Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Jul 1929, p. 36

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WILMETTE LIFE July 5, 1929 Country Clubs Now Popular Haunts of N. S. Society Women's Golf Play Well Underway at North Shore Clubs B Y J EAN TEN BROECK Add Two More Brides to June List Stanley D . Graces Leave on Wedding Trip Around Lake A bank of ferns . and two laro·e baskets n f roses. peonies, an<l larbp~r filled one end of the living room or the James C. \ Vray home at (,.z:; \\'a-;hington an·nuc, Glencoe, ior the. \\Tdding bst Satmday night oi ~I i ~s l·: tlwl l.11is \\'ra\· to Stanlc\' D. CrttCl'. ~~~ n c1i ~!r-. . John- J J. Gracl'. of Oak Park . 'l'hl' Re\·. Stephen A. Lie~: d u 1 Pontiac, ~I irh .. read the marri;tgl· --v n ice ;tt K :30 t ,'clork, hcf()re abc JUt o11 · h tlllI drt'rl guc~h. The bride \\':l. S gcl\\"lled in a -. kt ·\ L"k"" \rhik ~a tin drc ~s mach.· \\·ith ;1 ti:·ht b,,cJire and lclllg, iull c, kirt. \\ 'ith thi -. ~he \rure a j;tcktt Ill bn>, ;tnd hn tulle Yl'il had a cap of tl1e -;;tnll' la n ·. I >r;tll .L:t· blossoms dernratt-d thl' n ·i l :11,<1 tltt· \\·hite :-.:ttin slipper..;. The IJritl ;d !Hlti!Jttd \\'(IS S\\'vd pea s and on·ltid..; . ~li:-. s Clara Gracl' \\' r;,,·, "" m;tid "f hunor Ji ll' her ~i-, kr . \\'Ill'~· ·HTitid tulk m;t<k . \\'ith tight bodice ;tnd lt111~. iuJi skirt. and carried n ·d n N'"· Tht m;tt !'tlll ()i lton(lr, ~fr s . l~tJIJert \\'ateri :tl l ()i \ \ 'o(){btock. \\'ill'l' grt<'ll p11i111 d\· ... pr it and carril·d pink ro~e:-.. _ The thrt'l' ~ tnall fl11\\ tT ~irl~. \:'ano ~fay Ilunter, Edith Jvnkith, awl K:tth t.:~ ine Cran·. \\'l'rt dre . . ~t· d itlikt· in pink georgette and ctrril'd ..-rriall ht~ttqud..; of many-colored flmrer s. }.fr. and ).frs. Crace an· dri,·ing ~triltllld Lake :\1 irhigan llll tht·ir \\edrlin g trip, ;1.nd \\'i ll he at hl>llll' in :\ih·:-- Crntt-r in the m·:tr futur('. July\ adn·nt find~ goli t·n ·nt :-; .for women playrrs running alon g smt ll) th ly and in wl'll ilr).!':uti zt·d tn; tn nn at o ur north ~ht~rc rluh... . Tilt·.' · l'tlll1Jitl an illf l'I'C:-.t t h; tt i-. ltllfL\gging a..; "C:t~O ns unroll ;t nd :trt· :t rr:tt t. L!'td to h.·a d up to tho:-c < :lim:tti c lll:ttt·hl'-. "hiL·I t dctl'rmine cluh ch:!mpiclll:-hip~. T!w \Yiltt tdk Ct,Ji l"lttl> .:tnti ripate:the l:lq. .:e-.t t ' \ t'tt t tli it:- ~~·; , -.,,n iur ft·tn: ninc )..!tllit-r:-.. <lpvn d:l\· ior till' \ \ '"nt en's \\ ' t·:-.tcrn Coli :1:-"l'l.'iatillll tlll Jul~: lt 1. ~prrial m;ttrltv-. \\ill hv .trtrar t m:lm· L:t)l ier:;. T c n tat i ,·. l.. p b 11 s i u r t It \' ;tttlltl ;t1 ,.