Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Jul 1929, p. 62

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62 w ·I L M E T T E FOR SALE-ACREAGE L IF E July 5, 1929· County, Illinois, for a Supplemental Assessment to pay the said defic i ~ ncy in Wilmette Special Assessment No. 214 aforesaid, according to b e nefits, and an assessment therefor having b ee n made and r e turned to said Court (Doc ket No. 257), the final hearing the t;eon will b e h eld o n th e 22nd day of July, A. D. 1929, at t en o'clock A. M., or as soon thereaftet· as th e · busine ss of the court will p e rn, it. A 11 p e rso ns desiring may fil e objection!-' in said co urt b e for e ~aid d ay and m ay appear on th e h ea ring and make th ir defense. Said ordinance provides for the payment of sa id Supplemental ARst>~!itnent in ten annual i.nstallment!';, with annual inte r t>st thert>on at the rate of ~ ix p E' t' cent um per annum as pro\'id Pd by l a w . Dn tf'd \Vilmette, Jllin o is, .July 31'Cl. A. D . lfl2!l . C'HATILES K E\.ANS Pe r so n appointecl h y th e Pn·:-;id e nt of the Village of \Yil m e tt<'. ('ook ('(J unty, Tll1nni s, to m n k e sa id as~t ' ssnwnt. TA1- 2k Classified Advertisements (Continued fr om pa~e 63) 'i7 LAND FOR SALE NEAR ' M;ARQUETTE,, MICHIGAN 160 acres, no timber, spring water stream, 1 mile from hard rd. and R. R. station. Hunting, fishing, boating, bathing. Virgin soil, mineral district. Suitable for Boy Scout camp or priv~te hunting pre::;e rn.> . George Ras me::;en, Jr., 550 ('pntt>r St., Winnetka. 79LTN41-1tc ..,2 ____ s_T_~_r_~_rF._._R_R_J<~_S_O_R_T_s_ _ __ IF lX X I·: P.n UF :\ H. EA~nx A H L y S pric,·ll h nllf'l' fr·r 1'1'!1t or sa Ito Sf't' u s. T:E .\LT OHS 1177 \\'il lllt·tll' .\\'\'. \\'i ln1t'tt<' 27:1 7iL41-1t(' GLENCOE EAST SIDE. CHARMING English hom e of 10 rooms, just completed. Living- room 1Rx2R. Six bedrooms, 4 baths, lavatory, tiled kitchen, W .\ XTI·:D TO REN'I'-HOUSF.S atta c hed 2-ca r garage. Within 3 blocks "!t of station, ::-choo l and lak e. 248 Haw- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - thorne AH. Pri ce $50,000 . For In- li cH: i 1!.\T. liOl ' ~Ji~ OH Dli~(L\LO\V formation phon e Glencoe 561. ~~~ - n·spon:-;ihlt· party. 1 o r 2 yPar l e:lf'P, 77LTN~6-trc p .. :.:so·s~·:i··ll al Jo ut ~Ppt. ~Ot h . State lrwn1i· ·11 :111 d lr·w· ·st rt>ntal. \\' rit e \Yilll l··t I ·· Li f,. H- HI. S!HA 1- ltp ALl\fO~T FIXI~Iflo:I> ('IJAfl:\fi~\.1 brick r e!';ide n C'<', ii lJNlrm c;. , :1 h:\lh l", lg. livin g- and r, C' r eat inn rm s. , i·'ri~idalre, Oil Jlt.. att. ~:1r:1}!"P . $-11.000 . G42 Eldr·r Latw, \\' inlwt ·k :l, nt'. c 'hurd1 Hd. i7LTX 40 - 4tc W \:\'TEn TO BI ' Y-Y . \(' .