Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Jul 1929, p. 54

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54 JU~ATINO WILMETTE motor shall be six (6.0) feet square· and three (3.0) feet in thickness. '1·ne elevation of the top of which !:ih,all be fortyt wu ( 4!;'.0) feet abo\'e datum. The foundation for th e twenty (20) inch horizontal screw pump herein prodded ror, :o;hall be four .< 4.0) feet m le ngth, .six (6.0) feet in w},dth and t.wo (2.0) fee t in thickness . I h e elevatiOn of the top of which shall be forty an1 fifty-six hundredths ( 40.56) above datum. The foundation for the fifty (50) hor.:;e power eleetric motor ~hall connect ~ith the foundation of th e tw e nty (20) mch horizontal :-;crew pump and the tw0 roundationH :-;hall be ·as t as a unit. The foundation for the starting air l'Ompr t-sso r herein provided for, shall be tour (4.0) fe e t in length m f'a:-; un·d along the ('enter line of said air co mprt>~sor, three (;l.O) fed in width m eas ured at right angl<' :-l to the :-;aid c,·nter line, and lit' teen ( 15) incht>s in thil'knes.s. Tne t·lt·vation of the top of said foundation shall b e forty-two and :sevt:nty-five hundn-'dths ( 42.75) feet above datum. Upon sa id foundation as an additional base for said air <"Ompressor, there shall be plal't·d a eontret(· base two (2.0) feet square and tw In· (12) in c·hp-.; in thkk- LIFE July 5, 1929 the roof and at the location of the sump (Ph) inch exhaust pipe from the engine herein provided for. to the outside of the north wall of said A concrete wall twelve (12) inches in pumping station, a suitable muffler and imstalled c·,)mplett>. The boiler shall be thickness shaH be constructed at the shall be connected by belting to a foar h:ewanet' tire box type or equal thereto, westerly end of said wet well. In tht: and one-half (~ 1h) inch by five (5) inctl hril'kt>d in and of ~uffki nt tapacity to roof of said wet well, opening::; shall vertical water cooled starting air coml<tke care of the total ont· thousand eight be provided, for the t~o (2) .. fifty-four pressor and to a seven and one-half hundred twcnty:-:,;ix ( 1826) Httuare feet of (54) inch G!l!:it iron suction pipes, ~or (H~> inch by six (6) inch horizontal dire<:t radiation distributed a~; follows: the twenty (20) inch cast iron suctiOn feather Yalve vacuum pump. The gasoH1!12 square feet in the pump room pipe and for three (3) manhole ()~~n- line engine, the starting air compressor, 120 square fel'l in th e otfice lllg:-. each of which shall be prov·d·:o and the vacuum pump shall be install~d 14 Hquare f ee t in the toilet room 'Nith a cast iron cover and lid weiti·l'\. upon the foundations herein provided for . \\'all radiators :,;hall be locat d where a total of four hundred seventy ( 470) The starting air compressor shall be !ihuwn on plans in the pump room, hun~;" pounds. co nnected to each Diesel oil engine :>y on the walls und t> r th e windows. There l·'rom and conne<'ting with the eastern means of a one and one-half (1%) inch shall he two (2) unit:-; in the offke where e nd of said w e t well and as a part th ere- steel air pipe. The vacuum pump ~hall :-:huwn under the windows. The radiator of, there .shall be constructed twcl ve be connected to each of the here in deiin ttw toilet room shall be hung on the (12) feet of reinforced concrete w et well cribed forty-eight (48) inch hol'izontal wall undt·r the window wlwre :-;hown. uf varying cross section. The internal screw pumps and to the h e rein d esc ribed All radiators shall he pruvidt·d with t: ros:-; section