J 'l l,Y 5, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 35 DaVis St-reet~Downtown Evanston . Sunshine Fashions · · · Low ~-Backed Doubly Fashion" Right " " "for They're In Pastels Of Silk Pique Low Back, Too til $ .50 On This New Jantzen Suit $6 Acquire a natural tan on the beach in a Jantzen sun-back suit . . . cut outs under the arn1s if preferred. In 'solid colors. ROSEX~ERG'S-Swimm ·iii!J Apprp·cl -Fi1·st Floo1· For the tennis player ... the golfer . . . for cool con1fort on hot days in fO\Yl1 . . .' nothing rivals the snnback frock of \Yashable silk pique. In pastel colors : \Yith pleats to giye freeclon1 of tnoven1ent. Illustrated is a frock of \vhite \vith box pleats, narrO\Y belt, and stnart bo\\' at the "sunback,'. Develop Y out· Tan In a Reclining Chair $2.95 You can tan evenly only when you do it in a lazy fashion . . . these chairs are adjustable to f o u r positions. Duck in attractive stripes forms the covering. ROSEXBERG'S - £i'lWHitm·rThird Ploo1· Flannel Coats Complete the Ensemble, $16.50 \Yhether it be with the sports frock or the sheerer afternoon dress, a flannel coat is a fashion-right addition. Other materials that have won favor are basket weave; rodier fabric, silk, and velvet . . . either white or i11 pastel shades. ROSFXUEH<';'S ll'um cll's Appm·cl- Scrolld Floot Hats of Chocolate Brown Accent the Costume of Yellow or White $7.50 One of Fashion's smart alliances . . . brown and yellow . . . or brown and white. These hats are of an unusuallv fine quality chiffon felt in modes for every taste .. ~. vagabond, off-the-face, and brimless with long back. Small and medium headsizes. ROSENBERG'S--Milline1·y-Second Floor ~ · . Sunny Porch? , ..' Aerolux ventilating p o r c h shades that prevent glare and rain from entering. Priced according to size. ROSENBERG'S-S hadesThi?·d Floor