Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Jul 1929, p. 40

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40 WILMETTE L.IFE r · July 5, 1929 and M,r.Paltrinieri. Gennaro Papi will ~on duct. Hundreds \\'ere turned a\\'ay \\'hen "L'Amore dei Tre Re~' \\'as gi,·c11 it s first presentation of the sea:-.OJl at Ra\'inia, the house ha,·ing been sold out four days in a(h·ance. IJencc, it i:-; gond lll'\\' S that this work is to be brought to pcriormancc ag~,;:1 . \\'t:c! ncsda.\· night, July 10. The Fiora of ~I me. J,ucre:t.ia Buri is outs tanding as a study in feminine psycholog\· and this singing actrcs . .; fits su pcriccth· intn the part tl1at shL makes it \'i\·i dh· dramntir. ~~ r. Johnson is an hnoi c figure as .\ \'itn. ~ inging and acting th i.., r(lk with a fine uncler stand.ing of it s suhtletil' s. ~~ r. Danise . \\'ill agai11 1·<.: heard a..; ~Ianin: do, \\'llich l1e di tingui shcs h.\· the beauty ui his \'oir l'. Then tllcrt· is \ 'irgilio Lazzari, again to appear i11 the monunH·ntal rolt: of Archihaldo. the blind king. \\'hich In · reason oi his great prn\\·e:-.s as an act(;r and by the rich proiondity of his ha~so voice, he ha s rai sed to tht· pinnacle of artistic greatness. ~fi ss Falco and ~~ r . Paltrinieri will complete the rast :lltd ~fr. Papi will conduct. Children's Concert July 11 The rcguliu· \\'L't'kl~· \'(Jtlrtrt ior childn:n \\·ill he gi \'L' ll 011 Thursday a itertwon. J ul~: 11. Erir I h· I ,amartcr ronducti.nf.:: the Chicagu :-:.ymphonv Orchestra through a :--pccial prog:ram durin.~ whirh he "ill t·xplain the mn~ic to tht· chilclren . The ron · crt \\'ill lw ioll<nn·d IJ,· an intriguing cntcrtain nwnt. Children t\\'clYc ~Tars of age and under are admitted ir ec th<' sc concerts and re~t'rrcd scah arc ircc for CH' f\'OilC. Homann·. iun and mclod,· \\·ill b(: the l<'aturcs on Thqr:-da~· night, July 11, ior "~fartha" ha~ hn·n sclectccl as the llJH'ratic nffnin!.! it)!' thi" tilllc. This \\·ork lJ\· \"~n i-'loto\\·, \\·hich n1a,· he Ulll:-.idl'rt·d as intnnational in charactn, is perhaps the mo:-t uni\'(: rsalh· IO\·e d l)i al,l light ()jH:ras. Tlti" "· ;~.., fulh· ckmonstrated at Ha,·inia Ja.;t season " ·hen it \\·as lll'Ccs~ar~· to prc-.l·nt it nn ft\'l' different orrasi()n~. TlH· l{a \'inia ca:t of this merry opera rcarhe..; th · hi,.~· hest sta1HI<trds. Florl'n ~· c \fa chr th aplH'arin~· in the title n1lc \Yith ~farin Chamln' a~ l.iotH·l. \ Tii·~ilio Lazzari as Plunkdt. \ ' itt(lrio ;l'rn·isa n as ~ir Tri:-tan. Clach·:- s,\·arthout a:~ :\'ann·. and Lnn is n· .\ n ~c lo as the sheriff. -Tunes l)i gaiety an·cl romance cro\\'cl closch· tlllOil one another throut.dwnt this \\·nrk ·and the action t'l' ~~ c h. e s a h a p p '· e n d i n g. L n u i .; ll a s S('ltlla!l-. \\'ill ("CIIHIUrt. -----!!liM~---------------------------------. c ·- 1 ~ LET's An RIDE mE . WHOOPEE · jlOe BASTILLE DAY FEATURE ON RAVINIA SCHEDULE (Continued from page 39) Lunis D'Angelo as the King and Ciordano Paltrinieri as the me scng~r. ~[ r. Papi ·\\'ill conduct. Cont inncd on gal 22 The extra p ~rfo rmance of "Louise" \\·hich is to be given ~1 onday night Jul.' · H. in place ui the ~1 on day night concl'rt program, is ot specia l interest a.; it indicates the popularity \rhich this <lpl'l'il has gainl'd \rith Ravinia auditnL"cs. ~~ 11ll'. Gall \\'ho si ngs th e tit k rok \\'as trai·n ed for this part in Pari s under the direction of men \\·hu "nc a:-.soriatcd ,,·ith the composer at the time this work \\'as fir_ t prod11rcd. ~1 r. .1 ohnson has dcmon strakd his genius in interpreting the rt)lc oi Julien while th e part of the father <b presented by 1\[r Rothicr, and that of the mother, sung by \fn1c. Claussen, are clas. ics of histrionic singing. Others in this cast arc .T ose ~!ojic~1. \lr. D'Angelo. 11is. Max\\'dl, ).[iss ~w:-trthout. ?\fiss Falco and \I iss P:-tge, \\'hn heads the ballet. Mr. lfas se lman s \\'ill conduct. "II Trovatore" Tuesday Tucsda _ ,. night. July 9. th e n ·c·r popular "II Tro\'atore" of \·crcli w11l he gi,·cn iP the 11r~t tin1c this SL'a~on " ·ith a ca..,t which has cle\'ated this famous old ope ra to a new plane oi greatnc~s. \lme. H.cthhcrg \\·ill ~ing the part of Ltc1nora and opposite her, CiO\·anni \lartinclli will he heard :n the title role. The:-;e are t\\'o ni operas most dramati c roll's. and sure!