at its connection with the twenty (20) inch horizontal screw pump \'aln'K h e reinbefore described w et well shall by means of a one and one-half (1 1/:l ) conform therewith, thence the cross sev inch steel pipe suitably provide d with All piping shall he of genuine wrought lion shall gradually change to a cirde one and one-half (1 Y2) inc h valves. iron of sufficit'nt :-ize and properly ha\'ing an internal diamete r of eignt pilt'ht:·d to g-uarantN· JlPI'lct:t noiseles:-; FOit'f\"·.EIGH'l' I"S(.;II PU .UP (8.0) feet and Hix (6) inches. The walls drt.·ulation. There .shall be furnished and install e d I'I~l':HBI~(; on all sides shall be twel\'e (12) inclle:· within :-:aid pumping statiun two fortyin thickness and three-q uarte r ( :~) inch eight ( 48) inch horizontal screw pumps, All plumhing shall lH' installed in th e :-;quare steel reinforcing bar:-; shall l·e eaeh pump having a ca pacity of one ht·s l workmanlikt> manner, using tht~ b est placed two (2) in c hes from the inner hundred fifteen (115) cubic feet pet· .secmatt·rials and in ac:t'orda!l('t> with th <' ]llumbing urdinan<·t·s of the Village of and outt>r surt"a ·es and span·d tweln:: ond wh t:' n operating und('r a total head (12) in<.: hes on Ct:'nter~. c,ircumferentially of fifteen (15.0) feet at a sp e d of two Wilmettt' . lll'SS. I'JI'I ~ (,; hundred se\'enty-five (275) r e \·ulutions The fouudation for the \'at'uum pump and longitudinally. All drain Jlip('s and Ht.> wt>rs within said herdn pro\'idl'd for 's hall he five and U t:('O ltUI ~G LHll . IIJ per minutP.. Each of said forty-eight pumping station building- !'hall ha\'e an one-half ([) 'l~) feet in length measure d J, E \' f: J, G A l' <..a: ( 48) irwh pumps shall be plat.:ed upon inh·rnal diaml'lt>r of four ( 4) inches, :-;hall along tlw center lin L· of said vaeuum With said ]JUmping .station there shall th e foundations hL·rei n pro\·id(.'d fol'. llt' of t.·xtra lw;ny t'ast iron soil pip~. pu111p, three ·(;1.0) ft-' l't in width measured be install e d a recording li(lUid le ver Ea ·h of said lorty-eight ( ·18) inch hori ,\Jl downspouts shall h:t\'t' an intern'l.l at rig-ht :tng-lt·s tlwrt'lo and thirty (::,)) g<t uge of the Bristol type or e<tual tht>re- ;t.Otltal sC'rew pumps shall be dir ectly diamt>ter of four (4) inclws and shall in\'ht's in thi c knl':<s. Th~ t'lt·vation ot co. !-iaid gaug(' shall IJe installed so a:-- con nt·cted to tile corresponding Diesel ht· made of wroug-ht iron pipe. Thr:.> eth· top of said foundation shall IJl' fnrty- to r1·< ·ord tlw leH·I (Jf tht:> water in saio oil Pngine. ht'l'l' inbefore pro\·idL·d for, by quartPr ( :1_,) in c h g-aln\niz ·d wrought two and ~t: venty-fi\' l-' hundrt·dths (42 .75) herein dest'riht>d wet w e ll. means of a suitable flexible coupling. iron pipe shall <·xtt' nd from th storag-e t·l·et aiHJ\'t' datum. t·p!oll said foundaL<LUI fony-etglll ~ ·HU IIIL'h pump :-hall OlJ. STO ILHa.: '1'.\ ~ KS tank to tlw st:'H'r:ll fixtures to the heat- tion a~ an additional base for said Two (2) hori:wntal steel oil stora;;e be fitted with a t·ast iron impeller, a ing boill·r and to four ( 4) sill <·ocks, one ,·:u·uum pump, tht·rt· shall IJt · plan·d a steel :-;haft, p ed t:>s tal hearing a fifty-four ltH'att.'d on t'ach :-;idt' of tht> building and L'O IIcrl'lt· base thn·p (:{.0) feel and ni11 e tanks shall hf' furnished and iustallet.i, two (2) hos · bius, one lot'ated in tile (~I) illdll's long, t'ightt'ell (IS) inl'hes in tlw longiturlinat t't·ntt:>r lint· uf orw of s:tict (;j4) inch sul'tion inl et and a forty-Pight J·;a<·h fortyhoiler room nnd the otht ·r locatt·d m width and ten and one-half ( lO 'l-.!) inc h· ·::;· tank:-; sh<lil be one hundred and tweln· ( 48) inc h di~charge outlt>l. ( 1 !2.CJ) ft·et north of and parall e l with eight ( 48) inch pump shall IH~ connectt·t.l the pump roum. in height. in before protht· t'('lltt:'r litH: of Lake r\\'t. ·nu e , and the witn the vacuum pump her > FIX'ITHES Tlw foundation for tlw gasoline en- t·:t:-;lt:rl.