July 26, 1929 61 WILMETTE 67 FOR RENT-APARTl\IENTS jj LIFE FOR SALE_.HOUSES . 7D 47 ACREAGE SITUATION WANTED-1\IALE & ESTATES NEED A CHAUFFEUR? FOUR H.OOM MODERN APARTMENT. W t> offer t)1 e s e rvices of one of the North (:as sto\' , ic e box, furnisli e d ., nr. t1·ans. Shot·e's best chauffeur:;;. Light- com$7 5. Ecka1·t Bldg. 733 Elm St., \Vin- :.'\EW DE.A UTTFUL CAPE: COD HOME OV L~H.LOOKI NG pl ected colore d man, neat appearint:". n e tka. 67LTN 44-tfr on g-rou nels 78x212 : 4 finp· ::;l et~ p. rms .. I~DIA~ HII~L ca r e ful dt·i\ er and good m echani e. Is 2 hath:;;, huge li\·ing rm .. til ed solarium. th o roughly familiar with clulit-s of 1<'01! H.EXT- 2 H001\I KTTCJIENETT'E GROUNDS Colonial clining· 1'111. , \\'ith l;tl'gf' lwautiful ' hous £' m:m ;:tnd butl e r. Ca ll u::; fo r an :l.J)::<rtm ·nt, s t ea m h at, ja nitor ser\'il'e, hit C'IH'n . suhnH' rg,' d 2 ca t· g·ar. An id e al :\ere estntf' fr onting- on Club grounds with appointment. IW:t l ' tran s p ortati on. Ca ll \Vilm £' tte I'O\'ena nt of pe rp e tual vie w . ::;u llUI'han h nnw at c.: os t $:l0,000. NOgTJ [ !:iiTOl~E E.:\If'. A<:El:'\C'Y l· :x<"lusi\·e ncres wf"ll wood ed with oak and 1 00. 67LTN39-tfc ! GlG ~h e rman Ave., Unh·, !)34 o r Grlf. 6130 t.> lms off r an ideal secluded · site for 61LTN44-ltc J::;T OF' OCT. APAllTl\'IEXTt; AVAlLynur home . Shown by appointment. a hi P in Smith llldg ., \\rinn e tka. $G5. Ph . Xt·\\' s turlio li\·ing rn1. Hes iclt·nc of ston(' EXPEinEr-;CEI ) l\TAN SEEKS PERWinn e tka 11 2. G7L.T~43-tfc anil s la t P. 4 sl Pping- rms .. :~ bath:-;. REA.L1~Y. man e nt J)O!:i ili o n with pri,·a t e family a~ lihrar:->. ni l lw:-tt. Yen tilaf o t·, Frigirlairt>, EX CL1 SIYI~ AGENTS (' 1\a uiTI' Ill', butlt>r o r lwu sP man . Best (,'!) I'IPL'lriv rlishwaslwr, incin PratoJ', 2 c:-tr TIBALTORS }' OR REX 'l'-UO l Sl·:s r.f r t> fe r e JH'vS. 1: nn<'tt C1d('man. l2:37 bri<-k gal'., on lwa utiful w oo d ed lot in %0 ~pani ~ h f't. Wilmette 3740 Enwrson St., Enmston. l'hone U nin~ r- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - most exv lush·e sPdion. A wnnde rful 7!'lLTN44-ltc sity :!~111. GlLTNH-ltp Fl\'E flOO:\T HOUSE FOR RENT. REAlJuy $:~1.:-iOO. sonable. First c.:la~s condition. Phmw FOl, ~.-\ L E HOl CE 80 ACRES NORTH l ·~X PEHIE~CED WHITE l\TAN 'WANTS Wilm 0tte ~0 33. 6 9 LT~H-lh; of Dee rfi c·ld, c lose to high class develhou se c leaning and gardening, good r e foJ'>nwnt~. co n~·dfl<'rahl e woods and beau· L ·re nc es . 'all lli g hland Pari<: 2:l16. 7 1!00.:\T llO USE, OCCUP ANC Y OCT. Xt' \\' En g·Jish hri ck Louse \\'ith stmw trim. tiful \'it> Wl-'. Inquire of E. L . Vinyard, 2 h:t ths, 4 l:trge sleep. rms .. hug-e liYin !! 1st. Ph. \Vilnwtte 892 Y -1. 6!JI./l'XH-ltc 61 T~21-2tn I )p ·r fi <' l<l . 79LTN44-4tc 1'111., 2 ·ar gar.. 2 blk s . to !'>chool. If tal.;t·n now $22,500. \Y0HK DY TTIE TlOUH OH DAY, GEX- i3 FOR RE~T-S'l'ORES & OFFICES l·ral hous Pc le :UJing-, wasl1in~ windows s_2_ _ _ su_~_n_IE_n_n_Es_o_n_T_s_ __ a ncl woodwork. Garden and land. ·c ap e IX \VTKKETKA, 1 1\EW co n.. STORE <'OT'I'.\Gl·~S FOI~ ltENT-CROOKED w ork a sp c ialty. Ph. ·winnHI'n. 4327, 44x24 . 