~ ,. . tulllc part.\· art· bl'ill~ tlla<k tor till' i1 ,] lowing Tul:-.da .\·, t lw ciJairtn:ttl lli t ltt \\' intH·t ka. :tt llltlUilce-. . Toda' the fit tals itll' thl· _ltttl\' tutlln ;t , . ~I r~ . \ \ '. F . llll'llt \\·i ll ht.· playvd o ff 1,_ Brt.h' lwn u i l·:,·:tll:-tun and .\1 r:- . \l l·· Larcn. pl·t .\ ' \\hich it \\:t::o tH-rt·~~: tl'\ tel H.t ·il'k Studio Kot·hnc Studi:J po~ t pl·ne irunt Tue:-.d:1~ oi b:-t I\ n·k. Tlw qualit'yitJg rntt 111! ior i!J,. 1\ < " t'_ltttlt' lt:t-. r b inwd I\\1J lllllre \\ 'iltm·ttl' hrid t.·, . . \t thL· kit i:-; .\ I rs. \\'i lliam man truplt_, \\·as played t hi . . " n·k \\i t IJ Ldlttlllul ~rlt\\ t·it zt.·r. \\ ln1, priPr to her tnarriagt 1.111 Tuesday evening, June 25, M iss nl' at r in· J ul ill t a k i II ,L: t 11 t' 1' r i /l' 1\;t-. ).li :-~ \lar .' l. Pui~ t· ~t.:hl·idenhl'llll, dau gh tn oi tiH· Frank I . Scltl·idL'Illte lms for ltcr l11\\· gT< ss ~cure oi 1 J3. attd ~lr :-. . ui KO-t l;t, n· -. t il\'l'tlttl'. \lr:- . J ;u nl':-. \ '. ;\nn on ·no. at the rigl;t, is the forlller hes \Hlll tht.· )o, · gr(1ss Jf1 lin tltl' 'han - \larin d 1\u-. . . tl, dauglttn 1li ~lr . and \lr . .; . Chark :-. Rus:-.~1 of .~.2(, ~ixth :-.trn·t. dicap trophy. lin \\L"dd.i,1 tg l1Hlk pla r ,· ~aturday <1itnnoon, June 22. A iour -klll foursum~.~ \\'a " ltt·ld b . . t S un da~ " ·ith ~lr. :1nd :\ Jr. ' . J:r<lt.'hun a nd 11_ r. <tnd Mrs . _1 . ll. Da\'li s the "in - A nnounce Troth N ationa[ College Group ~l crs, and a four-hall fo~trsome 1\'as .\I r. and ~r r:-.. l'lifi11 rd Ulder, lil2:, Gives Acquaintance Tea sc!w~du!t.-d ior the Fourth oi lui\ \\itt1 Llnt\\'U tHI an·ntH·, ;tltll lllltll.'·· t il t' L ' ngagl·th e ~tipu l a t i t' n that hu:-bands ;tnd " ·i,es llltnt ()i tht·i r rlau !.!_llll'r, h·m Fli-.:thdlt. Prl'~ idl'nt Edna Dean Bake r illtd til~.; could nnt ht· partnt.' r:- . tc 1 llari ·ld l.utt<lht'f)..!. -.c·ll nl ~I r. and Ltculty of the Xatinnal Kinclergarll'n As~i:-.t in .~· ~ I rs. ~ I d .:1 l't'tt as nJetnlH'l' " .\1 rs. (.'hark ~ .\ . l.ttlldi>t.-n.:. IUIO Elm- ;t tl!! Flcm~ntary college \n·lc1 11n~·d :dl of her runlllli t tee i~.1r "otnen':- ~:;uli \\'tH Jd :t\'l'lllll' e\' Cilb ill'l.' ). tr~. J ohn I I. nrodt of 1-:"rst uclent.-; 11 f the . ummer schl)ol on Tln 1rs·]:i,th ~Jj .., <lldtT <tnd \lr. l.undhcrg a nstnn. chairman i~.~r :\ 1;t ,. : \1 rs . 1hn day aitcrll<H·Il in tlic Alumna~.; l"l1111ll at Com:-ttlrk. oi J-:,·;tn:-tlltl, ~·hairm:lll tur :tre gr:tdu;tft--. ill \t lrllt\\t'"lnt l unin·r Ju ne: ).frs . Clvn C. l h~ \\'1.'