Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Jul 1929, p. 45

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J~ ly 5, 1929 LEGAL PUBLICATION VILLAGE OJo' WILME'fTE WILMETTE LIFE 45 ';. line of "Lakewood Manor Subdivision;· nue to a point three hundred ( 300) feet, Hond to the west line of "Lakenton Subto the west line of ~aid subdivision. northerly of the sewer in Elmwood Ave- di\"i!"ion." In BIRCHWOOD AVENUE from ItoIn LAKEWOOD A VENUE from Lake nue. 1·roposed ordinance providing for tht:> A venue to Beech A venue. In RIDGE ROAD from Elmwood Ave- moha Road to the west line of "Lakenton , r .n~truction of a connected system of In SCHILLER AVENUE from Lake- nue to a point seven hundred twenty o:iubdivision." :- torm water sewers of vitrified tile pipe wood Avenue to the east line of "Arthur (720) feet north of the center line of In WASHINGTON AVENUE from Roa nd of vitrified clay segment block with Dunas and Company's Rapid Transit Lake A venue. mona Road to Sl,w kie Boulevard. 1 ht· necessary brick manholes and brick Subdivision." In RIDGE ROAD from Lake Avenue to In SKOKIE BOULEVARD from Wash(·ateh basins ln certain streets, roads, In BIRCHWOOD A VENUE from Lake- a point seven hundred twenty (720) feet ington Avenue to the south line of a ll ys and Janes and on and . in a cer- wood A venue to the east line of "Arthur north of the center line of Lake Avenue. "United Realty Company's First Addition tain lot, piece or parcel of land to be Dunas and Company's Rapid Transit In IROQUOIS ROAD at 23rd Street, to Skokie Boulevard Addition to Wilac quired by condemnation, as provided Subdivision." f mette." or connection to "Indian Hill Estates In PINE STREET from Washington hv law, for a site for a pumping station, In LARAMIE AVENUE from Lake Unit No. 2," Storm Sewer. Avenue to the south line of "United provided in said proposed ordinance, A venue to Wilmette A venue. ' In CORNELL STREET from Lake L{ealty Company's First Addition to a ll situated in the Village of Wilmette, In WILMETTE AVENUE from LarAvenue to the north line of "North Shore Skokie Boulevard Addition to Wilmette." ( 'ounty of Cook and State of Illinois, amie A venue to Ramona Road. ln HIGHLAND AVENUE from Pine t ugether with the recommendation of the In WIL~1ETTE A VENUE from Ra- Crest," Subdivision No. 2. In 22ND STREET from Lake Avenus Street to the first alley east of Skokie Board of Local Improvements and the mona Road to Locust Road. ~ · ~timate of the cost of .·aid proposed In WILMETTE AVENUE from Locust to the north line of "North Shore Crest," Boulevard on the north side of Highland Avenue. impro\"ement. Road to five hundred (500) feet west of ::;ubdivision No. 2. In YALE STREl-<71' from Lake Avenue to ln KNOX AVENUE from Washington ~OTICE is hert.·by given that at the the sewer in Illinois Road. In LOCKERBIE STREET from W·l- the north line of "North Shore Crest," Avenue to the south line of "United rf'gular me ting of the Prel-;ident and Hec\..!.ty Company's First Addition to Hoard" of Trustees of the Village of Wil- mette A\"enue to Glenview Hoad and in Subdivision No. 2. In 21ST STREET from Lake Avenue Skokie Boulevard Addition to Wilmette." ROAD from Lockerble mette, held on Tuesday, July 2nd, A. D. GLENVIEW In KNOX AVENUE " from Washington 1!)29, at eight o'clock P. l\1., Daylight Street, north of Glenview Road to Lock- to the north line Qf "North Shore Crest," No. 2. ! Avenue to Birchwood Avenue. Saving Time (7 :00 o'clock P. l\1., Cen- erbie Street, southwe:-;t of Glenview Road Subdivision In HARVARD STREET from Lake In LOCUST