REAL ESTATE SECTIO ' N J ulv 26, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 37 WILMEnE PERMIT TOTAL FOR MONTH IS $143,646 ,. 1 Addition to Double Size of Wilmette State Bank Residences Comprise $72,000 of Estimated Cost; $60,000 for Sub-Station Permits to erect buildings in \\.ilmette, the estimated cost of which will total $143,646, were granted during the month ending Saturday, ] uly 20. Atmo. t half of the total to he spent, or $72,000, will be used in the erection of six ne\Y residences in the Village. Another $60,000 will he s pent by the Public Service company for the construction of an attractiH~ sub-station at 1220 \Vashington avenue. The six residences are to be built for \V. F. Koehler, Frederick Hun sche, \Y. G. Watson, Hubert ]. Sclnvall, Alfred Gulden, and Joseph Chiappe . The most expensive house of the lot will be a brick veneer dwelling to be built at 807 Chestnut avenue for ~f r. Koehler at a cost of $2S.OOO. Another brick veneer residence. \Yhich Fredcrick H unsche will build at 2023 Beechwood aYenue. will cDst $16.000. The other four new re sidence s will be built as follow s: for \\· . C. \Vat so n at 128 Eighteenth street, cost $11.000: for Hubert ]. Schwall at 2443 Birchwood avenue, cost $9.000: for Alfred Gulden at 212 Central Park avenue: cost $7,000; for ] oseph Chiappe, $4.000. Ten New Garages Ten new garages, of both brick and frame construction. will cost approximately $3.746. The names of the owners. the addresses at \\'hich the garages are to he hnilt. and the estimated CO!-.t of each follows: .T ohn Runivald. brick garage, 1112 Tllinnis road, $800 . : E. B. Po lie~· . brick garage, 220 Se\·e nth street. $600; R. M. Coleman. frame garag-e, 1620 \\'alnut aYenue, $450; ~ick ~almes, galyanized iron garage, $361. Clemmens Dopfer. frame garage, 317 Park an'ntte. $300; C. E. Stenning, frame garage, 327 Oak Circle. $300; John J. Bleser, frame garage, 535 Illinois road.; R. D . Clay, frame garage, 521 Park aycnue. $200, and Mary S. Vandenarth. frame garag·c. 207 Dupee place, $135. $7,900 for Remodeling Approximately $7.900 is to he spent on remodeling work and the building of house and. garage additions. Permits were issued during the month ending July 20 for this \York as follows: Earl D. Lyons, remodeling, 1504 Elmwood avenue, $4.000; ] ames B. Orth, frame addition. 522 Laurel avenue, $2,000; Davis Elkins. frame bathroom .addition, 427 Ridge avenue. $1.000; Lea ]. Orr. addition. 1002 Greenleaf avenue, $700. and James M. Krafthefer, frame addition to garage, 901 Oakwood avenue, $200. ....s· (Photo by Carlos) The above picture taken this week shows the building operations now under way at the \Vilmette State bank. The two-story addition at the rear of the present bank structure at the corner of v\'ilmette a ···entlC and Twelfth street will more tllan double the in- terior space of the bank. \Vork on the addition was started about April I, and will be completed this fall. The Zander Construction company has the contract for the job. C. C. Henderson is the architect. Increased business is the reason for the expansion, offi- cials of the bank state. The main floor of the present bank structure will be brought down to street level and the partition at the rear of the building removed. Space in the upper sto ry of the addition which is not used for bank purposes will he leased. ~------------------------------------------------------------- Wilmette Realty Company Announces Several Sales The new seven-room brick residence just completed by Charles E. Olcwinc. at 935 Vallev road, Glencoe, has been sold bv the \Vilmette Realty company, of 513.Fourth street, \Vilmette. to ~Iii ton P. Vore, Jr., of \Vilmette, who has taken possession. The same finn also reports the ~ale of 422 ~inth street, \Vilmette. for ~fr. Vore to George Karnes, of \Vinnct~a. Thcv have also solc1 the residence at 1162 Ashurv avenue, \Vinnetka. for ~1 a thew ] . Hickey to Lyman L. \V del, of \\'inn~ka. and have rented .Xo. 100 Broaclwav Wilmette, for ~f r. Dunn, to Evan ·Leslie Ellis. 'VACATION URGE' FELT BY WINNETKA BUILDERS Lewis T. Dodds to Build New Residence in Glencoe Included among the many new n~si dences being erected in Glencoe this season, is the one which Lewi5 T. Dobbs, manager of the Quinlan and Tyson real estate office. 714 Elm street, Winnetka, is building on Lincoln avenue, opposite the Skokie Country dub. He is building it for his home and expects to have it ready for occupancy. this fall. BACK AT WORK Frank ~f. Orndorff has returned t0 his duties as salesman in the Quinlan and Tyson real estate office, 714 Elm street, \\'innetka. after a vacation in the East. He was accompanied hy Mrs. Orndorff who also attended the alumnae reunion of Smith college. th orizcd was only $53,800. the lowest total of any one month for the past few years. Permits for the t'wo new residences were issued to E. L. Kennedy, who is Only Ten Permits for Structures building a two story frame and brick veneer, with attached garage at 533 Valued at $53,800 Issued ~r cad ow, at a cost of $10,500 and to in Month Paul A. Koerker, who is erecting a one and one-half story residence with atThe past thirty days has truly been' tached garage at 569 \Vinnetka ave",·ncation time" insofar as \Yinnctka nue, at a cost of $12,000. h1ilr!ing activities arc concerned. For during that period only ten building nC'rmits ~·e re issued. according to the Marcus Bowman Purchases rrcords of Buil_ ding Inspector A. B. Glencoe Site for New Home Kreig. Marcus Bowman, of the Dan kers Two of the permits were for new Life company of Iowa. has purchased rc~iclences. costing $22.500; three were almost an acre on de Windt ruacl in for alterations. costing $25,500, of Daughaday's Acres, \Vinnet ka. The which $15.000 is for the remodelin!! property faces east and is just north of the First Scandinavian Evangelical of Hill road. Mr. Bowman now rechurc!l and five were for private ga- sides in Evanston and will huild on rage.s, costing $S.80~. Ot~e of the lat- his ne,~~,.·ly acquired vacant at an early ter Improvements 1s hetng- n.1ade by date, it is announced. C. Colton Donald "MacPherson, at 644 Pme lan e, Daughaday was the selkr and .Meat a co t of $4,000. I Guire and Orr the onlY brokers tn The total cost of the buildings au- th<~ transaction. ·