Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Jul 1929, p. 8

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8 Miss Josephine Farley, 300 Abbottsford road, Kenilworth, is spending the Fourth of July at Ludington, Mich., with Mi ss Margaret Gordon of Winnetka. -oM r. an.cl ~{rs. Gl.·orgc L. ~lartin. 10-t6 Elmwood an>mtc, t·ntt-rtained Mr. and Mrs. Jolm Kelly oi ,Hrokenhow, I\'cb., for sc\'cra l days this \H·ek. \\'alt er Car~· ~lr C!.n·c \\T:--.t ,,·ith the Kcllys. -o~fiss Jane Bur.r.ill! daught('r ui Dr: and Mrs. r. :\. Burrill. H12 Crl'L'II\\"OOd a\·cnue, lc{t on ~ltmcla.\· ior Calllp Hry-11 Afon, Roosc\'l.'lt. \\.i:-. ., 1 11 he gone for the sttn1mer months . WILMETTE Jean Kosner of Kenilworth is spending two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. ,V. H. Smythe at their summer home at Portage Point, Mich., as the guest of their daughter. Dorothy. LIFE July 5, 1929 A Special Purchase of New Fashions To Glorify Summer Days....Individual Styles At R--emarkably Low Prices H "different" enough to make them real finds- plain crepes in pastels \vi th sun backs and· no sleevesfrocks with jackets and frocks \\'ithout jackets - you can safely call the roll of sun1mer fashions fron1 this notable special purchase just arrived. Sleeveless Paste) Crepes with low cut Sun Backs . . ..... · .. . Miss Ma_r_v and Miss ' Esther and Robert and Ford Stoddard of 524 Lake avenue attended the t~arriage last Saturday of Miss Lucille Fox an \Villiam Cam~p Brookins at au~atuck, Mich. They Thirty-five bqys and counselors in returned to their home on ~londay. -ocharge of Charles· A. Kinney, director -oof Adventure Island camp, left \\'in ~~ r:'. Julia S. Barker oi Chicago ts ~fiss Dorotln· Klunder 909 Chestnut netka Friday on a special Chicarro & the house g-uest thi s week of · Mrs. ::\·enue has reti.trned to \\'i lmette from Fndinand A. P. Fischer oi 8-t8 Park James l\lillikan uninrsity , to spc.ll'J ~orth 'Ve st ern railroad car boun71 ior Adventure Island. and eight week. or a\·enue . the summer with her parents. life in a boys' '-'"9rld. -o-oDuring th e past three weeks a grou11 M r ~. Chark...; Gregory and her sons, ~f r. and ~f rs. Richard ,V. Murison of pre-camp boys and counselors ha ·.-v C'harks, Jr ., and James, are Ytsttmg of Kenih\~orth returned ~fonday from been living on the island, clearing um ~f rs. Grt:gory's parents 111 Atlantic, a two weeks' trip to Yellowstone Park the lodge. setting up the tents. on rfowa for a it\\· \\·ceks. l and Coforado Springs. · hauling the camp fleet, building a dork. an·d getting the shop ready ior a bu-.,· summer. This summer all oi the new ht ,, . , .. This esfc<blishment closes at 1 p. m. on SaturdaJ'S during ·July and August will have a chance t o build one of ti H "kyacks" which j)ro\·ed so succes:-;i t~l last seaso n. One of the events oi till· Ephraim regatta in August \\·ill he :t race between boat~ built and handk d 1)\· the bo,·s who build th em . · · A new· featu-re this will he a camp orchestra, directed and trainl.·d 16~4 !)\· H. j. \\' ehner oi the Averv Coonle\· school at Down ers Grove. ~fr. \\\·1> ner has had a \Yide experience trainin g vouthful musician.. He \\·ill ha,·e e}C \ ' C11 boys in th-e organization at th e start. Boys with a flair for can·ing in wood and modeli)lg in clay will find a wide op11ortunity for cxpressio;n in the~ c medium~ under th e guidance of Cterry :\f a!lt of the Tndianapolis Art in stitute. This group of ho~·s will ha\'e charge of th e can·i n ~s in !he new Yiking fea st ha II and the camp totem pole. Derause· of it s unique founding, an<l its adherence to the educational princ:ples of John De,\·ey and that group of educators who consider activit\· ;-..;; the c:--se ntial principl·· oi education. the camp is winning a wide rerognition irom educators throughout the country. a comtant ly it_ l crca. ing number oi EHE are the frocks and en· \\·hom arc \·isiting this "boys' \\·orld" each summer. sen1bles that make Sun1n1er a ln . tead o i providing the boys with 1 delight! Printed chiffons of outpurely recreationa l experience durin~ the summer Adn:' ntttr r Tstand aims ior of-the-ordinary beauty. Many of an all arnttnd. balanced mode of li\·inrr. then1 hand-blocked, imported ma\Yhcre the hon sha re t-he resnonsil>ili·til's and duties of the camp. life, a.;; terials- printed crepes that are just \Yell a;; the plaY. 35 Boys, Counselors Leave for A.dventure Friday Island Edgar A.Stevens.lnc. ORRINGTON AVENUE year EVANSTON Thomas :\f. ~fintz and of 50 Crescent place ha \'l' returned from a motor trip to \"cw York city where they attended the wedding of ~fr s. :\Iintz' siste r, .-\rlelt n. Ptndergast, and \\' illiam E. Fi:--her. \frs . ~fintz' mother, Mrs. ~f art in .1. PL'tHlcrgast, will he her guest itlr the summer. -0- ~f r. and ~f rs . ~f argery Emilie $16.50 Unusual Printed Crepes in a range of light colors ....... . $16.50 Print ed \.hiffon Frocks in 50 charming colors and patterns cl · Printed Crepes and Chiffon 00 Frocks with Cocktail Jackets ., · ~29 ~Js .\mcrctte Tcnniman and her grandson. [ fcnry von der Hoff. have kit inr the \·on der Hoff summer home nn Lak e \\.ah -hek-a-metta. Interlaken, \I ich :\I r. and ~f rs. H. 0. von der Hoff and the boys. of 33.2 Oak circle, arc following hY motor. Thcv all wi11 remain in ~ficl~igan until after Labor day. .~r rs. -oCIIarles Keller. son of ).f r. and Mrs. C'. .-\ . .Kelkr: 820 Gre·enwoocl a\·cnue, and ~IH'nrcr Page of Evanstlm left last week fnr a six \\·ceks' motor trip thrn11gh the \\.e st. They will stop at the (~rand Canyon, Estes Park. and spend a short time at the IXL Ranch in Montana. They expect to be gone . about si x \H't·k s. The Charles S. ~IcCoy s, who arc now at their summer place at Tomahawk Lake, \\:is., have as their guests thi s \\·eek. the Ernest P. Bartletts of " ·innetka. -0- Printed Chiffon ~Fro~ks for ., ~39 Afternoon or Evenmg ..... . .. .::J · so PI;~~ ~~::~d. ~~i.~~~ .~~~~~~ ... 539.50 lr.t.r sTnATED: A decideJb, smart dotted chiffon e11sembl~ with threeQttarter coat at $29.SO; and a power printed chiffon frock in exotic colorings, $39 ..50. Second Floor. -o- A. E. Klunder of 91)9 Chestnut aYenue. have as their guests, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Van Brunt and their two children, who drove from th eir home at Long Island. They expect to be in Wilmette about a month. '4 ~[r. and Mrs.

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