\~T 78 F 0 R SALE-Y A(' ANT --------------------------------------------------HEEl> HI1EAK ~l'l·:t'I.\L f:l:-; t :.:1'1, l l l ·~ s!C::\'1·:1> tOOLT~41-1t <' 11111 VACANT- 125x160 \VINNETKA HERB JS O~E OF TilE MO~T HI<: :\U tlful lots left of the f e w r e rnainin,:;- In Winne tka. Building restricti o n. On a quiet drive- no trees but a bea utiful outlook at a price at leas t $30 a font und e r anything comparable. Addrt'::-s Talk A-~21. 7RLTN1 3-tfc 1 \\'. \LXl 'T c·n~~OLE T:\nLF., :1 \VALnul ll :tll 1'11airs, t':ll'\'l·rl mahnp;any ('hippo ·nd:ll·· l'll:t ir . fin·· maho g-a ny tatwstr~· dt:t i r. ;, pit ·<'·' J.!T··:-· ··na nw ll erl ht·rlror·m s..t. with si n :-:1·· ht · rl~. hc lX spring-s, a ncl 111:11 t n·~:-;t·s. l'hon·· \\' inn..t1ct 2!'\ri. \T acan t-vVinnetka ··: tnrkl:thr:t. Plt ·t·trit· fount:1in: !ltotol', l:thlo· :tlltl h··tlduil' lamps; lll:ll'bl l'!'i, t··: tl, \' ""d ;tll·l l :qlt-sll'ic ·s, uph o l. d aY··nP· ·I' I :111d l'11:tir. :tl~r~ t'hi1wse Orit>ntal ru~.: !l:o., J:;: h rit·-:1-hr:tl', ..t<'. l'h . for appt. r:J,·ncr·· · filS. 100LTX41-lt(' THERE ARE STI LL AVAILABLE TWO ~.\ 1.1·:- (·c ll'l ' II .:i. l~ (H"' Kr;: H , beautifully wooded half acre plots for !·'( ·I! l'lJ;Iil'~. ltl:lhltt..::tll~' htH>kt ·: ISl', l:tdit·S \\'l'itthose wbo prefer trees, in We~tmoor ill).! tlo ·sk. \'o·rr rt ·;tSPil:tl,lt·. l'h . \\'ilTrail. P ermanently protected, unusual llll'llo · ll\!'1 . JOfiLT:"\ -Il -11p privacy, highly restrict e d, the right kind of Winnetka neighbors. Prlct-d much less than anythln~ of compar- 1: .\TTI.I ·: t ' l~l-:1 ·:1-:" 111·:.\LTII l{l ' ILlH~r: . ti hiii'II·'J' ~:ls !"tc·\·,. ~implt·X man~· Jt>. able desirability. Phone Winnetka 1016 .\II in ··'\t 't·ll· ·nt r'IIIHlitio n. 1\·1. \\' inGlen C. Bull. 78LTN26-tfr· JH ·II\:1 ljlt~ . 100LTX ·II - ltc ·\ T aca n t-\iVinnetka 80 acres of park for your FRONT YARD. The gre at np'n space forever protectf'd at thE> end of a ptivat ' drive . All the ad\'antages of a country estntt> with all the conveniences of the Village. The premi e r location in Wlnn('tka for the finer home. 35Sx165 or will dh·ide, at a r e asonable price, to acc"'ptable purchaser only. \Vrlte WilmPttf' L!fP R-32. 78LTN26-tfC' l ---------------------------------------\\- . \~Tl ·: I· Tn n1·y - ~~ ·~ c ~O XD-TTAXD furnitur. · :111tl otlwt· hr·Usc> hol<l l!.·oorll". lli).!'llt'S! pril'l·:-i for :-i:l lll \'. Crost Furnitun· s l·ll't·. 11'1 14 - li Etno ·r su n ~t.. EYan st!Jil, 111. Jlh . l ' ni\·. 1:-\!l. 101 LT:"-: ·1. -tf,· 1111 WTH. TO BI'\'-IISEIItH. (~liS. ¢ ';9 7 ·y :\'l"f & COONS SPF.f'T.