Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Jul 1929, p. 56

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WILMETTE In Lf)CUS'f ROAD ::tt Ln.ke AvenuP f oJ payah!C' nnnunlly, whi · nd1-; Hhall ~f signed or t lw Pn·!-·ddent of P sai. Vil- connection t o "Indian Hill Estates," ~torm lag-p of \Vilm ttf', nnd countt· ·· ~d by S w e r. tht.· Yillagt· <'l<'rk, and nttf'!"t(·d hy the In SEI\'EC'A ROAD :lt Lake Avrnuc t·nrporatC' ~~.Jal of !':tid Yillng<·. and !'<~id for con n <'ction t o "lndi:ln Hill Estates," bond~ :-;hall ht' I !<~UC'd in accordall<'t' wtth Storm Sewe r. and :-; hall in all re~pP<'t!' ('Onform to the In LOCl'ST TIOAD fr o m Lal\e AH·nue J)rOYi:·:inn~ of tlw Ad of the (;t·nt·ral to twpJ\·e hundr~ d ~ ix (1206) f ePt south of Al'~<·mhh· nf th<· ;o;tatt> r1f Jllinoi !', t·ntitlt·d "~\n Ad ('oll<"t'rning Lo('al Irn- th e c ·nt r lin e of L a k e Avenue. In ASHLAXD AYEXUE :t ntl ILLI~ OTS pron:·nwntl'," apJH·on·d .Jun (; Hth. A. D : HOA]) fr om Loc·ust Hoad to :1. point oplll:r;-, and t ht1 anwndmt·nt!' tht'n·t" ~ positt~ the so utlwa ~tt:· rly corne r of Lot 15. ~E("J'I(l:'\ 7: That tht· Yillag·· Attorney of ~aid \"ill:tg<· h<· and lw is h<'l't ·hy di- BlrH; k 2. "Indian Hill Estat s." In J LLJ::'\OIS ROAD from lmquoi~ rt·<·tt·d to filt · a pdition in tlw ('ounty t'nut·t of <'ool< c'nunt~·. Tllinoil', in the Road t o :1. pttint opposi t e the sout.h<·ast(·r l y namt· of tht· YillaJ:,:"t· nf \\. ilnwt tc·, Jlray- c·onwr of Lot Ei , Hlr)('k ~. " 1ndi:tn lUll ing that ~tt·Jll' ma ~· .lit · t :tl<t·n to nsct·rtai n EstatPs." t ht· ju~t <·otn p <'nf'a tion to bt· mad<- for . In LOC t;ST HOAD frr1m Ashlan<l An·Jlrh·:ttt' JlroJWrty to ht· taken or <L.tmagt;d llll l' to the north lin e of th1· Yillag-c· of for tht · ~aid impro\·enwnt. a!' tn thiS \\.i lnwtte. Jn Gl{AXT :.;TJ~Efo:'l' ft"rn ..\!'llland urrlinant·t· ~Jlt· t·ifi,·rl a11d pro\ iclt·c1, and to a:-;('t ·rtain what Jll'tiJlt ·rty will Itt· l~t · n Pfite d A \'t·lliH' t o th< · tH11'l h Jill <' of _th t· Yillag·e bY :-:ai d impru\'t·llH' nt nnd tlw amount of of \\' ilnwtt<'. Jn KE:'\1_1 .. \\'UHTif A\'1·~:'\Cl ·: ft '( lm ~i1d1 ht>ndit , and for pro c·et·di ng- ~ to a~~~· ~~ th c· t·!-; t ima !t ·d <·o~t r1f !':tid im- (:rant StrN.. t to L1w11~t Ht1:t<l. 1n ASIILA:-.:n ..\\'E:-\1'1·: frt~nt lllit11d~ pro\·t ·m<·nt in :t<'<·ordatl!'t' with pro\·i!'io,1S of thb (lrdina tlt 't· :tncl in tht· mamwr pre- l! o:t d tn 2:l·nl :trt·l't. !11 :!GTII ~TI!I ·: t-:·r from :\shlan<1 A\' e scriht ·<l lt\' la \\'. ~ECTHi:'\ S: That :til orclin:tll<'<·s or nt!t · t o th C' tH11'!h lilw of tlw \'illag-e of parts td' orrlin :t JH't ·s. in sofa r a~ tlw !'nme \\' i lnwtt r. In KI·~XTL\\'OHTll A\' I·:~ £"E frr1m 2(ith conflir·t with t}H' provi~inns of this ordlStn·<:t to f:r:tnt Stn·l't. nann·. art' ht·n·hy l'l' JI<'Hlt·d. SEt'T[(J~ :·: Thi1-; ordinatH'<' s hall be In ('LlO:\'I·~L .. \:'\Il ~TitEF:T fr<Hn .