32 WILMETTE LIFE July 19, 1929 Craigie Lea Locale for Children S Midsummer Frolic Invite Public to Arden Student Players · Shore Picnic on July 19 Present Frolic Today i picnic day at Arden Shore. Next Wednesday It is the time when north shore friends BY JEAN TEN BRO~CK ·..'"' ... June Bride ·I Arlington Park Intriguing Haunt of Society Folk St~tes as well as from ~hica ~o and adSocietv from all over the United ·' AhYa,·s f ·sti\'c, bri~ht, and t' ntrancing is the children's ·mid. ummer froli,.: which has become another un iailing indicati\ 11 nn the north =-hore of the · season oi warmth and of sunshine. For . CYcral :-easons throngs of children and those ,,·hn are childrt·n at heart haye congregated at Craigie Lea, the h o me of ~Irs ..·\nclrcw ~1acLcish in Glencoe, to jnin tht· ~tudent Plan·rs of the 1\ational Kindergarten ai1d Elementan· cc,lltl!'e in their fanciful presentatio1~. which. this Year. intrigt. :11 gly is entitled. " :\ ~I idsutllllll'r Frolic with \\'oodland Friends." \Yhen it is and what it is is <lisrlosecl in an announcement \\·hich cnme . . to our desk in order that we ma,· share it " ·ith ~·ott. "On \\\·d ncsda,· aftertHHlll, Tnh· 2-J, at 3:30 n'rlork. :\1 rs ..\ndrcw :\TacLeislt will he ht):-tl'ss It) all ,,·ho asscmhk when a 111:1gic spe 11 is ca:-.t nnr her garckn s ;tt -Li<) Ll)ng\Yood an·nut·, Glen coe, \\' ht·r~· the ~tudent Plan·r:-; of the Katinnal Kinder.!,!':lrten and i·:kmcntary cnllegt· "ill pn.· . .;ent their sumn1t·r frnlir . ~1 is :; Cl:tra . Rclk J1akcr of the Cldlegc iacttltY. has mH·en the plot of the nla,· intt) a )o,·eh· rhnne which \\'ill l)e prit1tt·d on the . program. ":\Irs. Carolit.1e Crawinrd \lacLcan c1i Fairhope. :\b .. :1 welt knnwn nrn ·ducer oi plaYS and pagt'atlts for children. is presenting a valuable course in "The Den·l1)pment of the Arts" in the cnlkl.!'t' suJnmer sr liool. She is inn...,r;11)rating the produ ctinn oi tlw frolic in her rtHtr:\l' as a class rl)nm prnject. of the camp are itH'ited cordially by the Arrlen Shore association to come to its doors to have luncheon at tables arranged fnr groups from each village; to hear the reports of camp worker s and to see the program of stunts pnn·idcd h~- general Arden Shore talent in the afternoon. \"isitors are tn take their own hox lunche s and the ra111p ,,·ill serve roffce and tea.. Am·one ha,·ing old furniture. clothing or bathing suits and wi shing to di:;po:;c of them. is a:;kt.·d to give them to Arden Shore. where a lack of bathing su its. and dn:ssers and chests of clra,,·_ ers i:; felt 111PSt keenh- . Tho se haYingrcll1trihutil)IJs tt) makt· ma,· notii,· the Arden ~ht)re \'illage rlwin.n an an·d she will arrange for their di . . trihutinn . ~1r s . l.c:-lie \\·. \fillar i-.; chairman -it)r \\'ilmctte. !