26 WILMETTE LIFE July 26, 1929 Telepbone 8UBSCRI PTIOX PRICE Wilmette tiOO 1!.00 A YE.A.R All communications m'u st be accompanied by the name and address of the writer. Articles for pub-:, llcatton must reach the editor by, Wednesday noon to Insure appearance In current Issue. Resolutions of condolence, cards of thanks, obituaries, notlcel"! of entertainments or other atfalrs where an admittance charge is published, will be charged at re~ular ad"ertl~lng rates. Grade Separation will save life Let,s have immediate action! Xorth ~h(lrc' re~idenb arc 11nding· it a simple thing to tr:1 n :l l>y air. . \ f cw shurt ~· cars ago children recited I 1arius < :rcen and J lis Flying \lachine ~tnd p<:ople Chauges Due to 111 thr au die 11 c c became a slogan and as such doubtless had much to do with Rome's supremacy. · 'fhe attitude rf this old Roman towards that :\ f rican ri\'al should he the attitude of c\·en· north shore resident towards the mosquit<-,. The mosquito must he destroyed~ Ou,r hostility towards this dangerous pest should he persistently hitter and strong, in ~eason and out u f season. \ \'e should gi ,-e the X orth ~hore :\J,atemcnt board not onh· our general mural and financial supput:t hut ~also uur cun t i IIllO Us individual coupcra ti cm. 1n the first place we should n :moye and keep remm·ed from our premise:-; all standing water- in rain troughs. in cans. in pools. \ \'e should form the habit of changing the water in our bird baths ancl fish pools at least once a week. \\ 'e should notify the abatement ( ni ~·ials (ll water standing in neighboring \'acant I( 1ts. ~o far a~ we knmv there were nu J11(lsquitoes in the Carden of .Eden. Paradise will in nu slight llH:asurc he regained when the mos(1uito heronws an extinct species. SHORE LINES THEY'RE FUNNY THAT WAY \\'e cannot be certain whether the henchmen CJf ~arakhan are expected. to be consistent in their logic and maneuvre . but couldn't help womlering a bit \Yhen, in the midst of re~orts !hat_ the SoYiet was preparing to sla h the Chtnc se 1t1 <hsregard .of J'ellogg- pacts or what ·have you, w~ ~n countcred a nc\\'s dispatch from Gotham descnbmg ncar riots incident to the Yerhal attack made upon Europe-bound Boy Scouts at the Nn\· York docks by a o-roup of Reds, men, women, an~ lit~le ~t>_ds, \\·ho \\'ere deploring the fact that Amenca ts rat:-;tng it s Hoy Scouts to become soldier .. Here \\'e haYc th C' spectaclc-i f nc\\':-; reports can be relied upon - of ScJ\·iet Ru~ssia assuming the attitude of a \\·arlike monster. heedless ·of e':ery effort put forth !)