ROAD from Wilmette Avetral Standard Time), the following pro- and in LOCKERBIE STREET f1·om Avenue to the north line of "North Shore nue to fourteen hundred three (1403) feet posed ordinance providing that a con- Glenview Road to Central Street. north of the center line of Wilmette AveIn CENTRAL STREET from the east Crest," Subdivision No. 2. nected system of storm water sewers of In 20TH STRE8T from Lake Avenue. nue. vitrified tile pipe and of vitrified clay line of "King's Court Subdivision," to to the north line of "Korth Shore Crest,"! In BIRCHWOOD AVENUE from ~egment block, with the necessary brick the we:-;t line of said subdivi~ion. · Laramie Avenue to Lavergne Avenue. In RO:\'lONA ROAD at Lake Avenue Subdivision No. 1. manholeR and brick C'atch ba~ins, shall In COLt MBUS STREET from Lake · In LEAMINGTON AVENUE from be constructed and laid in the l'trt-etl', for connection to "Indian Hill Estates," Avenue to the north line of "North Shore Bin:hwood Avenue to Lake Avenue. roads, alleys and lanes and on and in Storm Sewer. ln LAKE A VENUE, south side, from In LOCUST ROAD at Lake Avenue tor Crest," Subdivision No. 1. ·he lot, piece or parcel of land to be acIn RIDGE ROAD from Lake Avenue Leamington Avenue to Laramie Avenue.· quired by condemnation as provided by connection to "Indian Hill Estates," to Schiller Avenue. In LAKE AVENUE, south side, from law for a :--;ite for a pumping- ~tation, Storm Sewer. In HARVARD STR13~ET from Lake Leamington Avenue to LeClaire Avenue. In SENECA ROAD at Lake A venue ::.11 as in !'\aid ordinanC'P de!-icriht>d, and In LECLAIH.E AVENUE fr'Jm Birchall ~ituated in the Village of \Vilmette, for connection to "Indian Hill Estate~;· A\"enue to ~khqlf'r An' nUf'. In 21ST STREET or the allpy west of wood Avenue _to south line Lot 1, Block 3, Countv ot Cook and State of Illinois, l::ltorm Sewer. In LOCUST ROAD from Lake Avenue ::ieeg-er·~ Subrli\·ision from Lake Avenue "Wilmette-Lake Avenue Addition," protogether with the recommendation of duced east. the Board of Local Impro\'em nt~ to twelve hundred six (1206) feet south to 'V'ashing-ton Avenue. In SCHILLI<;R AVENI E from 21st In LOCKERBIE STREET from Birchrecommending the pa~snge of ~aid · of the center line of Lake A \"enue. In A~HLAND A VE~UE and ILLI~ Street to the west line of "Braun's Sub- wood Avenue to Lake Avenue. c;rdinance, and the making of the . In LAKE AVENUE, south side, from improvement therein I'Ontemplated and NOIS ROAD from Locust Road to a division." In SCHILLER AYENUE from 21st Lockerbie Street to LeClaire Avenue. he e~timate of thf> east · of said point opposite the southea~terly corner In LAKE AVENUE, south side, from "f'POsed improvemPnt, omitting land ot Lot 15, Block 2, "Indian Hill Estates." Street to alley wflst of Ridge Road. In BJRCHWOOD AVENt E from 21st Lockerbie Street to LaVergne Avenue. In ILLINOI~ J{OAD f1·om Iroquoi~ to be acquired, a. · prepared by the In LAVERGNE AVENUE from BirchPresident of said Board of Local Im- Road to a point opposite the southeast- Street to the west line of ··Braun's Subwood Avenue to the south line of Lot 1, provements, was introdueed and wa~ re- erly earner Lot 15, Block 2, "Indian Hill division." In BIRCH\YOOD AVENUE from 21st Block 1 "Wilmette-Lake Avenue Addiferred to the Sewer and \Vater Com- Estates." tion " p~oduced east. mittee of said Bo·a rd n~ required by law: In LOCUST nOAD from Ashland Ave- Street to Rid~e Hoad. In HAHYAllD STREET from Schiller lr{ CENTRAL AVENUE from Hibbard AN ORDINANCE nue to the north line of the Village of Avenue to Birchwood Avc· nt~e. Hoad to LaVergne Avenue. providing !or the con!'