\frs. :'\rthur \\·akeleY. fnr Kenil worth. ~I r-. . H.t\hc rt 11iddle. ior \\' innetka. :\1 r:- . I·~d,,· i·ll C. Au:-.tin. i(\r Ckn('()(' . At North Shore Club On ~atttrday, fuh· 20. the Xnrth Sh(H'L' Cnlf rluh ;;t Clt·n,·iew \\'ill g-ive a dinJ.H'r d:tJ1Ct' \rhirh promises tn he c1ne nf t ht· l1est of the . cason. Craig Kl'tr!tum ni Kcnih\.llrth head s the r(ltnmittn· that ha.; t!Ji., dancr tn chargt'. Tuesoay. Ju!~ - 23. i.; \V l1lllan's guest clay at the clul1 . This is an e\·etlt the women of Korth ShtHl' look fnrward to each Year as the\· im·itt· th ,~ ir guests fn; an rntire eta:,- nf ~o lf. E ~trh n :ar this da ,. ha:-. hcrnnh' 111r 1rL' pl)p\1br :1nwng tl~(.' \\'llll1L'Il lllt'111 ht·r._ oi the X orth ~ht1n· Cl)lf rluh . "The art <kpartment is respnnsihlc for the lon·l.\· rn:-.tuming and ft)r the attractiYc JltlStns tl) he see n in \'ariou s places :lnllCHIJH'ing the frolic. The costuming. nll ):- t gay and Ct \lnri ul. is hei ng made hY tht· class in applit·d arts under tilt' di'rcctit n of \!iss ~ellie MacLt' nnan. \Irs . \f arguerite Calkins 'fa\'11\r. well knn,,·n artist. and l\f:ss Anne \farkt h:ln' prndun·cl the posters in cIa s.:; work. Tht· en semh k will he the culn1inatit1n ni \·aluahh· \\'l)rk wltid1 the sixh· .;tttdl'nt" in the cast h:ln' ckrted ;,., a part t)f thL·i r summer curriculum . "Cr:-til!iL I.c·:1 makrs an idt.'a llocatinn fnr t lw pla\· and :\frs. \fad.eish :11 \Ya\', L xtends an inYitatil)n to her Q'tH'"b tt) W:ltldl'r thrntt~h her channinl!' l'arclens . ReiresJ{mcnt ho1)ths ·· e bcin .~- planned 11 fit into the attracti\·e srhrmL· and a ,-e n· unique feature of the prt'.l,!ram \Yill he the use nf an F.krtrob with amplifin. ~fr:-; . "\f ac L<'an has rht)sen the music which will he the hark!.. 'Tntmd inr the pl:n· From th<' li !,!' ht :1nd ain· musit· oi the fain· danrinl!' to the :-tatch· c renwnial chant of th<.· :-tah,·art Indian chiri ancl hi.; council, r-.. tht:rt' "ill hr musir h) lit each rklnl!'inl!' '-rt.'TH' :1ncl mnnd . .. :\ L!' a i 11 t lll' r 1J i Id r t'n w iII fl, 1c k 1 1 l 1· 11 {'\Tn· d irl·r·ticlTJ. littk ~i,tc:r. hi.Q hrPthn. and ·ti l. tc1 their \lid-.u11111H'r FrCllir and al!':tin thC' tr:-t,· halltl\ln:' "ill mark thv entrancl' to Crail.!ie Lea . T htl-.t' in charge pj p:· 1 1lirit~· and tht· ti ck('t . . al·· ;m· \fr.; . C. H. Dul,'l'. \Yil1' c·t t r·: Dr. l rh I.a ird Barrt1 1. \·\.in net ka ; ·1l llt d·l >:trr1 \\· ,.n<)-.: \lr~ . \fark11a111 J~. ()··· 1 r· . Cll'Ilr, ·t·: \I r-. .