1 n e w stor·e 44x1G. Both ha\'e il S Lind e n Ave. Wilmette 69 , Lal.;e . .K e nr Mountain, \ll,.'is. <}ood fish61LT44-2tp bast: m nts. R eas. rent. Ph . \\'inn. 112. 77LTN44-ltc ing, bathing- in sandy lake, beautiful _E_::\ _ ,-.-E-1-~1-T-~::'\-r_ C _' 1·-.;D--l\-fA-~-F-·_O_R_P_A_I_NrT-1IS-.-G i3LTN 43-tfc s toJH· ' hills. Ph on e \\'innetka 2871. 82LTN44-ltp s<' r eens , wind ow ' ;ashing; and g;en(·ral STOnE A~D OFFICE HOOl\[ FOR RE~t\ \\'OJ'k abnut home. T el. Wilm tte 570. r t· nt. (;eol'g-(' F. G ll nsal\'t.~ s. H6 J<:lni X E. SECTION OF WTLMI~TTE: ~-l 61LT~29-tf!' St. , tt' l. \\'inn e tJ.;a 62. 7:lL'I':'\H-ltc 7 lll\TS. REAL }:S 'l'ATE built 6 yrs. ll . \Y. hPat; large li\'ingro om, sunroom; la\'. and toilet on 1st - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - EXPEHT GARDENER DESIRES PO::;r- · 17 _ _ _F_O_J_t_s_A_I_JE_._I_r_o_u_s_E_s_ _ __ fl. Owner le n.\'ing town c uts price to t i1m on private estate. A -1 north shorL' _ $17,000. Easy terms. rt' ff:' r e n ces. Phone Wilmette 4655 or writ e Talk B-165. 61LTN44-ltc li acres, partly woode d, no build- 1929 Special Bargain ACRE ESTJ\TE CLUB Bean.t1fn1 Hubbard \Voocls BILLS INC. \V1nnetka PAUL SCHROEDER & CO. T .. SNl\P --------------------------------- ---------------------in~s. :~ FOR SALE miles from EDDING'fO~ & A.LLEN INC. REALTORS ~PLEXDl Il :\IODEH~ !1 R:\T. 11ED TIIliCK End of "L," 410 Linden Wilmette 407 co lonial, e x t·<· pti n nal pl t>asing- cl1 sign of77TA4-lt c fe reti at a r e rl ti L't> rl prie,· by o·vner mo\'ing- away. Lp;. lh·. nn ., s un porch, 78 FOR SALE-VACANT EXPERTENCED GARDENER WANTS brkf~t. r oom, --! famil:-,· heclnns., 2 til e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - work by the day or week ; good referhath::;, 2 st·n ·an ts' rms. antl bath. 2 car f'l1cf's. Tel. ·w ilmette 570. 61LTN29-tfc g-:uagt-. Til e r oo f, cOJ> J Wr g·utte rs, oil burn e r, inc.:in e ratnr, frigi<lair e. $48,500. A BOY OF 17 YEARS WANTS WORK ~0 acres of park for your FRONT YARD. by day or w eek. Phone \Vilmette 38a9. The great open space forever pro61LTN44-ltp tected at the end of a private drive. All the advantages of a country estate 66 FOR ltENT-ROO~IS I:'\C'. with all the conveniences of the VilTIEALTOl~S lage. The premier location in Win··) 01! 3 TIOO:\fS, FUH.NISHED OR UN-.. Winn t> tk:l. 1617 netka for the finer home. 358x165 or furn . l'rivate bathroom. Kitc h e n priv- i lti Elm St. 77 LT;.; 44-ltc will divide, at a reasonable price, to il l·g-<·s. In Hubbard " ' oods. T t.> l. \\'inacceptable purchaser only. Write Wiln e tlm 3:~76. 66LTNH-ltc.: mette Life B-32. 78LTN26-tfc L"\ llG 8 BEDROOM, TWIN BEDS, SUITIITl a bl e for 1 or 2 gentleme n. Cunv. to \1 trn.nsp. Ph. Wilmette 2212 after 5. FIVE ROO:\[ BHlC'K BuNG...\ LO'\~. ·. ---------------66_L_4_4_-_1_tl' !-ileeping and br'akfast porl'h e ~. 1 bath and show'r. oil heat. L1't :it)xl50. Call FOI{ HENT ROOM, ALSO SPACE IN HERE IS ONE OF THE MOST BEAUus if inte r es ted. garage. Will ' anange for some light tiful lots left of the few remaining in lwusek ee ping if d eRired. Ph. \Vilmette Winnetka. Building restriction. On a 224 ' . 