6 .W I L M E_ _! T E LIFE LECTURES IN CALIFORNIA July 5, 1929 '~ ..ttlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll1 "CARL'S" RIDGE NEWS Vol. I Published in thr inreust of Wllmrtte people and tht Ridge Road vicinitr; bv tht July 's, 1929 ~ ·.,·,.n l>(ly:-; fn,m St . .I .. ,:,· ph Tn "'P !I :t l'L' lv<t dng- t· tday. No. 24 ('and:r- == Whitmnn ,lflhlll'tOII RIDGE AVE. PHARMACY CARL C. RENNECKAR. Edrr or. c; nut ht·rs Shop on the Ridge 1!t· t':l ll :-'1 · :1 111:111 h:t !-: a ··:t llliflnw, ·r l'; tr it b no !-:ign ht · wa :- :1 priz .... fit:hl··r . If, . might han· !-:t·J': IJlt ·<l it :1gait1:-t tlw t :dolt · flh·ing f1·r :1 }l:tP· ·r napl.;in . Shop on the Ridge Fill :1 nlt ·clidnt · drrql wi t h W:ll· · ·· :ttHl JH"· ·:-:- :-;lowly :1,: Yt·U llton· d r· wn a !'t ·:tm tn lw ir11n<· <l "r lll't·:-;:-;,·tl. Thi:- gin · ~ jn :-t th" rig-ht :t 111111111t ()( nt .. i:-turt· :t nd lll:l l' ··:- t 11· · ))t ·r Dean James A. James of th~ graduate ate scll'ool, Northwestern university, and Mrs. James, are now in California where the former will lecture in American history during the six weeks' summer term of the University of Southern California. They will spend some time. with their son, Maurice, and family in San Diego before returning to Evanston the first week in September. They plan to return by way of Glacier park. Their son, Hubert, who has been in Bombay, India, connected with the foreign department of General Motors, Inc., for the last year and half, is expected to return to Evanston late in. the summer. ~J rs. \V. Dawe of Inglewood, Cal., arrived on Wednesday to be the guest of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kettleman, 123 Fifteenth street, for the month of July. During August she will Yisit her pareQts-in-law, the William Da\\·es of Chicago, before returning to California. To Lay Cornerstone of Marshall Field,s Store in Evanston With the structural steel framework rapidly nearing completion, the cornerstone of the Evanston Marshall Field store will be laid with appropriate ceremony Wednesday, July 10, at 10:30. Leaders in the busines s and social life of the city and other north shore suburbs, Evanston city officials, chamber of commerce executives and. other prominent citizens will participate in the rites, according to Ronald Boardman, who is manager of the Evanston store, now housed in the Carlson annex. Thomas H. Eddy, treasurer of Field"s and an Evanstonian, ·will lay the cornerstone and other Field officials who will he present include David M. Yates, vice president and general manager of the downtown retail store; Frederick D. Corley and vV. G. Burt, vice presid.ents; ·c. R. Schaeffer. sales promotion manager, and R. F. Starr, superintendent of maintenance. Ernest R. Graham of Graliam. Anderson, Probst and \Vhite, the architectural firm which had the designing of the building in charge, is also to be present. ~{ayor Charles H. Bartlett wilt formath: welcome Field's to Evanston on beh~lf of the citv and its neighbors to the north. Pr01;1inent gue:-;ts will be Dean Ralph E. Heilman of the Northwestern university school of commerce, President C. D. ·Hardv of the Evanston Chamber of Comn;erce, Chief Williath 0. Freeman of the local police department, Fire Marshal A. N. Hofstetter, heads of civic club . hank pre . iden ts and others.· Copie s of The EYan ston Re,·ic\\', \\"ti.\tETTr·: LrFE. \\"t:\:\J·:n..: .\ T.\LK, Gu::\COE .\" E\YS, the Lake Fores ter, the Shop on the Ridge ~ht · Shop on the R idge - " .-\t ·t ·ortlill !.!. tro E\·olllti<·ll '."' S hop on the Ridge Ya vatir·ll tim· · i ~ at ha 111l a ntl ""' ' w a g t· r Wilnwttt· will l1o I· k good wlwn :'\llll g..t b:u·k . l.ikt · tht · t't· llow who hit hi~ h· ·:11l with a f :1 :-hi 1, n ~ l\irt ~ rtl 't · l.!roill" tn l11 · \\"111'11 IH ·]Io\\" lht· tl11 · """'!'