-\sh in f(ll'('t ' from and aftt·r its p ;t!'~:1A"t'. lancl AYPllllt' tr1 the l!llrth lin e c1f the \ ' illap;t· r1f \Vilm e tte. In KEXILWOitTif ..\YI ·~Xl' l ·~ ft 't·llt Jtl: ('O:\(\IE:\'Il .\TIO:'\" OF HO .\Hil OF <'lt · \·d:tncl Slrc·d to ~Gth Stn·et. UH '. \1. DII'HOYE:\IEYI'S In ~iiTI£ :-;TitEI·:T fn·m ..\ ~h lan r l AY<·llll l' ttt IIIH-' hlltHlrt ·d thirt~· -th l't'l ' (1:::;) ft ·t· t TO Till·: l'l~l·:~·nni ·: ~T :\:'\11 HO ..\Itl > OF ~·ou th 11f l'<·ttil\\'tll'th ..\\' t·I!Ut ·. 'fl: n-iTEJ·: S OF TIll·~ \ ' 1 LJ...\<; I·: UF ln f'OL< : .\TE STitJo:ET ,·n,m .·\ s i1I :11Hl \\'11,~1 ETTE : ..\ \'t·Jtltt· t" l'· 'll ilwor·t h :\ \'tJilllt' ntl<l in \\' t· 111'1'1'\\' ith ~uhmit an onlin:ltll't' pt·o- KI·::'\IL\\.U I:Til X\'1·:_:\;['Jo: from ('tdgatt· viclin g- that a connP t' tt'd :-:~·stt· nt of. stot·m :-;trt·t·l to ( ' 1\-\dattd ~trt · d. watt'!' st·\\'t' l's ·d' \'itrifit·<l tilt · pipt ·. :tnd In ~ ·ITII :-;TitEI·~T frt~nt ,\f'hl :ttll l .:\Y !·of Yitrifit·d day sq~ nwnt ldtwl,, a~ in ~:tid Illlt ' 111 t~llo· httnclrt·rl thirt~·· thl't · t· ( I ;:::) ft ·t·t or<lilt:tnt·t · pnn·idt ·cl. \\'ith tltt· lll 't't·:-~an· :-iflllth 11f Kt·ttihn1rth ,\\'t·tllll'. hrkl\ manhol <·s ancl hrit·l' t·a tl'llll:t :-:ins, l11 ll.\U'r:\J<ll'Til STJ:El·:T frr1m .. \shl'h:tll ht· t·onst rudt ·d anti !:1 itl in t ft, · fnl- l:tnd .\n·nu t· to oil!· ll111Hln ·d thirl\'-thl'< 'f' lowin t..: s trt ·t·ts, l'tl:tds, :t\'o·!lllt·:-:. !:tnt·:-: :ttltl ( 1::::) ft·t·l :-t~llt lt of' K t'llilworth .-\\'t·i!ltt·. on :ttHl in tlw lot , pit·t't ' 111' p :tn·d 11f l:ltld In :!::Itt> STI~l·:ET fn11n L:tkt· :\\'t·llllt ' to ht · :wquit'l'Cl 11.\' <"ll lld··lllll :ttion :1s pro Yi<1t ·<l ll\' Ia\\' f11t' n. ~itt' fnr :t puntpiw !'tation ·lwn·i nnft t· t· dt ·H·r iht·<l , :11Hl lwrP ill rt>ft·tTt ·cl to :tnd dt'~c riht ·c1 :lS "thl' 11ll111l)ing- st:ttit·ll t.:"l'lllllltl~ ... all situ:tlt-d in tllt· Villagt · nf \\'i lntdt l'. C'ounty of t 'ook and St:ttt· t·f Illinoi s: ln Lal\t· J\ \'t' llll·' fr·t ll11 tlw t·:tst h:tnl\ of tht· ( hi<'ng-n ni\'t' l' tn th t· \\'t ·st lillt · t.r" thl' following dt·:·wrih,·tl trat· t nf Ltnd in tlw Ylll:tg-1' of \\'i lnH'l It·, 1 '"t rnt~ · 111' 1 ·,,.1k and Statt· of lllillt·i!" , to-wit: Tlw \\'t ·st twn hurHll't ·d :tnd thin~ · (~:W) ft ·t· t of tlw st·ll th t·llt' hundt'o·tl and fiftY (liiO) ft· t·t of :-;,.t·tion 'f'\\ ' t · llt~· fi\'t· (:!