\truction of a con- Wilmette. In JUDGE ROAD from B11·ch\·:ood A\ eIn LACROSS AYENUE from Central In GRANT .'THEET from Ashland nected system of storm water sewers of Avenue to the north line of the "Third vitrified tile pipe, and of vitrified clay Avenue to the north · line of the Village nue to ~chiller Avenue. In RIDGF. ROAD from Birchwood Ave- Addition to Wilmette-Laramie Subdivlsegment block, with.Jthe neces~ary brick of Wilmette. ~ion." In KENIL\VOH.TH AVENUE from nue to Washington Avf'nue. mauholes and brick catchbasins and apIn HARVARD STREET from BirehIn LAMON AVENUE FROM Central purtenances, in th~"' streets, ri)ad:,;, a ven- Grant Street to Lucust Road. Avenue to the north line of the "Thlrd ues, lanes and on and in the lot, piece or In ASHLAND AVENUE from Illinois wood Avenue to \Vashing-ton A venue. In ILLINOIS ROAD from Lake Aw- Addition to Wilmette-Laramie Subdivinnrcel of land to be acquired by condem- Road to 22 . d ~treet. · !:lion." nation for a site for a pumping station, In 26TH STREET from AHhlant.l A\'e- nuP to Wilmette Avt>nuiO'. In WILMETTF. A. VENL"E from Jllinoi!' In LArOH.TE AVENUE from Central all aR in this ordinance hereinafter de- nue to the north line of the Village of Road to five hunrlrcd (50')) feet west of Avenue ·to the north line of the "Third . scribed and provided, and all situated in Wilmette. Addition to Wilmette-Laramie Subdivlthe Village of Wilmette, County of Cook In KENILWORTH AYEXCE from 2Gth the ~ewc>r in Jliiwtis Hn:ul. In WILMETTE AVf.:.KCI·~ frnm Illinoi~· sion." and State of Illinois. ~treet to Grant Street. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIThere shall also be constructed and In CLEVELAND STREET from A!'\h- noad to Glenview Rn:·tl. DENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF land Avenue to the north line of the YilIn "'\V"ILMETTE A \.K:o\l ' E from Glen- erected a pumping station with the apTHE VILLAGE OF WILMETTE: view Road to Ridg-e> Roarl. purtenances as hereinafter prO\'ided, to lage of Wilmette. Section 1: That a local improvement In RTDGE ROAD from \Yilmette An·- be used and operated in -connection with, In KENILWOHTH AVE~UE from shall be made in the Village of Wilmette, Cleveland Street to 26t·h Street. nue to Central Avenue. and as a part of, said system of storm in the County of Cook and State of IlliIn RIDGE ROAn from \\'ilnwtte Av.~- water sewers upon a lot, piece, or parcel In 25TH STREET from Ashland Avenois, the nature, character, locality anj nue to one hundred thirty-three (l:l:n nue to South Limit~ of thl· Village of of land whkh shall be acquired by conde~cription of which local improvement teet south of Kenilworth Avenue. Wilmette. demnation as and in the manner prois as follows : In GLENVIEW HOAD fmm Wilmette \"ided by law, for that purpose, and which In COLGATE STREET from Ashland That a connected system of storm wa- Avenue to KenilworH1 Avenue and in Avenue to fin~t Villag-e Limits line ex- is described as follow!:!: ter sewers of vitrified tile pipe, and ot KENILWORTH AVENUE from Colgatt> tendin~ south from the center of GlenThe west two hundred and thirty vitrified clay segment block, as herein- Street to Cleveland Street. '"i{'w Road. In LEAMINGTON A VENUE from ·wil(~30) feet of the south one hundred after provided, with the necessary brick In 24th STRbET from A~hland _\w·and fifty (150) feet of Section T~ntymanholes and brick catchba~ins, shall be nue to one hundred thirty-three ( 133) nwtte Avenue to th<' north line of "Fir~t five (25) TQwnship Forty-two (42) constructed and laid in the following Addition to V\Tilmette-Laramie Subdi\"iIlOrth, H~nge Twelve (12) East of the L.;treets, roads, a venues, lanes and on and feet Routh of J{pnilworth A venut>. sion." Third Principal Meridian, lying East In DARTl\fOl TH STREET from Ashin the lot, piece or parcel of land to .be land Avenue to onC' hundred thirty-thrt>P In LECLAIHE AVENUE from Wiland adjoining the tract of land ownea acquired by condemnation as provided by l th A mt>ttf' Avenue to thf' north line of "Fi !