\1, ASSF.SS3n: X'I' XO'rff'F. YII,T·.\OF. OF 'VTJ,~n:TTF.-SPf~('J.\J, A SSF.SS:\JRXT XO. 2:tS X O TT ('E i!'; lwrt>hy g-ivf>n to all person~ int t>rP~tNl that the PrPsident and Board of Tru:-t e t·s of the Villa~ !:' of \\'ilrn ettt>. in tlH' ('ountv o f ('onk :1 nd ~tatP o f lllinoi :::. h:lvir)g- onlt·r Nl that a Supnl f' nwntn 1 Assp~Smf'nt h t' mnclt> to P:lY th (lf'fiC'if'JH'~· in. ~pf'cinl A~~p::;sment X o. 220, fo r tlw impt'0\' (' 111PI1t of T..r w u st noncl from th e p nv<'nwnt now in ]11rl<'<' in L ake .\Y Pnu e tn the 11nve nw nt n ow in lJl:l ('P in .\ . hl :md A Yf'nl!P. alsn known as :\ Ynr·n ltnn rl: ~Ti nm i - n nn(l fmm tlH' J);l\'t·111 " 11t n n w in Phl<'l? in Ln l<e .·\ \'l'tHJC tn tlw northWf'!' t Jill !? of Tiomnn:1 J1 oa<l: TI0111011:1 noad fmm Minmi Jln:-tcl to the }l:1\'P111E'Ilt in A \ '0(':1 no:-tcl ; f;eminolp T'nad fro m tiH' n:ln'm<'nt nnw in pln cr in L:Jl;: e A\·enu f' to · Bln c l{hnwk n onrl, and from Troqur1i ~ r!oacl to thf' north l'nd r·f ~!'minnie Road: ::\Toha\\·k Roncl . from Troquoi ~ Tinn c l tn L n(' u st l! oa fl . ~ P n f'ca n.o·n n from thf' P :l\'··!111"nt n o w in nbce in L :1 k e AYenue ·to L n(· u st Tin:lll. Trornwi s r!o:1d f1·nm :\Tin mi Rna<l to ~Pn e C'n R nn<'l, nnd Tmqu o i !': n oa rl fnnn ~··nt 'r· :-t Tioacl to Tllin o i:-- J1n:1rl : P.lnt·khawli: !1o:trl fr om "'Tiami Tionrt to ~ Pill'('fl nnrHl : n nrl []]SO ~hn hrma L n n (· , Osag-f' L:1111·. Ott :-~ w a L n nt· a nrl ('hinJkW;J La n P n 11 from Rl:lC'kha wk La n il tn tlw !'O llth 1'11(1!'; o f ~:l lcl ~h:1honn L:l!W, 0!';:lg't' L a n r. ntt:l\\'r\ L a·n p :md ('hinpi"Wa L anP rc·~PN·tin,J\· hr grnclin!!'. nrlju!';ting- mnnh r d P~. paYing-, <' urhinl!'. C'lll1 !-'trt)('l in ~ storm " ·;1 tr ·r R<·W··t·s an d r·mH·r PtP s irlt' " ·n lk s :1nrl nt h e rwi ~e impJ'nY ing- tlw !';:lmr·. in thl" Yill:l!rP of \\' ilnwtt e. ('onk ('ounh· Tllin rois. which imnro YPmen t W:1 !i nrnYirl1 ·d fo1r h\· :111 ordinanC'e n a~~Nl th f' l'l"f,,r rJil tl"'\ P fith (l:l\' of l\Tnr(·h, A . n . 1!'12 ~. tl1t' fll'fliM111C'<' fm· th e snnw lw ing- o n fll, , in tlw omcf' o f th f' Yillagt> ('I rk o f ~n irl Yilhl!'·' · nncl Rn i<l Yill ng-P hnYin g :lPPliNl t n th P ('ount.v C'nurt of ~n irl ('nnk ('ount\·. lllinois. for n ~un! P nwntnl Af.;spr.:c..:nwnt tn n:1~· th l' ~:lirl <l PfiC'i !'tl (' V in \Vilm i·ttr· ~J)o·C'i;tl .·\ S~t·~RJ11f' nt Xo. 220 :1fnrPs:lirl. ncr·nrrlin.:; to hrnf'fits. ancl :1n :l!';si'~Rnwnt th t> r pfo r l1n\·ing h <'<' n m n d e nnd r t>l urn Nl In !';fl icl ('0\lrt (Do<'k<'t Xo . 2:'iS), tlw final lwnrin !!' tlw1·rnn will lw l1 f' lcl on tlw 22nfl cln~· nf .Tul~·. A . n . Hl2fl. :1t tf'n o'C'Ioc·k :\ . ::\f .. or :1s ::;nr1n thl"rf'nftPI' ns th e busiJ W~"' (tf tlw <'ourt will Pf' rrnit. ·.