.\ ' uf :\ u:-.tiq, sity, \\'here tlt1· fc 'l'llh'l' \\·a.., :1 nwmher JLtrri :-llll hall for an Acqn: ti ntattCt.' 1ta. :\ nry at tractin· musical prn.~ ratll \\ :t:-. for Juh· : .\ l r:-;. Tll(ltJJa-. Jl . Tlu ~-: ht. · :- ni ili C:tmtna Phi lkt a "tlrt~rit,· and th e \\' innctk :t ic1r :\ ugtbt: ). l r:-. . · C. R. l:tttl'r ;1 llll'llllll'r <1t ~ ig m ; t \u . iratt rnit \'. Jll'l':o-l'lltl'd !,y studl'nts n i till' Ctd lcge. Garrd~nn Pi \\"ilmt.·ttt-. iP r Sl·pll'tllh vr. ~I i:- s Oldn. :tt pre:-. t.·n t. i:-. a lb~ clwl og- i ~ t ~I iss \ -irginia Duugherty ()i Chicago, Mr:-. Fr1·d Ottt·. lr.. oi l·:,·ansttln is 1.11r tl tl' ltl'-tit tllt.' iPr _lu\'l·ttiil.' 1\~.·..;,·;tr ch. \\ ho \\':ts llllC <1 i the Ct llll11ll'11Cl'llll'llt cha ir m;tn n i t ht.· t n ~pit,. C<11111lli.ttce. :t'- · ( 'hicago. . .. \\'('d.- :--nlt>i:-.t'>, sang· Sl'\'l' ral Sl'kctiints sisted ll\· .\lr :-:. X :t t :\ ;· ttl l'!. ~ I rs. I . II. M i 1i k :tn. ;111 d .\I r, . T. 1I. Ba· ' 1i..,. ,1 i M arri. ;tLTt>lllpanil'd hy ~ ) j-; s Catherine Davil' s e d June 2 7 E ,·an st on. · Tilt· m;trt i.~.~~.· ,,f :\ nna J: ;tird F ttlktT, nf ~!ay\\'OOd, Ill. ),f iss lktty 1XtllllA t lndi;tl l lli!l rltth tlte nJt·tnh~· r:-; :trl' pl:l _ , ·inl! t.' \ 't'l'~ \\ 'l·dnvsd:t ,., \\it It ~~lllll' d.t lll.!htn '· i :\1 r. an d .\f r-. . latlll" '1'. 1JIIll!!.h c1i Tttkt, Okla., ,· iulini~t. \\'as ·\:tn:--. tllll til l 'lt:t rk: \\ ·a\-.tl!l .tl'Ciltnpanied hy }. l j-,~ Ca r. dine Fitch 11f special t'\vt lt J·t ·:-tL·d fot: each \\n·k. htlk~·r "' 1 A fhg ltll trn ;t nlvnt \\:l:' tilt' attraction l~r.tit. :-otJtl til :\lr. :tnd ~lt·s. l'lt :trk s H. ~l. :tdi-.11 11, \ \'i :-;. ).Jj.., ~ l·:rl'lyn ] lamilton \\'ednl· ~daY (ll thi:-. \\'t·e k. and next l~r : tit <li 1.?31i Crt.'l'tl\\'t H·t~ awnttl', \\-il- 111 Oak 1)ark prt.·-.L' ntl'd · ."l'H· r;tl piano \\'ednv:-d.t,. tltt· pla:·vr \\'itlt thr g reat- lllvltL:. t1l11k pl:trl' Tltur:-d:t\' aftl 'l'll<H lll, ~ ~· kt·t lOllS. es t nutnllt.'l eli fiq·, 1111 hl'r :-;~.·nn: \\'Ill .l ultt· .?~ ~ ;tt thL· ~lt ·lllv c1i tltl: hrit!v's J):trThe StmlmtT sr hut J! has ;tn Utltht!allv be t he \\'ill11l'l' . .\{r .... Cct:;tld nutkr \\ ' ;tS t'llh. JIll· :-crncv \\' il'i rL"ad hY Dr . F. Ia rge en ru llnH:;n t .and Ct > llt itltll' ~ u11 t.i.l th e llll'll th ('r "it 1 thv h-:1:--.t numhC'r c. f 0 . ~ l attt· :-oc' n t'i 1·:\'atbltlll. \lr. :1.nd .\ ugu st 2. pu t t:-; c'n .Tutll' .211, ~ f r~. JI:tro](l \\'il<le r ?\ frs . Krait \\'ill mah thl·i r hn~nc in ·\ l:t. had In\\· net sc ore. and ~ Ii :-.