Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Jul 1929, p. 28

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28 WILMETTE LIFE July 26. 1929 Jacques Gordon. to Appear at Skokie Musicale Sunday Gordon Quartet to Glencoe Bride- To-B. e Feted by Her Friends , Appear at Skokie ~I iss Elizabeth Francoeur. daughter Sunday. July 28 nf ~~ r. and Mrs. ] . Alfred Francoeur BY RUTHEDA PRETZEL The Jarqta·s Cord1ln ~t ring- quartl't, which will giH the ~t.'C1lt1 d su mmer mu~irak ;1t the :-;k nki{· Countn· rht.h on ~und;n, luh· 2K :1t 4 :30 (;'clock. has arratlgt.·d ·a 1~rogram that will ~hnw off t he ouartt't to IH·~t ach·anta;..:t.· . Tltt' numbers. are tho~t.· that lt:t\'t· :dw:tn appt.·alcd h) an auclicnrt.', and :trl' esp.ccially charming-. The quartet is \n·ll kn tl \\'n thrnughout thl' cmtntn·. and i, l'Pnsidcrl'cl t!l he the hrst ·in .the tniddlt.· we~t . La. t year Elizabeth ~prague ( 'o11lidgt.· in vited the quartet to partirip:ttl' in the festi,·al prngralll which :-he ~ Ji tlll" 'r' . and this is alwa,·s dt.'l'llll'<l a l.!rt:at honor. During- th~· \\'intn tltt.· quartd gin·s a Sl'ries 11f rt'l'ital . . in th{· ltHIJl, winning- tht.· mnitl'cl prai~l' uf rritirs. There is a srnsr nf l'ffnrt k:-s pla _ , ·i nl!. and a ·fine fl't'ling- t)f halann· in tla· different tont· (j\lalitin of thl' in:-tru ment.. ~f r. C.\)rdon pla.'·s tir~t ,·iolitl: \Valter Hancork. sl'concl Yiltlin: Clarence EYans. ,·iota: and 1\it·h :ml \\'a~ ner, cello. The pr~l.l.!rant i, :1.; j, dlo\\·s: Quartt't. Opus 77. F ~f ;1jor Haydn Allegro ~I ockrat, 1 ?\f rnuetto Pre.;to tn;i nnn tr1'1'P11 :\ndante Finale Yi,·art· a . . ,ai lf Andante 1h'nra k ~t'n·na<k Lain An Old ( ·a~ tk ~~ :ttHirL:, ki :\ftllly dll . Autumn Debutante I I _ · Vista del Lag0 Members Fro_lic at Anntversary r the ~ltort· Iff Bannockburn Will Hold Flower and Garden Show ()j intnt;o;t altlllg til~· ll<lrth -..h,)r~· i, the ant~uunn· mt·nt uf the B:tntl<lrkhttrn Fl t)\\"l'r and Cardt'n :-;111l\\·, \\ llirh i-., ttl he 11 ~.·1 d :--; :111m I;1 ' ·. :\ u t.: u ~ t 4. i r, 1111 1() until R o'rl~lL'k. . . nf Glencoe, who will be married to Charles Dee Spencer, son of C. C. Spencer of Glencoe·, tomorrow evening-, has been feted hy her north shore friends at many pre-nuptial affairs. ~frs. Edward Krueger (form~rly Kathlrt.·n Dean of Glencoe) was hnstcss at a kitchen shower recentlv at her Hogt·rs Park apartment in honor uf ~f is s Francoeur. ~I iss Dnrotln· Custer of E,·anston entntained at· a dinn~r and bridg-e party last \\' cdnesday evening for ~~iss Francoeur and · M r ....·pencer. ~~iss Hekn Findally of Evanston gave a luncheon and linen shower at the Briargate tea room. E\·anston. on \\'tdnl'sday of last we~k for th~ bridet II· f>t. A luncheon at \farshall Field's and a tnatinn p:irty were given last week 1)\· ~~ i,s Fd.ith Trelevan of Oak Park i<.lr ~~ j,, Franc{)t.'llr and her brides maids. ~~ r. and \I r;o; . Francoeur gave a dinnrr cia nrl' at ~ kokie Cnuntn· club last ~atmday e\·ening for their ·daugh ter. ~I r. Spt·nct.