\· t·nd of said storage tank shall vid ed for, by m eans of a ont· and onePlumhing fixturt·s shall ht· furnisheti g·illl' herein pt·o,·idt·d for , -.;hall he se\·en and Jllal't·d in the following· lol'ation~: {7 . 0) fe(: t in lt' ngth, thrt·t· (:1.0) feet in L1 e t wt·nty-tive (2:1.0) feet from th e Wt·st half (ll,l:l) inch steel pipe suitably proin tht· toill't room, a watt>r dost:>t, of width, and liftt'e n ( l!i) illdH·:- i11 thick- fan· .uf said pumping station l.>Uilding. \'ided with Yal\'es. f'IFTY HOUSE 1'0\\'Eit tVIW ('rarw "!-iarwto" t'l0(l~2 or pqual tll':->s. The elt·\·ation of the top of said The sl'eond tauk shall be lot·att·d fifteen ( 1iJ. 0) fe t north of th e first tank and EJ" ECTJtr(' 31 0'1'0 H tiwrl'to, and a laYatory, ( 'rane l':e\'adn r'llundation ~h:-~11 he forty-two and the ea:st end of said tank shall be twenty· In .said pumping station U))CJII th e foun( '-2:! 10-£'14 or equal tht·rl'to, in th e pump sevent\·-fh·t· hundrt·dths ( 42. 75) fel't abo\·e Ji\·e (25 .0) fee t west of tht> west face of dation lwreinhefo re pruvidt>d for, ther ~ room a fuur (4) foot wash sink ('r:lnt- datum·. t.Tpon said foundation as au be furnisht ·d and installt·d a ( '2646, or equal tlwn·to pro,·idt·d with additimw I base f!Jl' said gasoline en- said pumping· station building. The el ·- ~hall \':t tion of the top of ea<.:h tank shall be !-iquirrt·l cage e lec tric motor of the ( it>ntwo (2) faut·t·ts; in tlw boill'r room tlwre g-i lit', tht:'rt· sha II ht· p1aeed a eon crete shall be installed one orw hundrt:>d and ,,ast:> two and orw-half (2 1.. :.d ft·t't square forty-thre e ( 43.0) fel't a hove datum, Ea ,·h eral Electril' Company's ty1w or equal of said tanks shall be made or stet:>! fi\·t'- thereto, eq uipped with a hand starter. tifty (150) g·allon hot watt·r tank anft and t\\'t' IYt· ( 12) irl\: h t>:-: in thicknt> ss. sixteenths (!ij I 6) of an inch in thickness, hot wat('r lwatt·r of tht· lYIH' Crtt!W The foundation for tht> vat·urn pump, tt.·n (10) feet six . (6) inches in diameter Th ' elt·ctril' motur shall llt' thn·e phase, 60 cycle, :!20 \'Oils and when 01wrating C:l8:l5() :'\o. 18 nr < ·qual tlwreto with a ~· tartirtg- air· t·ompn·s:-:or-. and gasoline utpal.'ity of ont' hundn' d and fifty (150) eng-ine shall <·onnt·t·t and lw ('ast as a and tW(>nty-nine (2!!) feet and ten (lUJ at 600 revolutions per minute ·hall genitH:h e:-; !eng. Each tank shall be of tlw erate 50 horse po\\'er: As a part of said g·atlons per hour. unit. type and l'tlnstruetiun nweting ~he reTht· floor drain outkt:-: shall he four Tht' hen'i n dt·st'l'ilwd fift \'-four ( ;;4) quirements of the under·gTound 011 :-;tor- eltot'tril: motot·, there shall be pro\·idt:d (4) indles ill diameter and shall be of inl'h l'il:-t iron ~uction pi1w ~liall be supand installed a suitable control and pant'! tht' t YJlt' Cran(' c-:!4642 or equal tht·reto. ported on tht· roof (Jf said ht·rt'in de- age tanks. Each tank shall lw pro\·ided uoard equipped \\ ith fuses and mders 'l'h~ roof drain ~hall lw four (4) incht·s :<l'riht·d wet \\'(' ll In· llll'ans of a foun- with a suitable \'ent iult:t and out! ·t \Vith outside lead wires and conm·cted in dianwtt·r and shall tJe of till' t~'JH.: dation of circular· t·roHs set.:lion, the t:onnt:'ction and a one and ont·-half (1 1 ,~) with said electri c motor. inl'h wrought iron pipe shall eonnect sa!d (.';lHi16 or equal till'rt'to . 