- ll'aJI :\ rm- Selma, _ Garden Club Meets July 6 stront.r h:td In\\· l!rns~. . . The En·nin .~- Gardl'n club oi \ \ 'ilM r . . . Ih·nH F . Ten n~.· ,· tli \ \"innl'tka Betrothal Announced lllett~· holds its next ntccting Tuesda,· a nd :\f r, . Darn·ll H<·,·d ni \\"innl'tl.:a y 9, a t 8 n ·c 1n r k , i n t h~ are cn-rh:tintt t.·n at th is club. anrl tltt.·,· .\f r. and ~frs . J. 'l'rnm hul l Backu:; l' n·n tng. . J u 1 ronm~ ot the Pre. hder ian ch ur ch. T!JL' haH nn t ll vir C\'1111lllit tec ~lr:-.. :\ rnn l ~ l pi ~.?i P;trk ;t \Ttllll'. Ifam iltclll Ohit, T otlllan c,i \\.innetka. ~f r:-;. lll1r;tcc inrnw rl y 11i Kcn il\\·Prth. ha\·e an;lOllllC<:ti ~!1caker of_ the CYening \\'i ll be Frank Ar m-.trong ni \Yi nnetka. ~f rs. X. L:tn - tht' l'll.Q':tg"t'Tllt'l lt n i tht· ir · dauo htl'r l:alth us ot t he \\' est Park Com 111 i:-;' t'rl":t I )tck:-. . 1:-'o ' ~~~ 1 nt.· r~ ,,·hn \\'ill gin· a 11 ill ustrated rl nn Hc,,·t <'i \\ 'i n tH't~l. and '),f i, . . I ;lnC' 'J ~ n. It, Jnlm L'alrin Slade, talk tnl" L;1.nclsc:J.ping Our Carden . " R id~t\\· a ,. c·i 'K~·ni hn1rtl1. · 'itll <li ~~r~. )t h" \ . ~lack of ll amilton. . :\T r: . Halth us h:1s made hortiru ltu;·l' Am<llll! 1111.' fl'atun ·d t.rt di en·ttt-. at h ts h.IL' \\'or k and i or six year~ ,ns Sk oki~· C't~ttntr y club ;tnnnnnrl'd In· a..;snrta tcd a t :he Sha\\' I1nta ni ca l ~· arMr ". Ht·kt l l leph um ni KenilwMtl;. Open Gardens July 6 chairlllan c,j ,,·omen '.; gn li. arc itn-itaThrvv gardvll> in l.;tl-:l· Furc>t will he <ll'ns in St. Lo uis " ·ith. A ug ust K.oci 1· tion gu es t day, Friday Jul:· 12. a nd a opt'tl It) t IH· public ~a t urda.' ·· .1 ttl y G . 110\\' ht.·ad gar~le n e r. fM th e e ntire \Y l'st go.. mi xed ic,t t r~ume ma t ch. inll ll\\' t'd ]l\· a undn t he au~pict·s t)i t ht.· La ke Forest P a rk sys . t e m 111 Cht . ca . ; hu ffd :-npptr 1111 Tltnr'< l:tY, l uh· · 23 . (~arden l'luh. ~I rs. l·:d\\'arcl L. H n ~- , 11 c 1 ~ spcakm g l~e_tore th e Lak r Frida\' <,f thi \\t'l'k t lte. q;tal(f,·in!.!' :-lltl. \1 r~. \\ 'a lter 1\. Kirk a nd · t he Fon ·-- t <.ar de n clu b l<n cla:· ai tcrnnn n. ro und ior t h t: .l nh· trc,p !t ,· i, tn he held . \ 1i':o-n .l'uh·in art: t lwse \\'lw w ill pe r - Jul y 9. Ma tch<:, art.· to he p]a;·~.· d al l during ltti t tltl.' 