Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Jul 1929, p. 1

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WILMETTE VOL. XVII, r\0. 43 \YIL:\IETTE. ILLIXOIS. JCLY 12. 1929 LIFE PRICE FIVE CENTS Published weekly by Lloyd Hollister Inc., 1232-1236 Central Ave., Wilmette, Illinois. Entered as second class matter Jfarch IJ, 1924,' at the 1Jost office at Wilmette, Ill·i nois, unde1· th e Act of Jlm·ch 3, 1879. Subscription price Si!.OO a year. VILLAGE APPROPRIATION FOR YEAR IS $3~5,900 Prospectus for Current Period Shows Continuation of Progressive Administration Calling for $11.500 less than that of last year, the annual Village Appropria tion bill, adopted at the regular meetin ~ of the Village board on Tuesd.· y. July 2. entai ls an estimated expenditure of $325,900 for the current fiscal Year. Perusal of the Appropriation hill. which is carried in this is sue (.)i \\.IL1>tF.TTF. LIFe, discloses that the comprehensi,·e program of impron~ment hegun in 1928 is to be continued during 1929. A review of the fiscal ,·ear concluded on April 15 shmys a t'arge percentage of the projects pro,·ided for in the last appropriation accomplished . A similar examination of the prospectus for the present year sho\\·s the projects incapable oi fulfillment previouslv again listed for execution tn the coming month s. $25,000 For Incinerator The items of outstanding inte·r cs t inelude the se tting aside of an additional $25.000 to he utilized in acquiring a site and the erection of an incinerator plant. an appropriation of $50.000 for which \\·as made last n·ar: for the estab li shment ancl mait~tenance of a municipal playground the appropriation of $12.000 an3 for the creation of pension funds for police and firemen. $1.200 each. The appropriation hill may hl: hriefh· ~ummarized as follmn: Summary of Bill 1. For construction and repairing of . treets. allevs. side,,·alk-; and cleanin~ of ::-;trcets. alle\·s and · sidc\Ya lks and care of trees. $00.000. 2. For opening and repairing drains and repairing se\H'rs and \Yatl'r mains and thc i r connections. $1,500. 3. For heating and lightin g- \.illa.Qe offices. for statinncr~· and o fiical supplies, court and le.Q'al expenses anrl costs. election expense:-; ancl other 11eccssarv incidental expenses . $18.000. 4. For supp lie s for and expenses of street lighting and incidental expenses in connection there\\·ith. ~30.000. 5. For pa..,;·ing salaries of the officer (Continued on page ~B) JOIN MOTOR ROUTES Ceremony to Mark Open Bids July 22 for Straight Route to Ridge Road From Kenilworth's East Side Closing of M. E. Church on July 21 :\. ritual symbolizing the abandonment of the .. present \Vilmette Parish ).f ethodi::-;t Church edificr, which is soon tn be razed to make wav for an impll~ing Ill'\\' go thic edifice~ will be held by the members of the parish Sunday mo~ning, July 21, under the . direction nf the pastor, Dr. Horace G. Smith. The ceremony ,,·ill begin with the closing of the doors of the old church, followed by a procession to the portion t)f the new church .now nearing completion and the formal opening of the doors tn the Church H uuse which is to contain the Sunday school department:> and rooms for social and recrcatinnal acti\·ities. and will also be 'utilizerl a~ the church auditorium pending completion oi the new auditorium on tl1e site of the old church. A feature of the closing of the old church will be the opening of the old corncr :-: tone placed in 1908 and di play of its contents. In the proces:;ion seyeral men and \\'nmen of the parish will carrv svmbols oi "faith and church activity." ~ NEW TRIER TOWNSHIP POPULATION 38,200 All North Shore Suburbs Show Steady Growth According to Straus Estimate · North Shore Artists on Ravinia Program Thursday The Thursday afternoon programs at Ravinia are always attracti\·e to the children of the north ·shore. but the July 11 program was particularly int ere ting locally as all the artists apearing in the second half of the pr .:>gram were north shore residents. Mrs. Francis L. Bailey. head of the music department at Korth Shore Country Day school, was director of the program. The artists who sang were Mrs. Gilbert Smith of Evanston, and Mrs. George Creer. Erskine \Vilder, Frank Blatchford, Jr .· and J. \Villiams Macy, all of Winnetka. In appropriate costumes, they presented scenes from Gilbert and Sullivan operas, including "The Gondolier," "Pirates of Penzance," "Iolanthe " and "Pinafore." The first half of Thursday's program was given by the Chicago Symphony orchestra, with Eric DeLamarter conducting. Dids \\'ill be opened at a meeting of the Kenil\\·orth Board of Local Impro\·emenb ~1onday night, July 22, for . New Trier Township, including the the op ning and extending of Co,·entry villages of \Vilmette, Kenilworth. \Vinrt)acl through Block 36 in Kenih\'orth netka and C~ l encoe, has a total popuand for the p ~n·ing of thi s proposed lation approximating 38,200, according to estimate obtained in a recent exne\\· section of the street. haustive Chicago metropolitan zone Block 36 is bounded by Kenilworth population su rv ey just completed by a\·enue on the north, Railroad an~ nue the building survey. department of S. n n the northea st, Glendining road on 'vV. Straus and companv. Chicago, \\'Cll knO\\·n investtllent and .financial house. the west. and Ashland an~ nue on the These estimates are hased largely un :-outh. The exten ion of CoYentry po~)ulati ·on figures furnished by public road, iormerly known as Joseph Sears officials. hanks. suburban newspapers, road. \vhich " ·ill necessitate