\lfrl·d R. J~a:c . an~tnn . At Vista del Lago The ft)ttrth \Yeck of luh· brings the u~ual run t.)f t·,·ents at. Cl~d) \ ' i~ta ell'! Lago. Cnnct rt mu:-.iL' \rill he pla\·(·el Sunclay cn·ning irnm 6 o'clock until S :JO. A dinner dance has hcen arranged for \\"cdttt·sda \·. <l iamih· din ner ' fnr Thur -.;da ,·, a ltu.tchron atHi pin)t hrid~·l· gantt' Friday. July .2(). with ~f r-.. Fr;lllk Petll\·hridg·t· the hostess , and a :linnn clanL'L' Saturda\'. Tulr 27. :\ hridgt' lttnrhenn . t t~cla ;· and :1 din tl( ' r dance Saturdav en~ning, luh· .2!1. l't) Jll]lktt· t'\'l'llh f(\1: t IH' I !Ji~cl ~\ l't\ Pi thl' ltlllllth. jacenJ sections finds tts hopes more than ju stified in the success of the new Arlington Park race. track. Frm.n the npening on July 1. wtth th~ Amencan Xational Handicap attractm,g hundred s o f sportsmen of wealth and pres. tigc. until the closing race on August 2. known a. the City and Suhurhan hand.icap in creditable i1~1it~ t i<:'n of .the famous British race ot stmtlar t1tlc. the events are of unu :-; ual int eres t. On Saturcla~· . July !:\ the American Clas:-.ic, a 11 ~ mile race fur t hrce year olcl s, tonk place. The Post ancl Paddock cluh. an or ~· anization affili:1ted with Arling-ton park. is one of the finest exa mple s of architectural art that ha s come from the brain and tndio of Benjamin :\far ~hall. The chthhouse i.; in c~ rly .\n1 eri can style. with over-tl)lll'S oi the ne\\' fourth climen . ional art. The :-.ecnnrl floor is gi\·cn o\·er to pri,·ate dining rooms '"i.t h the \\'l1CHl\\·ork enameled in one of the ton es of pale appk-green that are the club rolnr:-;, and tll l' \rindows draped in chintz in tones of yelI'lwto by Toloff low and green. }.f rs. Ellis R. Jnne-; is the former One encl oi the lo,,·er fln nr is gi,·en \'ellie Gibbs of \Vilmettc. Her mar- oYer to a general dining rtH>Jn: tl11· ria ge to 11 r. Jones, ·w ho is the so n other h as a lounge . On the ,,·all nf th e t)i ~I r. and ~f rs. Rt bert R. Jone s of cluhhmtse is hung a marn·lCJ us collecJ3~ ~~ ichigan · avenue, took place Sat- tion o f nil paintings of famous race mday, June 29, and was followed hy hor :;es presented hy Otto \\·. Lehmann , :t motor trip through Jhc tH.>rth woods. who is pre . ident of the Arling-ton Park race course and an dfficer in the Post and Paddock cluh. of which Paul E. Club Bridge Continues Gardner is the president. Four more hricl~e daY:; remain this 1Ta ;,,,. Frc' rlr·rk 1TcL a u~·hlin . .':t111t11·l ln seasnn for \\·omet~ men~ hers of \\"rst- ~1111. !-'r .. \\'nkntt Hlair . .T. ltw.; !-'··1 1 F 1 o~ ·!!· an. l·:dward .-\ . f'tulalw . .Jr..\\" . If. lfommorelancl club and their g uests . Sat- :-:ta rlt of Xt·W Yt1rk j 'it:->. l!t·i d HiJc.~· nf urday. Jttl _ ,. 27. ~atmday. August 24, \\' hill' P11st. Y: 1. . Alfn·cl Ettlin~··r all«l and Satmdays.Septcmher 2 and 2R. ha\·e \\.ilti :tm ( (lllin:-: arl' nwmhf'rs :ultll'tl I'PJy to tlw f'Cist a tHl PaclrlrJC'l\ t hn t 111been -.;ct aside by ~f r . B. D. Stnens t·Pnt rt' arl\· boasts a mnng- it!-' nut-rJf -town nwman(! the ll1t' mhcrs of her cotnmittce for lwr:-:iliJl . .lilSt·Jlh E . \\"irlt ·ll\'1', .-\rlmir:tl these cn·nts. Play b~gins at 2:30 ( ':1 ry T . Cra~·sCIIl, nt·rnard .