· . ~t by the Fore!:lt Preserve District of venue. Addition to ·\\rilnwttt>-Laramie Subdivilaw for a site for a pumping station (133) feet ~outh of Kt>ni wor Cook County and conveyed by WarIn 23RD STREET from Lake Avenue sion." hereinafter described, and herein refened ranty Deed recorded in the Recorder's to and described as "the pumpin~ :,station to Beechwood Avenue. Tn LOCKERRTE STREET from WilOffice of Cook County, IlLinois, on grounds," all situated in the Village of In ,KENIL'\\l'\ORTH AVENUE from 23 rd nwttf' Avenue to the north line of "Fir~t January 14, 1920, al:i Document No. Wilmette, County of Cook and State Street to Colf.~ te SDtrAee,!· .,NUE from rd f\drlition to 'Vilmette-Larami Subdivi23 6715849 and situated in the County of 1~ of Illinoi<>; In BEECH v' · ston." Cook and State of lllinoi~. In Lake A venue from the east bank of Street to one _hundred (lOO) feet south-~ In LAVERGNE AVK~UE from WilThe said improvements shall be couthe Chicago River to the west line of westerly of Rtdge Road. 'F. f nwtte A venue to tht> north line of "First the following del-icribed tract of land In KENILW<?RTH AVENt, '· rom Addition to Wilmette-Lnramif' Subdivi- stn1eted as follows: A ~egmtnt block sewer having an insituated in the Village Qf "'\Vilmette, 23rd Street to Ridge Road. sion , County of -Cook and Statt' ~>f Illlnoi!-', In CHESTNUT A YENUE from 23 rd . ln. LAVEHONJ;; A VENUE from Wit- ternal diameter of seven (7) feet shall to-wit: Street to Rid~e Road. mf'tte A Vf'nUf' to 'fha vt>r A venue · be construeted in Lake .Avenue and in The west two hundred and thirty In THORNWOOD AVENUE from 23 rd In GLENVTEVl ROAD on tht-. ~OUTH orivate lands to be acquired as a pumpfeet (230) of the south one hunStreet to Ridge Road ..... T rd RIDE fron1 Lo ·kf'rbie ~t;·N·t to the W st ing station site, along the following lin~: .Beginning at a point in Lake Avenue dred and fifty (150) feet of SecIn THORN\VOOD .A\ I·.N I E from 23 Village Limits lin<'. tion Twenty-five (25), Township Street to Dartmouth Street. In GLENVlE\V ROAD on the NORTH sixtetJn f~et (1 G.O) north of the center Forty-two (42) North, Range In ASHLAND A YE~(TJ·~ from 2 3!,'d ~IDE from Locl<erlliP Rtn·et to the Wei-it line of Lake Avenue and one thousand st:ven hundred and sixty-four (1764) feet ·TwP.lve (12) east of the Third Stre~t to onP hunclrt-d twf·nty-fiv<' ( 12a) Villagf' Limit~ lin<'. Prindpal Meridian, lying East of feet southw<'stE>rly of Rirk<' Road. In THAYER A Y~NliE from LaVer~ne west of the southeast corner of Section 25, Town~hip 42 North, Range ~2 Ea~t and adjoining the tt:"act of land , In ELMWOOD AVgxr~ from ~ 3 rd AverlUf' to LoclcPrbif' St1·t>et. owned by the Forest Preserve ~treet to thirteen hundn·rl tw(·nty ( 1 .~20) In HIBBARD ROAD fr-om WilmPtt<> of the Third Principal M~ridian, thence District of Cook County and confeet west. A vt-nue to the north line of "Third Adtli- northeasterly on a line making an angle of thirty (:lO) degree~ with the center veyed by Warranty Deed recordC'd In ELMV\roon A VENt J<~ from 23rd tion to \\'ilmf'ttf>-L:lrnmie Subdivision." in the Recorder's office of Cook Street to Ridg-e Road. Tn HOLLY AVENUE from Hibbard line of Lake Avenue twenty-one feet (21.0) ; thence easterly along a curve County, Illinois, on January 14, In 21ST STREJ·:T from .Rf><'C'hwo~~ Hnad tn Knox Awnnf'. 