Jttly. 19, 1929 WILMETTE 1 LIFE 47 Mr. Eckstein has a surprise up his sleeve which will be welcomed by all Ravinia patrons. The third of Ravinia's national concerts is to be given on Sund.ay afternoon, ] uly 28, and "iH be "An Aft ernoon of Italian Music and Italian Composers." The orchestral program will be played by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra under the direction (Continued on Pagt: 48) 5~1% ... drill \\'ithnut arm . a semaphore d;ill, a physic~l drill '":ith arms, a revtew and finally formation for singing in which both jackies and audience will join . The afternoon's events will end (Continued from pag-e 19) with a grand march hv the arm,· and navy headed b'y t h cir r.esi)ecti ,.e l)an ds. !Je Sichel. ~[iss Correnti. ~fartha, ~fr. Chi ldren t\\'ch·e years of age and unDcfrere. Valentine and Mr. Ananian, der are admitted free to the carni\·al \Yagner. ~f r. H.asselmans will · con- and eats will be frc~ for e,·eryone. cl uct. "Madame Butterfly" Thursday "La Traviata" Wednesday Thursday night. ] uly 25. will bring "La Traviata," one of the most bcPuccini's celebrated dramatic opera !twed of the Verdi operas. will be the "~fadame Butterfly" to periormancc offering- on \Vednesday night, ] uly 24. ior the flr st time this season. Based This '"ork has uni,·ersal appeal benn Da,·icl Belasco's ianwus stage cause of the compelling interest of its e lrama. this w rk reyeals a story that sto ry and the brilliancy of his music. .s replete in human interest and which ~fiss Queena Mario \Yilt ha,·e the as upera, g·i,·es it:; exponents cyery name part. in which she has distinpossible opportunity. ~lme. Rcthhcrg g-uished herself time and again. ~1 r. Chamlt·c ,,·ill he Alfredn, one of the greatest of the lyric role~ and Guiseppe Danise will he the elder Germont. a fme sing-ing part. Others in the cast are ~r iss Correnti. ~f r. ehano,·sk"· ~fr. Paltrinieri. ~fr. D'Ang·elo, ~f~. A nan ian and ~f r. Derman. Miss Ruth Page and Edwin Stra\\'hridgc \\'ill head the ballet. ~fr. Papi will conduct. Thursday afternoon, July 25, will he a gala occasion for those thousands of children ,,·ho derive so much pleasure from the children's concerts and entertainments at Ravinia. but ther~ is reason to believe that the adults of the community will he just as interested as the children. This is to be the annual carni,·al day and thi s year it will be different than ever before, for it has been designated as "Army and Kan· Da,··· and the afternoon will be cntirelr devoted to drills and. maneu\'ers l;y regular · army soldiers from Fort Sheridan and jackies of Uncle Sam's Kavy from the Great Lakes Training Station. The program has heen outlined lH' the officers of these t\m government institutions and Ra\'inia \\'ill he gay \\'ith brilliant uniforms. flying colors and the music of the armv and nan· bands. The exerci~es o( the day -w ill he held out of doors on Ravini~t's great north campu:-; ,,·here there '"ill be plenty of room for the drills and a spacious stadium for the audience. The soldiers will he first on the field. opening the afternoon's ncnts \\'ith a grand march. This \\·ill be . followed hy the impressive · guard mount ceremon,· and marching of the ~uard and thet~ will come a physical drill with rifles. Close order drill "·ill close the army's part of the program. T\\'o companies of sai lors \vith their hand, drum and bugle corps will gi,·e a naval grand march and presentation of the colors. Then will follow in rapid succession , a drill under the comma nd of Lieut Jameson, a physical GIVE GERMAN PROGRAM AT RAVINIA ON SUNDAY will have the title role which by reaSOil of her vocal interpretation sl1e makes as appealing as it is dramatic, while Giovanni Martinelli will be cast as Pinkerton, the American officer. There. is probably no climax in opera which rises to more superb heights than does the lo\'e duet in the first act of this opera as it is sung hy Mme. Rethherg and' Mr. Martinelli. Mme. Ina BourskaYa will be cast as the faithful Suzuki and Mario Basiola will be the American consul Sharpless. Others in the cast are Mr. Paltrin.i eri, 1fiss Falco, Mr. Cehanovsky, Mr. D'Angelo and Mr. Ananian. Mr. Pa~i will conduct. The performance of Saturday night, July 27, has not yet been announced. but it tnay he taken for granted that MONEY Have funds to loan on choice improved North Shore Suburban .r esIdence property at 5~% interest. See us on renewals. 10 E. G. Pauling & Co. s. LaSalle St. Teleplloae Suite 7!8 Franklin 77ft SKOKIE RIDGE WHERE YOU WILL LIKE TO LillE ""< '·' , .~ f. ) ·· .. .. ., We Specialize in the Stock of So many people today are impressed with Skokie Ridge. Its beautiful homes-its congenial surroundings-its interesting topography-its spacious homesites and its real property value all m~ke Skokie Ridge most desirable. Representative Always on Property NEIGHBORHOOD BANKS Analysis free on request BAIRD & WARNER Briargate 1855 CHARLES STRAUSS & COMPANY 134 NO. LA SALLE ST. Franklin 8 60 1 CHICAGO i .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Office: 1071 Skokie Ridge Drive, Glencoe Phones: Glencoe 1554 Sheridan Road to Park Avenue, Glencoe, West to Bluff Street, North to Dundee Road and West to Entrance. W\IIWWUU\MN\1\MMRni\J\AMftMI\1\J\1\NW\IWUUU\MMI\N\IV\NU\lUU\MMMI\MNV\NWUU\MI\MJU\N