-; partly because of. the fact that is resembles sit tin g on the crl.g e of a yolcano. Something extraordinary is ah\·ays either happening or about to happen. It was Carl \'an \ ' echten who really divulged to me, hO\Ye,·er. the secret of the danger I was in. He said. "Are ,·ou sta,·ing ,,·ith Rebecca \V e~t ?" I admitted rather proudly that I was. He said, "It must be exciting. Do YOU know that she's the one person in , London the police won't allO\\ to haH i her address in .. the telephone hook?" : I hadn't heard It . He went on to explain that so many cranks, maniacs and radicals, including, he insi sted. the Shah of Persia, were always turning up on the mat and having to be rem o \·ed by the police that finally they said it was gett ing too brisk for them and \\·ou ld, ~1 iss \\.e st mind removing her arid ress from the telephone book? This knowledge gave (,f course an added zest to life. To kno\\' that you are living behind not on ly that indefinable cha. m which separates from us mortal s the great of this earth, hut also behind a n actual chasm symbolized hv the blank . space het"·cen na1ne and number in th e telephone hoClk! G. B. Stern is one of the most amu .· ing people in London. \Vc used to drop in to her flat in the famous Al bany the oldest flat building in I.ondn '1 . ·whe;e ~facaulav, 'fhackery. ancl almost evervone e.lse ha s once liv (·d. i11'·l be re galerl by her stories of "~f rs. Pat," the great . Mrs. Patrick Cam ph ell whn is playing in Miss Stern\ play. "ThC' Matriarch." She and John Van Dru ten "·ho made the . tagc nr sinn nf the hook also had much of an annJs ing nature to say :1hnut the pn·., . , notices. Although England \\·a . . in th e thr llf:'1 f a General Election (lurin~ my la '-'t days there, thcr~: \\'ilS little eYiclenc e of it. except one time \\·hen I hap nened to get nff a trai.n " ·ith the then Premier Bald"·in . f nnticecl the rrm,·d and .w as just " ·ondcring if thl'\· \\TH' there to meet mC'. \rhc11 an Fngli~h Bobby ~tepped up ;tnd asked nH: ii f \\"Ollld 1 ~-: ase 1110\'(' 011. f lt tOkerJ around, then . and eli. cnn'red that I \\'a-. nart of the intinlate family part _ \· oi the Premier. and \ras g(·tting snmr ill deserved acclain1. T told the Bnhh\· T ,,·oulcl he charmed to lllf·,· r <lll ii ht"d show me a way through the crnwd. which he did thankiully. fh-pn:-;iting m e in a taxi. I dr<we on making nle'l~al ro111ments on what a· pitiles:-; thin :.·: i:famc! T supp0se h)· this tinH.-. hn\\·n ·er . .the rro,nl..; ;tre Jll·t h1lrt\\itl~ Bald,,·in. At la-..t after nint' heautilul rJa,·.., in London ther e \\rtS the nL·n·s-..it \· (tf journeying home. Bringing t1· an enrl this li ghthearted pilgrimage, \\·hich ha..; been so full of rewards at e\·ery ,;t·lJl. The . hip ha s heen nry quiet on thr ,·oyage . Coming home i. ncccs:-.arily , ·age out. quiet compared to the · ,.o_ E\·ervone i ~ a little tired and ~o full of i1;1pre ss ion . that the\' lik e to . it bovinely on the '-kck and rtt.m inate nt~ thing s see n in Spain, Africa. Ttah·. France, England. ~., \\' e all read "Dod:-\Hlrth" and I th:d: felt ourse h·es pcrhaJlS: ntnr<· in ~ .nn pa thv with him than with am· other nf \Tr .. Lewis' characters, bec;n{se we arr all a little lik e Dods\\'Orth, we Ameri cans who go to Emope. Blundnim~ about more or le ss blindly, enjoying it hugely, hut all the time a little trou 1dcd by the effort to figure out \rhat theY all ntean, these civilizati0ns so forcig;l to our O\\'n, what the\· ha,·e really tn do \rith us. · KARL YOST 1016 Greenwood Ave. Wilmette 1963 A Brand New Thrille~Fun for Youna and Old Located permanently directly opposite Holy Ghost Academy on Wa·kecaa Road Near WIDow Read ANat 4 Mile· Wut et WIN&TitA WHOOPEE! Drive your own car over a mile~long plank road that has all the thrills of mountain driving but none of the dangers! · WHOOPEE! FREE ADMISSION TO THE GROUNDS lOc i1 charged each occupant of car using Whoopee Auto Coa-ter Children under 7 year· FREE THRILLING! AMUSING! SENSATIONAL! Free Parking Space for 10,000 cars. Park on our grounda free, day or night and watch the fun, plenty of 1hade treea. :;::-:l .