\. g;IJ' IIC'll'. I'IJ;trl (':-: ~l'h\\':ti'(Z. )fol'lllll T, . SI'IJ\\':tl'tZ. n\·lnrk and tea i:; scn·ed at 4 JO. e ~a ptain l'hilip L. \\'a lkt ·r and llt·T·Iwrt :\.;:--i:-.ting ~frs. Ste,·cns in the plan- l~:~~·anl Swol>l'. Lnnr:11H'<' ~\rmntll', whn is \' i<'t·-prvs irlt' llt of tlw P(Jst :tllrl I 'arl<lod;:. nim.: it)r the se bridge clays arc :\£rs. A. h:d} 11\lllH'I'IIllf.' Pll(l'il'!-i rltll'illg' tfH' St>:lJ. l.incl-.trolll, :\frs. J. :\. ~1anky, \frs. h:t!-' :-<ll ll, as ha\'(' nlso F. \\'. (~rabtH' I', who~, , H. 1·:. Bn)okby. and ~f rs. H . 1. :\lien. \\'inrly ('ity won thP Amt:·ric·nn nl'rh~· nt . ... Changes Meeting Day The \\'ilmette Garden club will he l'lltcrtainccl a ·t the hnme of :\frs . E.!.. s ·c heidenhelm. 70-J Lake avenue. \\"iiJnette. Frida,·. luh· 26. at 2:30 o'cJ,lck instca'l of Aug.ust -2. :\ tour nf \\'ilnwttc gardens has been arrangt·d fnr the program :1t " ·hich member. nf the Kt·nihn)rth Carden club and the Hnme c'uul C:trdt·n club of KcnilwMth \\'ill he g \It's t s nf the \ Yilmette clu h. \\" :i.shing·ttlll 1 'n rk f'lyrlt' Van I >usl~ll. tlw fT<'l'lwrt P. r:arrlnc·r f'lltry that fh·1\·ah:·d \\"indy City l 'c · ct' ntl~,. at· Arling;ton. ton Park; )frs. Loui:-: (;, Kaufmart. )Jr:-:. Ht: rh rt Pulitz<'r, :\T1·:-:. .T. C. )1 ilam. E. B. l\Td... <'an . .J. \\·. :Jlard1hanl.;, .1. J~. .\Ta<·omh~ · r. \Yilli:-: Sh:tl!H' Kilnw1·. :\fr:-:. <:rnham n,.,.,. thus l'P\'f'l'l<ing- th(· triumJ)h at \\'a:-;hing:- Plan D. A. R. Day at Post The ~~niL·ial D . :\ . R clay at f,,rt Sllt'ridan i:-. Thur:-da , hdurt· tl1t' !in<ll \H'ek 1)f the Cit ii'L'lh . ~I ilitan· 'l'r:tining camp. The elate is :\ug11st R. .\ large ;tttendanre i~ de sir\·d at the ran1p in prcJrr to L'llL'O\lra{.!e t ht· IW\'S \\'ht1 han: tah·n thL· tr:lit~ing. 'rh.ose \Yishin~· lunrht.' \) Jl., are reque:;tecl to apply early Gioes Luncheon to \Irs. Dcl\\'in :\1. Campbell. 7030 :\frs. l~obert Zimmerman of 303 (\des :t\Tilttt'. l'hiral{tl. phone l~t·~· t·n t C rct·nlca f an· tltte en t nta i t1 ·cl a ~ m;d 1 ..?033. grnup 11i i riencls at luncheon at lH·r hnmt· fl)\ll)\recl ll\· a hl'arh party. \\'e<lnestla,· of last \\'t'Ck in honor of :\1 r:- . Announce Troth Ibn" 1fuenzer of Chicago. Mrs. Muen ~Jr. and \frs . l'l1ilip Lennard Hillin gc r. 1S20 Spenn·r an~nuc, antwunce Zt'r is thl' \Yife of Ham :\fuenzer trader the l'lll!':ll!'<'llH'Jtt 11f their daughter, (1f. t ht' :\1 uenzl'r quartet. \Yhich has Beatrice kathnn, to ChenO\\Tth C. pla,-ccl ire<!tlt' 11tl~· on the nnrth shnrl'. \\'illianh t\11 pf \Yilmcttc, son ui \{r. and ).! r-.. C. \1 . \\'iltiamson l) i Fairni (lll t. \\'. \'a . \lis:-. Hillinger·~ l'Jl ~ a: ·L 'Jlh' 11 t " .a.; :1111HH111rrd at a hri dgc ·part .' · .~i,·\·n \\.e dnL' s<lay l'Hninc: at her !tutllt'. .