WILMETTE LIFE July 19, 1929 Subtilite A Houbigant perfume less-well-known than some of the others. I - Nelly Don frocks at $1.95 are good ualues because they're so well-tarlored Not ~o mention the distinction of their patterns. and the fineness of the Ia wns and dimities they're made of! · Sheer, delicately-colored prints with solid-color trimmings-in models far more becoming than you expect of stay-at-homes: $1.95. Lord's- Second Flo or $1 $2 An exotic. sophisticated scentjust sweet enough to appeal.1nd not toe-easily identified. Try it in the $ r or $2 flaconcrrc and sec if you don't think it's lovdy! INCOJ\PORATtD fOVNTAIN ~ Quelques Fleurs, Ideal and Le Temps des Lilas. are also $1 and $2 in the purse sizes. l .ord's-First Flo or a: Dots, Chi ( Dorothy Cray Toiletries Acceding to a IJrgc demand , we llJ\'C included in our stocks ~ fine toiletries those of Dorothy Sport Froc~ ~, THE DOTS: pin dots, spot dob s Gray. \\'e recommend especially the unusually g o o d Astringent CreJm. the Special Mixtuu which docs such excellent service as a skin food: the Pore Paste anJ the Eye Muscle Paste. Of course there is a complete assortment of those things which are nccess.uy to beauty today! or brown , and other color har n1 $12.50 and $15 Hairbraid Picture Hats J L ord's- First Floor $10 Sweeping brims and clinging crowns-and a charming cfl'ect of fr agill' cool ness. held to earth mere Iy by a band .Mother-of-Pearl Necklaces $1 A ~himmrring. changing luster maJ..cs t he s e mother -of-pearl b1.'.1ds so effccti\'e. In ivory wbitl'. or.mge of several shades, :md ll'mon yellow. Choker ll'ngth . and 2 4 inch length . of rich velvet. or a cluster of life -like garcenias. or narrow bindings of silk crepe. One nwdel hus a t.'clcet crotvn; anot her has t'ts br.in7 draped with chantilly lace; there is q hat with a white croton and a pastel pink hrin1. Then.> are cool qreen ones. transparent as lVater. Delicate pinks and blues and orchidtinted hats. I nr,f's- Fir st Floor And you may choose from them now at $I o. Cone Bead of Galalith gJlal itb cones. J!t,rn.ltL'J with fbt r,)nddles: in Urtl'ntal green, Patou red, IJpi~ blue and orange. S3 .95 . I Jrrin gs tu match. ) 1 . :'\l'd-, 1.1Ct'\ ot /_.Oth~!__Hairbraid Hats, $6.5U · Panama Hats, $6.50 \Vide -brimmed. bee-shading sports hats of this satisfa_ ctory. lightweight str._1w that can be wqrn again season afte:r season. B~1nd11 of grosgrain or roman stripe.