~). 'J'nwn s hip Fot ·t ~ ·- tw" 1·1:!1 1\:tll'th, lt:t ng·,. T\\'t ·h··· ( 1 ~) E:tl't of tilt ' 'f'hird l'ritlt'ip;tl :\J, ·r itli:tn. lying- t·:t:-;t and adjoining tlw t r:11't ··f l:tnw tl\\'llt>tl hv tht · Fort·st l'rt ·~·· n· ,. 1>istri('t td' \'"'"' ft·· ·t \\ ' t ·~t. < ount:v :1 1H1 t'tln\·~·yt· d hy \\':t rrant~· It t EL~I\\'tHtll . \\ ' 1 ·:~1' 1 ·: fn11n :!::rtl Pt·E·d ro·t·n r<lt ·tl in t h·· I :t ·t·o t'dt· r' s 11tli\ot · :-;t rt ·o·t t11 I :it! go· I tn:ttl . of t'ook ('ollllt\', lllin·d :-:, 1111 .l :tlll l :lr ~· In :.!1;-o;T ;o-;Tn I·: I·:T frt~lll Ht ·tThwnotl ..\ \' t'14. 1~':!0, as n(lt: ltlllt 'lll :'\01. ti";I:IS ·l :l :llltl 1111· ' t" l.indt' ll .. \,·t·llllt', :tttd in Ll:'\111'::\' ~itu:ltt·d in tht· <'~>llltty 11!' t'""" :11111 .\\ ' 1·::\l'l·: fr.,tll :!l~t :.;tl't'l·t tu IUd g-l' l:oa tl. ~t:llt ' nf lllinoi:<. In LAKI ·~ A\'E:\'l'l·: fm111 th ·· putnpill !' :11:<1 in I:IIJt:E t:t> .-\ll from l ,i n c\ton .\,-,._ tlllt· t·l :1 Jl·lint nth' hundrt·d !'t·\·t·nt~· t 11111 :-;tati(lll t..:l'lllllltls t o I:irlg,· I:"atl. . In L ,\KE\\'001> . \\'1 ·~:'\ t ' l·: fl'tltll l.:t l;:,. fo ·t"t ~ourlw:t~!t · rlr of a lint· thrt' t' (:l) f(·(·t ""rtll 11f tilt' c·,·tttt·r lirtt · ,,f. l. illdt·ll .\\ ··A\'t' l1\lt' to Ashlantl .-\\'t ·tttlt'. Jn HL:\<'KII..\\\' 1( l:ti .- \P fn,lll L :tl\t'- 1111· '. Irt 1! 1n<: E nn . \ n frtltll Lintlt ·n .\' ··r!l rt· wood .\\'l'llllt' to th ·· .·a~t litlt · ·tf' " L: t l\ \'{11 tho· llllrth Iilli ' of (ht · \ .i ll :tJ.,:t' t·f \\'i]woo<l ::\l:tnor ~uhdi\' if'itln." In \L\L:'\t·T ..\YE:'\!'1·~ fr·· ·m tft,· t':t:-;t 1111'\ It ·. In I:IIH:t·: 1:0 .\ll t'!'lllll Kt·llil\\'11 1'.\h lith' of " Lak< ·" ·o111l .:\lanr'r :-;uhdi, · i ~ illll ," t 11 .\ ,.,.llllt ' tr. a pt~illt four hundrt·d t·b..:ht ~· tlw \\'t ·s t lint · of ~:1i<1 sulJdi\' is ion. In I HOtjl'OIS }'() _.\1) from tlw e:~st lin·~ I 1'111 t't ·t·l snutlll':t!'tt·l']~· of till· ~' t' \\'t·!' ill nf "L:tlit' \\'CHl<1 ~lan"r Suhdh· i~ion ." tu tlw " ··II i I \\'Ill'! 11 .\ \·,·rllrt· . In I:JJ)(;I·: l: n.\n ft·<~nl l'lwstnut .\\' t' west lin r of sairl l'Uh<lidsilltl. In EL::\1\\'0 >D .-\YE:'\t ' I·: frnm tilt' <'nst llltt· t<~ :t point thrt ·t' hmu1rt ·d (:\fl(l) ft·t·t lilw nf "L:tl\t ' \\' <1Dd :\1an<~r :-;uhtli,·i~!llll," t" ""llt lw :t~ t.·tl~· 11t' tht· ~t· \\ · , ·r i11 < 'lwf'tllllt ·\ \'t'ntlt·. th l' w. ·s t lint · 11f f':litl :-:ttl·didf'inn. In I:ID<:J-: l:n .