·r. and the bridal party. .\fi~:- l;rancnl'ur\ si:;tt.·r. ~frs. Cenrge l.yttdl (Bl'ula Francoeur) of 1·,\·;;m~ tun \\a' IH1:-tos at a tea last Sunday itlr tlrl' bride and groom-to-be and tlrrir \\Tdding party. < Jn Tllur,da,· cn·nint..: ~1 i~s FranL 'I>t·ur ~rttLTtait;\·d at dit.l m'r and bridge :n la·r htllll{' lllr ltn hrid\.'snlaid .o\. .\l,u Pll Tllur . . da,· t.:\'t.'lling Tht)Jilas _1 . ~~~~ntgontny, \\.hll i:- tn be ~lr. ~Pt.'lll't.'r\ htst tllilll was hust .1t a dittlllT p;lrt.'· at his IJ11tllt.' itlr ~I r. ~jii.'Tll'l ' r ;1111! lti, )...!l'tltlllbllll'll. Photo by K<)t·hne MARGARET EMILY LYNDE ~lr. and Mrs. Cornelius Lvndc of H64 Bryant avenue, \Vinnetka, will prestnt thrir daughter, ~largaret Emih·. at a tea tt'J be given ~c..'ptember 13. at the Indian Hill club . Follo\\'ing the tea. the clehutantl"s rcrci\·ing party " ·ill he the gu<:sts oi ..\tiss Emil.v Pope nf (~!t:ncne at a din11er-dance at Skokie Countrv dub. ~liss Lvndt was graduated ~n J<>2X from tl~e Xorth Sltnrr Countn- Da,· srhonl and ha~ spent the past n·a r at \\'dis colleg-e. \1 :111.\' c1i tilt· gardt·ll;o; ,,f t!Ji, tll'\\ hilH't) fJlt,ratt'l l ,·ilhl!"t'. IPratt.·d ntH· tn ik ;·c)r th tli DnTfit·ld. \\ill ht· ilp~·n lei Y i ~ i ill', :It th""l' htl\lr'. and tllt'r(· "ill h· an n :hihi t at the ~:lltlt' titttt· in tl11' l:antltlrkhtlrn (luh hou,v. :\ i e:tttlrt· ni t ht· ,)ln\\· \\'i 11 l~t· t hl' hurt·:ttl <li ini(lfttl:ttitlll \\hirh \rill lH· l()r:Jtcd i11 the rluh hntt,e thrnu t.:lltl\11 thl' 'htl\\' ltl t.:i\"t' lllltlftll:ltitlll :tllll\ll the flnl\l'r' ('\ 11ihitt·cl. Announces Marriage Officers Chosen .\: a 'Jll'cial llltTtint.! tli tilt' ll!lllltlt;ltint.: ·llltnit~t·t· ili tilt· \\'iltllette ( lpvr:t ~.·luh hvld J:t, t ~und : l\ ' at ~ll ;< w nvv l'·llll ltn· ·· l111> tilt.' itd!tl\\:itl". nffit'l'r:\ " n~.· rlt ~ ~~~.·· l t · Dr. F. \\' . F·~l'rtllatln J·r, ·,.,i dvlrt: \\'. l' Hut'thv. ,·ire pre--i 1 r · ·11 : ( · I T 1l· ' 111 p :- (·11. ,. i r l' p r l" i d ·: 11 t : ( '. P I>u l>lh, 1ict· prl':-icknt: Dr . \\'. \\ ·. IL1\1hin". ~n· rt·tan · : ~fr:-- . ~lnr t·:tt l 1. ll :tlllrnn-. trt·:t,u.r vr: ~Ir s. l .d111 ( 'l:t rk I::1 ht·r. rhairnr:tn ,,i lllt'!t.l her :--_11i]·: lr-. . \ll ·nt t·ll rit·ll. prtlL!T:tlll l'h:1rk-- \' . HrP:IC I ch:tirtr t; tn: \1 r' 1·r<,t.:r:ttt t chairman: :1ncl ~lr-- . C. P. Thnt· \\'ill ht· a lllL'l'titlg ni tht· ht)ard J)uhb-.. !·llhlirit,· ~.·h: tinrt;tll. . T he ll(li,)j dirnt.)rs and presid~..·nt;o; of the Yaric er' \lill Ill' ckrtvcl l1\· tilt· tllt'lllhn:; tl\1.; rJuhs ~trtiliat~.·d \\·ith tht· Cardt.·n ;J! a l:ttn lllt'l'ting. . ('lull 11i lllin!li;o; at :-;t. Charles, 111.. \\·~.· dt~t·:- da,· . luh· 31. Tht· 111eetin·~ \\·ill Circus at Ravinia h t' h t.·lt I 111 1 ;r cpa rat in 11 in r the llt) \\'lT Cllildrl'n at 1~:1\· il t i:t P:trk lll'Xt slww t11 l1e ht.