Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Jun 1929, p. 23

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June 28, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE JS ·CUEST IN KENILWORTH 23 IStarcey on board the s. s. Barengaria on their return trip from Europe. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jarrett, 534 Essex road, Kenilworth entertained Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Chapman of Glendora, Cal. last Sunday. . The Chapmans were passing through Chicago en route · to Europe. · Col. F~rank c. B_ oggs ,;st Lohr ,;n To A Ss Wo rld's Fa,;r Plans 11 11 11 Col. Frank C. Boggs, former purchasing officer for and chief of the Washington office of the Panama canal, who is to be associated with Major Lenox Riley Lohr, the manager £ C o the hicago World's fair, has just taken over his new duties in the centennjal headquarters, Burnham building, Chicago. As purchasing officer of the Panama canal from 1908 to 1916 while it was being constructed by General Goethals, Colonel Boggs bought materials, tools . and eqmpment amounting to an average of $1,000,000 a month. As chief of the Washington office one of his many duties was to procure. appoint and ship to the Isthmus of Panama all employes hired in the United States. During the \Vorld war Colonel Boggs was successively in charge of the department of milit.a_ry engine ering and engineering supplies under the chief engineer, American Expeditionary Force and en,gineer purchasing officer for the A . E. F. Purchases made by the engineers' organization in France amonr.tcd to almost $300,000,000. HONORED AT PRINCETON Da,·id Burnham, 536 Roslvn road. l':enilworth graduated from Princeton nniyersitY last \\·eek He was elected Phi Bet·a Kappa and \\·on the 1859 ~f emorial Prize. which is the in com~ on S..?.OOO. for \\·inning the senior essay and the highest honors in English. John R ~[urray, also of Kenilworth, won his R . 0. T. C. commission when llc graduated. -oDe an Vail. Jr .. 150 Abingdon aYenue, Kenilworth has \Yebster Sanford of Plainf. 1 ::1. K . ]. as his guest. christian Science Churches r----------------1 I Mr. and Mrs. John P. Oleson of 240 Woodstock avenue, Kenilworth entertained Major Sir Edward Starcey ' of London, England the week-end of June sixteenth. Major Starcey was "Is the !;nivcrse, Including Man, en route to the west coast and Canada, Evolved by Atomic Force?" was the this being 'h is first trip to Chicago. subject of the lesson-sermon in all Mr. and Mrs. Oleson met Major Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, June 23. The golden text was, "Behold, God, exalteth by his power: who teacheth like him? Remember that thou magnify his work, whi~h men btiwld" (Job 36 =22 · 24 ). Among the citations which comprised the lesson-sermon was the following from the Bible; "Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things "'·hich are seen were not made of things '"hich do appear" (Hebre\Ys 11 :3). The les son-sermon also included the follo\\ .·ing passa?"es from the Christian ~-> Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key t.o the Scriptures," by Mary Baker Eddy: "The great I Am made all 'that wa s made.' Hence man anrl the spi_.ritual uniYerse cocxi. t ,\'ith God" (p. 2()7). .....--- Wilkinso.n Sisters cordially invite you to theit Display of Hand-made Art Quilts, Bed-Spreads, Robes, Pillows and Baby Quilts Moraine Hotel. Highland Park Tursday, July 2 and Wrdnrsday, July 3 Mrs. Sylvan Hirschberg in charge Discount for work done over summer ... So, for the journey by air, we 11ow·provide GIFTS T.o Fly Mrs. Annetta Dyer Is Taken by Death June 23 ~r rs. Annetta Dyer of Chicago passl'd away Ia t Sunday at the home oi hrr daughter, ~r L. Herman · C. Hintzpcter. 212 Sheridan road, Kenil· worth. ~r rs. DYer had been ill for more than a yea~ and for the last se\'· era! \n_ · eks had been at he,: daughter's home. Her lmshand. Edward B. Dyer. is retired and lin·s in Chicago. :\.nothcr daughter. Loris D. Dyer, and a son, EchYin H. Dyer, also live in Chi. cago. Tire funeral sen·ices were held \\-eclnesday afternoon. June 26, at 2:30 o'clock in the funeral chapel at 1820 S. ~Iichigan aYenue. Chicago. Burial took place at Rosehitl cemetery. .or not to Fly Featherweight Suit Ca.~es and overnight Bags for the Zeppelin, Airplane or Motor Trip- in co l or, style and appointments to suit the individual taste. Fitted Suit Cases and overnight Bags Repr e.~en t:Jtive of l>Mf>El\SHOP "FoR THE MAN WHO CAREs" tlte la st word in Travel Case luxury -every need is supplied by fitted accessories of gold , silver and enamels of exquisite colors. Preliminary Announcement THE WILMETTE LIFE of July 5 will contain an announcement of great interest to Men and Boys- the type of fellows who want the best and the newest in a BARBER SHOP. I .dooks in Sets From Bond and Regent Streets come these superbly bound books -Reference Books, an Atlas and a Dictionary in bindings that will delight the initiated. ' I The COLONNADE with its beautifu~, restful, inviting - we might fi ttingly add - luxuriou~ appointments and conveniences, wilt we believe, surprise and charm our many friends in Evanston and the North Shore. WATCH FOR THE OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT .SPAULDING-GORHAM, Inc. FORMERLY SPAULDING & COMPANY DANIEL GANS HAIR SHOP I I 507-509 MAIN STREET . UNIV. 6262, GREENLEAF 1426 ]ewelers Michigan Avenue Orrington Avenue Rue de la Paix t" (Opposite . Evansbire Hotel) EVANSTON t I CHIC A G 0 EVANSTON P A R I S Auociated witla BLACK. STARR & FROST-GORHAM, Inc., NewYorl

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