\P frorn Thnrll\\'tlt·<l ln 'I'IIOI!:'\WOOI) A\'I·:~I'E fmm th·' t>a!'t lith-' of "Lakt·\\'tHld ::\fnnot· :-;ulHlh·i- . \\·,·nu, · '"a J)nint tw o huncln ·d fifty (:!~1tl) r, .,., ~~~utllt':tst, · rly of tht· St·\\'t·l' in Th"rn"ion." to tlw \\'t'S I lirw nf :-:aid suhdid~i(lll In A:-;IIJ..\:'\Il A\'1·::'\CE from tlw ~·n~t \\'r" 1d .\ \' t·!lll<' . . In ltliH:I·: 1:0 .\P fr11111 Ellll\\'fl lltl ..-\\'l'litH' of "Lakt·\\'<lfl<l :\l :tll·ll' :-;uhtli\'i:-:irlll ," t11 llllt ' tu a ptrint tht 't·t· hlltH1rt·d (::00) ft·l't tht' \\'Pst litH' nf said sulltli\'if'inn. In L..\Kl·~\\.(Hll> . \ \: E.:\TI ·~ ft·"m L:tJ,,. lllll'!ht·rl~· 11f tlw ~t· \\' t·r lll l·: lmwnotl ..\\' t·1111· '· A\'t' nlw to H~t' < ' h ..\ \'t 'll tlt ·. In l!lD<:E J:().\1) frolll Ellll\\'lllltl . \\'1 'In ~<'lllLLEit .r\YE:'\1.1·: frt~nl L:d\t'woocl .·\\'t· tt\1 (' tn tlw (·:tst littt' nf ".\l'thur llttt· t·l :1 }lt1int :-:t·n·n hntHln ·tl t\\'t·nt~· 17:!11) ft·t·t lltll'th <~f tho· l't' lll l'l' linv of Hun:t~ and t 'r1mpan~··~ I :apid Trartsit :-;trh di, · i~it·n . " ' Lal\t' . \ \'t'llllt' . In I:IIH:t·: J:U ,.\Il frt~lll L:tko · .\\'t·ll ii P In Hll~<'ll\\'00)) ..\\'1'::'\1 ' 1 ·~ fr11m L:tkt ·woocl ..\\'PIIll· · tn th e ··:tst lint · of ".\rth111 to :1 Jlllint ~t·\ ' t·n hundr, ·d l\\'t·llt~· (7:?0!· ft ·t· t tllll'lh t·f tlw t't·n t < ·r lint· 11f Lal't' Ihma~ :tnd <'··lllJl:tlly's l:ap id Tr:tn si t ~uh .\ \"t·nut ·. di\'i!><ir ·n." In ~HU<.,?I'()J:-; 1:(),\11 at :!:iltf) :-;tro ·t·l. In LAI!.\:0.111·; :\YI ·~ :-\1'1 ·~ ft'tlll\ l.al\t' Avt·rrut· t!l \\'ilnlt'tt. · :\\'t·llllt·. ft1l ' l'tlllllt'L'Ii"n to "ltt<li:tn llill Jo:stalt's In \\. 11.:\JI ·~ T'I'I-~ . \\'1-:~l'E fr11m 1.:\r:\- ! ' nit ~" · :!," :-;t"rm· :-;t ' \\' t·r. mi·· :\\' t·JltH · (II Htlll )llll:-\ n(l:lcl . In \'(IJ!:'\1·:1.1, :-;TJ!I·:t·: T frr1m Lal't> In \\-IL:\1ETTE .:\YEXEE frnm Ro- .\\'o·tlltt · '" tltt · llf>l'tll litlt· II( "Xtll'lh :-;}1(11'(' t 'rl':-:t." ~uhtli,· i:-it~n :\'11. :!. mona Hr1:tcl to Lt.l<' lt~t Ht1:1cl . It! :!:!_:\;II :-;TJ:J·:J·: T fl'<l!ll Lal,:e .An·nue In \\' 11.:\tETTI·; .r\YF::'\PE from Lt'li'Uf't H(l;ttl til lh' t· hlllllll'l'd (;)()()) ft ·Pt Wt'~t ()f tr1 tht · lt<~rth lint · 11f " :'\orth Short· t'n·!-=t," 1 :-;\J)ItJi\·i:-:i·ln ~II. :!. th(· - H·\\' t·J' 1·11 lllinoi~ no:\(1. In I.IH'h:r·:I~Hfl~ :-;Tit}·:ET fr(lm 'YilIn Y.\1.1 ·: STI:I·~ET fr.,nt T.al\t· .. \\"t· nuc· ml'ltr· .·\\'t·l!llt' to f:lt·Jl\'11'\\' n· l:l r1 :\lld in It· tht· nt~rth lint· t·f "~ol'th .~hort· ('n ·s t .' " ;o-;ui~di, · i:-i"n :\'t·. :!. (;J.E:'\\'IE\\' ltO ..\J) fn1m 1.