·ld next spring. Tlrur-da .' aitt ·flHH\11 " ill witlH:-.,.; a periiJnlldllrt· 11i "( ·irrth Capt.·r:--" which Married \\iJJ Ill' a rJc·l!" :llld ]!<lilY ,!JII\\' prtl\1 i. . . ; ( :ertrtt<ll' O'Brien atlllOtltlccs ductd u11 t he -.tal!"t' 11i the audit11riun1. tht· marriage Pi her sister. :\gnes. tf) T h · p t r i 11 r 111 a nr e \' iIt i 11 rlu d t' nutn - Tr\\·in ~lnr.;, Satmd:l\·, Tunc 1. ~lr. ero us aninra trirk, and ,t llllb, whit"h and \lr--. \l,· t·r~ will h·~.· a·t htllllt. aitcr will undutllJtt.·d h· cll'lit.dlt titt·i r young ( k t (I h n 1 at 1208 ()a k ~ t r e l' t · \\ · in audience a:, \\'tll a;) the grU\\·n ups. nctka. .\lr:-- . 1\irhard I. l'tHh·. _;_;:. lf:t\\· tlwrn~..· bttr, \\ 'itln t'!k:l·. attnlllltlrt':-- the marriagr Pi ltn d:111. 1.!htvr. h~;t!hnitlt' Ct1d .' · \lr(_ \lrtnit·k. to Franklin ParS!)IlS ()'Brit' II. ~Plt (li ~I r. :tnd .\I r..; . 1. Franklin ()')~ril'n !It l·: ,·an:-tlltt. Till: \rL·dding, which \\·;ts attended h\· nnh· relatin·s and intim:ltt· iril'ncb, tl)\)k ·,d :tL't.· :-;atur<Ja,· aitl'I'Tlthln, .lun~.· 21>. ·at l'hrist Chmch. \\ 'i nnvtk ;t. .-\itn :1 hune,·;lltlO!l ahruad tht.· hrid~.· and grtHilll \\:ill rctmn till' midd!t: (It :\u.l.!tht :1nd \\'ill Emily Pope, Fall Debutante \I is-., Ftnily PoJh'. daughter ni .\f rs. Ucmy l'npe. i:-. tt) mah· hl'r debut ~lt a dinnt.·r -clalll't.' at :-;knkit.· C'tlttntr·, . club ~L'Jitl'tnhn 13. .\1 i~s Pope at1~l her 1110 t h n a r l' t he g llt' ~I ~ <) i h l' r aunt. .\Irs. H. C. ( ·ha mplin < 1i HOfl :-;herirl<l n road. Ch-net)t', for thl' 'umnrL·r. and " ·ill return tl) tnm1 itl t ~1e iall . :\;; \I i;o;s Pupt.·\ debut i~ plan11t'rl it)!' ~he sanw <Ia,· a~ .\li~s \l;ugarl't Emilv l. \'tHk 's .dl'lntt tt·a. ~I i:-s . I. ntde ;tnd h~r assistants \\'ill he a111t)Jlg the ~m·st:-. at ~liss Pnpc's dinner-dance. \Vednesd~y, zuty 17. t!1e Club ,_\' i~ta del Lago. 111 No 1Ian s Laud. between \Vilmette and Kenihrorth, celebrated the opening, a year ago, of the first unit of the permanent building. This building is now use d as a dining room and ballroom. the floor of which will, when the club is finished. he the indoor swit!lming pool. About 150 guests helped the club celebrate its first anniversary. The ballroom was decorated with mvriads of balloons. su~penderl from th.e ceiling, which were later dropped. At the farther end of the room was the huge pvramid birthday cake with one candle . . The fa\·o rs for the table were paper hats and noisy playthings t.o celebrate the Club's birthday. The hirthdav cake was cut by ~f rs. T. E. :Murchison. of Evanston. \\·ife of the vice-president of th e Vista del Lag-o, who had the honor of ha ,. j ng the first niece. and !)ronounced it even hetter than it looked, \\'ith " ·hich all a~reed. 'I'he cake was ~ work of art ~ made and decorated in the kitchens of the dub. Tt was m. a dc 1)\· Chri l'"ndeau ~nd decorated b,· the pastry chef.. .T. Kennedv. Among those \\'hn rntertainrcl at parties were ~fr. a.nd ~frs. Arthur R. Schultz. 