'in\ itl.t! tli their es tate . ).fr. and Mrs. R a nsom M. S her ma n th e mon t h f<, r that tl·llrtlillllt·n t. :\ s.;;ist~ of -l-+ Bri er road. Indi a n Hill e nt ering Mr ..,. lTt'phmn :trv ~rr .... \\·. J. Kitlt.r T!tl· Hl·ading circle \r ill met·t ~l n nda\', tain ed se ve ra l fri e nd s at an 'eve nin g of \\.ilmvttt:. \ f r... . ~ . P. Car-.tlll ni J ul y~. \\' ith ~I rs. T IH >IIl :t~ C. :\f nulc1f.' ,. ncoe. and \1 r~.. . \ fi,rt1111 lb:-.:-.vt t at1d ing ni 1004 ( ~r ce JI\\' () 11<1 a \-ellttc, \\"il - p a rt~· \V eclne scla v at th e ho m e of 'Mrs. She rman 's moth er, Mrs. G eorg e D. Mrs. \\·?..ul T. H u:-. tott (It E\'a nstt.)tl. · mctte. '\"hite. 1101 Greenwood avenue. Vi sta del Lago Embarks ·Upon Events for July July is t11 he a mnnth tl'l'min!.!. \\'ith social and aquatic divtr.-. illn ~ tt tht \ "i-,ta dd T.ag r,. lt is during th e :-- umnwr that acti,· it~ · there reach<.: ~ it-- peak \\ it!t lakc-~\\-ept hrccz<:~ and 'l tt~:-hinl' luri~ll.( rluh llll'I llhtrs, thl·ir rhildn·n. and tlt l·i r guests to Ollt-ui-clonr dittinl!. to ~;tnd. and to lake. A glimp~c of the cluh r;tknclar di ~ c l11St"> 1.· H'tlh for t!J (' Ji r :- t t \\'II \\'l't' ks of thi:-; nc\v month. \\"cdnc . day < ·,·cning, July 3. · an Tndrpendcnre day dance, \\'i th tr()uhad()r ~ in attendance, c<.~ l ehr:tt(·d the F()urth of ]' tly. Tlltlrsday ·. (llll 2 ()\· lock unti l -+ :30 chi ldren C'nj r1 ycd \\ :ttt'r -.purh, and in the enning ;t ia mil} dinner \\':t:-. held. 'I'(Jday ~r rs. F . S. 1 -.:: ingnrc j.., 1 11 1 . -.tt--.s for t!te club hricke iu11chl'<lll. Luncheon is. scn·ed. at 12:30 t1.'rl()ck and piYt t hnclgl: \\'l ll he playl·cl .tt 2 o'cl oc k. Saturday en:nin g-, J uly ll. is tht: occa~ i on of a dinnc·r dance. ..Concert mmic \\' ill he playt:cl at the \ tsta del Lago l_>et \\Ten fl and X :30 o'cltlCk Sunday ,-en ing-, Ju lv 7, and a bu ffet clinntr \\'i ll he served.· A d inner dance ta kes pl ace next \\"ed nesdav cn:ning and a fam il y dinn (·r \\'ill he -sen·cd T hursday e \'Cning fro m 6 until R:30. Fr i da~·. J ul y 12. 'brin gs anoth er bridge luncheon, at \\'hi ch ?\ fr s. H arnld D. H ill ,~· i ll he hos tess. a nd a din ner dance S;tt urcla~· en·11i ng, J u·ly 13. br in gs t he l' \'l'nt s lor th e second \\'Cck of J ul v to an end. · _____ __ _ ' Garden Club to Picnic Th e \ Vilm ette Gard en club \\'ill he e nt ertain ed bv 1:~"rs B· L · D a\ -· 1 . 1 s anct Mrs. Ch arle s Van De urseii at a pi cni c lun c heon Friday, July 12, at the hom e of Mrs.. D av is in \Ve st Deerfield. 11 emh cr s arc to a ssemble at th e h om e of Mrs. T. E. McElroy 357 S unset road, \ Vinnetka , at 10 o'clo ck that morning and are requested to notif y 1frs. McElrov if thev are to att e nd th e affair \\'hic h will· celebrate th e se venth anniversary of the club. G _ :Jo ··

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