-l,·k f' rhi :-;trPr·t. north of (;lt'll \'il-W Hnac1 to Lncl\l'rIn :!1:-;T :-;Tl:I·:I·:T t'r11m L:-tkt' ,\,·t·nut · hlt · :-;tl'f·t·t . ~11\lth\\'l'!"t f>f f;l f'tl \' i t· \\' no[I<'J tr1 th v norlh litH · of ":\t·rth :-;hon· ('n·st," and in f.lH'KI·:I:J:It-: :-;TI!I·:ET fl·nm nlt·n- ~lll·tli\· isit·n :'\o. :2. \ 'i t· \\· It t ·:ttl t" < '1 ·11 t r:tl :-;, rl't·t . In II.\ I!\' .. \1: f) :-;TJ, EET fr nm L:ll\ t' l11 ( ' 1 ·: :'\TI~AL ~TllEET fr ·,,m thr· r-;lf't \ \'t·lll!t· to Ill <' IHII'th lint· of "Xnrth ~hnn· lin·· r1f ' ' Kill/.!· ~ <'11111'! :-;uhdi\·isit·n," In tlw t 'rt ·;-;t." :-;uhclh· i!'ion Xn. 2. wc· ~-ol !itt~> t·f !-'tl irl !-'lllJtll\·i:-i"n . In :::nTII ~THEET from L:lkP .·\ \'f'nu r· ln H<1~tO~A HO.\Tl at L :tl< ·· ..\\·c· ntH · · r, tl~t· nr1rth litw t· f ··xorth ~hon· C'n·st." fr,r ('(1nnf'C' tit·n tr1 "Indian ll i ll E ~ tatt:~ ... ~ uhcliYision Xn. 1. Stt·rrn ~(·\\' r . In t'OT..l':O.tnr:-; ~TREET from Lak<" LIFE July 5, 1929 mie Avenue to LaVergne Avenue. 1n LEAMINGTON A VENUE from Birchwood A\'enue to Lake Av e ~u e . 1n LAKE AVENUE, ~outh stele, from Lf'amin~tnn AYenue to Larami e. Avenue. In LAKE AVENUE, south sid e, from L f'a min~ton A venue to LeClaire A venue. ln LECLAlHE AVE:;-..JUE from Rirchwood A Yenue to south lin e L ot 1, Block :~. ··vV ilm e t t f'-L[tke AvPnue ' Addition," pmd u e c·rl P:tst. ln LOC'KEHP.ll~ STTI.EET from Birehwoo<l A w·nue t o Lnl<f' A Yenue. In L.-\KI·: AYE~CE, south s id e, ft' um Lo<"l\c·rbi<· Street to L e ('lain· Av e nu e. fn LAKE A YI<:!\C f~. south !' id P, fn1m LcH_ ' l\c·rlli <· ~tr r l to La Yvrg-ne AvPnuv. 111 LAYE:I{(;_:\;r<; A\'EXUE from Birch\\'CHld A n·nue tr1 th e ~o uth lin v rJ( L(1l 1. nJoc·k 1, " \\. iln wtte-Lakt· AYC'nue Additic1n." pro<lu<·(·c1 l·ast. In t'I·:XTI~ ..\L AYEXL'E from llibh ard I toacl to La \ 't· r g n e A \'<· ntH'. In L:t<'l!(lSS .-\VE:'\l T I~ from l'f·n tral A\'t ·llll(· te~ tlH· north lint· of the "Third Ad<lition to \\.i lm ettL·-Laramh· ~ubc1i\'l ~ion." o\\'enue to th e north lin e of "North Shor< C r .:st, " Subclivil'ion No. 1. In RIDGE HOAD frc1m Lake Avenu( to Schillt' r Avenue. In HARVAHD ST11EL<:T from LaiH Aventtf' t o Schiller Avenue. In 21ST STHEI·~T or th e alley west n1 Srg-p r' s SubdiYi~ion from Lak e Avenu to \\'al'hin~ton A v cn u . In SC HI LLEH AVENPB from 21st Str(·e t t o the WL·~t lin e of "Draun's Subdivision." . 1n SCHILt,Ell AVENUE from 21st Stre e t to alley w <·!'t of nidg-c U()acl. In BTRCIIWOOD A VENl. E from 21st Stt·<·~·t to the w t·st line of "Braun's SuhdiYi~icln." ln BlH(;I-nVOOD AVE~UL fn1m 21f't Stl'<' t to Hi<lg-(· Roacl. fn ITARYAl\D STREET ~rcn n :-;t·hill (·· A\' ' llllf' to Birth\\' r,o<l A\'(·nut·. In HIDGB HOAD froill Dirdnwto<1 Ave11\H· t(l Schill<'r A n·nue. In H.11JUE 1{0,\J> fr(lm BirdH\·o<'d Antllt P to \Vashir1g·ton ...