the rechambers of commerce and business ilw\·al ot a garage, plumbing shop. and '.'cop le, it is explained . real estate ofl1ce in Block 31), " ·ill proThe Straus estimates give \Vilmette ,·ide a "short-cut" to Ridge road and a population of 17,500, as against 17,000 points south ior Kenih\·orth residents as of ] uly 1, 1928. Kenilworth is given re sidi n~ cast oi the tracks. CO\·entry 2.800. a gain of 400 over 1928. Winroad. \\'hen opened to the tracks. "·ill netka's population is estimated at 12,prm·ide a continuation of Kenihrorth 000 an increase of approximately 600 a\·cnue, connecting at the railro:1d over last vear. The surve\' in Glencoe tracks and extending in a outlnre -tcr-;hmvs 5.900 as against 5.700 in 1928. h· direction to Ridge road. West Towns Growing \\·hen the impro\·ement is completcJ Northbrook. west of Glencoe. is gi\·en Block 36 ,\'ill be cut into t\YO parts and Add Drainage Facilities a population of 1!300 while C.lenvie"·· \Yi!l form the ite of a proposed ne\\' to Woodbine Alley Plans \H'St of \\rilmette has 2,200, according Kenil\\'orth Yillage hall and fire station. . At an adjourned public hearing, held to the Straus figures. \ \ ' ork i:' expected to start on the road b~· the \\.ilmette Board of Local ImEvanston has an estimated populaproject \\'ithin the next few \reeks. provemenb Tuesday night at the Vil- tion of o7.500, as against o3,000 in 1928. Chicago suburbs. as separate from lage hall. proceedings in the pro1 osecl Wilmette of Team pa,·ing of the first allev ,,·est of \Vood- the rit\·, had on July 1 an estimatecl aHnue between · Gregorv avenue population of l...l11.ool. representing a Begins Twilight Games bine and Isabella street were ahandoned gain ni 11 ~~ . according to the Straus The first twilight baseball game of and the \ ri llage engineer instructed to . un·ev. the season for the \ Vilmette Chamber clra,,· up new specifications for the Tt i:-; noted in the sun-ey that the ni C mmerce team, which plays e,·ery project to include drainage facilities suhurhs arc growing taster than the Sunda\' afternoon at the \'illp.ge Green, for the area. Cvo.n completion of the cit,· itse If. the suburbs sho\ving a is ~ checlulcd for Thur s cla~r evening, July specifications, a resolution providing grmdh of 11 percent \\·hile the city lH, starting at (J :30 o'clock. Strong op- for the project will he adopted by the siW\\·s an e:;titnated grm,·th of 8 perposition has been obtained for this in- board and a new hearing scheduled. c nt. augural evening tilt in the appearanc ' One hundred and thirt\· three :uburbs At _the hearing, ·\\'hich had been cot1of the Old Chicago Blues aggregation. tinued irom ] une 25, owners of prop- made reports in this sur~·cy. Tt \\'as on The game "·ill b~ played on the \~il erty· affected by the project protested the basis oi these reports that estilage Green diamond and a record turn- agains.t the paYing of the allev until mates \\·e re made for the total sub urban out of fans is confidently anticipated . proper facilitie · had been provided for area. The Straus figure:-; for L13 su 1>draina .~c. As the board at a pre,·ious urhs reporting were 1.2oR,-l-l5 as of meeting had adopted a resolution ap- J ulv 1 this ~Tar. while the ·estimated prm·in.g the paYing at an estimated cost population of these same suhu rh ~, of $2,236 and the addition oi drainage of ,h1h- 1. 1928. was 1.187.517. \\'O tdd add about $1,000 to the cost, it ,,·as necessary to institute new pro- Jean Edwards Seriously . ceedings including the drainage feature Hurt When Hit by Motor before bids could be sought and con struction started. J can Anna E(l\vanls. 8 year old All bids sub mitted 011 the proposed -daughter of E. 0. Edwa:ds, 314. ~our paving of the first alley south of Spen- teenth st reet.. \vas senously u;Jured cer atld the first allev south of Green- Monday mon~mg at about 11.:50 o clock leaf a\'enue were rejected IJ\· the board when, accordmg to the poltce repo:t, "Pardon me. Hann't I se~n and rc-advertising for bids ordered . . he w~s struck at the corner of \Vtlyou in \Vilmette? The bids will be received and opened at mette avenue. and Fourteenth street the regular meeting of the board on by a car whtch Mrs. L. Skog. 135 "Yo u win. I saw you 'read· July 23. Seventeenth street, \\'as driving west ing \\'IL\iETTE LIFE up at the on Wilmette avenue. The girl. who was taken to the office of Dr. Lester hotel. \Veil. I'm having it sent E. M ee and then to St. Francis hoshere, too, while I'm · on my vapital in Evanston, was still unconscious cation. Weren't you surprised Pages late \Vednesdav afternoon. She sufto read how many north shore Automobile News ...... 33-36 fered a severe i1ead injury and a brokfolks are summering up here~" Boy Scout Affairs ........ 16 en leg. The accident occurred as she Book Comment ........... 30 was returning home from the Logan Church Items ............. 44 school. Mrs. ]. D. McDermott formerly of Editorial-Shore Lines .... 26 226 Ninth street, Wilmette, and now of J.ust call our Circula- } -.: ttOn Department-say Junior Life ............... 38 Deerfield, was badly shaken up Mon:+{ w h e n and w h e r e. Recreation Page .......... 40 dav afternoon ahout 1 o'clock when car she was driving west on Maple ~ They'll do the rest. Society News ............. 28 the avenue collided with a Federal Elec1nheaters ................. 42 tric company truck which E. Herron, Classified Ads .......... 46-48 of 1315 F.ddy street, Chicago, was driving north on Fourth street. C. C. In This Issue

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