\· others to settle Russo-Chinese differences 1)\· arl;itration. and. in direct contra st, Red s in Amc~ica still be.Jching forth Pacifi st propaganda t)i the most in si dious kind. \o. \\'t'rt: nnt penning an editorial. Just \\'Ondcr111[..!, that's all. ,,.e ~ ~ 1a ughed: at the idea <,f ri\·alling the birds. But nuwa<l;t_,·s flying has become so common excite alnw~t no C<llllmcnt. The whirring of a nwtor high aiHl\T :-iPii<l earth cause:-; alnl<l:--t 1w (1nr tu lo(1k upward. Sec an airpia ne and say. "'J'hnc goes a pb nc." and m(l~t of tlw . ..;c who hear You will not t;d..:c the pains t o I()() h:. · t() Airplanes a~ ( )ne dcn·lopmcnt ,,i the usc:' ,,j the plane JXlfticularly intcre:-.ts u:-; . \\ 'e arc J,,(lking forward t11 the time \\'hen air tra\·,el acr~~--~ the lake \\'ill he as C<lllll11()11 :b tr:tn·l ll\· IH·at. . \ maf1 Ji,·in .~- () Jl the nurth sh()rl' ,,·iii t:-tke uti' ir(IJil the tield tll';tr I hllldce l'11:td and will arri\·t· at hi:-. :-. tJ1111llt'l' hullll' on tlw (lther :-.ide ,,j tiJt· lakt· in a ~h~,rt h<·tJr ()r t,,- ~,. ) lc " ·ill tim:-; a\.<lid the Jun. :.: grinding dri\T ar(lund t he "h<,ttCllll .. (If the bkc tl1rough Can· :l11d :\lirhigan Cit_,. and \\'ill there],,- san: ti111c and energy. The goud <Ia\· i~ r<.llning. The action of that trurk -dri\'er \\'ho on July-+ hurled a lighted lire -cracker against a 1-t year (Jid hoy in Clencuc rannCJt he characterizcd })\· so neutral Critninal an adjerti\·~ as careless. hut hy a more po~iti\'e Recklessness adjective - intentional. .:\cc(Jrding to reliah(e report the driver thre,,- the fire -cracker at the h<1\·, sa\\' it ex p I <1d c on t he hoy \; c h c ~ t . ~a u g lw <L a n d then sped 011. ~uch an act ~cems positi\'cly malici(llJ S. This depl(Jrahk l'H'11t emphasizes the n eed not only f(lr ](,cal prohillitilln <Jf the salt: of ~ire - \\ · urks hut in additi(Jn nation - \\'ide prohibition of the sale <'i cxplosi\T~ rxcept fur n-rtain useful pnrp(lses. oi \\'hich the relchratiutl uf the signing of the J)crlaration ()f Independence is Jl(Jt ()Ill'. It is n~·xt to i111pu~~ildc fur the p{Jlicc in :111 indiYidual t(J\\'11 t<' enforce the Ia\\' ;tgain~t the sale and u:-:c of Fourth <,f _lul y t·xp l( ·:-:in·s. It 111a y J,t· that the p(llice were Lt.x (lll tlw l'l'Cl'tlt J.'uurth in the enf()rcemt·JlL (I f t h i ~ u r di 11 a llC ( · . 1 ·: x p I o ~ i < 111 s cu u I d hC' ~ c c tt and heard all thrt,ngh the night and the day. T h ~~ t 111 or c p c (I p lc. c :-. pc cia II y r hi Id r c 11. \\' c r c Jl()t injured i~ rc111arkahlc. It i:-: nut t<,(> carl_,. t() lay plans iur the --tri11g·cltt cnittJTl'lllcllt uf t hese ordinances (ill (lur 111.'.\:t Fuurth ui lui,·. and alsu t() acri ..... tatl' f(lr a ~tate nat(un<~l Ja,,._ ()J' Let's Start Something! of \rars. all appears to h l' quiet alnt'lg the north shorc battle front. where o nly a \\'Cek ago irate and hcan·-liddcd citizen s w ere prcpared tn adopt . tern mt:a:-; urt:-- in thwarting the antic:-; ni the Patru skans 'Yho rcccntly c:--tahlish<.:d thcm ~c ln.