313 Greenleaf aventH.·. \Vilmette. whose gue:-ts \\'er~ \f r. and ~frs. P. D. ~elson of 'hira\.!o. ~fr . and ~frs. Robert Hrrger oi \\'ilml'tte. ~fr. and ~1 r .. RaiJ>h Tame .;; of Chicago, ~f r. and ~hs. \Villi~m Ouit111eier oi T·\·anston. and ~f r. and ~f rs. \'. :\. ~mith of \Vilmette. Another nart\· oi tight \\'a s gi\'l~ll 1)\· ~f and ~f r s. l.l'P 1.. Dndc, 1)80 Lt)rtht strrrt. \\"inndka. 'dw . had a.; their guests ~fr. and ~frs . Thoma.; \fnl\'lll'a ux of Chicll'n: .\fr. and ~fr;;. a 11 i l' I ()\'Ill'~ (I f \\. i lnw t t (.'. ~ f r . an. I ~fr.;; . Tho;nfl Coudntl nf \\'innetka . ·\f r. and ~Irs . _1\alph \\' . ZLmmennan 11i 337 ~heridan road. \\'innctka. enttrtain\: cl at a part\· oi six. \\·ith · ~fr . and \Irs. I. H . Cnnnn nf Tiuhhard \\'n11ds. \fr. and ~frs . R l. Cauth· ni \\'innetka. and ~I r. and \r r:-. Frank :--;1\llk oi CkncuL' <b guests. Others entertaining \n're "\[r. and "\frs. Ceorgc R. Cooke of \\ ' innetka. ~I r . and ~.f rs. C. A. l~amsa,· oi Glt.'ncne: ~I r. and "\f rs. ) . A. :\rchihrtld c)i Clencne: ~f r . and :..r rs . L. H. Darhcr of \\"innt>tka: ~fr. and .\fr s. \\-. ~f. Gilgin. 7?.7 .\shland a\·rnue. \\'ilmcttt.'. ;t n d ~ f r. a n tl ~ f r s. F. F. ~f. C n 1 e ni Kenil\\'orth " ·ho entertained a g r·ntP nf ,Yo ung people fnr their dau:.'·htc!·· .\fi:--.., Dernice Cnlc. Tl,, llltl . ic \\'CIS I)\' Cnne r lan·n·'s orchestra p}a,· in~ nn thl' l:s planade . r: n c Will Give · Musicale ~ nrth ~horc CnnQTega t i1111 T.;rat! ~isterhood is entertaining it-; Jll('t)l!Jer" ;';~~·';;0::·~·; ~h:~~l<tka ) a1Hl tlwir iricnds at a musical" Tllllr.;da\· afternonn. Au rrtbt R. at .2:30 n'clnck at the trmplr. LincClln <ltHl \ 'cr nnn a,·elltlC:'. Clencoe. Cecil l11anchard Selfrirlf!e. baritone. accomp;lnied 1)\· ~frs. \~ittnrio Tn·\·isnn. will sint! a grnup of snnl!"s . ~frs. Almon \\'ilder "·ill (Yin· rt Q.. rolln () i pi a 110 sclec tinn ". and na rbar:t Heller \\'ill present hYn d,ancing number~. Makes Debut in September ~Ir. ancl ~fr~. \\ 'illiam Da,· Trul's- Fete Managers The Lake Forest Garden club ha s issued invitatinns to the hoard of man agers of the Carden Club nf Tllinois and three from each affiliated rluh to r1 luncheon at On\\'entsia August 7. A tour of Lake Forest gardens \\·ill h~ made after the lunche on. ~r rs. Louise Hubbard of \\' innetka i. in charge of the committee " ·hich is making arrangements for about sixty guests. dak 570 Arbor \ 'itae rt)acl. \\ 'innetka . \\'ill furmal!_,. present tn soc iety their daug-hter. Lois. on Fricby. September () at a tea dance to he gi\·cn at the Tndian Hill Countn· club. ' .\fi:;s Truescia It's ret urns in t.h c autumn to ctmtinue her studie;o; at Ct)nnectintt colk~e. where , he has just c )lllpleted her sophomore year.

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