. l : tt l'~t Y·tl\t ·l - "It'!'> a itlt ·: t, hllt 1·:t n g-onfl . ,, lh't ':-' ... I 1··-·· r j(. d 1·11"t :1 rt ' d"ulot fort ·t · it ·;·· tlw,· t·n- J. ll f h II\\" to j.!toi·lt: (IJl·.l ' ' """JI h f' \ ' th !' lll ( ~t'ttkhn~t · n (]on't lwl'l~ hamnwr lJf'f':tu ~ , . it fp}t l'll g't olltl Wh l' ll ht · Shop on the Ridgt! , . .H ' .\ TIO'" )lu~rrnito ~fltflon,.r:r. tJUit. ~hop ,,·,·: \ r rul tlwr l':lit,:t· tht ·y I itt It ·. lwn gin· on the R idge ~I' o ll t ~ :t r. · ~fnrting th· ·ir Y:w:t tion :1.! tlw ll P\\" ::\'11rt h ~hort· A l't>a fla mp i 11 Tlw ·F ;r,f ,\ ltl 1\it s J.otion ;,u,. to ~;,. ~a.;,u \Vi:-;('oll ~ ill thi,: · Y· ·ar. Tltt·rnws Boftlt·s, ~1.110 to !i::c.:.n Tltt·rmos .Tnl!s :!'J.;,u C' hmrs-1111 tltt· pupnlar t1rattlls RIDGE A VENUE PHARMACY Opposztr Sr . Joseph's School Phone vVilmette 316 ~ ·~==~======~~====~~~~~ ·~~-==~ -- "I eould hardly walk my feet hurt me so It was all I could do to get down to the office. T hen I tried thest shoes. What a relief!" No longer need you suffer the handicap· which come from pain-wracked feet. Ground Gripper shoes will put an end to your foot troubles. They will banish forever the foot aches and pains. Don't let your feet keep on hurting you. That's so unnecessary. Try a pair of Grot.:nd Gripper shoes. That's the simplest and surest way to obtain relief. · · · · At the Ground Gripper store is a man who can bel p you with your foo t problems. Consult with him today. You can begin your t!njoymeni o/ Frigidaire now Low prices and the"Little by Littl e" plan m a ke Frigidaire surprisingly easy to buy. And this 18e rvice is easily within your m e ans. New Frigid aires ar e r emarkably low in price and " Little by Little" tei'ID8 are unusually Ground Gripper SHOES FOR MEN. WOM EN AND C H ILDREN 1735 Shermal\ Ave. EVANST ON Green leaf 6 18 1 Open T ues., T hurs. and Sat. Evenings Highland Park Xe\Ys. the EYan ston X l'\\'S- rndex and. Chicag() llC\\'S papers; litc!'ature giving the outstanding- facts in Field's histon· and other hist orical data will be pla~ed in the stone. The siln-r trowel wielded by Treasmer, Eddy will he pre served in the fini shed building. The growth of the EYan:->ton branch of the big Chicago store has been rapid . E~ahlishcd Sept. 13, 1928. a . an infants' and children's apparel shop housed in a . . mall temporary building on the southwr~t corner of Hinman aYenue and Da,·is street. it \\'as moved 1\ov. 1 · to larger quarters in the Carlson annex and the scope of the stock was enlarged to include misses' ..wear. A room for boys' apparel was added Dec ( and Fe h. 4 the second floor of the annex was taken over and women's wear and accessorie s added.. The new store will he completed in the fall, according to present plans. .... .... .... liberal· Just 18ay the word and one of the popular low-priced Frigid· . aire s will he delive r e d to· your home. Then you can forget about r e frigeration. You will have automatic, carefree 8ervice. Call at our store. Examine the Frigidaire that meets your needs. See how the ex· ·elusive Frigidaire Cold Control adds pleasure and convenience. Let us give you complete information about prices and terms. .I I ;1 Does You· P·ope·tY Need Any· 1 'I Repai·s! 1 ' ~ .........."~'"""""""""""""'l PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS ~ ~ ~ ~ Fireplaces a Specialty Porches and Walks, Plaster Repairs Stone and Brick Chimneys All grades of Stone, Brick and Cement Work JOSEPH W . KEHOE, District Manager 1141 Cen tral Ave., W ilmette Phone Wilmette 2899 ;L.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,J ..· . ·. - I I I~ ~ SHORTRIDGE Ph. Kenil. 2 73 S 419 Richmond Road, Kenilworth I I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~