66L3S-tft..: quiet drive- no trees but a beautiful outlook at a price at least $30 a foot SLEEPING PORC H, SUITABLE FOR REALTORS under anything comparable. Address 1 or 2. T el. \Vinn e tka 2669. Wilm e tte 273 1177 \\'ilmett t> Ave . Talk A-221 78LTN13-tfc 66LTN 40-tfc 77L44-ltc EXPEHIENCED 'W HITE CHAUFFEUH dt>sirt>s penn. position. Refe r e nces. Ph . ·wilm e tte 3566 between 7 aild S o. m. 61LTN44-ltp D ee rfield. I 'ric·t· $G,OOO. tr:1ct with g·ood set of farm building-s. 4 hlocks from station. :?0 acrt> tra c· t \\'ilh l) room house. uarn and g':1l'ag e. 4 miles from (il e nc·o e . Pricl· $25,000. Bungalow-S r o oms and sun pn.rlor, 2 (' :tr gara~t>. Lot 60xl45. Price $7.500. :?11 :\('J'e Vacant-Winnetka FOR RENT . 't.,re with 5 room flat in r ear. llot \Yat e r he a t . Suitable for restaurant or dt·licat. ·sst.>rl. -# ·· ..... - Iffi 1ill ~ &ll@ ~y ACAN'f-12Sx160 WINNETKA L. B. ANDERSE:-J XorthhnJok, Ill. Northbrook 54 R4LTN44-ltc WJ·;LL FUHNISHED nOOM FOR RENT Jwar transp. 633 Park Ave. Ph. Wilmette 3566. 66L44-ltc Trn.:- E Al\IERI AN PRESSED BRICK THERE ARE STILI... AVAILABLE TWO REALTOH.S beautifully wooded half acre plots ·ror ('olonia.l; 5 large h edrooms; 3 baths; Winnetka 2032 PUR RENT-LARGE COMFORTABLE those who prefer trees, in Westmoor :i6G C'e!lter ~t toilet-laYatory fir·~t; large sun room; ·84LTN44-ltc fr ·) nt room. Ref. Ph. \\'ilmette 3206. Trail. Permanently protected, unusual best in sulation: m e tal latht · ceilings: 66LT44-ltp pri\'acy, highly restricted, the right steel construction ; 2 car solid briek kind of Winnetka neighbors. Priced MORE WANT ADS · ON PAGE 48 garage; hf·:-tutiful w oo ded lot in c hoicFOR RENT - NICELY FURN. ROOM. much less than anything of comparest ea s t Winnetka. East ~ide hom e. Ph. 'Wilmette 1940. able desirability. Phone Winnetka 1016. 66LT44-ltc Glen C. Bull. 78LTN26-tfc REALTORS LARGE, COOL, PLEASANT FRONT Winnetka 254 LOT 60x1GO. AT RAVINIA TERRACE room. Nr. station. Phone Winnetka 720 Elm St. 77LTN44-ltc on Flora place, we~t of tracl,s. Phon(' 415. 66LTN 44-ltc ----------------WinnPtka 1334. 7RLTN4:1-2tp Nothing so sure to lead to PLT·~ASANT SINGLE 1lOO~I. NEAR wealth and comfort as Inall transportatim .. 836 Oak St. , tl'l. \Vin- E:'\G L ISH TYPE li 0 CSE, X EARLy _79 ______ A_C __ R_E_A_G __ E __ &__ E_~S_T_A __ T_E_s _____ terest r~gularly ·e arned and n e tka 1559. G6LTN44-ltc new. 6 rms .. 2 baths, e x. Ia , .. , sun par., brkfst . nt)Ok, h. w. ht., elE>c. ice, 2 car saved with no losses to 67 gar. \Yoocl t> d Int. Only $1 !l,:iOO. FOR REXT-APA U'flUEN1'S charge against it. Also 7 rm. East \Vilmette, lot 210 ft. dt>ep. H. w . ht:, frhrichlirt>. gas range , htO. T he safe and sure way 1s the gar., only $1,500 down. Price $15.000. A mo~t pleasing estate, close to Mis~ion I fill s, Univer~ity ancl Sportsman Country · ,est Mortgages and First RE~A.LT· Y Clubs and "S I<y Har·bor," conRisting of 50 2, 3 4, 5 and 6 ROOMS a(·ce~ attractively landscaped and imortgage Bonds offered by REALTORS Here in Wilmette's most convenient and 513 4th St.. end of "L." "Wilmette 192 pro\'ed with an owner's h0me of 9 rooms. this company. exclusive location, you will find well-ar77L44-lte ~ baths, wa.tE>r heat, £'ll'dt·icity. There is :t garden~>r's cottagP anrl three car g-arage ranged apartments. All apartments Any amount from $100 with quarters above, water heat. Included have outside rooms which provide an in the outbuildings is a large barn and abundance of light and air. Ample upwards. c·hic·k e n hous es. This h; a most attractive closet space. Schools, churches, and WlLL SELL AT COST shopping facilities within immediate Mv 3 nt-w stucco on tile hous e ~. 