\11 1Wt'Rn n s clesiring- mny fil e o hj f'C' tion ~ in s:-tirl (·rom't h ' fnr e ::;airl nav rtnrl m:n· ;1nnt-<ar on thr h en rin~ :1nrl 'makP thf'it d p f pns e. ~ai(l o rrlinnn C'P nroyiclPs for th P pavnwnt c,f sn icl .·unnl f' m C' ntnl As::;(l~snwnt in t Pn n nnual inst n llnwnt R, \Yith annual int P r e~t tlwrt>n n n t th ' ra tt> of six p e r <'Pntum p.t~ r annum . as nroyid ed hy law . Th t Prl \Yilnwtte, Tllinoi s . .Tulv :lrd, ..\ . D. 1~2~ . Offer T() TllE . - \('JlE Til n ';;n, TllEir! ~El~\'J('E I~ T 1IE ~ELF.C'TlOX OF .-\t~J!E TRA('TS. Nt·a r Xot · thhn·~tk-70 :H'I't·~. with f:lrm building-s <'l>lll}H'il-dng- thl'N' <'OI'IlPI'!' with 6,600 f vd r·f road front:lg"t·. Lnnd hig-h and nn·rlrorol~~ tht· Dt'!'i l'l;titw :-; H.i\'11' Yalley. An t' Xl' t>lknt in\·t·:-;tnwnt, prke d nt $850 p(·r ncrC'. 40 avro:!" . with 1 :.: milt· front a~~· ou two road~ with fa rmholl !-'1' anll nuthuilding-:.: in g-oo<l t·· ttHliti·HL :-;trat t·g- iea lly l oC'atf'd at inttr!',·l' t iiJ n <· f twn p!'\Yt'<l rnacl::;, Land lev<>l anll wt·ll tlrailwtl with g-norl black soil. l'r ivt·rl :1 t $4:i,ft!IO. H··:t!" <JJla hlt· tt>rms . l\:,·: t 1 · l.il n·rtr,·i llt·-1 On :J < 'I'l' :-: imJH'o\'f' d with ·qu :tin t <·Ill hl'id~ farm li!Jnll' ~ur roundt,:Jl l1 y ht·a utiful !iharlt> trt' t's. 12 acrt>s nf 1 i nilH ·r . Land i:-: hig-h :uHl 0\'('1'Jook!' 1·· ·~ I 'l:1 in,·s Hin·r Ya llt·y, :\fi g ht dividP $ -1~"' Jkr avl't'. In ~llll S t · t l!itl g-t· t'.,tmtr~· c~luh ni s ll'il't -10 :t('rt·s ,f lwautifullr \\' rH·rl··<l land adjacent ,to 1111- a ttl':t <' tiy,. t':-;tatt-s that mal.;,. up this rq:i .. n . l'rit'l' $3,1100 pt·r :WI't'. --------------------------------------FOI{ POJ1TATILB GAR~.\LE--- ~ -(':\n HI~ ag- <'. \\'nod cn nstn)('tion . Cost nrig-ina).!!: $:?:10. l's· ·<l 1 wint Pr. ~acrifiC'c $1 :?::i. l'hr!llt' \\' innt'tka 2ri!I:L 102LTX41-1te POHT.\ llLE G.\ lL\C:E 1~xtG, $~~0; AL~O buillling- l' x12 , $:!1t. Tl'l . £Iarrison 161i!l. 10:!LT:f40-:Hp ~IZF. ~IO::YEH . \TTE~T: WEXDBLL JJ. CLAilK, Sec r e tary. IA 1-ltc . f'HARLES N. BVAK~ P t>rson nnpointf'd by thE> Prf'!';iclent of th e Board of Lncal ImlHOYempnts of the Villng-e o ~'ilnwttf', ('oo k <:ounty. Illinoi::-. t r make !"aid assessment . L41-2tc --------------------------------TAX '1'\\'J·:En <"'0.\T, !11i, "·orn . <' ;tll \\'in1wtl\a -------------------------------------HOY <lt'TFIT lfi. ~<'C>l'1' ~IZF: (':\~TP l(l:3:l. 1 O:?T.TX-ll-lte t·quipnwnt. n ·aso n n hi· ·· Pl ':t~· ti <·: tl)y 11\·\\', SP ]l \'t' ry l'h . \\'ilnwtlt · ~S~!I. )O:?TA1-1tc ------------------------~------L .