Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Jul 1929, p. 16

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16 WILMETTE LIFE . July 5,. 1929 POUR 0[ TO THWART I . MOSOUITO INVASION Supt. Edwards of Abatement District Comments on Present Situation By William E dwards (Supt. \",,rth· ~hore :\lo~cjuit,, Ahatrmcnt })istrict) La . t Yl'ar twcln diffnent ~PL'cies of mosquitO<.':-. \\Tre found in the Xnrth Shore :\l,l. -.quit,, :\hatti!Jt·nt di:-.trict in June. and ahnut t·ighty pL·rc't?llt oi the~e \\'l'l't' oi thL· nne ~peril':i-:\edes vexans. This i-. a small mo:-.quito ,,·ith a narrow \\'hite hand bt·lu\\' each ltg joint and a " ·hite band at the base of each abdominal :'L'gment. This mosquito i~ at !J,,mt· in the nnrthcm cli ll!ate. and dnt's nnt depend for perpetuation upon finding- :-.helter inr itself during tht· role! \\'inter ... and on going forth tn start Ill'\\' brc<'ding the follm,·ing :-pring. This northern mo . . quit() dies \\'ith !ht· f1rst killing frost, but before it dit:s . it pro,·icks a means for perpetuatiun .. It Ia.'·" .its tggs in the grass~· an·a., and U!\'t'rs the gnm celi with a prntt:rtin· Cll:tting H·n· resistant t(l both hL·at and cold. It dol::- not prlltect the egg:-., hut placl's a time-lllck for ~(·n·n rnunth~ in the iuture. so that shnu ld t·:t rl _ , . ~pring \\'ater:-; he \\·arm. the egg:- bid \\'ill hrn·rl h,· the million .... /\ ... uitahlc breeding_ ,L,:T<·)·u nd \\'ill prorlttCt' ahtltJt tl1irtel'll tllilliCJ!l nw. squitdC:-. Ill the arrc. It hn·ecb in thi:- di:-trict in th l· drainage ba~ins ui the north branch ,,i the Chica. !..!o ri\·n and it:- three forks, ca~t. middle, and \H·st. and tl~t· n· arc thlltJS ands t1f acre:-; of natural hn-cdin~ ground:- and tllllu~:tnd-., ni arrL':-i oi arti ficial bt'tt' ding grounds in \\"t' l luh, :-.ul>di,· i~ion~. and lit·ld puul:;. The natural breeding gruunds are, in gt·ncral, re 1110\' l'd irunr pdpttlatillll rentn:-. l'XC('pt tho~t· in tire iore~t prt·, t·rn· . . . Thl' artificial breeding ground,, on the othn hand. are eithn in the renkr ni tht· built-up di . . trict:- <Jr on the n·n· L·d~L' of J!Ppulation Ct·ntcrs. It i:- n~,. n ·ident. according t,, our inrcstig;tti()n-:. th;~t o\·er_ onc-hali nf thl' lll<Jsquitt) nutsann· ~:-. due tn artificial hrveding areas close to population centers. · "Daddy" Hood Reminisces With Civil .War Comrades Comrade John :\ . "Daddy" Hood (seated .at the extreme left) enjoyed a reunion \\'ith. fellow north shore n ·tnatb of the Ci,·il ,,·ar recently, the lKcasion J,eing the eighty-seventh birthday of the virile ex-soldier. It \\·as a gl()ritHb day spL·nt for the mo. t part on the la\\'n at "Daddy's" dnmicilc, 106 s ·i xth st r eet. Fcllo\\' cnmradl's arc (kit t <J right J : L P. Jones <,f h ·a nston. C. \\·. Pierce of \\'ihnette. F. Briggs of \Yilm e tk, \\'. P. Turner of Evanston, and \\'. \\'. Yl'all'S oi F\·anston. l)i F\·anstun. \\ 'i ltnl'ttL', l\:c1rilworth.l Wilmette Firemen \\'innetka. and GlencuL· \\ill ... utll'r little ann<,,·ance fnllll thi :-. expcrtt-d horde. Make Three Runs The l;lHtSl' -L' Iltcring nw:-quit,) \\·:1 ich The \ \ ' il nr ette 11 re dcpartmen t was hrct·d:-. in polluted rin·rs. \\·a, elinrin- calkd t<l the First Xati011al hank :\Iona t e cl Ia:-; t y r a r, and can 1> L' ron t r {)Ill' d i n day morning ah()ut 6:20 o'clock \\·hen t IJ e fIt t 11 r l'. hut t hi .