6 rooms home for the family that is attracted by Buy them and be safe. access. See these apartments today. ;llld sunparlor. 14 Oal' Lane St., 4 blocks lar·g-e sharle anil orchard trees together with a cJoge proximity to golf, landing Agent on premises. ::;0uthwest nf Briergate electric: station, CALL, WRITE OR PHONE just t>ast of DeE- rfi e ld Hd. Close to field and "The Lake." for our current offerings-$1 oo sc·hools, good tmnsp., also buss service. .Just west of GIPnCOl', near the new SkoREALTORS Will t>xce pt Rmall cnHh nayment, bal- ki e Valley Electril', :-tnd close to the Illiand upwards. Partial Payment Plan. 424 Linden Ave. anc:e lik e rent. Thi::; is an opportunity nois Golf Club, an ideal 2 acre estate with Wtl. 460 to ::;el'ure a fine home that will incrl'ase ~ truly home-likp hom e s t among shade 67LTN2-tfc Never a loss to an in \'alut>. Open e \·e 1·y :-tfte moon this trE'f"S and ::;urrounded b~ a ~pacious lawn investor at any time week. Ph. Dearborn 31~8. which the family with children would find 77LTN44-ltc to be a most pleasing setting for a counNILES CENTER try home. Price $28,000. 4-5-6 room apartments $60 and up, large, An attractive 10 acre tract near Sunlight, modern. Near Dempster "L" terminal station and North Shore elec- MY COUNTRY HOME FOH. SALE; 7 set Ridge Country C luh surrounded by rms. large living rm.; large open porch; large countt·y homl's a ntl estates. Ideal tric. 29 minutes to loop. $25,000. N. S. vacant and homes. for investment or countr·y hnme. Pril'l' W. H. McKillip, 548 Central Ave., $4,500 per nere. Highland Park. Ph. Highland Park 3025. Dempster Street at Bronx Ave. . . 77LT~44-ltc TWrd Floor, Otia Baildiq Phone Niles Center 93 67LTN36-tfc REALTORS La nob Wyatt-Glenview Sl FOUR ROOM APARTMENT FOR RENT. DEAUTIFUL SMALl.. HOME OF MOORLes Coon- l:entral 3921 Bath and hot and colrl water . . Near . i::;h design, on Sheridan road. Finest Plao,..: Franldin 2400 Sam Campbell-Northbrook 15!l-193 transportation. 733% Elm St.. or call p:-trt of Winnetka. Also acre homesite. 79LTN44-ltc Winnetka 25. 67LTN44-ltp Kenilworth 1G5. 77L44-ltp Cut $36,500 to $32.500 Vacant-WinnetKa XOW lS TilE TIME TO LfST YOUR property for rent to obtain the bette r ten:t nl. \ \r p have gi\·en numerous N. S. land ll)r(}!; satisfactory service and can clo the same for· YI>U. Phone, ca ll, or write us ch·tnils of your property. CROSBY RE.ALTY CO. HETNSEN RE.,\LTY CO. FOR S:\ T.E There Is LINDEN CREST APTS. WILMETTE \VY"'A...T'f & COONS OFFER \VILl\1EtJ'TE CO. JffGl-TLAXD PARl( QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. THE BRONX HIGHLr\ND PARK M. J. F AHER'fY TRU· ST CO. 10 S. Salle St., Cltica·o HEITMAN WYATT & COONS