\lr:-: . .John D. Hl ·· tz . .T. Orlg-t·n )fills. \\'. ~ . l>udlt>Y. 1\frs. T·~. AmhriJsP Clark . .T. X . ( 'amdPn. Col. K F'nir Vandt>rhilt. < ·. \\" . Ita~· . n. nT ':tcllt·~·. E. ,l. :11111 Oltn Lehmann, \Valtt> r .J. Salmon . .l11h!J IL Thnmnson . .T1· .. \"ai Pntin,· <'rant ·. 1'. T. Chinn. )Irs. Hoy ('n I'I'Ut hl'rs . .T. \\'. Parrish. :\Ir:-:. E. L. Swikarrl. !laiTY l'aYnt· \Vhitl1<'~' . :\Trs. Fla!T~' l':\\'11 1' \\"hitl)t>Y, S. H. l':.idel<'l. :\Irs. E. .1. l 'h ldn. \V. H. \Yhitt·hous~' . /\ . C'. :-;dlwartz. .\<lmintl <:rayson. :11Hl <'harles '1'. Fislwr . r, Open Gardens July 20 r~ ' a 11 · :\1 r.... 1. <' \' e r t t t T 11 o Ill p sn n. .1 n cl ?-.1 r -. Cynt-. H. Adanh will he l)J't'l1 t·l ( ,t· pll l1 lir· ~:tturd;t\. J uh .!ll. 1111c! , r t 11<· au . . J,irl·., ,, i th e l.ah· FllrL·-..t Car(h.:Jl club. ( T I 11· ll' I :d\1· F "rt·-.t ~ : ,rdl'n-. 11i :\frs. Engaged r . ~I d ~; 11111 . \I r :- . . \ . t h l1r D. I~ l' .. Port smouth, D1·. 1~. \ ·. )J,·<'ullum of Johns \ I r . . . J l ll 111 l' a r pe ntc r n f C h il ' a g l) :1 n I lnpkins, n:tltimort·, )J t' . and )J r!-'. 'l'hfnnn~ twttn l' l' S tht· L'lll.!':t~ ement ni her d:ttH.!~1- "Tea Hostess Tomorrow .\It- I IIIH· l ll1 · ~·. Sit:' lllll' )l:t riro ('h;tllllt'P. ter. ~larinn .\1 ar l!':l rLt. to ~l' llncth 1.. :\Lr.;. :\athanil'l \\'l'hb of Hibbard ro ad fn·sh ft'lllll tdumph :1t H:lYinia. l\IL anll ( J,}l, lt'JlL' , ..,,,11 ni :..1 r . and :\f rs. I.e r)na:·t l l1a:-; i:-.sued itl\·itations for a l:!':lrden tea :-.1 r:-:. I ~i,·h:trd ·11 i 11 Flt-mi11:.··. T!1 '1rntnn ( ).,)l,ll'l1t· , , j 1~.?~ Fo1v:-.t :t\'t'JlllL', \\ 'il- ltl lllnrrn\\' in hnnor of '\tr~. iohn Couf- l. t· \\·i...; ··f \\'hit1· Sr' ·l "ltl' ~n ·i tr~·s \'!. Y:1 .. with 11; ,. , .·i :; !l-". :'-i !·s. 1: 'II"!' ' ·~ Y:1 ·1 111dtl'. it: r of Glendale, Cal. · Jlagt·n, ~fr. and ilir:;. Cku :r:s L .. \';i::; , ~J:·::. In addition to the Post and Paddock the restaurant in th e clubhouse itself has attracted. thousands of Chicagoans . The clubhou se is admirably desig-ned for convenience of perspectiYr. Almo:-;t every inch of the track bordered b,· old-fashioned crimson roses is plainl~· to. he seen from the dining rooms and the verandahs of the Post and Pacldck as \Yell as from the loun ges and the re d-tiled terrace of the clubhouse mergJunior Dance Tonight ing int6. a gently sloping odded incline. Tlli:- t\·e ning children nf the 1..ixth. Among tuose \Yho ha,·e irt·qucntecl :--C\"<'nth. and C'ighth grades will be the track during the Jllt·et han· in~\H'st-: t1f ~ha\\'llt'L' Countn· rluh at a cluded: da11Ce and party arrangl·(I inr thtir !\Irs. .T. .T. Bryn nt, Jr.. :\1 T' . n nrl )Jrs. pka . . url' ancl held h<.' t\YCt' ll the hours F.. X. llmJ, , ~·. )fi~~ Jh· kn llurl<·y, )[r. o i ~ a HI 11. alJ(l :\frs. ~amu<.>l .r. \\':tll;:f· r, thP la st ll:llllt ·<l ()ll' llil'l'P · <1f t)ll' ( 'olllltt·:-<S Cl(