Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Jul 1929, p. 1

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· W I.L METTE . VOL. XVIU, NO. 42 LIFE PRICE FIVE CENTS Published weekly by Lloyd Hollister Inc., JZ3Z-JZ36 Central Ave., Wilmette, Illinois. Entered as second class matter March 13, l9Z4, at the post office at Wilmette, Illinois, unde1· the Act of March 3, 1879. Subscription. price SZ.OO a year. WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, JULY 5, 1929 PLAN TENNIS TOURNEY CAMP . "BUG" BITES Wilm. e tte Championship Event NORTH SHORE SCOUTS Annual to Be Staged at Village Green From Extra Session for North Shore Council Troops Planned at Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan Retreat Karl D. King, 914 Greenwood av~ nue, \Vilmctte, president of the North Shore Area council of the Boy Scouts of America. reports that the enroll:.lent for Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-\Van the new council training camp at Elcho, \\'is., has exceeded all expectations. As a result Mr. King- announces the camp will be held L )Cil ·for an additional period of two weeks to accommodate more Scouts \\·ho desire to enroll. The camp has a capacity of one hundred Scouts. It was originally planned to have three two-week sessions on the following dates. July 5J uly 20, July 19-August 3, and August 2-August 17. Paid reseryations arc i~ the council headquarters ftJr one hundred Scouts, each, for the t1rst and second sessions and only a very few places remain for the third session. Hence the decision of the Executive board of the council to open a fourth session to run from Augu . t 1{>-August 31 to permit other Scouts to attend, particularly those who arc in summer school and cannot take ad\·antage of the earlier sessions. The fourth session, however, will be contingent upon at least sixty Scouts enrolling by not later than the last of ] uly, it is explain ed. ~f r. King says the camp is in complete running order and ready to receive the first group of one hundred who will leave for camp Friday, of this week. The Korth Shore Area council is comprised of the communities of Wilmette Kenilworth, \\ innetka, Hubbard · \'oods, Glencoe. Ravinia, Highland Park, Highwood, Lake Forest, Glenview, Northbr~>Ok, Deerfield, Bannockburn, Libertyville, Mundelein. and Diamond Lake. Last vear 150 Scouts attended the Chicago ~amp, hut since the council has started its own camp. the registrations to date indicate an increase of over 100 percent for 1929. Further increases are rxpccted for succeeding years as the Scouts bring back the news to their comrades about this wonderful north woods camp. Boosts Scout Camp PICNIC IS PLANNED FOR WILME11E DAY Community Outing to Replace Program Featured in Past, C. of C. Decides Wilmette Day this year will take the form of a community picnic, probably to be held in the forest preserve and to he featured by various games and contests in which the residents will take part, instead of the elaborate parade and program which have been staged annually heretofore. This decision was reached at a meeting of the Wilmette Chamber of Commerce, held last Monday night at the Village hall, at which the opinion was advanced that such an outing would be more enjoyed by the resident'S that the type of program previously arranged which has been ·a ttended by considerable expense, work a_nd worry on the part of the comn1ittees in charge. The picnic will be a friendly community "get-together" and practically every type of entertainment, including golf, baseball and racesJ will be featured. The Entertainment committee of the Chamber was instructed to make arrangements for the event. · The proposed renewal of efforts to s~cure a revision of the Village building ordinance to permit the erection of buildings meeting less stringent structural requirements yet providing adequate protection against fire and similar hazards was referred to the Civics committee for study and report. James J. McGuire, field secretary of the Chicago Association of Congress. addressed the ~roup on "Industdal Chicago," outlining the city's phenomenal growth and sound financial and industrial condition and urging that all Jiving within the metropolitan area aid in promoting the area's advancement. Th~ application of John H. Paterson, 1625 Central avenue, mayonnaise manufacturer. for mem hers hip was accepted. July IS to August 1 Plans for the fourth annual singles tennis tournament conducted by the \ \'ilmette Playground and Recreation hoard have been announced by the recreation staff and the date set for July 15 to August 1. Contestants ,~~,·il be divided into two classes-seniors and juniors. The