1!120 as Document No. 6715849 and AYenue to Lind('n AvE>nU<', and 111 LT~J)].,;\; Tn KNOX AVE:t\lTE from Holly Ave- having a radiul:i of twenty-five feet (25.0) to a point on a line twenty-eight situated in the County of Cook AVENUg from 21st 8tre't to Rid~<' Road, nun to ('entrnl A V<'l1lle. ·and state of Illinois. and in RIDGE ROAn from Linden Ave1n C:l~NTRA L .A VE::\'lT~ from Knox fE>et (28.0) north of and parallel with In LAKE AVENUE from the pumping nue to a poht om· hundred seventy ( 170) Aven uP to first alh-v Past of Skoklo: the center line of Lake A venue ; thence east along said line twenty-eight feet station grounds to Ridge Road. feet south al-iterly of a linf' thrN· (3) Roulevarcl. · In LAKEWOOD AVENUE from Lake feet north of th~· c···nter line of Lindt>n Tn KNOX AVENUE fmm Holly AYe- (28.0) north of and parallel with the A \"enue to Ashland A venue. Avenue. nut- to allPY north of \VilmettP AvPnut>. center line of Lake Avenue to a point In BLACKIJA WK ROAD from LakeIn RIDGE HOAI> from Lindf'n Avc>nm· Tn RKQKTl~ BOULEVARD from Holly fourteen hundred feet (1-100) west of :-.aid southeast corner of said Section wood A venue to the east line of ·"Lake- to the north line of the Village of Wil- :\ vC'nuc> tn C"Pntrnl A venue. wood Manor Subdivision." mette. ln CJ·.. !'\THA L AVF:r'\UE from ~kol<i<> 25 aforesaid, thence in a straight Une In WA'LNUT AVENUE from tht' ea~t In RIDGl·~ HOAD from Kenilworth Rnult>\·:ud tn tlw first all<'Y Ntst of Rib- to a point eleven hundred (1100) feet west of said southeast corner or said line of "Lakewood Manor Suhdivision," Avenue to a point four hundred Pighty hard no:Hl. to the west line of said subdivi~ion. Tn SKOKlT<; BOULEY A HD from Holly Section 25 and twenty-five (25.0) teet ( 480) feet southeasterly of the sewer In north of the center line of said Lake In IROQUOIS ROAD from the east Kenilworth Avenue. A n·liU" to 'Vilnwtt·' A \'enufl. line of "Lakewood Manor Subdivision," In RTDC l·J HOA 1 > from ('hestnut ln ROMON A ROAD from \VilmettC' A venue, tht>nee ea:-;t along a line twentyfive feet (2!i.O) north of and varallel to the west line of Raid subdiYision. Aven~ to a point thre(· hundred (300) An·nlll' to C'entral A\"enue. with the center line of Lake A venue to In ELMWOOD A VENUE from the ea~t ree.t--"ioutheasterly of the sewer in ChestIn 1{01\10:-\A HOA J) fmm Lake An·- a point nin · hundred four and threeline of "Lakewood Manor Subdivision," nut Avenue. nnf' tn '"'·shing'tnn .t\vPnm·. to · the west line of said subdivision. In RIDGE HOAD from Thornwood AvrIn ROl\IONA HOAD from Washing-tnT' tenths (904.:1) feet west of the said southIn THORNWOOD A VENUE from the nuP to a point two hundr<·d fi~ty ( 2:i0.) A wnue to the ~outh linr of . ','United east corner of said Section 25. thence east line of "Lakewood Manor Subdivi- feC't southeasterly of the sewer m Thorn- HP:llty Compa a:v s First AdditiOn to northeasterly along a cun·e having a radius of forty (40.0) feet twenty-one sion," to the west llne of said subdivi- wood Avenu~. Skokie Boulevard Ad<lition to Wilmette." and one-half (211,.~) feet, thence north· sion. In RIDGE ROAD from Elmwood AveIn SCHJLLER AVENUE from Ramona In ASHLAND A YEN UE from the east a s 00

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