·-; at ~k\· llarbor airport. and dn·o tcd the \\'1.'1..' :-:.111a' hours· to roa ring expl'ditions ll \"l.'r our othenri . c p ~·a ctful domain. · \\' c had expected a homhing expedition in rr ~ taliatinn fnr Shore Line~· hold thrusts oi a \n ek agn, hut thu :-; far ha\'(: hccn cc,mplct(']y di,ap pCiintl'rl . ~peaking Prosit! :\t thi :-. \rritim:- The Old Plug should be \\'ell on hi~ \\·a,. ttl the Canadian OCbc . . \\'here b ·yerag c.; ut lwr than tIll' so rt nhta i nl'd f rolll t 11 c gnn rl ~t. l.a\rrttll'l', tlo\,. fn·ch· and at ttlodcratc co st. The ( )Jd Plug :-;pent a fc~,. day:-; tightening up the nld crt,ck (~lang i(lr tt:-.cd lll\llUr \Thiele") and launched inrth h\· \\' Ct\ ' of Can· and \fichigan City \rith l'knl and :1s tl;c initial· pctrt \lt c~ll. Fttrt unatcl\· ior all cc,IIC<:r tl<: d. thL· \l i,:-.lh and \·nttllg -.tn~ a~c alnnLr, :-.o \\T'IJ J,l. cxpcclill ~ T . ( ). (). }lack a.; per o:· iginal ~r hrduk. Down In "The Valley" Do\rtl it! . Otll' cti tJJ<,:-.t· :-L·rti tnh ul the \\ 'i!J d_,. · Cit\' \rhcre "Bit.! Bill the Huildn" h;t...JI' t qartl·d lllti.lding and hL.; .\mn ica Fir,t prngran1 ha-.n't <.·\ l'll hccn hv:-t rd Pi: \\ h L'l'l' tllll' l'P<lllh ahroac! tt ftvr tn idnigltt tlll 11 nc\ cJ\\11, as it \n·rv. an L'll!tTP r i:-.in g c < tlll1 t r y Ill an n i I knit o ':--. h a . . i 11 i r i ll . l!'l' d \1 1' on that ltithntn ~trirt l .\ · ~Oitthcrn JH: rogatiYL' and i-. 'l·n·it1 g·. l1 1 t!Ht:'c \\ hn ha\·l· thl' price. a rn ~~ dt·s t mealt li harllvCttL·-<·11 t he inn·itabk rye (hrearll. ll ;l\·it1!.!.' hl'l'lt lJani-.hl'd br inclinati()n and (lC'CitJlation 1.() the darkn :-.ide .()f liit·, r itlttnd lll~' :-l'li in tiJL· \\l'l' sllla' huttr:-. recently at the gat<.'\\·a_,. t n tlti:-. Italian ctdO itcl':-. rc-.tlrt and. l>L·ing parti cu larlY h(lthL-rl'cl hr an t · -.;rv~~ < ti lwthinl! to dn and tcl1l. murh tinll' (n \rhirh tn do it. 1 d~oppccl in. Col. l~enito \\'aited upon me \\·itlJ . !..irtat fl nuri:-..h and grc ~ tll't' di:-.play of Italian. 1. ·1c ui \\·ltirh imJll'l':-:-;cd lllt'. hcratt:-:.l' I didn't kno"· \\·h;it he \ra .; talki11g a1H11tt. I karJlL·d latl'r hc totlk me iur a countryman. \\ 'e !tl\·e mu:'ir. \\ ·c put it tim :-. :-.in1ply that (lttr JHI:-.itiun may lw pL-riertly t·k :tr. l:ut \\'h:tt i:-- pn::-cntcd t(l th mu st ],v 11111:--il· . rt·al llllhll'. ( hhL:nrise \\·e ~1usic for will reitt:-.t' t(l h:1n· al!n·- thing: t() d(· \\'ith it. .\lost Next Season "<llltHb i:---;uing· ir(llll the , ·irt r~ da and radiP are n< 1t 11111:-.ir. any 111( 1rl· than :--awing and hanltnerin .~· are nnhic. In fact ii \\T ha<l t() choose we'd take the ham mering and :--awing· rather th:1n the racli~' nwn:-.tro. --ities. \\'e dn ll(lt den\· that S(llllL' racli~, sclertiolh arc t<dcraiJ!c, 1Jtlt thL'\. arc rare. The pr(lgr:tm:-- included in the :\orth ~h(lrt' Cham!Jer nm:-ic scrie:-. each year :tl'L' :-;;unpk:-(lf real mu:-ir. That\ wh_,. \\'l' arc I( Hlkin .~· forward t( l certain Snnda,· aiteriHHill:-i in the ruming ~'l.':tr. when we ~hall lw:tr m : l:-.tcq,ic~Ts prt:~tntcd lJ _ \' the ~llll'll ZlT Trit·. J,_ ,. c('()rge Barren· :md hi :-: itll('\\' arti:--t:-.. and ],,. thL· f.c,n<J,,n String < .