Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Jul 1929, p. 42

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42 WILMETTE LIFE July 5, 1929 - Use of Stroborama Road Tips · by Graham-Paige '------------......! Presents Illusion I Expert Greasing Time to change to summer grease J-: ,t lma lt·s ~-t l :u ll .\ ~o: h ··n. our j, !-f'l'lit·«' 1·ardul .\II ~: u a " o rk ra nt···· d :I IIII ('ll lllp ldt· MILLER & MILLER GeorJ.re Miller 7 32 T\velfth Street Leo· Mill er Phone Wilmette 50 EVER.VTHING AUTOMOBIL.E ./Oro we NEVErt CLOSED The Largest Motor Repair Shop on the North Shore FoJ'Iet Car Worrlea whil~ you're on yo ur vacation. Tha t's easy if y ou let us put your engine in A -1 shape befo re you start. Our equipment and experience can give you virtually a new motor at a cost surprisingly low. Come in and ICC Ul. MAIN ,STREET Wilmette -·---------------- --------------~~---------------------- J. c. SLOWN A. B. VAN DE U SEN / I Illinois In the nc\\' eng-ineering laboratory !\inch·-Fifth stree't is closed from ln1ilding oi the Graham-Paige ~1otors \\'c~tn;1 annuc to Statt' strec:t in Chi- corporation,· the illusion oi mution!csscago. Traffic can detour on eith~r ness in the rapidly \\·hirling 'fan is proHith street or Hl3rd street. duccu by the ~tJui>uraina, a ma~Yelous De111pster street is now open iro111 I dericc th~t enables the engineers . to ). IcC tirmic k boule ,.a rd to l 111noi s-ly. a nalyzc l.1!~h ~ l~~~d ,lll cch.;u~~c-~ 1 liiOti~u, Dixil' high\\'ay is clo:-L'd irom Lincoln I and tu lt'arn exctctl} hu~'. \ell IOU:. Ulllts higll\\'a\· in Chicago lleights to ]ol' ~.nd l'aqs beha\·c a~ ddfcrc~1t ::.pccus. ( );-r ru:ul. Traffic i:-; directed cast on 1 he ~I.L' \\' laboratory IS one Ol the most Lilll'(i]ll high,,·ay. nr 11-tth :-tru:t to j! ~ 0111 PI.t:tdy equipped . rcs .t' arch build1e a~ltumutJ\·e Jndust~y . . ln ! llai-.H·d s trn·t. 1wrth on Halsted :-trect tng::.. 111 ·11 to · 1oe ( lr r road. t hsn \\'C"t (in Joc 1 ~UllJUllCtiOll ~\· 1~h tht: company s Jh.: \V niacl tn Dixie high\,.a,·. Traflir t.llt<tl tc:- t budtllng attd concn.: t<.: traL·k I ()rr" 1 -1J.;c1 <l(·t 1t1r ,,.c 'st 011 the I incolu Jur ruad te :-. h, the 11\.:\\. lal>urat ury cOJII ' l.tl ' · t · ' l I l' l P . . ·1 · .· . ltiL:.lm:t,· ttl .