juniors will include player~ under 15 years of age and separate tournaments will be held for boys and girls. The same nlan will be in effect in the senior division and tournaments will be con:. ducted separately for men and wome·1 above 15 years of ~ge. The rules~ as announced by Dudlev C. Stone. recreation assistant in charg-e of the tournament, stipulate that all . !!ames must be played on the Village Green courts. Entrants will be received up to and including July 13 at the Recreation office, Tenth and Central streets. and mav he made h\' tclQ'>lwnc. \VilmetJ:c 468. or with ~fr. , 1 one personallv. Tournament players m~st be resident~ of \Vilmette and must play the game as scheduled at the recreation office. Pairings will be made after 2 o'clock Saturday. July 13. and the first · ~ames will he scheduled for July 15. President Karl D. King 9f the North A gold medal 'will be awarded to the winner in each division and a silver Shore Area council, Boy Scouts of medal \\'ill he gin:- ;~ to the runner America, announced this week that a up in each division. fourth camp period is to be held at Ma-Ka-] a- \Van, the council's camp Walter Botthof Named near .. Elcho, Wis., if sixty Scouts can to Kenilworth Zone Board he recruited for the session. Three Tile resignation of Fred D. Breit as camp sessions have already been coma member of the Kenilworth Zoning pletely registered, and it is expected commission was presente d at the regular ] uly meeting of the Kenilworth that many Scouts now attemiing sumVillage Board last Monday · night. Mr. mer school classes '"ill avail themselves Breit expe£..t.s to be away from the vil2 of the opportunity to attend the fourth lage for several months. \Valter Bott- period scheduled for August 16 to 31. ·hof was appointed to succr. e d him 1s a member of the commissio1_1. Urge Physical Exams for All Kindergarten Pupils The parents of the children in kindergarten this comipg f~ll are asked by the \Vilmettc Parent- Teacher associations to have their childre_n examined by the family physician so as to correct possible physical defects during the summer. This will be to the child 's advantage;- it is pointed out. Each child will receive examination when entering kindergarten in the fall. hardware merchants. returned Monday from a ten-day fishing trip to Moose Lake in northern l\finnesota, '"here he caught a 40-pound muskelunge. as \\·ell as a larg-e number of bass. pike, ancl other varieties of fish. \{ r. Griffis made 'the trip to Moose Lake hy automobile and \\·as accompanied hy l'alvlll Beauchamp. of Lake Forest. \Vhile in Minnesota they made their headquarters at Cedar \Vild lodge. Charles Voigt actul. as guide on their fis!1ing excursions. Ernest Griffis Catches 40 Pound Muskelunge Wilmette Girls Attend Ernest Griffis, of Wolff-Criffis, Inc., Baptist Guild Parties You'll miss the news from · borne if you don 't have WILMETTE LIFE follow you on your vacation. In This Issue · Pages Automobile News ....... 41-44 Boy Scout Affairs ......... 28 Book Comme.,t ............ 38 Church Items ............. 18 Editorial-Shore Lines ..... 34 Junior Life ................ 22 Society News ............. 36 11leaters .................. 58 Classified Ads .......... 60-62 Kenilworth Enacts Law to Regulate Taxicabs An ordinance requiring taxicab drivers in Kenih\·orth to have village licenses was passed by the Kenilworth Village board Monday night. A second ordinance was passed regulating the operation of the cahs and the rates to be charged . .f J.ust call our Circula-} tiOn Department-say They'll do _,. Fo~rteen Wilmette girls participated in the \V orld-wide guild house party at Lake Ge11eva, which was held over the past week-e!ld, ] une 28 to July 1. There \\·as a large gathering of girls and \'Ollllg women of missionary guild-; of the Baptist churches in the Chicago area. Mrs. George B. Williams and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Dingle had charge of the local delegation, which included ~f argaret and Cynthia Richards. Ruth and Alicr Eherlv, Dolly Bellamy,. Vivian Kerr, Ardis Reed, Winifred Dingle, Loretta Anders0!1, Ruth Phelps, Lillian Scott, and Elizabeth Blavlock. of the Bcnha Dubbs chapter of the \Vorld-widc guild, and ·Eleanor \Villiams and Alice Dernehl of the Ann J u<lson chapter. All reported a delightful house nart\' in which the games and fun were welt' balanced by a fine religious anrl educational program. { w h e n and w h e r e . :.~- the rest. . TAKES BOAT TRIP \Viltiam A. · Billinger, son of the Philip L. Hillingers 1520 Spencer avenue, ha s heen on a hoat trip on the Great Lakes this week.

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