Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Jul 1929, p. 30

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WILMETTE LIFE July 5, 1929 Half of Personality- The Eyes Christian Science Churches . .. Chrti'Stlan Sciehce .. was the subject of the lesson-sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday. June 30. The golden text \Yas. "0 send out thy light and thy truth: let them lead me: let them bring me unto they holy hill. · and to thy tabernacles" (Psalms Solicit W · o men as Boosters of 1933 World Exposition That's Why Rimless Glasses are in Vogue The rimless kind do not detract. Heavy shell rimmed glasses did. That's why they've so widely been discarded. Today the simple, unobtrusive but symmetrical rimless styles with white gold mountings by Almer Coe, are seen everywhere. Select from these new and n1ore becoming styles. For those who require rims, a wide ~election of finely designed white !lold rimmed frames are available , AlmerCoe &Company Scientific Opticians 1 64 5 Orrington Ave., Evanston Orrington at Church PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Prospects for the success of the Chicago \-'/ orld's Fair arc very bright, according to a statement made by ] ame Simpson, head of Marshall Field and company, this week in an interview in New York city · just before sailing for Europe. "Visitors to Chicago during the fair 43 :3). will see many evidences of the city's Among the citation s ,\,·hich comprised civic spirit in the various betterments the lc. son-sermon \\'as the iollo\\'ing to be completed by that time," defrom the Bible: "The Spirit of the Lord clared Mr. Simpson. God i~ upon me.: because ·the Lord "Important among them will be the hath ann inted me to preach good tid- creation of a park stretching along the ings unto the meek; he hath sent me lake front for twenty-five miles, better to bind t.p the brokenhearted, tn pro- roads and railroad terminal facilitie s claim liberty to the capti\·es. and the and air ri~ht de\·elopments above rail- · opening of the prison to them that road right of way." arc bound" (haiah 61:1 ). 1Iore than 400.000 women are to he for membl'rship in the The lrsson-scrmon abo included the solicited follo\\·ing passages from the Chri:-.tian \\'omen's Chicago Beautiful association Science textbook, "Science and Health which aims to heauti f v the cit\' in with Key to the Scripture<' hY ~I an· time for the fair. "Let's dress up for company," wa s Raker Eddv: "The letter of ·scienc~ plentifully ~caches humanit\· toda\·. hut the slogan adopted at a meetin~ oi on<.: it. spirit c0me . only in sn;all dcgTces. hundred women representing seventy The vital part. th<: heart and soul 0f ciYic. church and social groups \\'hich " ·as held at the Illinois \\'omen's :\th L.' hristian Science, is LoYe" (p. 11 .letic association for the purpose Pi ~fr. and ~frs. Gl'orge Fraser, o45 launching the 1110\"e ment. Abhottsford road. Kcnil\\'orth, with The official name oi the fair now i:-. Rud. Doris and Agnc~. left 011 \\'etl- ":\ Century of Progress," the fotttHkr ncsday. July 3. for Yellowstone Park. and su. taining members having Yoted They are making the trip b\· motor and to make the change at a special meet expect to be gone about t.hrce week:;. ing held at the celebration's hcadquar-oters on Fridav of last week. ).[r. and ~frs. Craig Ketchum, 011 The city o.f San Francisco and all Abhottsford road. Kenilworth. are en- the counties surrounding it are intensetcrtaining a few friends for lt1ncheon I~· interested in the progress oi the the Fourth of ] uly. plans for the celebration and arc plan-nning to han exhibits here during 1933, ?\f rs. Thomas Ciync. .:?40 ~f elrose according to Rudolph C. Thcurka u i. an'IIlle has returned to Kenil\\'orth af- who called at the Burnham building ter a two week· trip t o Little \\'hi1e headquarters as representatin~ ui Birch Lake. 'Frisco and its cham her of . commerce. ==- -==---=-.· Light Summer Clothes Soil Easily Back trom your week end ? 5AKBEI\SHOP AN INNOVATION To men and boys of the North Shore- the type of fellows who want the best. and newest in a BARBER SHOP. The COLONNADE with its beautiful. restful. inviting-we might fiuingly add- luxurious appointments and conveniences, will. we believe, surprise and charm our many friends in Evanston and the North Shore. Your suit, your spotted ties, hats, all can be cleaned and · made like ne'v. Keep your summer togs well cleaned under our nevv Low PRICES. MEN'S 3-PIECB SUITS Cleaned and Pressed :\n i\.dde:l Service- .. .. WOMEN'S COATS or DRESSES Cleaned and Pressed In vrew of the fact that many have e'xpressed a desire for ' service by appointment. we have included in our establishment a barber shop of personal service. You may relephone for an appointment suiring your convenience. Just call Greenleaf 7146. $}75 We Will Call For and Deliver THE COLONNADE BARBER SHOP Daniel Gans, Prop. DANIEL GANS HAIR SHOP ~07-509 MAIN STREET . UNIV. 6262. GREENLEAF 1426 (Opposite Evanshire Hotel ) EVANSTON Wilmette Phone Wilmette 352 Chicago Phone Briargate 8402 Office: 1738 Sherman Avenue, Evanston Plant: 821-823 Emerson Street, Evanston I.

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