·\:-.hland an:n ue and nor~h P de:-, t te Jra 1 ~.llll - algc J ;~cl ~tiL':-- lOr I tn' ])ix.ic hi ~.dl\'\";t\" . nll\h dl'tti\ll'S arv rc:-.t·arcl.l \\(.li~k Ill the dt::-,lglllll_g and j ;tll paHd. · ckrclup11q~ c.1t m~tor car:-., an<..! J~r th e.: l'o t,k Ct1Unt~·-The Ifal sted :'trct:t ck- ~l w r~ugh ti~tal ul n ·\ ry car l~u u rc..: it t·lllr llllrth oi ~ihln· hon1n·;ml ha-. 1 b slllppcd !rum the lactory. ; 1,LT1l rhang-l'd. Traft'tc i:-. dirl'rtL·d l':l't . The building lwu:-. ing tht: laL oratu ry· j 1111 13Kt)1 trC'd t<t Jndia~1a ;t\'(' lllll'. :-.·l tl\11 is u.~ .brick atH! rL· iniurc~d concrete, .t '. ru ' t·ll lnd1an;J a\·t'nue to ~1ldn · htndn·ard. ;:,tuiiL:-. h 1~i1 ,tnd 30U led Ion .~. l· o ~Ir tht·n \\'l':O.t (·Jl Sihk,· hnuJv,·ard t0 d.' nalt!OlllL' l~T ru 111:-. arL· COJbtantly itt r l:tbll'd ~trn· t. Thi:-. dl't··ur i-. all pa n ·d. ll :-.t: 11Wking te . t aiter te:-.t tu ilbtlrt: t :ll: llli!H ii . . -1- Dd tit lr in jl;,n·n. itd ]m,· uttllll:-t cf!'tcit·nL·\· oi Crahain - J>ai,L:L' ellgiJlL':-. .\ :-pt·ci:tl \\attr l>rakt: dy : rnarkt·d dl't nur on·r ri t ,· -.trn·t'. . !:littui:-. -::i ( L · s -.:~Ol Dl'lom in \~· ( i-. ·: n:t'lllil ltL· ttr i:-. u . . l·d it·r t hL · l u 1 1~ ron ' P;1rk. ftdlo"· 2:;th a\"L't 1\1l' 'tillt1. ~t. ~ illtJL·d. t~-,h. ThL·I.1 tl 1nc i:-. a ru le! rut' lll, Cha rk-. rtiad. \\t:--1 llll ~t. l' kt rlo r·iad 111 \\lltL'Il a11 cn tirL· c:t r cttl 1Jc tL·-. t u l tn llli lltli:-.--tli. nnrt' 1 <ill lllincii, -\ 1, t·i at tvtt tpnaturv <h lu\\ ;1-. 20 ck,:..:rn·~ I llliJHii:-. -::i. bel()\\ zero. _ ·\ heat l'titl!ll liL·:·l! Jit a i lllitt oi:-:- IK ( L'S - 3~i Dvt ·· ur 111 ~. a ' c;.' r. l tl he ·!.!'l'l':t tL·d u ndn d.c--nt CUJlCrr~ngc . iollt·\\· lll<trkt·d dl'lour ti\'l'l' r1t\ dlt! ult at tv111p ·raturL·-. a-. 111~11 a-, 1-10 -.t rL·d:-. . D\'ttiUr in \:;qw ;-, ilk. i(ll1ri \\ ck .~rvo. In the :-~knt ru um, CUill]dt:tcly ll t:trkt·d dt"tnur (1 \"vr L ·i t \ ,trvl'l'. in-.,ttl;tte d irt>Ill all uut:-.idt· tH· i:-v- . t'IIlllin ni:--.-21 --Dd c, ur in \'ile:-;. foil \\' tirl· rar:' llr :--eparatc unit:-. can lH: .tc:-.tlllii Ht is --L?.\ Jl·· rth t·· ll.u ndtT rc'arl. \ H ·-.t L"d i(lr noi:->L·k:-:-Il L'"'· ( lt hL·r m;tt-:l:ncs (ill l)unrkc ro:td to 111i 1H 'i~ - ~1 in \\' hl' \·1- :-.uhjt·rt rhas-. i ~ ;1nd !Judie :- tu ,1JtJrk l inl! . lllinni :-.-.?1 i:- <" lcl't.·d lH l \\t·l·n Hal - Jv-.t'. :-t inntlatii1.l! hi~h :-.]'n·rl clri,ing b;·d rt, ;ul and l)uiH kl· l' ti :td . urn r t tugh ruad ~ . I lllino i~--12 ( l·~ - -11 l D t·t·itlr in F ti:·t T! 1e :-tr·Jl>(lr;una, i;-; pt.·rll ;q,., t llL Jl1 u:- t ~hni cl:tn . i, ..J]n\\· 1n;·rh·d dd 11 11r l'ti\lll: :-.pt.