'J'W .E Yl'l. L\(.'Jl l'L\lP dianwtt·r of which shall be .six (6.0) feet oil ~torage tan!{ with tht! herein tlest·rilwd Direetlv c.:onne<:ted to said tHty (50) W AT E It S 1' I' I' I. \' and through said foundation there !ihal! J>it·se l ~:>ngin('. A one and one-half (IV:! I horse po~\·t· r t:·lcctri<.: motor by nwans of In order to pro\·ide watt.·r supply tor bt· a vertical <1pening, the internal eros:-; inch \-HOught iron pipe shall connect .t :-;uit:uJlt' tlexiule I'OUpling upon a fuun~aid pumping ~nat ion, th<·r~> shall bt> <:on- !,t·ction of whi(·h sha 11 ht· a circle five stru<:tl'd a six (6) inl'h dianwtt>r water (5 .0) ft>et in dianwtt·r. The t>h·\·ation of t:'il('h tank with tht:' other and a similar da lion here in JH'O\'ided for, there ::;hall supply Wt·ll pro\·idt·d with i·asing a net I lw top of the foundation shall be thirty- pipt· shall extend .southpr·J~· to a point be furnished and installed a twPnt.r (tO> :-;crt>cn. Thert· ~hall be installt'd within eight and thn'('-tPnths (:ls.:n feet abovP twt·lve ( 12) ft·et north of tlw l'Pnter lint· ... ..: u ""'1'-""tal scre1\' pump fitted with of Lake A \·e nue, which pipe shall serve a cast iron impt:'ller, slt·t·l shaft, pedest..t.l .said pumping ~tation a motor driven datum. as tlw supply pipe for the filling of said bearing, a twent~· (20J inch sut.:tion inlet dt>ell well pump of a tYPt' .similar to A similar ··o ncrde ring foundation hav- tanks. ant.i a t wenly ~20J inch dis<:harge outKewa tll'e ~lndel X -:H-C' or t>qua1 thereto. iug walls six (6) inehes in thi('ktwss and HIESEL OIL };~(,;I~ES let. ~aid twenty (20J inch pump shall A pnt>uma til' pressure tank ('om:tructed' an internal dianwter of two (2.0) feet Two (2) water cooled 1 lit'sel oil t'n- ha \'e a eapacity ol'. twenty (20) cubic of <'ill'n hearth stn·l. lv:-tt·d tn on~ hu:l- shall he providt:>d for· the support of the dn·d twenty-fin· (125) pounds pressure, twt·nty (:!0) inch east iron suetion pipe g-irws of the \<Vorthington t.YI>c or equal feet per second when operating against tPn (10) ft.·d in kngth and thirty-six The t'levation of tht· top of tlw l'Oill'rl'lt: dlt'rl'lo sha II be fu rnisht>d and i nstallf'd a ht·ad of fifteen (l:i.O) ft'et, at a speed (;l6) irwht's in diamett:'r. The IJUillJling ring shall b(' thirty- e ight (:lS.O> ft:t·t upon the ('OIIL:rete foundation hert>in pro- or six huudr·ed tti00) revolution~; per min\'id e d for within the pumping stativn ute. A one and one-halt (Ph) inch unit shall be providt.·d with a.n auto- aiHI\'t· datum. ht·n ·in pro\'id d for. Eat.:h Diesel en- steel pipe shall connect the hereinbefore matit' control for tlw purpo.st· of auhlW ~E'l' W . E f,L ginl:' shall be two (2) t-yl'le solid inj e,·dest.:rii)ed \'Reuum j>ump with said twt:'nty rnatically n·gulating the prp.s.sure and A wet well constru<·ted nf rdnfon:ed tht· otwration of tlw pump. The installa- t'OIH'rt'tt· sixtv-orw and fiv ..·-tenths (61.5J tion, shall IHl\'e thret (a) cylinders and (20J i'nch pump. when operating at a speed of two hU:ICAST IUOX Sl'<.:TIO~ PIPES tion "f said wa tt>r supply equipm,,nt ft·l't in lenl{th, eight and tllll'-half (8 1 2) .-\ <·ast iron suction pipe fifty-four (51) ~hall indurle said well to a dt.> pth of two ft:·('t in width and nirw (!!.