~· . there arc no artists bet tcr equipped to meet their demands than ~f me. Hct hbcrg and :Mr. Martinelli . :\f r. Dani.;c likrwisc has a highly clrantatic pa:·t as the Count Di Luna and one '"hir h dispi<J.\' S his Yoicc to finest ach·antagc . Others to he heard are ~r me . Claussen as Azuccna. \[r. D' \n.gclo. \fiss fako AUTO COASTER A Brand New Thriller-Fun for Young and Old Located permanently directly opposite Holy Ghost Academy Oil Waakegaa Road Near Willow Read AIH»ut 41 MUe· We.t of WIN&T~ WHOOPEE! Drive your own car over a mile~long plank road that hu all the duills of mountain driving but none of the dangers I WHOOPEE! FREE .ADMISSION TO THE GROUNDS lOc Ia c:haraed each occupant of car using Whoopee Auto Coaster Children under 7 yean FREE I I 1 THRILLING! . AMUSING! SENSATIONAL! Free Parking Space for 10,000 cars. Park on our ground. free, day or night and watch the fun, plenty of shade trees. , I I I I I ~ oP&N DAILY ··o11 7 a.-. t· ..... _______ ~ue Ground. Well Policed-Day and Night ,te ~I ____________________________________ __I I I IOc PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Visiting Mackinac Isl'd, Parry Sd., Can., Detroit, Cleveland, Chicago, Buffalo with a full day at Niagara Falls. Here's a trip ·.. once taken you'll not soon forget .·· the sort you've possibly thought beyond you ... like a trip abroad ... over 2,000 miles travel on the cool. refreshing waters of 4 Great Lakes and Georgian Bay. Scenes of historic interest with ample stops at principal points ~ .. educational as well as restful and enjoyable. ·.. You can find quiet in secluded nooks on observation deck or take part in the activitie >aboard ship, as you prefer. New ··· lO% reduction in round..trip Cabin fares On sailings after August 16, you can go to Europe, Cabin Class, at almost pre·war prices - and on Canadian Pacific's new, 20,000· ton Duchesses and other popular Cabin liners. Sailings from Montreal and Que· bee by the short, beautiful St. Law· renee seaway,saving 2 days of open sea! To France, Belgium, Ger· many, Scotland, Ireland, Enghmd. Through.. trains to port ··· go right aboard ship ··· no hotel expense. Fllll detaiu /rom :your local agent, or }~lworthyt Steamshi}l GenHal 71 E. Jackson lllrtl., 'I't' l('pbon r Wn bnsh 190-t, Chiea~o, Ill. .F or freight apply to J. G. Weihofen, ·Fon igu }'njght .: \g<·nt, 'l'he Itookery, Chicago. The Great Oil-Burning White Liners North American ~ South Americqn Are like ocean liners .. large staterooms anci parlor rooms . .. all have windows or portholes .. comfortable, roomy blds ; . excellent meals and splendid service. There are deck games, music, dancing and other entertainments .. something doing all the time .. our hostess will introduce you to others. for transit L'ilh to Au~ust 27th, i11cl. R. R. Tickets belu·un Chtcago, Du roil, C/rvtla,Jd and Buffalo honored 11/>on H. H. A~t'nt, .Sailings from Chicago rr·ny Turs. ami Sat., jrme additional pa ymmt. "La Juive" Friday "La Tuin ... Tfalen·':.i ~.;rL·at dramatic (lpe ra ~,· ill be hr(lngi1t tn pcrformance lnr t h~,.· first t i111e thjs sea~on on Friday ni~ht, luh· 1.?, \\'ith cxarth- the :ame c;~~ t th-at -has made it so p~lpnlar with 1\;1\·inia patrons in sca . . ons past . \{me. 1\\.'thl>t·rg \rill l>L' ht·ard as l~arhel, a rnlc sh~ addL' d to her repertoire :1t ]{ ;l\·i nia ~omc seasons a~n ancl fnr \rhirh :-.he is pcriertl~· ~ndo\\'td l>.v rca~on nf the dramatic pn\\'cr and the lyri c quality of her n1ice. Cin\·anni :\fartinelli \\·ill he l·Jeazar. nnt· oi the nwst l'X<Icting of hi.; dramatic r(lks ancl Ll·rin Rothicr \Yilt he l'<ht ;' "' thl~ Cardinal. ~fis . ~fachcth ,\ill si11g the role oi the Princess ancl Jo~c '\f ojica \\'ill he Leopold. Others in the (aq arc \fr. Cchano\·sb·, ~fr. Ananian, ancl \{r. Coscia. There - \\'ill he l>all·t in which Miss Page and \fr Stra\,·hr id~ e \\·ill be featured. \1r. Ilasst:lmans \\'ill conclurt . apply any R.R. Ticket Ofllce or Tourist For Blue Book on the Blue Lakes AQency or write W. H. BLACK, Traffic Manager ------· · Chicago, Duluth&: Georgian Bay Transit Company UO W. Adame St. Phone Ran. 2960 Canadian Pacn· IC =· World'· C.., Cmaacfia- Pacific Extweu T,..,_ CJa.er,..a - Good chc W orl4 0... ~~~~~~!.~~1 -"' 600 Da vi5: ~t. Gr~:>enlt=>af 24R4 · OGU Sl;JtYJCE IS FREE 'fO YOU ·,

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