·l'Ltr ubr exhibit tli all. Tili-. d~· ' in· thrriu ··h lli l!lJ,,·n t·d ;tnd Ft irl Sht·ridal1 i:-. (li Fn·nrh manu iactur ·: unh· ioil r -tred~. · . :-.imilar in -. tallatioJh cxi"t in .\ 1, L'fir.t, TI in IIi . . --1 (I I l. .s--\3) -- n l't ( 1\ l r i11 1~ ~.·11 - Cillt' (I i \\'hi r h is Ill a i 11 t a iIll' d 1 )\. t he \\(icHl. itdlu\\· ~t.l'hark.; rt,ad ca--t . .?~1 11 :\a,:,. dep;HtlllL'llt. 1\,· mean:-- (li a :t\ L 'lliiL· tu 1~( i \lll.' (i, \\est l'l1 l~uut e (i clustn oi llL'tl ll tube - ;1i 1000 L'<ltldL·ttl l~ tlll tv .,t(, . Dd <i tlr i:1 1.~1 Crangt·. pn \\Tr. t he :-trohorama illt11ninatL·s a:1 f.,Jl(J\\' lll.;.trkl'd ddtil!r tl\'l'l' cih· ,(red- . t.·ntirt· rha:-si-.,, L'll.l!it ll' , t'r :til\. unit.\\ ith lllin t,i:-:-,~::i- Drt·lllr at De-.· Plain~.: :- :1 liLrht timed tn lla-.h in :-,~· nrhr u ni . . :n annUL'" fo~]n,:· Dt·:-- Plainl'·~ ~' l.'llliL' \\ itl;- tht.· ratl' lli ll Hltitln ··.·i t ht· Jl;t rt I . ll(lrth to 111n1tth -(, \\"t :-. t nn lllllll11 '--(' t n uLd<"r . . tudy. I lith :t\'l'llliV. ~n uth on lith aY elllll' tt l 11.; t·fin-t, i:- readih· lllHkr:--tanclahlt. .?.?nd ~trvd. li a 111an \\'L ·n : in a c];.t rk I'Piilll. ""itll :1'1 lllinoi, -ti3 Detour at 1 Iarltm :tYL·ntH.' ilt~tant : tJlt·c n~:-. fl;t,h t>i li ;.-:!1 t illt1 1ll inati11g I i·lllo\\· lTarlt·Jn aH·llul' ~c,uth to La\\·- hi :- \\atch nL·n · fi() :--n·on<k the :--u·<·nd I n·nrt.· <tn:.!IIlt', \\'c-t on l.a\\Ttncc a\T -, h: tnd c_ll· the \\~ atrh \\o uld ~LTlll to 1><.' lllll' 111 Hin-r l'tiacl. nn rt h li ll Rin·;· rci:td tnotitilllc:--:', IJL'cau -c ht· \\Otdd !-l'L ' 1t ' to 1~nute 03. I ~tl\\· a,· :-; in the :-;tine t>o~ition. 1i t he Indiana li.l!;h t fla,h('d. L'\'l'l'\' - r,J ;-;ecotHl'. the ' Cr;t,·v l r(lad:-. and llHi~t graYt'l de tour:-. :--n'tillcl h:t ttd rii t il t: \\'<ttch \\'()uld ~tt'lll t·J t ll L :-.t;ttt· ili~dn\a_, =-~· ,tvm arc rc-- , to ;t<h-(ttlC<' onh· Olll' :-.vcnnd i1 1 each t·t irtnl i11 ~tHid L·unditiun. ' tninutt . \\"it h the tkrtric ian r unnint' L :' .?-1 -' l'hcn· . i:- a 10 .!-n1 ik <l l' tli\lr I at .?/:1() reyo]utitlll~ pn minute . th·~ · iront Ct i(i dland t·a:--t ttl 1 Inik L ·aq oi light is adiu-.tcd tn tla:-.h 2750 t1mes a 1\l·miltgt·il l. Pa\t'lllt'llt irtllll }.lt·nti - , minute. Con:--e'.'llt nth·. each hlaclr 1" L'l'llll illr 1-t 111ik:-. ta:-.t. tiH·n ckt tt \lr '.! "<..