~ I itt 1e w l1 it L' ha nck cl, a stark <It paptrs in the basement ncar 3-had:t·d urar.. . h nw:->quitu \\ill Clllltinuc an autcnnatic hot water htater caught ttl !:;i\·e :1nnorancc in cntain par(... nf lire and sent clllud:-> oi s111okc to the ntn: di:->trirt t~ntil uur l'lllltr"l program main tlom c,f the new hank building. i:-> COJilJ>Jetcd. Thc firemen extinguished the blaze be :\IHHll thirt .\· JllTL't'llt 11 f thl· 111ar~hy iorc SL'ri(}th dama.l!' e resulted. Mosquito "Incubators" Th e rl'al e:-.tatl' ~uhdi ridcr i~ thl' area:- \\'L't'l' drained la:-t n·:tr. and e\Til T\\'O calls were receincl In- the degreatest nffl'ndn in building up arti- ;t larL:n percl'ntage i:-. J~,okt· d i" r\\ :1nl partment Saturday afternoon.· A large ficia l hrn·ding plan·:-.. lll' dol's nut to thi:-- year thruuglr cntlptrati <l n \\'ith barn across the road fr0111 \\'estmores<.·rrn to ktH!\\' that tht· gra..;s\· arL·a.; tilt \'illa .l!' es, tht :-.uhdiYiders, thl' rail- land c\)llJltry club wa~ damaged slightwhich he surrounds ,,·ith elevat~·d side- r,l;ub, ;tnd thl' high\\'ay ckpartmcnt:-~, ly hy a fire thought to haYe been walks are laden with million .-. nf m(ts - a~ \\l'll ;~:- tht \\'Prk tl i uur <J\\' 11 iurces. caused by children playing- with firequito rg.~:-.. and when he fail~ to drain crackers. '1\,·o r >lling door:-. on the hlock interior:- into corner ~l'\\'C'r out- To Pre!)are Ordinance huildi ng \\'en~ burned and the lo:-;s i. lt:b, he rrl'ate:-. an idcalnw~quito hatchl'Stimatcd at one hundred dollar='. FireGoverning Quiet Zones crackers also arc said to have b~ cn ~ry . It i:- virtually a built -in llltl:-.quitn mcuhator. His engirt't·e1· i. trying to \ ·i I1.. .L:. l' . \ t t n rIll'\' C11 a r le :-. 1I. Tar k so 11 rt'SJH lll~ible iur an()t her fire on Saturcheapen construction, and ha~ lllllll- \\':ts in..;tructl'd h~· the \\'ilmctte \ .il- da\· at a residence under construction · hnard. lllC't:ti1ig at the Village on. Sixteenth strl'et bct\\·een Gregory tentionally cheapened his suhdi,·i ... ion . )ag-,_ Thi s· . tatcnrcnt applic:-. iwt ontv to hall last 'l'uL·sday night. tn prepare arrd hahella. The damage was slight. conditions in the Xt1rth Sl10re ~fo. an nrdinancc pnwiding rt'gulat ions u ~ quito Ahatcurent district, hut tn all the der \\'hich quiet zones could he estal> GUIDE-LECTURE TOURS outlying territory around Cl1icago. 'l'hc li ... hL·d and....govcrncd in the Yillage. "Crystals, Gems and ] e\\·e1n·," and practic e of building- in mosquito incu.~ystematic Animals." at 11 · and 3 bator. in all newly su hdi,·idecl prop~· rf\· ~1 rs. L. C. Proesch of EYanston was Ill us c <:as e (! r . . 11 I> 11 r h a 11 p r n per 1\ · "'iiI lw ., 1t·:->~ at luncheon and bridge for ten o'clork. respectively, on ~fonday, July depreciate in , ·;tltt('. · ~..:· tH':-t~ on Tut·:-;day at Shawnee ( <)Unt rv R. arc the subjects of the first of next Inre "ltigatit·:;:- int(t tiJe,c fl nodc d rlul> in lwnor of ).[rs. Hrnrv \\'i llian{- \\'l't>k's free guide-lecture tOilrs at Field On area:- wht·n tht·rl· \\a:; a three-inch S()Jl nf Chicago, who is to. make hrr ~lu:->eu111 of X atural Historv. \\\·dnesday at the . same ho1trs ~ uhjects hnnre in California. rainiall. di:cl,).scd thl' iact that miJiillll~ \\'ill he "Chint'se Art" and "Birds of of mo quito eg.t!.:"' dt'Jhl:-itcd tiH'rl· la:-.t . . -._o.. year had hatrlrccl \\'ithin one hour ·titl'r· l ~ft .. ·tnd :\frs. (.eorgl.' l~. \\ l11te of l 'nusna l Plumage." and on Friclay, ":\IJimal s of :\fountains and Plains" and · ·.. flooditw '1'1 1t:· ,lJL.h . t · ' · l llOl · ,...,. \\t'rC l'l' llllll~ \\Jt:J I· . .