&UC 1 OP.N DAILY no.. 7 a.-. te IINidte Gro~~:nda WeD Policed-Day and Night I ~OC r:;:::-: ::.=.J ------------------------------ - PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Improve Your t;OLF ... PinLJ durinq the 1veek l Once -a-week golf never cuts down your strokes. You need · regular practice to better your game. And what's more important you n'eed the mid-week recreation. Big executives have Jurned the virtues of it. Many are sending their assistutts away from their desks for this splendid relaxation which improves general health and efficiency. -~~nd-~~ Dream shlpl Timed to be .. where thing· happen, ..~ and when eeasons are · 'happiest. Christmas in ·~ ~l~d~m~~· ~l() . / Only a Few Minutes frotn Your Home Special Rates for June Only! On week days only, for men. $1.00 for morning p lay; $1.50 "PICKWICK" Golf' Club at . Glenview otTers you two sporty 18-hole champion. ship courses which experts have proclaimed equal to and actually su perior to many private clubs. "PICKWICK" · was laid out and is now maintained by a golf architect ot' national prestige. All greens and tees of Flossmoor creeping · bent: 175 scie ntific bunkers and traps; 3 waterholes. Proclaimed the fines t publtc course in the country. for afternoons or a ll day. Ladies, 75 cents all week days. Starting time reservations for Saturday and Sunday may be made in Chicago at the Bos.ton Store (7th floor) or phone Glenview 173 or 292. IMPORTANT: Those who plan no mid-day meal for Sunday can tee off immediately on that day between 11 A. M. and 2 P . M. Year's Eve In Cairo.~. · . \ 1~ Japan in plum-blossom ~ time ··· and so around "&.'Jj the globe. ~~ This year, three new ~ lands ··· Greece, Su.. matra, Formosa. Wonderful inland.. India trip to the Taj Mahal, Agra, '~ Delhi, now included in ,. fare. 137 days, for as A1i little as $2000. Only 1 'T~ once In a lifetime, prob.. . " ably. Go righ._ t. _On the ,,r 1"" Empra1 of AwtTalia, \'::::1 · from New York, Dec. 2. One M~ Bethlehem ··· New ~\i lt HOLD SERVICES AT SCHOOL The services of the First Evangelical church of \Vinnetka are hcing held in the assemblv room of Horace Mann school duri1~g the relJlodeling of ·the church huilcling at 503 Chestnut street. \\'innetka. Mrs. Brower Monroe, 724 Maclean avenue, Kenilworth, has as her house g uest for several days this week her father and mother and . brothe·r , Mr. and. Mrs. Fred A. Rye and Robert Rye. of Montclair, N. ] . They came on vVednesday and---wi-11 stay onlY until Sunday. · I 1-' CL noKCC apace now booking . -cuk your local aaenc, or 8Jement, Ship and Shore Easy. to R. By auto, take Waukegan Road to Glenview ATenae (Just west of Wilmt·Ut>). Then west fhe minutes to Shermer A venue, and north to Club. See special week·day rates above. Reach Agrnt, ?1 E. Jackson Blvd., Chfcag_o, Ill.. Te_lephone Wabash 1904. s. Elworthy, Steamship General ~nJ>aad!a.n I£ \P~~~~!!.~~l "".l Create.t Travel SJ"etem -..-. · .( l.. .us ice --. .__,.,_ . . . . . ........ w.x.._ taa.. ~ 1 · 1 I ' ~ ""' 1" d Commercial Trust 8r · Ravings Bank University 9400 · OUR s ·FRVICE IS FREE TO YO(j E·>Mfnn ·rra .. l Rnreaa t I .I I

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