June 28. 1929. WILMETTE LIFE ,I.__________ 1V~ e _U~s ~ e~G~o~v~em~m~e~D~&~A~p~p~n~v~e~d~C~h~e·~lea~ll~------~ 0'Leary Contest to Mark Third Week Village Playgrounds Scouts to Take Part·in July Fourth Celebration on' ' The village-wide O'Leary contest wilt mark the third week of the summer playground season wh_ich opens M~n day. The contest will be for semor girls only and will be held. at 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon at Vattman Park. Mrs. Alta B. Caldwell, playground instructor at Vattman will conduct the tournament. Each playground \Yill send three entrants to the meet and ribbons will be awarded to winners of the first, second, and third places. Poster contests will be held at each playground during the week in ad.clition to the village wide o'leary tournament, and winners at each playground will be eligible to submit their posters in the ,·iltage wide poster making contest which \Yill be held on the following week. Glencoe Boy Sc~mts are to take part in the celebration on ] uly 4. The Glencoe .Men's club. which has planned the celebration is donating the balance of funds not spent on the celebration to the Boy Scouts to be used for camp purposes. Mrs. David Crabb of 925 Greenleaf avenue entertained her nephew and niece last week. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cooper of Oakland, Cal.. who \\'ere on their way to Phiiadelphia. T elephone Superior ·9853 ~QD~®iY~~ ~COMPANY~ Our apecial proceaa of fumigation deatroya all moth-life iD upbolaterecl fumiture, ruga, fura, etc. We Call for a nd pellver .1 oo 7 NORT H CLARK ST REET C'ontrart s for Exterminating Roa ~ hes, Bed Bugs, CHICAGO Ml~e and Bat Celebrating the Sale of a Million Frigidaires Kick Ball for Girls Ki<:;k hall fo r girls will . also be inaugurated. during the week and a complete scl.1edulc has been outlined by Daniel ~1. Davis, director oi recreation, which will determine the Yillage-wicle :hampions in kick ball. Preliminary intruction in track meets preparatory to the village-wide track meet to he held later i1. ~ he season is being gi,·en at each of the playgrounds ancl eliminations for determining representative contestants for each playground " ·ill be held within the next two weeks. The main attraction of this " ·ec k's program was the beginning oi a membership dri\·e which started at 9 o'clock ~1onday morning and will end July 6. Each playground ha - an aYerage attendance of 175 children daily and Director Davis hopes to increase the average to 200 through the membership dri,·e and to incrtase · the present enrollment by more than 1.000 children. The first playground ball contest for boys and the first beach day program were e~ents of this week. The first playground ball game was played Tuesday afternoon at the \'illage Green between the Vattman playground and the Village Green playground. Vattman was the victor by a score of 13 to 3. ~fore than 200 children under The Second National Demonstration of the FRIGIDAIRE "Cold Control" JUNE 24 to JULY 3 The F r isidoir e ·· Cold Conr.rol" The D-4 Frilidaire- 1195 J.. liflel'ed. ready in. CO,_. l 200 Enrolled in Swim Classes 14 years The "Cold Control" is being shown in actual use. All the popular models of Frigidaire are on display. We're giving away a souvenir book containing recipes for delicious frozen desserts. And we're making a special offer to all who buy on or before July 3rd. Here's a special opportunity to see e%actly what the Frigidaire " Cold Control" does. You can see it in actual use- doing t he same things it will do in your kitchen. THERE is a Frigidaire exactly the right size to meet your needs. And in order that any one may install Frigidaire in his home this summer, you may arrange to purchase the model you select the " little h )' little" waya small payment down, and the balance month by month with your r egular electric statement. of age are enrolled in the daily swimming classes Ce>ilducted by the playground instructors at the beach. This 11\tmber is expected to be doubled as soon as the water is \varmer. Classes are conducted from 2 to 4 o'clock, and an additional hour from 4 to 5 o'clock is devoted to working for points under the direction of the instructors. 1 A great deal of interest has ah·ead,· ' heen displayed in scoring points tO\Yar.d the gold medals awarded to the three people reaching the 500 poin mark first. Three ho,·s. Frank McCabe. John Cut-. 1· ler, and Boh He\\·itt are tied for first place at the present time with r.rete l Yon Reinspeq:~ and Jean Burns comitw second. ~[ore than 250 children are expected to compete in the first beach dav program which is being held ·this · afternoon. Points may be scored in the follo\\'ing cYents: 20-yanl dashes-boys and girls ten ,·ears old and under; 25-Yard dashe"hoys and girls eleven. t\\~ch·c. tl1irtcen rears old; 50-yard dashes-ho\·s and girls sixteen years old and O\'er.;. hurdle ! race-boys fourteen years and under: one-armcrl race-girls fifteen vears and 11 ndcr: under-water race-girls ten .n ·ars and under; dead man's float for cli5tatJce-ho~·s fourteen and under. '\frs. Gale Meginniss, ()25 Park avenue, entertained as her house guest la<>t week, Mrs. Frank ~f. Hoffman of Forest Hi ll s, N. Y. Mrs. Hoffman left last Sunday for her home. Special Offer A silver-plated ice bowl with tongs - or if you prefer, 6 silver-plated dessert dishes - will be given to all who buy Frigidaire between June 24 and July 3, as a special feature of the second national demonstration of "Cold Control". Let us tell you all about iL Plan to spend a few minutes in our store some time this week. · PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERM ILLINOIS JOSEPH· W. KEHOE . District Manager 1141 Central Ave., Wilmette Phone Wilmette 2899