22 WILMETTE LIFE July 26, 1929 New Books Miss Anne L. \Vhitmack has announced the arrival of fifteen new books at the Wilmette Public lihran-. The new volumes are all in the rent ~ 1 class, with the exception of the fir ~ t tv·o named. Thev are : Rp('!.;('r-Gnlfl!·n 'T : t 1 P~ nf Our A m e ri <':1. Farnol-nroncl Hi!!hwa:v. Rarring-tnn - Lau!!hing· QtH"c· n . Eng-J[tncl- Bull "Whin. Fn·(·man- Silt:>nt VVitm·:-s. L P 1\lnv- Pf'lican f'nnst. ~lar!'h:iii - TTonor of th e Clinton~. l\1()(1!1- Dark Stnr. l\1(·rrnw- Snlf·nclnur of Cocl. l\lulfonl-1\Jf' and Shnrt :v. O'lli~g-in~- Deteeti\' t-' Duff l"nra n ·ls It. l~o~man -Yisit(.tl]i to llug-(l , Hu :-st·ll- Far '-'~' andPrinc: 1\f pn. 0 . Ht·I11T :\T e moria 1 Award J'ri ~ l' St<·rit·:-, . Ynn(' ~->- Lmw Edward Price Bell Tells How He Aided· Anglo-U. S. Amity. How Edward Price Bell of Evanston has aided in effecti.pg a favorable change in British sentiment against America, is told in an interview with him upon his recent return by the Chicago Daily News for which he is foreign correspondent and for whom he has assumed diplomatic ventures in various parts of Britain. He \\·as instrunJental! according to an article appearing in Time some weeks ago, in persuading Premier MacDonald to agree to his proposed visit to America, and Mr. Bell, return~ ing last week, reports that he is coming. ,,·hether or not he receives an official invitation from President HoO\·er. It will be the first time that a Briti . h prime minster while holding office ever visited the United States·. It is ~f r. Bell's _ expressed hope that he will come as far west as Chicago and give an address here-"one of tho~e grrat .s_pceches," Mr. Bell states, "which ha\'e given him fame in his own country for b.oth sanity and eloquence." Wear Rimless Glasses . Nowhere in public now are the heavy and unsightly shell rimmed glasses considered good taste-except for sport. 'fhe new unobtrusive rimless styles introduced by Almer Coe have replaced them. T he ev ide nee is all about you. And in the nearest_ A lmer Coe store you will find one 0f these rimless models most becoming to you. For those who require rims, a \\'ide srlection of finrly designed white gold rimmed frames are available. ~1 l!l2S . '·' " 'olf. AlmerCoe &Company Scientific Opticians Orringtcn at Church LECT URING IN T H E -E AST Dr. and Mrs. Herbert L. \Villett of 319 Richmond road, Kenilworth. left Chautauqua, X. Y. , July 19 where for three weeks Dr. \\'illett has been giving three daily lecture courses. They ·~pent the week-end with friends at Spring Lake Beach. X. J ., and then \\'Cnt' on to Litchfield, Conn., where the \Villette ] uniors are spending the summer. Dr. ancl Mrs. \\'illett will be home for a few davs at the end of jul _v before going -to their ~ummer ho111e in Michigan. 1645 Orrington Ave., Evanston PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS "All Britain," said Mr. Bell, "wants P !:' rmanent prace, and not onl:v p e rmanent p e ace but n·nl friend~hip with the United State!'. Both .thf' peopl e and the mo!'t l11JW!:'rful politicians of all parties are in ag-reement respecting this matter. "Practical evidence of the national ~~ i~~ l~uth Hipple and ~fi ss Cath- d esir P wil l be !"hown in due course. Such t-\·iclt·nc.. has been in the minds of a erine Snvdcr of Landak Pa.. \\'hn numb e r of leading British politicians for ha\'t~ he~n ,-- i~iting \lr. and \1 rs . J. a gnocl mnny months. "In coming to Americ:t Mr. McDo nald G. ~f c h:ibhan. 225 Central Park an:will ha \'e the support of all pnrti es, th e lllll' ior the last t\\·o \H' eks, ldt \Yl'dwh ol e pre~s and the p eople of his nw·t lll':-.d:ty t\W Ycll c nvstone ::\ational park. c·<JtlllttT. Mr. Baldwin. had his pnrty lwe n r turned in the recent ~: l ec tic·n. -0would ha\'e made this visit, and h e woulcl ~r r. and Mrs . J. H. X cwport of 520 ha \'t' made it with the hearty .a ppronll Ahbottsford road, "'enil\\'o rth. are c,f hi~ fnrdgn ~~..·cretary, Sir Austin \'i~iting- irit·tHb in Detro it i()r a short f'hamberlain . "The dl·~ ire of nil th('se men to get time. into imnwcliat e touch with Pn·sich·nt -0lf(,(l\'f·r :111<l SC'cretarr Stimson is du e t o \f r. and ~~ r !--. Jante:- L. Palmer, 105 tlH·i r ft·(·ling that pPaC<'-not on I~· . --\ nglnAnlt·rican PC:lf' C, but world p C':tl' ~·- d P Dupee place. rcturm·d Frida,· from a Pl'!Hl. tlJl()ll :1 tho1·oug·hly rati(·naliz ecl \';l'l'k's trip anHtnd Lake \I ~cl1igan. I :rit i:-1!-A lllt--l'it-:tn rt-l:t t ion:-:hip ." · -l ·· Tnke ~~ay a Jnl·rning, aft e rnoon or all ~ff du!;~ng the Wt' k and play PICh WICh_ - - - the finest public f..:e golf c<,ursP in America. Two u;~ho l e c-hampi(lll:-hip (' lltll':-f'~. expertly b1d out and mnintained. ,n.q of \Yilmettc) then WPSt five minu_ tt-s to ~he_nner AYe. nnd north to club. ::\1 1 c-ongl·stron Sundays between 11 A. )f. and 2 P. :\1. K \ SY '1'0 REACH Only 45 minutes from "loop" by auto. O\·er concrE>te from all direction<..: \Vaukegan ro:td to Cll:'n\·iew A\·e. (ju;t .Tl·J,Y H .\ 'l'~S : On wet>l< days only, for ~n_Pn ·. $1.00 tor morning play; $1.50 for ,lftE--t noon~ or a ll day. Ladies, 75 cents n_ll we( ·)< days. Starting time reservattons for Saturd:1y and Sundny at !:nf-:tol} St(~re (7th Floor) or 'pho~e c.Jennew 113 or 292. Chicago's Finest DAILY FEE Course