\ Yenur. In lfAHVAltD STHEJ·~T fmm 11ird1\\' tlt·<l :Avt·nue t(f .Washington AYvnuP. In lLLIXOl~ HOAI> from LalH· A\'(' nut' to \\'ilnw tlt · AV(·!lut·. In \\~ ILl\lETTI ~ .·\\·E~ l ' E frnm lllitl (li · H.o;t<l to five hundred (ii00) ft-(·t w e-s t of tlw ~t· wt·r· in Illin ois I:.w1d. l n \\' f Ll\Tft.. TT I ·~ A\' 10::-.: l : E frc1m "II l i !H d~ Hoad to Gl!'ndew lloacl . In \Vl L:\Jio:TTI·~ .-\ VEXl' Jo: from Wt·llYivw f:oad to Hidg- f' Hn:1.d . In l:IIH:J<: 1! 0 ..\D frt1lll \\'ilnwttt· A.\'t'· ntl f' to Cl'ntrnl A \'l'l1ll t'. In HIJ>Ca; 110.\ll f rt~m \\"iln w t U· A\· lllll' tn St1Ulh Limit~ uf tlw Yillagt· of \Vilrndt e. Jn CLI·:~\'IE\\' ItO:\[) fl'llm \\.ilrndt c· An·nw· t o fit ·~ t \'ill:t gt' l.i111its litH· t·xt t·ll<ling· snu th from th·· l'l·ntt ·l' of <:lt·n Yit·W ltm~od. In LE.-\.:\-11 _:\;(;TO.:'\ ..\ \'1·: _:\;l · r;: fl'l1lll \\'il· nwltt · AYt·t-l lll · tr1 tlrt· n orth lin t' <;f "l·'it'l't ..\clrlititlll l11 \\' iltul'tt··- Laramit· Suhdh· isi1111. ·· In LE<' I.. .. \IP-1 ·: ..-\\'E:'\('1·: frr1n1 \\'ilmettt· AYt·nut · !11 tht· north lin t· uf "Fit ·~ t .. \clditicllr t11 \\'i lnH ·t t t·- L :trum it· Suhcli\·i~io tl. " 1:11:1d t11 K1111:X ..\n·nth· . In K~OX ..\Yl ·: ~l'l ·: from llllt· tn C't ·ntral "\n ·llU ('. lrr <'E~TIL-\L .-\\ ' J·: Xl'I~ from Kt111:x .\ \'t·ltllt' to fir~t :tllt·y (':l!-'t of Sl\tddt I:. 1\tlt·\·a rrl. Jn J\:1\'(JX . \ \'EX! .E from lfo lly .:\\'<'nut · !11 alit·~· north of \\. ilnwtt e ,\,·t·l!Ut· In ~KOKII ·: J:Ol'l .. I<:YAJ:D from ll·dh' .\ \'t ' IIU<' t11 ('t>ntral .·\ ,·,· nut ·. l!t 1'1·: :\'TI:,\L ,-\\'J·:Xl'l ·~ from Sk<dd . Hoult·\':tnl !11 tl~t · first :tlll'Y rast r1f llihh:trd l!oacl. ln :.;KOKII·~ P.Ol.LE\'Al!D from ll t· llY · ,\ n ·ttll r to \Yilrnd U· A \'l'I1Ue. In l:0:\10:'\..\ 1~0..\J) from \\' ilm c· ttt· ,\n ·nu,· !11 <'t· ntral AYl' llll e . In Jt0~1UX .. \ UOAD frcnn Lnkt· A\'(' nu·· to \\'a~ hing· t c1 n AYenue . In 1~ 0 :\IOXA HO..\D from "\Va l'hing-tt1n ..\\'t·nu e to tlw ~outh lin e of " t ; nilt·<! l:p:llty <'omp:lny's Fir~t Addition t() Slwldt· noult·\·anl .-\clclitirm to \VilnwttP." 111 SC'll1 LLEH AYE:XlT l·~ from l~omona l!oac1 to tllt' w ~t lin · o f "Lal,:enton Suhdi\·isi<ll1." In HJIWli\\'OOn X\'1·~:\'CR from lloIIHill:t l ,q;t d to thl' \\'t ·~ t litH· of "Lal,t·lltull :-;uh<1iYi!'inn. " In WASIJIXGTO:'\ AVI·~:'\CE (rom Homt~na l:on < l to ~lwldt> Houlrvarcl. In SKOKIE HOl"LEYAnn from W:1:-:hington An·ntll' to tlw ~outh lin e of "l"nitt·d l!t·a lty ('ompnn.v's Fir~t Acl<lition to Sluli' i1· I :nule\':1 rcl A<1<1i I io11 to \Vihnt'tt(·." Tn 1'JXE STHEET from '\Va~hington AVt:'llll <' to th l' f'Ottth litH· of "Unitt·d Ht·a lty ('(qnpany f'omp:lny's First Addition to :.;1\ol<.il' noulf· Ynrd Addition to \\. ilnwttt ·." . ln liiC:llLA~D AYL~~t }J from Pine ~tr ed tn tlw fit·st · allPV N\St of Skol\il' l:tlllh' \ ':t t'tl r1n tlw north.side of Hig-hlnnd In L..