·<·n in exact],- tl1e .:-;;tnlt tH1:-it inn ;:t 111 i k 111 n·t h t <1 t h t <ll cl r o 11 t l' t n Log a 11 :--. - P r h tl a ' 11· .., ·) t 11 at t h e n 1<lll s c- em t n l'··rt . lktllllr ju:-t ~.·a:-.t tli I lunting t \111 · ~tand sti ll. I un til cit ,· t'Oltlplctt·-. Jta ,·itlg tu mcl't IT athon ~I ot<ir.; ni \\'innctka 1:; the ' :-tatl' ruad i:-. llllt' hali mik. C r a h am - Pr~ i_ge dea ler. l · ~ - .?7-.-\ ck tuur tii -l 1 , mile, ha~;, ------ ---, lil'L'Il t.' :-.~ah~>h(· d irom 111_1~· halt: 1 1~ik . SYRIA BUYS MANY U. S. CARS nor th tH h.1 chnwnd f (J ·l h~.· :-.tl'r. I he ~yria im por te d 80 pe r ce nt mor e :\m 11-nlik <kt(lur j u ~t uorth nf \ \'it1ches- er ira n au tomobiles las t vear than in I tn rcl11ain:-_. .:\ 1:-.o !IH· X-milc. de tou r 19.?7 while th e outs ta ndin g develop:-;outhca~t 11 ' ~ o rt \\ aY n e remaJllS. mC' nt in thi s fo reig n marke t was the l'~-3(L- P rart i ca lly .<t il pa\'(·cl. 1fa:-. h ta \·~- in cr ease in tru ck s imp ort ed fro m a run-aroun d at t hl' l·:rie Hailroacl 2 ·th e l· nit ed ~~ tat es, th e numb er reach · " r" 1 ntik:- ca~ t nf Shon,n ille. m g .m~. as compare< with seve nt y- nine l : ~ - 3 1 - P rac ti ca l h· all pa,·c<l and in th e p revi ous ye ar. llJll' ll a t. pre:'t'tl t. .H ll \\'C \'L·r . dH:re is a I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - :->L'C t 1 011 of o ne- \\' a ,. tr a tti c so ut h (If 1-: okomo " .hilL: ~1!1 ,·.eme n t r rpa i r s ar e no n to Dill sb o ro has b ee n lengthened he in Q n1 adc. iro m 17 to 32r;j mil es. S urf a ce fair L·~- -tl - Thi s rout e i~ a ll pa n~ d ex- but narro \\'. Cin cinnati t o Loui sville ce pt -t mil es of g rav el, 3.2 mile s o i tra fti c s hould use Indiana-56. w hich is so uth o f ~1 o r occo . Th er e is a l'S-52-A det o ur is in effe ct from 50 3- mi lr good g ra n ! deto ur from -t mil es Thi :-, is a na rrov: 18-mile detour and north t o St;; miles no rth o f Roc b ·ill e mil es wes t of M etamora to B rookville . a nd a ·'~ n~il (' detour in Ev a ns \'ill c. bec au se of th is fac t. Indianapolis tp CS -40- All paved and o pen. R e pair Cin cinnati traffi c is advi se d to use the ere \\. working betw ee n Cumbe rland all-na\' ed rout e via C S-40 to Richmond. ! and Cree nfi eld with one- way traffi c in via CS- 40 tn Richmond, Ohio -11 to e ffec t. · E a to n, Ohio -9 to Hamilton and Ohio-4 l 'S- 50- The detour from east of Yrr- to Cincinnati. I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I ·.

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