()) ft>et 111 dn·<l sevt>nty-li\'l:l (275) re\'olutions per · minute shall g-enerate two hund:·ed inches in diameter with walls one and hundr('d (200) fl'et. the motor driv.·n ht.·ight shall b e eunstrudt·d under the A flcxih:t· thirt~· -five hundredthl-i ( l.!~5) inches in deep wt>ll pump, th t· :--tl·t·l comprt:~ssion hl'rt'in pro\'ided for pumping .station. The st>venty (270) hor!"e power. l'OUpling of the Worthington type or Lhit.:kne~s !-;hall be connected to the };UCand :-:toragl· tank, the nutomatie regula- longitudinal cent(>r line of :-;aid wd welt lion deviet·~. furnished and installt>d m shall he on a line twt'IYe and five-tenths equal thereto shall be pro\·ided for tl",~ tion inlet of each of the forty-eight (48) t·unnection between Haid Diesel engitk inch pumps by means of 11anged pipe: said pumping station inducting pipe con- ( 12.5 ) fet·t north of and parallel with nt>ding gatto and !'heck Yaln's, fitting.s, the south fare of said lwrdn ))rovidtd and the hereinafter des~..:ribed forty-eight At the bottom end of said fifty-four (-lS) in<:h horizontal scr('w pump. Eacll gaugt·s. power connt·t·tion betwPt·ll pump for pumping station. The Wl'sterly ter(54) inch suction pipe, there shall be and .switd1 board, all complt:>lt', in plaee minus of said wet wt·ll shall be ek\'t'n Diesel engine shall be provided with a provided and attached thereto a bell belt driven water <·ooling pump capable and ready for operation. mouth opening eighteen (18) inches in ( 11) feet and six ( 6) irwlw:-; east of the of delinring to :-.aid engine ninety " ,\('Ill~ F.H \" FOI ' ~ B ,\'fi()~S \H'st faee of said building. The el·'\'a- gallons of cooling water per minute. length, one end of the opening being ftfty-four (54) inches in diameter and the \\~ithin .said pumping station buildin:;, tion of the bottom of thl' insidt· of said ...;aid pump .shall be conneeted with :-;aiu there shall b construl'tt·d foundations wet well shall be t WL'nty-fi\'e (25.0) ft.:d Diesel engine Ly means of a two and other end sixty-six and one-quart·.:! r ( 66 ~4) inches in diameter. The elevation for the horizontal st.·rt:'w pumps, the above datum. ont> - half (2%) ineh steel pipe. The cool Vit>HE>l C1il engine~. th<· Yaeuum pump, The walls and bottom of said wet well ing wat('r outlet from said Dit' stJI en- of the bottom of each of said bell mouth openings for the fifty-four (54) inch sucthe air comprf's:-or, the t·leetric motor :-hall be eighteen (18) irwheH in thil'i'and the gasolint> t·ngint:'. :::iaid founda- ness and of a cross .St:'etlon as shown gme shall bt> threp and one-half (3%) tion pipes shall be twenty-seven (27.0) itwhes in diameter and shall discharg,.· feet abo-.·e datum. Each of said fiftytion~ shall bt> C"onstructf'd of Portland on the plans hert>to attal'hed. Th roof into the wet well herein provided for. four (54) inch suction pipes shall be ('t'hwnt eoru.:rete of the dinwnsions lwn'- 1f ~aid wet wt:>ll shall be ten (10) inches Eaeh engine shall be <.:onn~:>eted with a i na fter Het fort h . in thickness and the outside of the top starting air compre~sor, herein pro\'ided supported upon the roof of the wet well as shown on the plans hereto attached The foundation for t'<H:h Diesel engine thereof shall he at an t>lt>\'ation uf shall Le fifteen (15.0) ft·(·t in length mea::;- thirty-four and eighty-three hundredths for, by means of a one and · one-half and made a part hereof and in addition (1%) inch :;tee! pipe. The oil fuel supthere :-;hall be securely attached to each urt>d along the ct-nter lint> of said engin(', (:~4.8:1) ft·et aiHlVe datum . ply for :said Diesel