\ DIES' POXC:EE ~ l"l T. T\YO tli'PSSt 'S, r:tillt' IJ :tt, :-;iZt' ·10. \\·il11H'tl\a __1_~_o_~_ . ____________________ 1_o~~~~-~T~~~r~4_1_-1~t~C' 111!1 W .\'STEll TO Bl Y-1riS(', -------------------------------------\\':\XTEP ('Ll·;AX, \VlllTE RAG~. Hk Jlt'l' lh. 1232 C't>lll'ral AVt' .. \Vil~~~~~-~ ·~tt~t·------------------~1~0~~~T,~T~~~~~ ·l ·-~-~t~fp~ \Y.Y .\'fT & CC>ONS nEALTUl!S NorthhJrH·l\ 1 .-,.J -1~1:1 Cit'n\'i(·W ' 1 127 1'\ . llt ·:l rhurn ~~ ., Chic-ag-o ('entml 3!1~1 79LT~ 41-ltc. ---------------------------------If:\ \'E Y0£'11 OLD Pl EC'E~ H~~F.WED to;; 1lll"f'l~J.I ·. XF.Ol'S :tt a rt ·as(JJ1:1ble pri re. ~il\"('t' r p fini!:lhP<l n nd m:Hlt> :1 bRolutely tn rni!ih proof. Paul D:t\'t' Y. .lt>wPIPr, 11G5 \Vilmette A\·e. , Ph . \Yilnwtte li. 1051..35-tfc SPF.f'J.\1, ASS ESS1n: :\"1' XOTlf'F. YII.I,.\GE OF WTJ,)fF.T'I'l~-SPF.CI .\L ASSF.SS)fE~T XO. 2:ti XOTTC'E is h ' r'by g·jy pn to nll pf'rsons int e r est e d th:lt th e Pre~idt>nt nnd Board n f Tnrst <' ::; of th e \'illag-e of \Vilnwtte. in tlw ('ounty of C'ook and State of Tlli:Jnis, having ordered that a Supph·mpntal .'\S!'JPRsnwnt he m:ule to pay the c lt>fici e nry in ~pedal AssPssment No . 214 f'nr tht~ improYenwnt of the roartwav het\\' E't' n th E> gutter flag·~ of Prairi' A \·t'nue from th e e ast lin t' of Fift'enth ~tt·eet to thE> north lint> of Isabella Street and the roadway bPtwt"en th e gutter flag!'; of inte t'SE'cting stre t::- to the outH linE> or lines of Prairie A Ye nu e , by pnYing with sheet asphalt and otherwisE> imprnYin~ same, in the Yillage of \Vilmette , Cook < ounty, Illinois. whi ch improYement was provided for by an ordinance passed therefor on th e 7th day of May, A. D. 1!129, the ordinance for the snme b ping nn filp in the office of the Village C'lerl;: nf said Yillngt>, · and said Villagt> haYing applied to the CountQ· Court of said Cook ] ohn Borne amp, son of Mr. ancl Mrs. John A. Borncamp, 200 Sixth ' street, has gone to Dixon, Ill., to work on the farm of his grandmother, Mrs Martha Shippert. during his summer vacation. He ~raduatcd from Ne" Trier High schooJ this June and wil enter Nortlm·estern university m the -oM rs. Harry Visserin~ entertained a small ~roup of friends at a Sundav evening supper last week. The affaCr was ~ivcn for those residents of Ken ilworth who were leaving town for the summer months. -oM iss Marjorie Nicholson, daughter of the Thomas G. Nicholsons, 701 Sheri dan road, returned on Tuesday fron Peoria, Ill., where she attended a house party over the week-end.

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