} uartl't. \rhirh klttcr i:-- .Jll'<dl al>ly \\·itlwut ;t ri,·:t l in it:- p:trtintlar field. 1111\\' that the l;I(IJl l':tk_,.:-- h:t\l' di:'IJ;tnded. 1t is jJk;t,...a nt t(l Jwte that tlwsc r<,nrert-; are J , crc,min~ incrca-...in .~ ly Jl"JHII:tr. There ll'-e<l t(' !Jc an (tid 1\t illl:tll nanwd C:tt<l wh<, wa:-. "(' firmly :t11d llnally ~-,,n\· inred that Carthage. ctwmy and ri,al (li 1\(lme. :-.h(lttld ],(.' rlt:-.tr(t\ 'l'd that he 111 osquito cndt'd <:acl1 (,j hi:- :--pl'crht·:' Delend a fst .' with tilt· dt·ci--in.· \\'ords. l'arth:tgtl rJ<.Jt.nda ('st. Carthage mu:--t IJe dt::->t r(ln:d ~ The sentence :\:-; luk da,·s i11l·rease and Sttlll ~ llcr ~et tles d~·J\\' l~ i11t<~ it s rq,.:·nlar stride the (J\\·ners 11f Slllllllll'l' n ·:'urt:-: g-ru\\. more optimi:-:tic arc \\'illing to helieYc 1'he .4 n una! and that the :-:ea~on \\·ill nnt he a tt,tal 1():--S. The Cllll rrde :! ncl gTa\·e] hi .~· h \\'ays k;tding 11p i11tu ,·acation rq.~·ions ()f \\ 'isr< ·nsin ;.nd ~Iirltig· an heco111e mildh· co11 gc:-:ted " ·ith cars lu:Ht'ed to the \yind(J\\· ~ \\'ith all s(1rts of C1ll1J> and cottage tackle- tent:-;. trunks. table~. :\ot infrequent~\ · one ma\· s ce a r a 11 uc rn:-; hi 11 g h y. Jll'l'C lwd. s·() 111 c, ,.kit ilhl'rurely <Ill to11 a l(Jng- sul't'cring auto. The other da\· \\'C clru\'l' frum the lHlrth s h or c. r u un d t h ~· s u u t h c 11 d o f La k c ~I i chigan. thr()ngh ~fichig-an Cit,·. St. fne . Benton llarhor. ~onth llaYcn. ll(llland. (~rand f{apid~. Cadillac. finally reaching Tran~rse Cit,·. ( >n the north shore the \\' ·ather \\'as hot a1~cJ humid. l'pnorth it \\'as hot hut not humid: and \\'hat a diHcrence dryness makes! Haring- ~n\·v rl tilL'. he turned hi.; :tttl'n titlll tn :t departing cu .-. t()llH'r \\· he, had dcriH~ d hi~ crarinl( l<tr kt··hl'cttc at it . . oril!inal '-ll\lrrl'. lie \\':t:', yn~t "'L 't', n gl'ntkman of true color. . HetlitCJ in inrn1ed thi :-. pat rcltl his bill \ra:-; "t \\·n!~ i t - a - rb - r c n t. " To \\' lJ i 1_ J 1i ~ i r i l' 11 d r e p Ii c d . i n 1·: 11 i-!.lt.-.h, that he 0111~· had fltt<.'t·n ce11ts and \rould that IH· all right: lknittl\ kncJ\\'k<lgl· of :\mcriL·anl'.SL' "a..; snmn\ hat limitl·d and he undcr~tnod that a r~(' lllll~·n \ra:- hcin!,! L ·ntned against the 1rin·. 1 ·. '\lultnL!· the rirtue -. , cti l>arht·c uc and the cost of prt)(lul'tilln-all in ltali:tn - hL· l'nded \\·itlt c1 pridclul: "\'n·' mind: ::\er' mind! 'l'uo smalla tanJL·nch." ('J\1o nnmin;tl to llll'ntiotl.) "~llllalt glad y'all take s it thata \\'a\·," sa,-~ our iriend in gratciul surprise. pockcting his ·fifteen n ·nts :lnd \\'rtlking out. nenitn. utterly dnmhl<1tllldC'cl. \\·a:-; stil l gazing aitcr the departed guest \Ylll'n I laid do\\'n my contribution and \\':tn~lerrrl nn. -The ).J idnitccr. r! ..-\nd ~o to Yi!::'it "One Punch" llad\'S domain. -MlQlJE.