Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Jul 1929, p. 16

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ltl WILMETTE LIFE July 26, 1929 St. John's Lutheran Wilmette and Park avenues, Wilmette Herman W. Meyer, pastor 406 Prairi~ ave,llue, Te1ephbne 1396 Church telephone 3111 SERVICES Ninth Sunday after Trinity 9 :30 a. m.-Sunday school and Bible c lasses. 9 :45 a. m. -First service and sermon. 11 a. m.-Second service and sermon. ~ermon by the Rev. Alvin . Wagner. During the absen~e of the pastor of St. John's, Herman W. Meyer, the pulpit will be supplied by the Rev. Alvin Wagner, as~istant pastor of St. John's Lutheran church of Forest Park, Ill., and by Mr. G. Picorn, J{raduate of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, who is at present purHuing fur·the r studie~ at the University of Chicago. · Th e reports of the delegates to the recent svnod as well as to the conve ntion of th ~> Walth er leagu e will be rendered before th e r espective organizations in the fir s t meeting in September. ronenrdia college of Milwauk ee, Wis. , a (ln·pnratory school for young m E- n s tudying for th e ministry, is raising fundR for th e e r ee_t ifm nf :l new gymna s ium and ha s aiR() asked Rt. .John's to pE-rmit the solidtation of e-ift::-; for this purpose amon~ its nwmbe rship. Thi s .l\'as granted. Th o~e wishing tP give larger or s maller sums may ~E'f' Emil Kaspar. Concordia college is th e alma mater of J>as tor· Meye r of St. John's. Ligh~less Car Hits, Kills Pair at Lake Near Muskegon. Midsummer Special 3 Five by Seven Portraits $'5 I Regular Price $7.50 Jossph D. Tolofl Our Photographs Live Forever 518 Davis St. Evanston University 21 7 8 LAST WEEK Litwinsky's JULY SALE Congressman and Mrs. Carl R. Chindblom s pent Tuesday evening with .Mr. and Mrs. Lewi s B. Springer. 430 M a pie avenue, v\'ilmctte . Congressman Chindblom has repre se nted the tenth Congn: ss ional di strict in \Vashjngton, D. C., for the past ten years. He is a nH. · mher oi the \Vav s anrl ~leans committee, which is revising the tariff. He will leave early next week for Geneva. S\Yitzerland, where he v.m·s as a m ember oi Congress to the 1ntcr-Parliamcntan· Conference. ~1 r. anc! ~1 r s. Gust a\' CONGRESSMAN VISITS HERE J. F. Seehafer, Mrs. Anna Cunningharp. 1335 Hill avenue, Wilmette, widow of the late Harvey D. Cunl}ingham, and Anders M. C4rlson, Chicago, father of Mrs. George W. Niestadt, 805. Greenleaf ~ve nue, Wilmette, were mstantly k1l~erl when run down near the cottage of Mrs. William Schaefer, another daughter of Mr. Carlson, at White Lake, near Muskegon, Mich., Friday night, July 19, by a motorist who, drivi.ng withc;mt lights and weaving from stde to stde on the highway. fled the scene after the tragedy. The driver of the car. was later apprehended in Muskegon. Mrs. Cunningham and Mr. Carlson had motored to White Lake in company with Mrs. Niestadt ~nd others t? visit Mrs. Schaefer, a restdent of Chtcago, who was vacationing .at the lake . Friday evening Mrs. Cunmngh~m had decided to retir:e and was bemg escorted to the hotel. about 200 feet from the cottage, by Mr. Carlson. Thev had proceeded but a short distance on the road when hit by the car, which dragged their bodies for some nin ety feet. Members of the family were standing on the porch of the cotta~e when the catastrophe occurred . Funeral services for Mrs. Cunningham were conducted from the late residence, 1335 Hill avenue, Monday aft e rnoon with burial at Glen Oak cemeterv. No members of the immediate fam.ilv survive her. Final rite s for Mr. Carlson were held at the home of Mrs . Schaeter in Chicago Tue sday afternoon. Int e n~1~nt \\'as in Elm\\'ood ce111eten-. In addtt10n to Mr s. Schaefer and Mrs. !\iestadt. Mr. Carlson is s uni,·ed hy t\\'o o th e r daught ers, Mrs. Gertrude Pr oct~._) r and ~~ rs. Th omas Reye s. "Mr. and ).[ r s. L. H o hme~· cr. 2-H) Greenleaf avenue. ha,·e had <b their guests for the la st thre e \n:ck s their nieces, the ~[i s:-;es Elizabeth ).fcKel· r~nd ~fargaret Scl11wrr ()f Davenport . Ia. .4· 1<120 (\·n·ral avenue, and th ei r son. Alvin, a1,d daughter. ~1 r s. Harold .t\illc:s, have rt.'tumed from California aiter spending five \\'eek s with Mr. Seeba f cr's sis ter, ~1 rs. Paul Recher of Los .\ngl·le s. ~[r. Linens and Laces With a few Items at 50% and ~Ir s . S. E. Leeman, 1004 -oI.ake avenue, left Thursday to be the ~fr s. 0. B. Yeatman. 521 Lake an> gue s ts of ).f r. H. G. Nye of Evanston nu e . returned n·cently irom H unt s\' ille. at the huat r.aces at pelavan Lake, \\'i s. 1 '\ Ia. -o- A Special Group of Breakfast, Luncheon and Tea Sets in a wide variety of colors Regular prices fron1 $7.50 to $30.00 the set NOW-The Coolest Place In Evanston! You cannot help but . enjoy eating your LUNCHEON at the FRENCH PROVENCAL TEA ROOM where perfect ventilation keeps the air fresh and cool- a special system quite unique and highly successful. A delightful pause in your shopping dayjust a 3 minute drive , where you will enjoy a bit of French Normandy quaintness, with Now $5.00 to $20.00 the set A Con1plete Display ·n the Fountain Roon1 in the ~1ain Lobby of the NORTH SHORE HOTEL EVA.NSTON ENTIRE STOCK REDUCED perfect service. AFTERNOON LUNCHEON PARTIES will be given personal attention by Miss Megowen. Spe~ial Menus are available. ....n AMPLE PARKING SPACE Sunday Dinners Dinner- Luncheon- Fountain Breakfast tn Provencal Room THE LINEN STORE Inc. 36 South ~1ichigan Blvd., University Club Bldg. CHICAGO During the summer months, we will remain open on Saturday and Sunday evenings until 9 o'clock. 514 MAIN ST. FreNch Proveflcal Reom SOl DAVIS ST. Early A merica· Roo,.

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