\ ~)( : :-\ A\' E:-.: l ' E fmm C1·ntra i .-\Yt ' llll<' !<1 tl w north lin t· r,f tlw "Thirrl Add it it Ill to \\. i I'ml·l t t·- f.aramie SulJdi \'ision." In LAI'OI:TI·: A\'Jo::'\l'E from Ct·ntral A n·llll\' to llw north lint' o( thr "Thinl Addition !11 \\'i lnw tt t'- LaramiP Suhdi\'ision." :-;:tiel onlinam·p nlso proyidt·s for tlw " tlll l' trudit 'll :J tHl en.. <· ti rlll n f a pumpir ·" ~ tation \\'ith thP app urt<·na n c·es a1-; tl wn·in Jl1'f l\·iclt·d, to ht· U ~<·d :tnd oJ .t·ratt·d in c·OJ]IIt·t ·t ion with , :11H1 as a part of. :--;a iel !'yslt·lll !If l'torm wat t> !' S<· \\'t.·rs upon a Int. nit'( '(· _ (1\' p;!l'('(· l of land which .·h a ll rw a<·qt drt>(l h~· <·otHlt·mnati(JI1 :ts and in tht· manner pro,·ic1 (' d oy law. ((II' that Plli'IJII ~I·, anrl which il' dt'~<"l'ila·<l as frdlow~: Th t· \\ ' t·~ t l\\'!1 hunclr('<} a11rl lhirt \' ( :!::( t I ft ·t·! of t ht · ~(lilt h Oil(· hlltl(}J" f'( l a tHI fift ,. 1 I :ifl) ft ·<·t 111' ~(·('ti<Jn Twl.'n t ,._ fh·<' ( :.!~) . Tt ·\\'llsh i p F11rty- two ( · 12 l ~ol'tlt. Hang-(' T\\'f'!\'<' (12) Ea!-'t cd' t lw Thircl l'rirt cin:tl .\l t· ridian . 1.\ 'ingt·: t:-: t :t tHl "djt~ ining· th <· tr:td of land (1\\' llt·cl l1v tlw Fllrl'st l'n·sprvr Di~ tri<:t (If <;"nl,: Cc, unt y atHl r'llll\'o·yccl 1,~· \\' arrallt\· Dt·<·cl n·t'lll'(lf·cl in tlw H c·<·tll'<l<· t.'·s !Jf!iet· 11( ('ook Count\' , lllin11i ~. 1111 .January H. l~l:!o, ~~~ Dn('umc·nt 1\:o. ti'il5S-lfl and s ituntNl in tht· <'ountv 11f· l'oo k and Stat<· ()f 11lincJi !', · :Ill in ti H· mantH·r sp(·t'i fi <·cl in !-'aid (ll'(lin:tn<·t·, tr~g· dh1·t· with an t:r-;timatt · 11f thl' \\'ltrtltJ ('Ol't r1f ~aid itn)ll'II\"(·I)H·nt: (llld \\'<· r·t·t·onmtt 'llt1 tlw pa:-~;tg"f· (I( sa id t~r dinarH···. and th <· m:tl;:ing- c·f th L· impn.,.,._ lltt·nt th!:-'r·t-in Cllllt<· mpl:tll·d. I : <·spt·t· tfull~· !'UhmittNl. Ei\ItL E. OR:\fETI EH:'\I·:ST 1' . f'AZEL . \LJ:I ·: ltT L . (;RJ:-.:~F:I...L f'. l\IILJ-<~S .:\fC'DONALn ~TA.:'\TO.:'\ YA:-.; lNW:\<:E:'\ ITA:\'~ \ '0_:\; I: I·: I NSPEHn C(JitllU:'\ WfLSO~ P.<1n nl <·f I AH·n 1 lmprcl\'t·mf·nt s c1f th (· Yilla).rt! of Wilm<·lt <·. ll rd l y /1.. \-t ·-. lJa lt·d. \\'ilr nr· l It ·, IlL , .J trl y 2 . .-\ . D. 1 ~12!1. l : STI.