( ·rL'l'll\\'OtHI F ,. ' )' a\'(~11Ut' ., .. wdl leave to- "Roman Exhibits." On Tuc day and tiny wiggler;-.. The . t· \\'iggler . wotl l ( ·l) _ tnr .aglc h.t \ cr, \\ ~~ .· to open up 1 emerge a-. 'Hlult 11 ) 't :-. · 1 .c their :-;ummer hnme. ).frs. \\'hitc \\'ill Thur. day t\\'o general tours of the cle·· ·· . · 1< :-.qm ocs Wit ~ 111 ht.· gtliJe until earl\' parti~1ents of a nthr opology, hotany, geabout llgh~ d.t _ , .,, ,lJHI a-; the !ll<)Sqlllto · iall. ology and zoo logy, will be given. T~1e docs not htte fur a period ui iuur dar:-. -naftn emerging. a great horde oi tile \frs . :\J.Jltlia D. \\'ilson oi 830 Park tours arc cotldncted bv staff lecturer hungry, biting JIL'qs will al,J>ear in a:·l'llllt' .i:-. l'lltl'rtaining ~J rs. R. P. Pope and parties assemb le inside the north ut :\lllbtle, Ala., as her house guest th is rntrance. t J1esc area:-. oml' time thr latter part \\'l'<.:k. of J unc or the fint part of J uh·. -0Uae Oilinr Weapon · Dr. Rufus Stolp, Arth ur Adair, and :\f rs . .lane :\ . ~I ann of Girard, Kas .· P. K. Cut ler of Kenilworth left last Our efforts are now bent on oili 11 ,r the ~e subdi\'ision !: > and wet lots oy~; is SJlt'tHiing- the month of Juh· with her Saturdar for a \vee ~s' fishing trip on ~~~n and his fami ly, the Earl A. Manns, ~~~ . Indtan rese rvation in Couderay, th (". whole district , so that the tuwns 518 ~~a pie avenue. \Vts. ·Want Some Fishin'? Fly to the Muskie Haunts in 3 Hours! ~tarting July 1.?. north :-JH,re fishnme n w iII ha n· t hl ' o p port un i t y t \l rca r h their ia\·orite fi~hing grounds in nnrthtrn \\ ' isconsi-n \\'ithin t\\u and Olll'-half or three hour:-. ·n· air ::;cnicl' he 'Xo foolin' ~ \\ .tl' k -L t\\'t.'l' ll Chicag<l and J\tiinelandcr. \\'i sconsin ha:-~ hel'n ckfinitth· establisher!. bringing the great fishin·~ ~nd rl.'sort area \\·ithin three hnurs dl 'the north shllrc. This se n ·ire ha :-. hetn spons0red by the l~hinclandlT Chamber nf Commerce. and i:-. to he pro,·ided In· the UniYersal Air Lines ~\'Stl'lll, 105.\\.L'st ).Ionroe street, ChicagP,-\\'hich maintains a transcontinental Air- Rail line and daily passenger Sl'n·irl' from Chicago t~ Clevl'land. :-;t. Louis and Kansas City. Fairchild cabin plailrs arc. to he used . It is estimated that the air route to the heart of the \Yi!:'consin lak~ clistrict saYes nine hour s in traveling time each \\'a\· and adds fifty })Crcent to a \_yeck-end holiday spent \Yith one's iamily or fri ends. ANNOUNCES MARRIAGE :\f rs . Celia Bruning. 711 Ridge av~ nuc. \\'ilmctte, announces the marriage llf her daughter, Caroline, to Henry Damaski. so'n of \Jr. and ~Irs. \Villiam Damaski, RiC) A.sh st reet, \ Vinnetka . The I. L. Simmons oi th e Geor gian hotel, Evanston, have rented the home of Mr. alJd Mrs. \V. J. O'Brien, 114-t Chestnut avrnue, \\'bile the latter arc in Europe for the summer. -oHel<>n Crossley, daughter of the James C. Crosslcys of 407 Washington avenue has gone to ·the Holiday catnP in Hackensack, Minn., until August 26. 4 ·

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