engine !'hall be fourtet>n <14 .0) fe~:>t in width, mea.surt:'d At a point fifteen ( 1~.0) feet west ot through a one and one-half (1%) inch of the bell mouth openings four ( 4) cast iron posts three (3) inches in diameter at right angleR thPrl'to, and eight (8.0) ·he east face of said building extendft·t>l in thi<-knt·s~. The t>levation uf the ing frum the bottom of said wet w 11, wrought iron pipe which shall extend extending from said bell mouth opening top of said foundation shall be forty- there shall be constructed a concrete from said herein described oil storage to the floor of said wet well. tanks to each Diesel engine. Each DieA cast iron suction pipe twenty (20) two ( 42.0 , ft·t:>t a bon:· datum. :-umv well five (5.0) feet in diameter, Tht· foundatiou of (':tl'h of tlw. ht>rl:'in four (4.0) ft·t->t in depth, the thickness of sel engine .shall Le provided with a ten Inches in diameter with walls eightpro\·idt>d for, forty-eight ( 48) ineh hori- the walls and tht> bottom of said .sump (10) inch . !':tee! exhaust pipt' extending tenths (8/10) of an inch in thickness zontal s('r'w JIUtn))s shall bt· ten (10 .0) WPII shall be t\\'(1)\'e (12) in<:heH and the from t'aeh engine to the outside of the shall be connected to the suction inlet ft-t·t in h·ng-th, fourteen < 14.0 ) feet i.1 ele\·ation of tht' inside of the hottom north wall of said pumt>ing station at of the twenty (20) inch pump by means width and thr('P-.t'm1 orlt'-half (:P.!) fe('t of .said sump wt·ll shall be twenty-one the end of which there shall be prO\'ided of flanged pipe. At the bottom of said a suitable muffler. Extending verticaiJ~· twenty (20) inch suction pipe, there shall in a\'eraKt.· hkknt·ss. Tlw elt·\·ation of (21.0) ff:'t ' t ahove datum. upward from said muffler, there shall he th(' tu)l o :-;aid foundntion shall ht:> thirtyThrt>P-quarter ( :~.,) inch square steel placed a ten {10) inch steel pipe stack six- be provided a·d attached thereto a bell mouth opening eighteen (18) inches in se\'t>It nd fivt ·- tt-nths (:li.~J) ft>et above rt>infureing bars placed two (2) inches teen (16.0) feet in length. datum . length, one end of the opening being from the inner and oute1 surfaces of The priming and starting mechani:-;m Th.- f<JU nda I ion for t':t<'h of t ht· l>it>st·l :-::tid wt>t wt'll .shan. be placed so th'lt t wenty (20) inches in diameter and the for the Diesel oil engines and for the .-ngint-s, and thf- foundaliun for tht> c·or- tht> longitudinal bars ar twelve (12) forty-eight (48) inch horizontal scrRw other end twenty-seven and one-half rt'~<ponrtin~ forty-eight ( 4. ) in('h hori- inehe:- on centers and bar~ at right angles (271}.,!) inches in diameter. The elevazuntal screw pump shall t·onnt·(·t nnd the thereto shall be twelve (12) inches on pumps shall be furnished and installed t ion or · the bottom of said bell mouth within said station and shall consi:;;t or two foundations shall bt.· east as a unit. <·t·nters. ~aid rt>inforcing bars :;;hall be ·Pening for the twenty (20) inch suction Th.- foundation for the. ht>rein pr,1- p!a('ed i11 the con rete walls, roof and a six (6) horse power g::tsoline engin~' ')ipe shall be twenty-five (25.0) feet above equipped with a ten (10) gallon gaso' 'ldt·d f()r, fifty <GO> hor:-t· powt>r elPctne fluor eX(·ppt at the openings shown in datum. Said twenty (20) inch suction line fuel tank, a one and one-half pipe shall be supported upon the roof of Strnm Jltm.t. An overhead, gravity return syHtt'm of ~team !waling :-;hall he n·uJ

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