\1.\'I'E BY PltESIIfE":\"1' OF RO .\UU OF J,()( '. \1, DIPUO\'E)JE:YTS TO TilE 1:0..\TIJ) OF LOC'AL 11\U'HOYE~1 1·~:'\T:-; OF T~E Y .l LL .\GE OF \\'IL1\JETTI;::, :1nd TO Till;:: l'HI ·~A IDE:'\T ..\).:() P.OAHD OF Tl~l.STEI ·~ S OF TilE \'ILL/\GE OF Wll.l\JETTE : Tlw nn:t rcl (If Lora! Jmprovemf'n ll' of th e Villag-t> of \Yilm ette , having adopted a. r· ·!'olution :111e1 cau!'ed to be mad e a draft nf an orr1inance providing for th l.:' l'Onst ru c- tion of a. coun ec ted system <1 f Htonn \\'H ter Sf'wers: brick manholes; bri<:l,: ~atchbasins; catchbasin conn ec tions: tunneling- und e r railro:1.ds and pave m f' nts: concrete cradles for pipe sewers; concrf'tt· bulkheads; r e inforced concrete discharg-<· chamlwr; brick pumping station building- : a 6-inch water supply well and pumpin1.r . system: cast iron discharge and suct ion pipes; Dies ' I oil engineH; t'lectric m()torl' : pumps: f'teel oil storag-e tanks; cuncretP foundations for mnchinery and pumps : elf'ctric operatrd gate valves; and All other necessnry appurt('nances, complrh· in place including erectifln of tnachinN:o.· and pumps and piping-, excav:1.tion. backfilling-, ij1 and n.long Lal<e AvPnue ancl otlwr road~-;, .·tr <>tfi. :l \'enne~. places and on the prop<'l1.y to be a c quired :lS a pumping station f'ite in the Villag-e of WilnwttP, C'ook (;ounty, lllinois, ns (1('scribed in said draft of an ordinance in tht:> manrwr f..;JWCif!f<l an<1 r eco mnwnfh<l h~' :-;a ic1 Bn:lrd of Local Jmprovemt->nt-s : :lncl ~:1irl H·,nrd ha,·ing- prrsen\('d to th f' Pri·~ idPnt ancl Boarcl of Truste<:'s of ~aiel :\ \'f ' ll\11' . Villagt· a l'f·t·omnwndation th:1t said 1ocnl In KXOX AYE"!\UB from Washing-to n improvf'nwnt lw n1aul', I hereby submit .\ \'P tltll' to thE' south lin of · "UnitNl an ('stimnt<' nf th e r·ost of the construel:t ·a lty Company's First Adrliti11n tr· ~; -. .. ,. ~ ,.. , irl imm·ov<:'mf'nt. inclurling tlw , 'lwldt· 11oult·\·arc1 Addition to \Vilnwttf' . " cost of all labor, materials, supplies, apIn l'~OX AYI::~F -1·; from Wnshington pli:tnt·t-'s an<1 other appurtenan es nt.\ n ·nllt' to Hirchwood A Ye nuf'. tending tlw snme, complete, inrlurling- enln LOCTST ROAD from \Vilnwttf' AYr- tdnrf'ring Rnd inspection, (f'xcept the cost nup to fourte e n hundred three (1403) fef" of the l:lnd to b<:' acquired or damaged). 1 WI'th of th center line of Wilmette AYe- :lnd including the cost of ma.l<ing and '1\t r . levying and collecting the special aR:::essln BIRCJIWOOD AVENUE from Lara- ment th e refor, as provided by law, viz:

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